The Return of Mikey Vick

Which Caste team will sign Vick?

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It is now official....

Mike Vick signs 2 year deal with the Philadelphia Eagles

Michael Vick has signed a two-year deal with the Eagles. His agent, Joel Segal, confirmed to

More details to follow.

Well now there's a new team to hate
I can see the song "Philadelphia Freedom" being played at the press conference. Maybe "Porky Pig" Reid can hand out Philly Cheese Steaks too.
i'm kinda glad; he will never play and IF he does he will not be replacing a white QB. f**k him.
The Eagles suck, Bradley is out, Curtis will be in the slot sooner or later, and now they sign ConVick. Can it get any worse?
I feel for their remaining white starters and that mixed LB they have.
Friggin "Filthadelphia wEakgles".
The media coverage is nowbeing ramped up to the noxious levels it was during Vick's heyday. I didn't have a chance to watch any of the preseason games except for parts of the Dallas-Oakland game very late at night, but I did turn in the mostly black NFL Network's "Total Access" show. The first ten minutes, or until they went to commercial break, were all about Vick. After the break there was a short segment on the return of Tom Brady, then they went right back to Vick. I had wanted to catch some highlights of the games but none were shown during the time I watched, because of the official return of Vick mania, except for a few of Brady throwing the ball (Edelman's TD was of course not shown). The obsession with blacks, the black worshipping, just gets more absurd and sickening all the time.

And btw, after reading the posts in the PreseasonGamesthread, I can concur from watching the Cowboys and Raiders that the product was awful and the announcers just as biased with their instant bleating of excited compliments of blacks for making routine plays while mostly downplaying whites and/or being quick to jump on them for the least perceived error or misplay.Edited by: Don Wassall
"The obsession with blacks, the black worshipping, just gets more absurd and sickening all the time."

It sure does.

I rarely watch ESPN as it makes me physically ill, and I don't want to give them ratings. I strongly suspect that their ratings are down just like CNN's and MSNBC's are.

"Survivors" ratings have been quite dismal for the last several years. So, everybody doesn't watch even the so-called "most popular shows" on TV.

The buffoons "announcing" NFL games are going to hurt the NFL. There is probably sentiment against them on other sites for various reasons. Also, it's not really a "secret" anymore that the MSM pushes black supremacy. After all, the affletes are "so good" which is why the NFL "must" be this dark.
I'm kind of glad I don't have ESPN right now as well.
To clarify my last few sentences... The "in your face" propaganda is ticking more people off.

If they want people to believe that blacks can QB, they really shouldn't be disparaging White athletes and hiding their highlites. The Rob Parker's and Keyshawn's and Deon's have no credibility whatsoever and they sure have a strange form of "color-blindedness"... just like those that hired them.
yeah I can't believe they are showing clips to try and "remind the viewers how 'great' michael vick was" I had to turn the channel it made me sick. At least there were plenty of White people protesting with signs against the signing of Vick. Well they even showed a black guy too.

They keep trying to force blacks at the quarterback position, yet Mcnabb is the best they have (who is pretty good, but erratic) and then behind him there is no one, Vick is the closest and he is not good, he can run that is about it. And now the two play on the same team. So if the Eagles make it to the playoffs and Mcnabb goes down, they'll have another black guy to step up.

In contrast they keep trying to stop White receivers and runningbacks from playing, but multiple guys still keep popping up and doing well, and they keep having to demote them or deny them a real shot, with only a few not getting screwed by the caste system.

blacks are only a small portion of the population, if they want a good black qb to come along, they should stop trying to force feed them into the position, eventually maybe someday there will be another decent above average black qb.

Another problem is they want the black quarterbacks to be affletic running quarterbacks and then try to convince us Whites can only be traditional pocket passers, and when a White quarterback who comes along that can run very well with the ball, they try to convert him to another position and screw him over. They are wanting Tim Tebow to be a FULLBACK. Their plan isnt quite working for the quarterback position so far, but it has worked for other positions, fill them up with "affletes" then convince dwf's that White players aren't affletic enough to play that position and phase them out.
Andy Reid must be very happy. The morbidly obese pig now has two affletes at the quarterback position.
Everyone here said that Vick will be signed before Matt Jones. It wasn't much of a suprise to us. So the NFL will let a convicted felon who killed dozens of innocent dogs back into the league but they won't allow even one starting white runningback. F--K the NFL!!!!!Edited by: whiteathlete33
The signing of Vick by the Eagles was shocking in many ways. As has been pointed out repeatedly, by even the local Philadelphia jock sniffing reporters, the team doesn't need a QB. It also doesn't need a RB, so it's difficult to understand what benefit they will accrue from adding a controversial character like this to their roster.

I think the NFL basically ordered a team to sign this clown. Tony Dungy was demanding it, and even Jesse Jackson had become involved; perhaps he was about to charge league officials with a hate crime. At any rate, I don't buy for a minute that the Eagles actually wanted Mike/Michael Vick. When have you ever heard of any team, at any time, signing a player sight unseen? He's been out of football for two years, but they give him $1.6 million (twice the salary they could have given him) without working him out or even meeting with him? That's incomprehensible. I think they held a drawing with all the teams in the league, and Philly got the short straw. No one wanted him (despite the constant lobbying by the ESPN jock sniffers).

If Sal Palontonio and other reporters are to be believed, fan reaction in Philly is running strong against the signing. Let's hope that PETA continues to stick to its guns (the Humane Society has already rolled over for Mike/Michael, in the best tradition of MADD) and organizes large protests against the team. This is a rare case where two groups long favored in our politically correct society are squaring off against each other. That's always fun to watch.

Those who value animal life more than human life are a powerful, passionate force in Don King's America. However, they are going up against THE most powerful force. But ESPN got what it wanted; now they can stop speculating about where Vick is going to sign, and concentrate on covering every insignificant move he makes as a backup. Meanwhile, Matt Jones can't get one team interested in him....
BigUnreal I would have to totally disagree with you on this one. I feel fat Andy Reid wanted Vick real bad. Obviously his opinion doesn't count much but upper management was interested in Vick too. The Eaglas are now the team I hate the most.
Do the Eagles still have Kolb? That guy was a solid backup with alot of upside. I guess hes done for at Filthy.
bigunreal said:
The signing of Vick by the Eagles was shocking in many ways. As has been pointed out repeatedly, by even the local Philadelphia jock sniffing reporters, the team doesn't need a QB. It also doesn't need a RB, so it's difficult to understand what benefit they will accrue from adding a controversial character like this to their roster.

I think the NFL basically ordered a team to sign this clown. Tony Dungy was demanding it, and even Jesse Jackson had become involved; perhaps he was about to charge league officials with a hate crime. At any rate, I don't buy for a minute that the Eagles actually wanted Mike/Michael Vick. When have you ever heard of any team, at any time, signing a player sight unseen? He's been out of football for two years, but they give him $1.6 million (twice the salary they could have given him) without working him out or even meeting with him? That's incomprehensible. I think they held a drawing with all the teams in the league, and Philly got the short straw. No one wanted him (despite the constant lobbying by the ESPN jock sniffers).

If Sal Palontonio and other reporters are to be believed, fan reaction in Philly is running strong against the signing. Let's hope that PETA continues to stick to its guns (the Humane Society has already rolled over for Mike/Michael, in the best tradition of MADD) and organizes large protests against the team. This is a rare case where two groups long favored in our politically correct society are squaring off against each other. That's always fun to watch.

Those who value animal life more than human life are a powerful, passionate force in Don King's America. However, they are going up against THE most powerful force. But ESPN got what it wanted; now they can stop speculating about where Vick is going to sign, and concentrate on covering every insignificant move he makes as a backup. Meanwhile, Matt Jones can't get one team interested in him....

It does seem kind of suspicious doesn't it? Saint Tony Dungy and the poverty pimp himself coming out in support of Vick, gee that wasn't racially motivated or anything huh? The Commish inexplicably OKing him for a return to football which amounts to Vick serving an unbelievably weak 6 game suspension for his crimes and the ESPN jock sniffers practically giving Vick oral sex in their coverage of his return. I think you are probably pretty close to the truth that the league decreed that saint Vick absolutely had to be given the right to return somewhere. I do differ though in the belief that Vick would have had to have been forced upon someone. There are enough sycophants and yes men in the various NFL organizations that they wouldn't have to rely on that. Fat Andy Reid is definitely one that would be all too eager to go along with the caste programs concerning Vick and would be willing to take him under his obese wing. He may not have the final say in Philly, but most GM's are not going go against the wishes of their Head Coach if said head coach is absolutely against bringing in a player who has such a checkered past and is as highly controversial as Vick. In other words, if Fat Andy had said to Heckert, we don't need this guy, he is too big of a distraction for both the team and our entrenched QB, he wouldn't be there. I am sure you are probably right that specific pressure was applied by the NFL league offices concerning Vick. The NFL, the caste media and social Marxist re-engineering forces wanted this criminal back in the league, so that he could continue to be a destructive role model for DWF's and young kids. There are enough afflete butt lickers in the NFL where all they would have to do is say for somebody to give him a chance, and at least one of the creeps would all too willingly comply. We are starting to see the NFL reach all new lows in their desire to socially promote the Negro. They are starting to make up their rules as they go and fly in the face of already established ones in order to get and keep the negro afflete on the field. Yesterday, 40 times were the absolute gold standard in measuring how certain positions could be primed for affletes to take them over. Now we hear that those don't matter so much when the results are not exactly in line with what the league desires in regards to skin color. Same thing for body type. They oohed and ahhed for years about the preferred body type that many negro affletes possessed. Now that too is not so much of an issue when negro affletes get fatter and more out of shape by the year. So too was it once that teams did not delve into the habit of putting ink to paper for players without first getting a chance to evaluate or work them out. Obviously that doesn't matter so much to the NFL anymore, especially when said signee has a certain desired wealth of pigmentation, heavily coveted by the NFL and caste media masters. Edited by: Bear Backer
I hate Filthy with a passion anyway, and now I despise them more than ever.

The MSM would never allow a white who did anything close to this overhyped criminal anywhere near a stadium, much less back into the league. The MSM and BSPN jock-licking c***suckers are bending over backwards to perform and "service" this thug. Their WHITE-HATING agenda is causing me to almost puke. It's what they do to destroy us, slowly.

Death to their cause.

Screw them and their system that is out to screw us.
I too am sick of Vick. I am an animal lover and Vick is the worst piece of trash on this earth. I really mean that too. All he has to do now is get a chance to start one game, play half decent, and the media and DWF will be loving him again.

And to top it all off Jesse Jackson played the race card. Unbielevable! Are white people really this stupid?Edited by: whiteathlete33
Yeah, they banned Pete Rose, took away his right to be in the Hall of Fame and all for gambling, which is something that hurt only himself. And yet, ConVick gets to play again, sign a Million plus dollar contract and who knows, maybe get into the Hall of fame. All this after torturing, killing and fighting defenseless animals. God how this country has changed, it's like something out of the "Planet of the Apes"
Where have all the Charleston Heston's of the world gone?
You both are right (White noise and White Athlete).
I am ready to take them all on face to face, just like Charlton Heston did! It's nuts here. "It's a madhouse!!! A madhouse!!!"
BeyondFedUp said:
You both are right (White noise and White Athlete).
I am ready to take them all on face to face, just like Charlton Heston did! It's nuts here. "It's a madhouse!!! A madhouse!!!"

LOL! "You damn dirty apes!"
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