The Other Coronavirus Thread


Jan 27, 2016
While I appreciate the views of the members that post frequently in the other Coronavirus thread I think it would be helpful to have a thread that approached it from a different perspective. I have a lot of questions and am curious to know what some other posters might feel.

The other thread has posts that mostly dispute the existence of the virus, even the existence of ALL viruses. The vaccine is considered a plot to depopulate the planet. Getting the jab is treated as a kind of suicide and a moral if not physical surrender.

That is all one way of looking at it. But I look at it differently.

I think it's clear people are getting sick. I have never in my life known anyone to go to the hospital for the flu let alone die from it. Yet I know plenty of people that have been deathly ill and some that have died from this thing.

I can appreciate the idea that there are huge global conspiracies. But the idea that every global government has conspired together to fake a disease only to make a vaccine that will kill millions does not seem plausible.

I think the virus is real. I think it was cooked up in a lab, probably by the Chinese, but it also could have come from the US. I think the release could be accidental or intentional, for a variety of reasons.

I think the vaccine is sound science from what I have read about it. The issue isn't that it's so dangerous it will kill people, the issue is it's not strong enough to provide lasting immunity. People involved in making vaccines are not the type of people that would create one that would kill people. As a child in kindergarten I waited in line for a sugar cube with the polio vaccine. I have to believe people that dedicate their lives to helping people with medicine would act appropriately.

Are there issues with the vaccine? Sure. It's medicine and people will react differently. I don't know anyone that has died from it, I don't know anyone that knows anyone that has died from it. Some people report getting ill but got better quickly. I really don't think it's necessary for everyone to get it. Young healthy people especially.

My take on the situation is that it should have been handled in a manner consistent with a free society. You decide what level of risk you are comfortable with. If you were afraid of getting it and dying from it you were free to mask up, social distance, lock down, and anything you wanted. There should have been no mandate to do any of those things. As the different variants pop up people will eventually realize that handling it like any other "flu" is the right thing to do. Stay healthy, practice good hygiene, get a yearly shot if desired and live (or die) with the consequences.
Thanks for this thread Flint. I agree with you on all points. I do wish that more attention on this site was being set on sports personally. I do appreciate the info but it is at times overwhelming. I also find it frustrating that a few of us are using our free time to do the college football write-ups and we are getting no feed back or volunteers to help with that effort. This is a sports site first and foremost.
Many flue seasons have six figure death rates. Overwhelmingly the elderly in very poor health. Much like this virus.

I voted no on the vaccine poll but if there were a not yet choice I would have said that. I've taken a wait and see attitude because of how the vaccine has been rushed. But now that this vaccine thing has fallen along the usual political lines (libs in favor, normals with doubts) and they are ramping up all manner of ways to coerce us I'm getting pissed off. I know many people who tested positive and nothing or next to nothing happened. They sat home for two weeks then went on with their lives.

I just want to do the same.
My take on the situation is that it should have been handled in a manner consistent with a free society. You decide what level of risk you are comfortable with. If you were afraid of getting it and dying from it you were free to mask up, social distance, lock down, and anything you wanted. There should have been no mandate to do any of those things. As the different variants pop up people will eventually realize that handling it like any other "flu" is the right thing to do. Stay healthy, practice good hygiene, get a yearly shot if desired and live (or die) with the consequences.

Flint, I agree with almost everything you said, especially the parts I put in bold (although I'm not sure I'd call the vaccine "sound science" - I'd call it flawed science at best). I'm not "anti-vax" when it comes to vaccines that have gone through the proper testing and certification process, but this one hasn't.

People are definitely getting "lockdown burnout," and it's not just Republicans. At some point, no amount of Greek alphabet boogeymen is going to be enough for the average man on the street to keep going along with the lockdown/quarantine program. Once people have had their fill of stay-at-home orders and states of emergency, they'll accept exactly what you said - that treating this like any other flu is the right way to handle it.

I think the people who are into the "the vaccine is designed to kill us off" conspiracy theories are thinking like checkers players when the real game is chess. I don't think the powers that be are going to directly poison people with a vaccine. Rather, the vaccine is an excuse for the globalist elite to increase surveillance and destroy privacy. Vaccine mandates --> digital vaccine "passport" mandates --> tracking people everywhere they go and collecting data, medical and otherwise, on them. That, I believe, is the real danger. The jab itself is a distraction, as are the wilder conspiracy theories. It's like the people who think the planes were flown into the Twin Towers by remote control on 9/11. Far-out conspiracies like that are a distraction from what probably really happened - the CIA knew about the attacks and deliberately allowed them to happen to increase their authority and their budget.

I don't think segregation into different threads for people who have different opinions about Covid is necessary, though. We're all White here. ;) I'll continue to post in both threads.
Can anyone explain why the virus is supposed to attack old people but not the very young? Is there any other virus like this? All my life I have heard that any virus is most deadly to the old and the young. The old because of declining health in general, and the young because of not fully developed immune systems. It used to be that kids would be a petri dish of germs, if you were ever around them they would be sick much of the time. And the illness would pass through the kiddie population like crazy. I remember how my kids would catch stuff from other kids and they would all pass it around. Now there is this very serious disease and you don't see it wiping kids out. You don't see it in day care centers. It's very unusual.
I don't think segregation into different threads for people who have different opinions about Covid is necessary, though. We're all White here. ;) I'll continue to post in both threads.

I'd think a guy with the name Jerry Reb would favor segregation, today, tomorrow, forever! :)
One of the biggest problems of the whole Covid hysteria is the mis-information, from both sides.
Below is a picture I have seen in multiple places. It purports to list the items in the vaccine. It's completely false. The ingredients are on line and there for all to see.
In fact the list is so ridiculous it's funny. Ethanol, barium, ecoli? Why not skunk juice and dog poop? It's just a list of crappy stuff that people might think are in a medical product for some reason.
There may be lots of reasons not to get the shot. But making up stuff does not help the discussion.

Flint wrote:

"I think it's clear people are getting sick. I have never in my life known anyone to go to the hospital for the flu let alone die from it. Yet I know plenty of people that have been deathly ill and some that have died from this thing."

Up to 61,000 people die of the flu/influenza each year in the USA. 61.000 died in the 2017-18 flu season. Almost no one died from the flu last year. Why? Because everything from the flu to 4 bullets in the head to car accidents is relabeled "Covid 19". That's not a joke either. If anyone tested positive and then dies from anything else they write down Covid, and probably write it down anyway. The hospitals get federal funds for each "Covid" death. The media puts out fear porn about massive death from "Covid", like this one...


"Boca Raton Hospital Morgues Overflowing, Refrigerated Trucks Used"


"LIES! 'Media' Falsely Claims FL Morgues Overflowing, Refrigerator Trucks Used for Bodies"


And meanwhile, amongst the "lords and masters"...

“Party footage from former President Barack Obama’s 60th birthday bash at his $12 million estate in Martha’s Vineyard shows hundreds of maskless guests at the celebration on Saturday night.

Last week, a spokeswoman for the former president said the Obamas had decided to “significantly scale back the event to include only family and close friends,” due to “the new spread of the Delta variant.” Video of the party, however, tells a different story.

While Americans are being told to keep their events small, “wear a mask with two or more layers,” and stand at least six feet apart from each other, the former president was caught on video dancing maskless among hundreds of also maskless party guests…”

democrats on a plane vs u on a plane.jpg

vaccine so safe....png
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Great post WW! Good to see you, as I was was away for quite some time. Thanks for exposing the lies and false narratives. It's what we all need to do in our own neck of the woods.
If hospitals really were looking out for their own interests, they'd be trying to downplay the pandemic, not hype it up. The hospital industry rakes in hundreds of billions of dollars per year in elective surgeries, which they're now losing because of the lockdowns. I know nothing about whether the hospitals receive funding for each covid patient they take in, but there's no way it offsets the amount of money they're missing out on. Not even close.

And while I'm sure a few covid victims would have died anyway due to other pre-existing conditions, the vast majority are rightfully labeled covid deaths. An easy way to see this is to look at the excess deaths (that is, the number of people who have died of any cause) for the whole year of 2020 and YTD 2021, compared to previous years. It almost perfectly matches up with the covid death curve.
If hospitals really were looking out for their own interests, they'd be trying to downplay the pandemic, not hype it up. The hospital industry rakes in hundreds of billions of dollars per year in elective surgeries, which they're now losing because of the lockdowns. I know nothing about whether the hospitals receive funding for each covid patient they take in, but there's no way it offsets the amount of money they're missing out on. Not even close.

And while I'm sure a few covid victims would have died anyway due to other pre-existing conditions, the vast majority are rightfully labeled covid deaths. An easy way to see this is to look at the excess deaths (that is, the number of people who have died of any cause) for the whole year of 2020 and YTD 2021, compared to previous years. It almost perfectly matches up with the covid death curve.

in france the covid crisis is used as a way to ask for more funding for public hospitals
must be like that in some other countries too
we are only going to see more pandemics, as we live in big cities with huge populations, and people don't respect basic hygiene
also since tourism and immigration are out of control how could it be any different
and since most people are less healthy because of the sedentary lifestyle and bad eating habits, pandemics are going to have more impact on people

all this modern science imported from the middle east and the far east (the very concept of vaccine was invented in china and would have been considered ridiculous to any white european) to fall behind the same ancient europeans that are ridiculed today because their knowledge of medecine was mostly eat good, have good hygiene, and eat cabbage when you are ill

BTW most, if not all, pandemics in history came out of east asia, mainly china
I know people on this site are careful to not use excessive criticism or insulting of black athletes so as to not drive away average people that might stop by with an interest in the subject.

However I don't think it's any better to have one of the most posted in threads insinuate that vaccinated people are gullible idiots that are going to die a horrible death because they didn't ignore the advice of their doctors and other medical people they trust.

While I have a lot of sympathy for people who choose to believe in the various conspiracies, it is still far out on the fringe for most people, certainly those with an interest in football and other popular sports.

I think that should be considered before posting some of the more wacko scenarios around the pandemic.
I know people on this site are careful to not use excessive criticism or insulting of black athletes so as to not drive away average people that might stop by with an interest in the subject.

However I don't think it's any better to have one of the most posted in threads insinuate that vaccinated people are gullible idiots that are going to die a horrible death because they didn't ignore the advice of their doctors and other medical people they trust.

While I have a lot of sympathy for people who choose to believe in the various conspiracies, it is still far out on the fringe for most people, certainly those with an interest in football and other popular sports.

I think that should be considered before posting some of the more wacko scenarios around the pandemic.

I agree, there's too much extreme and apocalyptic language being used along with veiled references to violence and retribution. I'm sure it does turn off a lot of people, including some who post here.

There's also been a ramping up of gratuitous attacks on Blacks and Jews. Refer to the posting rules about this, if you can't restrain your language while posting at home anonymously, then don't post. Remember the purpose of CF and keep posts productive. There's plenty of direct and indirect evidence to expose the Caste System as well as The Great Replacement and The Great Reset. Using the most out there language possible is a detriment not a positive.
The COVID swept through my work place like the plague a few weeks ago. One guy took his kids on a Disney cruise and came back to super spread it to 75% of the people unlucky enough to cross paths with him.

The infection rate was incredible. It hit young, old, fat, skinny, vaccinated and un-vaccinated. It laid most of us pretty low, crippled the company for a couple of weeks. Fortunately no hospitalizations.

Things are back to normal for the most part but it’s still pretty scary how easy it spread. As most people have noticed the vaccine is nearly useless at preventing the illness but probably effective at reducing the severity.
The COVID swept through my work place like the plague a few weeks ago. One guy took his kids on a Disney cruise and came back to super spread it to 75% of the people unlucky enough to cross paths with him.

The infection rate was incredible. It hit young, old, fat, skinny, vaccinated and un-vaccinated. It laid most of us pretty low, crippled the company for a couple of weeks. Fortunately no hospitalizations.

Things are back to normal for the most part but it’s still pretty scary how easy it spread. As most people have noticed the vaccine is nearly useless at preventing the illness but probably effective at reducing the severity.

"Fortunately no hospitalizations."

Key words there. There's some variation of the flu around, no "pandemic" like the Black Death or something. No carts coming by mornings and calls of "bring out your dead". In fact I think the death rate was lower than a normal year last year. Every year up to 60,000 people a year die of influenza in the US. Last year almost nobody died from influenza. That's because they classify almost every death as "Covid", even gunshot victims - see the link i posted. Not to mention all the people killed by their "vaccine" and getting suffocated in respirators and not getting normal medical care and the mass slaughter in nursing homes.

Remember when this first started they were showing videos of guys merrily walking down the street in China and then abruptly falling down dead. I do. The purpose of that baloney was to instill panic. The purpose of this whole "pandemic" is to instill panic and control the population plus make billions for big pharma and everybody on their payroll.

DW - If u feel any of my posts r detrimental to Castefootball I'm fine with u deleting them.
"Fortunately no hospitalizations."

Key words there. There's some variation of the flu around, no "pandemic" like the Black Death or something. No carts coming by mornings and calls of "bring out your dead". In fact I think the death rate was lower than a normal year last year. Every year up to 60,000 people a year die of influenza in the US. Last year almost nobody died from influenza. That's because they classify almost every death as "Covid", even gunshot victims - see the link i posted. Not to mention all the people killed by their "vaccine" and getting suffocated in respirators and not getting normal medical care and the mass slaughter in nursing homes.

Remember when this first started they were showing videos of guys merrily walking down the street in China and then abruptly falling down dead. I do. The purpose of that baloney was to instill panic. The purpose of this whole "pandemic" is to instill panic and control the population plus make billions for big pharma and everybody on their payroll.

DW - If u feel any of my posts r detrimental to Castefootball I'm fine with u deleting them.

I was speaking in generalities not to anyone in particular. This country is a pressure cooker more than ever and a helluva lot of Americans are mad as hell, but to paraphrase the old poem, we need to keep our heads and wits when all around us others are losing theirs.
I was speaking in generalities not to anyone in particular. This country is a pressure cooker more than ever and a helluva lot of Americans are mad as hell, but to paraphrase the old poem, we need to keep our heads and wits when all around us others are losing theirs.

Best way to keep your heads and wits is just shut off the tv set!

I just deleted one of my own posts. I am pro-active!

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That's been a belief of mine for some time now -- people that watch the "mainstream" media are often so unknowingly and hopelessly programmed that they're beyond hope, like the "fully vaccinated" people still driving alone with masks on. Whereas almost all the aware people I've met in my life either don't watch TV at all or only very little and when they do watch it's with a discerning eye rather than being in the hypnotic state most viewers are in.
" the "fully vaccinated" people still driving alone with masks on"

Exactly. When i see that, or some people walking in the woods, or alone on the street, with their stupid masks on, well i know a tv addict when i see one!
I certainly agree that COVID has been used to frighten and manipulate. But in all the years I’ve been around I never was in a work situation where so many people got sick at the same time. This also happened to another branch of my company months ago, it’s going on at one of our major vendors right now.

This is more then the flu that’s for sure, but not the plague. At least not yet. I remain worried that there is a possible mutation that could change that.
I certainly agree that COVID has been used to frighten and manipulate. But in all the years I’ve been around I never was in a work situation where so many people got sick at the same time. This also happened to another branch of my company months ago, it’s going on at one of our major vendors right now.

This is more then the flu that’s for sure, but not the plague. At least not yet. I remain worried that there is a possible mutation that could change that.

What were their symptoms?
Flu symptoms, runny nose, headache, body aches, fever, chills, loss of taste, chest congestion, fatigue.

The company provided free at home tests. Everyone that was sick was positive, the few that did not get sick were negative. Some people were negative until they got sick, then tested positive. It all happened one week and by the weekend the company shut down for a few days. Many were able to work from home as we have been doing that on and off since the start. One person, who was visiting from a branch in Europe got sick after they went back. The ones that did not get sick were all young. Under 25.
Flu symptoms, runny nose, headache, body aches, fever, chills, loss of taste, chest congestion, fatigue.

The company provided free at home tests. Everyone that was sick was positive, the few that did not get sick were negative. Some people were negative until they got sick, then tested positive. It all happened one week and by the weekend the company shut down for a few days. Many were able to work from home as we have been doing that on and off since the start. One person, who was visiting from a branch in Europe got sick after they went back. The ones that did not get sick were all young. Under 25.

Something persistent has been going around, but it seems to be no big deal unless it gets to people who have many other health problems including morbid obesity, unless they go to a hospital and get put in a ventilator or get exterminated in a nursing home or get multiple "vaccine" jabs, and even with all that you can see from the annual death rate chart that there is no "pandemic" going on, no reason for Satanists Gates and Fauci and big pharma and all their employees and accomplices to make their big move to take over the world and depopulate the planet and make everyone social credit score slaves a la Red China.
After my mother died last December (one of those nursing home victims), I asked the funeral director if he and other funeral homes in the area had experienced a large increase in deaths since the "pandemic" started (my mom died about 9 months after the fear porn and lockdowns began). No increase whatsoever was his response. If there was a true pandemic going on caused by a dangerous virus, one would have regularly seen funeral processions on roads, but not where I live.

It was always very difficult to find a parking space at the hospital near where I live. But since the "pandemic" started, it's been easy as can be. That can partly be ascribed to fewer people with illnesses being treated while the lockdowns took place, but where were all those Covid patients?

How many athletes and well-known people have died from Covid, as opposed to a few older celebrities dying with Covid? So many people no longer trust their own senses and instead believe the lies and fearmongering of the fake news media and fedgov. But a lot don't; it's hard to know exact numbers because the government always lies, but close to half of Americans still aren't "fully vaccinated." I'd call that a very strong rebuke of Fauci & Co. as those resisting are digging in for the long haul which is cause for genuine hope that "The Great Reset" may end up being "The Great Failure."
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