The Other Coronavirus Thread

ADR means adverse drug reaction

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I’ve seen that chart. It’s been posted on this site before. I did some checking online and it is being reported that the numbers are unverified, a collection of internet searches from different countries and just meant to be a starting point for researchers looking for information. Of course that may just be some spin to deflect attention.

I’m curious, when is the WHO an honest organization providing real information to the world and when is it a propaganda arm of the NWO trying to further their agenda? I wouldn’t think you would put too much faith in what they have to say.

Note that “adverse reaction” can mean anything from a tummy ache to instant death. It is also important to consider the numbers. How many people have been vaccinated? A few billion? If so that percentage might not be significant.

With conflicting or incomplete information like this I fall back on my method earlier. I probably know a couple of hundred people that have been vaccinated, and none have said anything about serious side effects. Now that’s not scientific and may be completely wrong but when there is so much BS out there it’s something to consider.
It’s a matter of risk assessment. There’s risk in anything. If the vast majority of people are better off because of some medical procedure, then as free men we should be able to determine that risk for ourselves and those we care for.

I agree with that, and that's why I have so much disgust and loathing towards the globalists who want to force everyone to take the vaccine.

The issue is so damn polarizing that it seems the only options for discussion are: covid vaccine-greatest thing in the history of man kind, or: worldwide conspiracy to kill everyone on the planet (except the rich and powerful).

I don't think that's the case with people here. I don't believe in that false dichotomy. Even the far-out conspiracy theorists on this site aren't saying "anyone who disagrees with me must be part of the global conspiracy!" They may have ideas that I strongly disagree with, and they may use apocalyptic language that turns people off, but they aren't flaming people or claiming that anyone with a different opinion automatically has to be on the most extreme position on the other side.

I, too, am disgusted by the polarization, but from what I've seen virtually all of it is coming from the far left. On any "mainstream" discussion board, any time someone raises the slightest question about the safety of the vaccine or has the slightest issue with the vaccine mandate, a leftist online mob instantly begins screeching, "Conspiracy theorist! Anti-vaxxer! Science hater! Burn the heretic! Heil Biden!" Every. Single. Time. No matter what disagreements we have here on Caste Football, I appreciate the Covid debate here because it's the only place (aside from other "alternative" sites) where I can post my opinions without getting shouted down by the woketurd mob. Nowhere in mainstream media can free people do that.

I'm no anti-vaxxer. To me, vaccines are like white quarterbacks. They've done a lot of great things, and after a few years of development you can usually rely on their performance. Some are truly great - the smallpox vaccine is Tom Brady, the GOAT. It eradicated a disease that killed millions. The polio vaccine could be Peyton Manning, the measles vaccine could be Joe Montana...lots of greats to choose from. There are occasional side effects, even the greatest QB throws the occasional interception. But most of the time, they work.

The Covid vaccine? It's Ryan Leaf.
I did some checking online and it is being reported that the numbers are unverified, a collection of internet searches from different countries and just meant to be a starting point for researchers looking for information. Of course that may just be some spin to deflect attention....

So u googled up the usual from the "fact checkers".


"While health officials remain silent about COVID-19 injection reactions, the growing number of reports of adverse reactions cannot be silenced forever. Websites like C19 Vax Reactions, started by former Green Bay Packers offensive lineman Ken Ruettgers, whose wife Sheryl suffered a severe neurological reaction to Moderna’s COVID-19 shot, exist online for people to share their stories. There you can read over 500 real testimonies of adverse reactions to the shots and view dozens of videos detailing individuals’ reactions. "

Found on Dr Mercola's website. According to the NY Times Dr Mercola is the #1 source of Covid disinformation. In other words the "fact checkers" don't like what he's saying.
Plenty of health officials are discussing the issue of negative reactions to the vaccine. There is lots of information on it. Anyone who wants can do the research and decide for themselves. What’s the problem?
Plenty of health officials are discussing the issue of negative reactions to the vaccine. There is lots of information on it. Anyone who wants can do the research and decide for themselves. What’s the problem?

Really? Which health officials? What resources do you recommend for those who want to research it?
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Plenty of health officials are discussing the issue of negative reactions to the vaccine. There is lots of information on it. Anyone who wants can do the research and decide for themselves. What’s the problem?

The problem is they most definitely do not want to let us decide for ourselves, and they are censoring, deplatforming, firing, delicensing, and otherwise silencing and persecuting those who dare to mention the negative reactions, including calls to use the military to force everybody to get jabbed, and label what they call anti-vaxxers "domestic terrorists"...

Washinton Post:

"Opinion: Anti-vaccine extremism is akin to domestic terrorism"
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Certificate of Vacination ID It's a Global Id and you won't be able to go on the internet or buy or sell without it. Well they can take their
global id and keep it. The people must fight back. No mandatory vaccinations, no mandatory vax passports or global id. The world must resist this
Totalitarian, Draconian, One World Govt, on Steroids with no rights to even exist for anyone on earth that they don't approve of.

It's a battle for our lives and for our SOULS. Wake up my brothers and prepare to fight or find an alternative way of life which most of us will try to do.
The problem is they most definitely do not want to let us decide for ourselves, and they are censoring, deplatforming, firing, delicensing, and otherwise silencing and persecuting those who dare to mention the negative reactions, including calls to use the military to force everybody to get jabbed, and label what they call anti-vaxxers “domestic terrorists” ...

this sums it up very succinctly, methinks. i've no problem with anyone who wants to get the jab, but the coercive practices that are being levied against those who aren’t sure the jab is a good idea is problematic (to put it mildly).
this sums it up very succinctly, methinks. i've no problem with anyone who wants to get the jab, but the coercive practices that are being levied against those who aren’t sure the jab is a good idea is problematic (to put it mildly).

None of us do. They can get themselves jabbed 3 times a day 4 all i care - except 4 people i care about!

Note that they r mainly concentrating on thoroughly jabbing all the White people they can, in North America, Europe and Oceania, but a lot of blacks r resisting it and in black Africa i would think only a very small percentage of black africans have been jabbed. I don't know what's going on in China, but say what u will about the CCP they want a strong China, they do not want to kill off their own best people like FJ Biden and **** like that. Russia uses a different Sputnik jab. I don't know if that one is as bad. I don't think so. Did Israel really jab most of its own citizens? If so, that's strange because...

Really? Which health officials? What resources do you recommend for those who want to research it?

American Heart Association
mRNA Covid Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial ... › doi › abs › 10.1161 › circ.144.suppl_1.10712
Abstract 10712: Mrna COVIDVaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers

Mayo Clinic
Get the facts about COVID-19 vaccines - Mayo Clinic › diseases-conditions › coronavirus › in-depth › coronavirus-vaccine › art-20484859
Can COVID-19 vaccines affect the heart? In the U.S., there has been an increase in reported

Evidence Ties COVID Vaccines to Heart Issue in Youth › lung › news › 20210611 › evidence-ties-covid-vaccines-to-heart-issue-in-youth
June 11, 2021 -- Swelling of the heart appears to be a very rare side effect that primarily strikes

Investigative Journalist Sheryl Attkinsson
ALERT) Study: Heart disorders after Covid-19 vaccines ... › 2021 › 08 › alert-study-heart-disorders-after-covid-19-more-common-than-cdc-reported
Some vaccines are associated with myocarditis, 5 including mRNA vaccines, 1-4 and the
Heart Inflammation Risk After COVID-19 Vaccine Is Real ... › health-news › heart-inflammation-risk-after-covid-19-vaccine-is-real-but-very-rare
A new study of a large, diverse population found that the risk of heart inflammation after mRNA

Medical News Today
Heart inflammation after COVID-19 vaccine: Are boys at ... › articles › covid-19-vaccine-are-boys-at-an-increased-heart-inflammation-risk
The [number] of cardiac issues that [we see] from COVID-19 disease [will] probably outweigh
Hopefully those mysterious unidentified public health officials that Flint claims are speaking out will see this:

Stunning Israeli Study: Athletes Collapsing and Dying at 5x the Usual Rate in 2021

That article seems to be a lot of different items lumped together. I think the author is not a native English speaker.
Some of the things I would question about it:
It lumps "collapses" with deaths. It has no link to a "study" and the link to a list of athletes is not readable. It quotes the Israeli government as denying the "study". It even admits that the vaccination status of the athletes is unknown. It's even possible that they were weakened by the virus, not the vaccine, which would be opposite of the point being made. Fauchi is spelled Pauchi along with other editing mistakes, (doesn't mean the proposition is not true, just that the article does not present it very well, in my opinion).

I would have trouble presenting it to a non-biased third party if I was trying to convince them of the point of the article.
American Heart Association
mRNA Covid Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial ... › doi › abs › 10.1161 › circ.144.suppl_1.10712
Abstract 10712: Mrna COVIDVaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers

Mayo Clinic
Get the facts about COVID-19 vaccines - Mayo Clinic › diseases-conditions › coronavirus › in-depth › coronavirus-vaccine › art-20484859
Can COVID-19 vaccines affect the heart? In the U.S., there has been an increase in reported

Evidence Ties COVID Vaccines to Heart Issue in Youth › lung › news › 20210611 › evidence-ties-covid-vaccines-to-heart-issue-in-youth
June 11, 2021 -- Swelling of the heart appears to be a very rare side effect that primarily strikes

Investigative Journalist Sheryl Attkinsson
ALERT) Study: Heart disorders after Covid-19 vaccines ... › 2021 › 08 › alert-study-heart-disorders-after-covid-19-more-common-than-cdc-reported
Some vaccines are associated with myocarditis, 5 including mRNA vaccines, 1-4 and the
Heart Inflammation Risk After COVID-19 Vaccine Is Real ... › health-news › heart-inflammation-risk-after-covid-19-vaccine-is-real-but-very-rare
A new study of a large, diverse population found that the risk of heart inflammation after mRNA

Medical News Today
Heart inflammation after COVID-19 vaccine: Are boys at ... › articles › covid-19-vaccine-are-boys-at-an-increased-heart-inflammation-risk
The [number] of cardiac issues that [we see] from COVID-19 disease [will] probably outweigh

By glancing at them -- I don't intend to read them all -- they're mostly standard boilerplate emphasizing the "very rare" risk of heart problems in young men. None question taking the vaccine other than perhaps young men. The top one, by the AMA, I believe was censored by social media, which is more to the point. Even something by the AMA that questions the ever-shifting assurances of Lord Fauci aka "The Science" are not accessible to those that rely on "mainstream news" for their information.

I don't think there's any disagreement that everyone should have freedom of choice when it comes to taking the experimental vaccines that were rushed to market far faster than any previous ones and with fewer safeguards and study as to short and long-term effects. You believe they're based on "sound science" and that they won't kill anybody, which is where you part company with just about everyone else here.

I've always found it curious that someone who understands the Caste System so well is always so trusting of the "mainstream" on all other issues and can be counted on to basically parrot the same line. Usually it's the opposite -- most Americans now distrust the media and the fedgov, but trying to get them to perceive the Caste System is damn near impossible.
This comment has been eating at me, so I felt a need to reply. I'll try to do this respectfully.

I would object to your framing of "both sides" putting out misinformation. We all know that the covid-enthusiasts control 100% of the 'official' discourse. The broad tent of opposition includes underqualified analysis, tabloids, and grifters, so you are going to have to sift through at least some trash. This is just the nature of independent research. The flip side of the coin, which is the party line, has zero accountability. There is absolutely no window for ANY dissent. Can you imagine in your wildest dreams that the 10pm news would mention covid skepticism or vaxx criticism? You don't have to believe that there is information being surpressed, but you should recognize that if there was, we would never hear it. The covid/vaxx narrative can never be disproven, just like "climate change," "systemic racism," and the Holocaust.

That said, I like your methodology. I'll compare my anecdote to yours:

1. I know many people that got it.
2. Only a couple have called it anything more than a typical flu, none that required a hospital
3. I know exactly two people who have died WITH covid, and they were both old maids in their 80s with debilitated health already.
Thus: covid is not harmful, people off of death's doorstep have virtually 0% chance of dying, and my peer group has maybe a 2% chance of getting "really" sick

Here's one of those studies that suggests that "long covid" is completely psychosomatic (except for loss of smell, go figure). Maybe it will fall into the 'misinformation' category as sample sizes grow - who knows? But the concept rings true to me because it's a direct parallel to the other societal manias we see growing. Gays, trannies, and other marginalized weirdos have exploded in prominence with constant saturation. It makes sense that people will believe they're sick when they are constantly told they are sick.

1. I know lots of people that took it
2. I know someone personally who died at the pinnacle of health. I'll risk poor taste to link his credentials. He didn't take drugs and was not on gear. His obituary will not mention the deadly vaxx for that very reason of poor taste. The family doesn't want to remember him that way, but his sister and his close friend have had less hesitation in opening their mouths on social media. I also know another peer, a healthy, skinny guy from my high school track team, whose heart stopped in his sleep last month. Again, his obituary makes no mention of the vaxx, and his family members may not even be suspicious of their tragedy. But I also regard this as a vaxx death instead of a coincidental cardiac arrest.
3. In the tier of side effects below death, I have a teenage cousin who spent 24 hours vomiting after his second shot. My landlady is in her 70s, and her booster knocked her out for a few days. She trended upward, then coincidentally caught a respiratory bug and was sick for a couple of weeks.
Thus: the vaxx introduces an entirely new and exclusive set of risks to me and the majority of the world. We are only now entering the "mid-term" time range of lasting effects. Plenty of non-mainstream sources are compiling lists of amateur and professional athletes that are dropping with heart attacks - two players in Europe (Adama Traore and John Fleck) collapsed just this week in the middle of their games. We have no way to predict the long term effects of the vaxx, but we can accurately predict that the vaxx regime will plow forward, with billions more shots administered throughout eternity ("booster shots").

My conclusion is that this is all a massive hoax, rooted in the small truth that respiratory viruses are real. But I could be wrong!
Great post!!
No, it wasn’t.
Flint I respect you and have gained a lot of insight and laughter from your comments in the past but are you experiencing any post vax regrets? If not no big deal.
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No regrets so far. I had no side effects. And when I got the virus it was a mild case. If I drop dead tomorrow though I might have a different view.

Carrying that chip around with me is a bit of a hassle though.
I actually considered getting the vaccine at one point, but ultimately decided against it, and I'm glad I did.

My wife, who is a registered nurse, was offered the vaccine last December, when it was available to health care workers, but declined because she didn't want to be a guinea pig. When it became available to me in March, I gave it fair consideration, but decided to be cautious and wait for more information. I could always get it later, but I couldn't un-take it. Soon after came the reports, often censored by the (((mainstream media))), about heart problems and other side effects caused by the vaccine, and I decided NO THANKS.

If I was making the decision now, the mere fact that (((they))) are so desperate to use any means necessary to force people to get jabbed would be enough to turn me off, even without the side effects.
American Freedom News