The Other Coronavirus Thread

I'm sorry about your mother, DW.

I posted a link to the video made by the British funeral director named O'Looney (silly name), but i think i only posted it u know where. He tells a lot of inside info about what's really going on with their so-called pandemic - and he also more or less expects he might be fosterized/McAfee'd/Epsteinized/and many many others, for his trouble
"How many athletes and well-known people have died from Covid"

And most of them, like Hank Aaron and Marvin Hagler and many others, died from their "vaccine".
This may already have been posted, but it's pretty good and doesn't beat around the bush. It's from Max Igan's feed, the guy who recently fled Australia to Mexico because he correctly intuited "The Man" as coming after him for his beliefs. While it says there are no statistical differences in deaths for these recent years compared to "non Covid" years, it's probable that they will shoot up in the coming years due to the "wonderful" vaccines...
This may already have been posted, but it's pretty good and doesn't beat around the bush. It's from Max Igan's feed, the guy who recently fled Australia to Mexico because he correctly intuited "The Man" as coming after him for his beliefs. While it says there are no statistical differences in deaths for these recent years compared to "non Covid" years, it's probable that they will shoot up in the coming years due to the "wonderful" vaccines...

Thus spoke Zarathustra, Haywood Zarathustra! Excellent film, HZ! Kill your televivavisionsion!
I don’t believe anyone’s numbers. It’s all lies and bullsh1t meant to manipulate one way or the other.
I look at it from what I can see around me.

1. I know lots of people that got the virus.
2. Few died, but more then any other “flu” in my lifetime.
Thus: it’s bad but not the Black Plague.

1. I know lots of people that have taken it.
2.none have died or even had any serious reaction
Thus: vaccine is not harmful but also does not prevent getting the disease, may prevent serious illness though. I don’t know anyone that died that has taken the vaccine, all the ones I know about were unvaccinated.

My conclusion is that you should be free to decide if you want to get the vaccine or not. I think it helps especially at risk people, but not to the point it should be forced.

I certainly could be wrong but this is the conclusion I come to, without having to depend on the misinformation put out there by just about everybody.
Nothing is more trustworthy then news that is learned from an anonymous nurse from Slovenia.

every nurse in the world knows who gets the shot of death? I wish one of the dozen or so nurses I know would have shared this tidbit with me.

BTW Adenovirus do not cause cancer in humans. In fact no viruses can cause cancer, (certain HPV viruses can lead to long term infections that may lead to cancer).
Flint: "My conclusion is that you should be free to decide if you want to get the vaccine or not. I think it helps especially at risk people, but not to the point it should be forced.

I certainly could be wrong but this is the conclusion I come to, without having to depend on the misinformation put out there by just about everybody."

I agree. The tv-watchers can take as many vaccines and booster shots as they like. They can take one everyday or twice a day i don't care. The problem is they r trying to force everyone to take it.

It is easy to say "misinformation", conspiracy theory, debunked, tin foil hat, and all the other pejoratives that they use to try to disparage those who r not politically corrected without actually thinking about or refuting or debunking anything. The mortality figures on the chart i posted r their official numbers. Do u have any official mortality charts for the US showing that it is wrong?

By the way, another professional footballer just keeled over in Europe.
The pro-mandate mob is operating on the principle that “individual rights are nullified when they infringe on public health.” I agree that people with infectious diseases have a duty to avoid spreading it to others. However, to assert that ALL people are potentially contagious, therefore they should not have individual rights, is patently absurd. It’s like requiring everyone in the store to wear handcuffs because they might steal something.

Even if the vaccine was 100% safe and effective, which clearly it is neither, it is a gross violation of individual rights to mandate it. But, it’s amazing how political and polarizing the issue has become. People on both sides are literally wishing death on each other.
My dad was feeling sick for a few days culminating with a stroke last Saturday. He flat-lined and was resuscitated. He is in recovery and in rehab and on anti-clotting medicine. Out of respect, I have not asked him or my mom whether he recently had the vaccine or booster. But, there is certainly a lot of anecdotal evidence that the shots are causing blood clots.
Sorry to hear about your dads stroke but it's good they helped revive him. Thank God. I wouldn't ask them as it will just add more stress. All we can do is
love our parents while they are here. We don't have to agree with all of their decisions. In the past you could trust tv but those days are long over with.
My dad was feeling sick for a few days culminating with a stroke last Saturday. He flat-lined and was resuscitated. He is in recovery and in rehab and on anti-clotting medicine. Out of respect, I have not asked him or my mom whether he recently had the vaccine or booster. But, there is certainly a lot of anecdotal evidence that the shots are causing blood clots.
Wishing you father a full recovery. Sorry to hear this news.
Prayers and support for your dad and family. Strength to you all in this time our CF brother.
I know people on this site are careful to not use excessive criticism or insulting of black athletes so as to not drive away average people that might stop by with an interest in the subject.

However I don't think it's any better to have one of the most posted in threads insinuate that vaccinated people are gullible idiots that are going to die a horrible death because they didn't ignore the advice of their doctors and other medical people they trust.

While I have a lot of sympathy for people who choose to believe in the various conspiracies, it is still far out on the fringe for most people, certainly those with an interest in football and other popular sports.

I think that should be considered before posting some of the more wacko scenarios around the pandemic.

Even though at this point I believe that the vaccine does little to nothing to prevent or even reduce the severity of coronavirus, and has a dangerously high chance of harmful side effects, I get what you're saying. Some of the "end of the world" type videos being posted, especially the religious apocalyptic themed ones, are just doom and gloom, we're all gonna die and there's nothing we can do about it ranting, which serves no purpose other than to agitate people. @Don Wassall mentioned that it turns off a lot of people, even here, and I'm one of them. I'm no political moderate, I'm a proud card-carrying alt-righter, but there are far better ways to talk about the pandemic and how globohomo is exploiting it to take away our liberties than "the jab is the mark of the beast" type stuff. I know a LOT of people who got the jab and now regret it, and we should be welcoming those people, not alienating them.
My dad was feeling sick for a few days culminating with a stroke last Saturday. He flat-lined and was resuscitated. He is in recovery and in rehab and on anti-clotting medicine. Out of respect, I have not asked him or my mom whether he recently had the vaccine or booster. But, there is certainly a lot of anecdotal evidence that the shots are causing blood clots.

Best wishes for your dad and hope for a quick and full recovery. We as a nation are certainly not "all in this together," but we on Our Side are all in it together.
The jab can make you sick, blind, deaf, bell palsy, strokes, mio carditis, heart attacks, blood clotting and things all the way up to death.

It cannot be the mark of the beast until it's something on your right hand or forehead. I believe it's a precursor for the mark of the beast
with pre programming of the masses to get them to comply. Gates has a bandaid with the needles in it that is painless with the Luciferase
to permanently mark the person. That may be it in the near future. When the whole world can't buy or sell without it we know we have
arrived. Anyone that knows anything about the Bible can see it's not far away. As a christian we have to warn people. It's our duty. If not
we are guilty ourselves but not trying to help save more people. At the end of the day it's a personal choice.
I don’t believe anyone’s numbers. It’s all lies and bullsh1t meant to manipulate one way or the other.
I look at it from what I can see around me.

1. I know lots of people that got the virus.
2. Few died, but more then any other “flu” in my lifetime.
Thus: it’s bad but not the Black Plague.

1. I know lots of people that have taken it.
2.none have died or even had any serious reaction
Thus: vaccine is not harmful but also does not prevent getting the disease, may prevent serious illness though. I don’t know anyone that died that has taken the vaccine, all the ones I know about were unvaccinated.

My conclusion is that you should be free to decide if you want to get the vaccine or not. I think it helps especially at risk people, but not to the point it should be forced.

I certainly could be wrong but this is the conclusion I come to, without having to depend on the misinformation put out there by just about everybody.

This comment has been eating at me, so I felt a need to reply. I'll try to do this respectfully.

I would object to your framing of "both sides" putting out misinformation. We all know that the covid-enthusiasts control 100% of the 'official' discourse. The broad tent of opposition includes underqualified analysis, tabloids, and grifters, so you are going to have to sift through at least some trash. This is just the nature of independent research. The flip side of the coin, which is the party line, has zero accountability. There is absolutely no window for ANY dissent. Can you imagine in your wildest dreams that the 10pm news would mention covid skepticism or vaxx criticism? You don't have to believe that there is information being surpressed, but you should recognize that if there was, we would never hear it. The covid/vaxx narrative can never be disproven, just like "climate change," "systemic racism," and the Holocaust.

That said, I like your methodology. I'll compare my anecdote to yours:

1. I know many people that got it.
2. Only a couple have called it anything more than a typical flu, none that required a hospital
3. I know exactly two people who have died WITH covid, and they were both old maids in their 80s with debilitated health already.
Thus: covid is not harmful, people off of death's doorstep have virtually 0% chance of dying, and my peer group has maybe a 2% chance of getting "really" sick

Here's one of those studies that suggests that "long covid" is completely psychosomatic (except for loss of smell, go figure). Maybe it will fall into the 'misinformation' category as sample sizes grow - who knows? But the concept rings true to me because it's a direct parallel to the other societal manias we see growing. Gays, trannies, and other marginalized weirdos have exploded in prominence with constant saturation. It makes sense that people will believe they're sick when they are constantly told they are sick.

1. I know lots of people that took it
2. I know someone personally who died at the pinnacle of health. I'll risk poor taste to link his credentials. He didn't take drugs and was not on gear. His obituary will not mention the deadly vaxx for that very reason of poor taste. The family doesn't want to remember him that way, but his sister and his close friend have had less hesitation in opening their mouths on social media. I also know another peer, a healthy, skinny guy from my high school track team, whose heart stopped in his sleep last month. Again, his obituary makes no mention of the vaxx, and his family members may not even be suspicious of their tragedy. But I also regard this as a vaxx death instead of a coincidental cardiac arrest.
3. In the tier of side effects below death, I have a teenage cousin who spent 24 hours vomiting after his second shot. My landlady is in her 70s, and her booster knocked her out for a few days. She trended upward, then coincidentally caught a respiratory bug and was sick for a couple of weeks.
Thus: the vaxx introduces an entirely new and exclusive set of risks to me and the majority of the world. We are only now entering the "mid-term" time range of lasting effects. Plenty of non-mainstream sources are compiling lists of amateur and professional athletes that are dropping with heart attacks - two players in Europe (Adama Traore and John Fleck) collapsed just this week in the middle of their games. We have no way to predict the long term effects of the vaxx, but we can accurately predict that the vaxx regime will plow forward, with billions more shots administered throughout eternity ("booster shots").

My conclusion is that this is all a massive hoax, rooted in the small truth that respiratory viruses are real. But I could be wrong!
This comment has been eating at me, so I felt a need to reply. I'll try to do this respectfully.

I would object to your framing of "both sides" putting out misinformation. We all know that the covid-enthusiasts control 100% of the 'official' discourse. The broad tent of opposition includes underqualified analysis, tabloids, and grifters, so you are going to have to sift through at least some trash. This is just the nature of independent research. The flip side of the coin, which is the party line, has zero accountability. There is absolutely no window for ANY dissent. Can you imagine in your wildest dreams that the 10pm news would mention covid skepticism or vaxx criticism? You don't have to believe that there is information being surpressed, but you should recognize that if there was, we would never hear it. The covid/vaxx narrative can never be disproven, just like "climate change," "systemic racism," and the Holocaust.

That said, I like your methodology. I'll compare my anecdote to yours:

1. I know many people that got it.
2. Only a couple have called it anything more than a typical flu, none that required a hospital
3. I know exactly two people who have died WITH covid, and they were both old maids in their 80s with debilitated health already.
Thus: covid is not harmful, people off of death's doorstep have virtually 0% chance of dying, and my peer group has maybe a 2% chance of getting "really" sick

Here's one of those studies that suggests that "long covid" is completely psychosomatic (except for loss of smell, go figure). Maybe it will fall into the 'misinformation' category as sample sizes grow - who knows? But the concept rings true to me because it's a direct parallel to the other societal manias we see growing. Gays, trannies, and other marginalized weirdos have exploded in prominence with constant saturation. It makes sense that people will believe they're sick when they are constantly told they are sick.

1. I know lots of people that took it
2. I know someone personally who died at the pinnacle of health. I'll risk poor taste to link his credentials. He didn't take drugs and was not on gear. His obituary will not mention the deadly vaxx for that very reason of poor taste. The family doesn't want to remember him that way, but his sister and his close friend have had less hesitation in opening their mouths on social media. I also know another peer, a healthy, skinny guy from my high school track team, whose heart stopped in his sleep last month. Again, his obituary makes no mention of the vaxx, and his family members may not even be suspicious of their tragedy. But I also regard this as a vaxx death instead of a coincidental cardiac arrest.
3. In the tier of side effects below death, I have a teenage cousin who spent 24 hours vomiting after his second shot. My landlady is in her 70s, and her booster knocked her out for a few days. She trended upward, then coincidentally caught a respiratory bug and was sick for a couple of weeks.
Thus: the vaxx introduces an entirely new and exclusive set of risks to me and the majority of the world. We are only now entering the "mid-term" time range of lasting effects. Plenty of non-mainstream sources are compiling lists of amateur and professional athletes that are dropping with heart attacks - two players in Europe (Adama Traore and John Fleck) collapsed just this week in the middle of their games. We have no way to predict the long term effects of the vaxx, but we can accurately predict that the vaxx regime will plow forward, with billions more shots administered throughout eternity ("booster shots").

My conclusion is that this is all a massive hoax, rooted in the small truth that respiratory viruses are real. But I could be wrong!

Excellent post. The way you pointed out an extremely important thing about the Opposition - that anyone who is not in the (((Mainstream))) is in the Opposition by default - bears repeating. Because the Opposition will therefore include people like scammers, genuine lunatics, and people with personal hobbyhorses that they try to tie to the anti-vaxx cause (religious apocalypse, New age medicine, etc.), the (((Mainstream))) will always exploit the most foolish voices in the Opposition group and try to smear all of us with the fools' voices. (((CNN))) loves to talk about Bob the kook who posts about the end of the world from his mother's basement, but they'll never mention the thousands of doctors, nurses, scientists, mainstream-party politicians, and other intelligent, sane, well-educated people who have issues with the vaccine and especially with the vaccine mandate.

And yes, there is absolutely no moral equivalency between the two sides. The Opposition may have the occasional misinformation from individual members acting on their own (we are not a collective, so we cannot be collectively blamed for that), but the (((Mainstream))) is nothing but misinformation, and it's all coming from a central, collective, Borg-like source, so all who are part of it share collective responsibility for the lies they spread.
I think that BOTH sides put out misinformation. Yes, one side controls the media and that’s what most people will hear. But I am talking about what I hear. And a good deal of that is from the other side. And a lot of that is from this site.

I don’t want to get too much into it but the viewpoint that there is no such thing as “viruses” or that the vaccine is full of poisons, causes cancer, and comes in fatal and non fatal doses-as every nurse knows, or has a “tracker” included in it, are to me examples of misinformation.

That is not to say that there are no risks from the vaccine. I’m sure there are. All vaccines have side effects. The influenza vaccine has been known to cause seizures, autoimmune reactions, and anaphylactic problems. But it’s a numbers game. You need to consider the risk vs. benefit. And that’s a personal choice.
I think that BOTH sides put out misinformation. Yes, one side controls the media and that’s what most people will hear. But I am talking about what I hear. And a good deal of that is from the other side. And a lot of that is from this site.

I don’t want to get too much into it but the viewpoint that there is no such thing as “viruses” or that the vaccine is full of poisons, causes cancer, and comes in fatal and non fatal doses-as every nurse knows, or has a “tracker” included in it, are to me examples of misinformation.

That is not to say that there are no risks from the vaccine. I’m sure there are. All vaccines have side effects. The influenza vaccine has been known to cause seizures, autoimmune reactions, and anaphylactic problems. But it’s a numbers game. You need to consider the risk vs. benefit. And that’s a personal choice.

We know that the Covid vaccine can cause chest inflammation, heart attacks, and, in extreme cases, death. Why the hell a vaccine for an influenza-type disease should cause side effects like that is unknown at this time, but there's obviously something in it that's causing them, and the best label for that something is poison, because that's what poison is.

As for the other claims, I don't recall anyone here saying that viruses are a myth or that the vaccine has a tracker in it. If there were, it could have been from a hit and run, post and vanish type, or a flat-out troll. Even if a "real" poster said those things, those strikes should count only against that individual, not collectively against anyone who has any questions or skepticism about the vaccine. See my post right above yours as to why, from a logical perspective, our side cannot be collectively blamed for individual out-there comments.

The idea that vaccine skeptics are the (im)moral equivalent of Big Media, Big Pharma, Fauci, and the Biden administration is an indefensible position, and I hope that's not what you were implying. I'm trying to disagree as respectfully as possible, but as @Phall stated, the whole "both sides are equally naughty" idea was eating at him, and it eats at me too.
In the wider world of politics, thanks to near-total control of the media by the far left, those on the right always get held collectively responsible for any sin, real or imagined, committed by any individual who is on the right or perceived to be. Meanwhile, leftists are never called to answer for the crimes committed by those on their side. We all know this, but the reason I bring it up is that even on conservative sites there's a bit of a reflection of that going on. Posters that are more hard-right get collectively tarred whenever one of "us" (or a troll who pretends to be one of us) says something far out or kooky, while more moderate/milquetoast types get treated with kid gloves. We on the right get treated as second-class citizens even on our own sites. Sad state of affairs...
We know that the Covid vaccine can cause chest inflammation, heart attacks, and, in extreme cases, death. Why the hell a vaccine for an influenza-type disease should cause side effects like that is unknown at this time, but there's obviously something in it that's causing them...

German doctor and chemistry expert says nanoscale "razor blades" are in their vaccine.
In the wider world of politics, thanks to near-total control of the media by the far left, those on the right always get held collectively responsible for any sin, real or imagined, committed by any individual who is on the right or perceived to be. Meanwhile, leftists are never called to answer for the crimes committed by those on their side. We all know this, but the reason I bring it up is that even on conservative sites there's a bit of a reflection of that going on. Posters that are more hard-right get collectively tarred whenever one of "us" (or a troll who pretends to be one of us) says something far out or kooky, while more moderate/milquetoast types get treated with kid gloves. We on the right get treated as second-class citizens even on our own sites. Sad state of affairs...

I don’t think anyone on this site is being treated as a “second class citizen”. People have a right to their viewpoint no matter how ridiculous it may be, (within site guidelines). I also have a right to mine. I would think I am in the minority on this issue as not many posters have chimed in with support. So I should be the one complaining anyway.
We know that the Covid vaccine can cause chest inflammation, heart attacks, and, in extreme cases, death. Why the hell a vaccine for an influenza-type disease should cause side effects like that is unknown at this time, but there's obviously something in it that's causing them, and the best label for that something is poison, because that's what poison is.

As for the other claims, I don't recall anyone here saying that viruses are a myth or that the vaccine has a tracker in it. If there were, it could have been from a hit and run, post and vanish type, or a flat-out troll. Even if a "real" poster said those things, those strikes should count only against that individual, not collectively against anyone who has any questions or skepticism about the vaccine. See my post right above yours as to why, from a logical perspective, our side cannot be collectively blamed for individual out-there comments.

The idea that vaccine skeptics are the (im)moral equivalent of Big Media, Big Pharma, Fauci, and the Biden administration is an indefensible position, and I hope that's not what you were implying. I'm trying to disagree as respectfully as possible, but as @Phall stated, the whole "both sides are equally naughty" idea was eating at him, and it eats at me too.

I think if you did a little research you would find that all vaccines, almost all medicines have some negative side effects. That doesn’t make them poison. It’s a matter of risk assessment. There’s risk in anything. If the vast majority of people are better off because of some medical procedure, then as free men we should be able to determine that risk for ourselves and those we care for.

You say you don’t recall any of the (to me) outrageous claims I cited. As I said I am not interested in getting in a pissing match about it, but if you were to read the corona virus thread (all 50 pages of it) you would see I am right.

Nowhere did I say that vaccine skeptics on this site were the moral equivalent of Big Pharma etc. Clearly they are not since I think in nearly all cases the positions they espouse are genuine and heartfelt, certainly not the case with the other side.

However, it still is to me, misinformation. Especially since it comes from people I trust much more then on the other side of the issue. I feel it’s a case of being misguided but not evil. So I feel no malice towards anyones views on this issue on this site.

The reason I started this thread was so as not to butt heads with guys in the other thread. I was hoping to have a forum to discuss issues of concern amongst people in the majority of the population who have questions about this issue that don’t really get a chance to talk about it. I guess I was wrong about that.

The issue is so damn polarizing that it seems the only options for discussion are: covid vaccine-greatest thing in the history of man kind, or: worldwide conspiracy to kill everyone on the planet (except the rich and powerful).
I think if you did a little research you would find that all vaccines, almost all medicines have some negative side effects...

ADR means adverse drug reaction

Adverse Drug Reactions of different vaccines.jpeg
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