The Flat Circular Disc Non Rotating Earth

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Hey!! I make good money with that sign!

The only signs & symbols you like are the secret signs which is how they rule us. Only it's not working as good as it did in the past. Why they
must lock down humanity forever as they are losing control of most of the narratives.
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I'm gonna break it down so even a 5 year old can understand.

Go get in a hot air baloon. Go up a in the air on a non windy day. The earth will never move anywhere. If it was rotating & spinning at 666000
miles per hour you wouldn't be able to fly hot air ballons without expensive computer navigation instrumentation.

Have you ever flown an Ultra Light? You can fly anything with 0 computers for those here with courage. You would lose where you took
off from if the earth spun! Lol. It's so laughable.

Same with a boat. Get a row boat. Go on a small lake and paddle to the middle of the lake. Put down the oars. How long do you think
your going to be out there waiting for the earth to spin? People just don't think! I could give millions of examples.

Every scientific test ever done has show the earth is motionless!
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Shape of Earth is simple Geometry . . is the Earth Round or Level ?

We have the BEST measuring equipment ever devised (modern world)
And yet no instrument known to man, has EVER measured ANY Curve

We've shot lasers more than 20 miles across lakes . . and those oceans

Right here in Idaho, Bear lake, 21 miles over frozen lake . . NO CURVE
. . I have a collection of more than 50 valid tests of various methods

What more would anyone need ? . . no Curvature can only be Flat Earth
Everything else is just STATIC . . NOISE . . DISTRACTION and CURIOSITY

Further more, no instrument has ever been able to detect Earth motion

Place 2 ships 10 miles apart, fire your laser, should be 66.6 FEET of Drop
That right there is the strongest, and undeniable, PROOF of FLAT Earth

IF Science could measure a Curve they certainly would have, they can't

Science must play with optical distortion techniques, that's all they have
Or they just SPIN Reality until you're all twisted up, or lose your interest

Gaslighting and Gov't education is why we're here . . just indoctrination
Combined with a constant flow of Hellywood propaganda Space films.

Our military(NAVY) has used lasers to locate ships farther away than the radar can show. They still do to this day. Do lasers curve? No
they go in a straigt line across the sea level on a flat earth!

This is why lighthouses are all over the world as the ships can see them when they are lost to this day. Lighthouses don't work on a round
ball earth.
Shape of Earth is simple Geometry . . is the Earth Round or Level ?

We have the BEST measuring equipment ever devised (modern world)
And yet no instrument known to man, has EVER measured ANY Curve
Plenty of instruments have measured the curve. A sextant can only work based on the earth being a globe.
We've shot lasers more than 20 miles across lakes . . and those oceans

Right here in Idaho, Bear lake, 21 miles over frozen lake . . NO CURVE
. . I have a collection of more than 50 valid tests of various methods
Lots of lasers have been used to verify the curve of the earth. It’s done all the time.
What more would anyone need ? . . no Curvature can only be Flat Earth
Everything else is just STATIC . . NOISE . . DISTRACTION and CURIOSITY

Further more, no instrument has ever been able to detect Earth motion
Foucault’s pendulum measured the earths motion in 1851.
Place 2 ships 10 miles apart, fire your laser, should be 66.6 FEET of Drop
That right there is the strongest, and undeniable, PROOF of FLAT Earth
Lasers do measure a drop. Have you ever done this personally?
IF Science could measure a Curve they certainly would have, they can't
Calculus is the science of measuring curves, I’m sure you remember calculating the area under a curve in your Basic Calc class.
Science must play with optical distortion techniques, that's all they have
Or they just SPIN Reality until you're all twisted up, or lose your interest

Gaslighting and Gov't education is why we're here . . just indoctrination
Combined with a constant flow of Hellywood propaganda Space films.
The idea of a round rotating earth around the sun in a vast galaxy has been understood for many years. Long before Hollywood or the real evil ones: FLATEARTHERS!
Flat Earthers go along with the Holy Bible while Globe/Round Ball Earthers go against the Bible.

What does it say in the Bible? Do not add to or take away any words from this book/Bible.

I will take my chance as I stand with the Most High God. People can think or believe what they want
but as for me and my family we will always believe in the Bible until our lives end.
Flat Earthers go along with the Holy Bible while Globe/Round Ball Earthers go against the Bible.

What does it say in the Bible? Do not add to or take away any words from this book/Bible.

I will take my chance as I stand with the Most High God. People can think or believe what they want
but as for me and my family we will always believe in the Bible until our lives end.
The Bible is not a science book and it is ridiculous for you to chop out single line comments and assume they were making a scientific argument at the time. The people in the Bible were simple folk with no understanding of the modern world, if they saw a rocket they would call it a chariot with flames, a nuclear explosion would look like a pillar of fire. They just compared it to things they knew. Plus the translations have to be stretched, if a word in one language does not have an exact meaning in English. There is no reason to think the round, rotating, earth, that orbits the sun in a vast galaxy is in any way "evil". Nothing about any of that is evil. It should be better to appreciate the vastness and the beauty of God's universe instead of trying to box it into some simple little matchbook world in a snow globe. There is nothing inherently godly about a flat earth, with a dome around it and an ice wall at the edges. Nowhere in the Bible does it say any of that, those are all assumptions put together from snippets taken out of context, misunderstanding of the intent, or problems with translation.
The Bible is not a science book and it is ridiculous for you to chop out single line comments and assume they were making a scientific argument at the time. The people in the Bible were simple folk with no understanding of the modern world, if they saw a rocket they would call it a chariot with flames, a nuclear explosion would look like a pillar of fire. They just compared it to things they knew. Plus the translations have to be stretched, if a word in one language does not have an exact meaning in English. There is no reason to think the round, rotating, earth, that orbits the sun in a vast galaxy is in any way "evil". Nothing about any of that is evil. It should be better to appreciate the vastness and the beauty of God's universe instead of trying to box it into some simple little matchbook world in a snow globe. There is nothing inherently godly about a flat earth, with a dome around it and an ice wall at the edges. Nowhere in the Bible does it say any of that, those are all assumptions put together from snippets taken out of context, misunderstanding of the intent, or problems with translation.

I respect your views even though we are Polar Opposites. We can agree to disagree. There are hundreds of channels on all of the
big video platforms. Many look it at from a non Biblical View Point and still they all agree we are on a flat earth. The leaders mock
people even for believing in consipiracies when they are the ones that made up the term to label and mock people searching for the
truth. The truth will come out eventually. Not by me but by this main stream platforms that get millions of views over time. It cannot
be hidden for too much longer. Why many of these videos are not allowed or are deleted but so many people have them downloaded
that it's harder for 1984 Orwellian Leaders to keep a control of now.
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So you are saying the United Nations is a godly organization promoting the biblical concept of the world? Strange I thought they were evil.
So you are saying the United Nations is a godly organization promoting the biblical concept of the world? Strange I thought they were evil.

No they teach the lies like all of them but they do know the truth! All of those worldwide groups use the flat earth map. It's just another
form of mockery! You do know that Satanists/Luciferians do everything in REVERSE. From reading backwards to inverting everyting!

Isaiah 5:20​

King James Version​

20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
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