The Election

The great fools in all of this are those *Republican primary voters who supported McCain, a man closely identified with the hated George Bush.*

All the GOP had to do to avoid this disaster was avoid McCain and Giuliani.

Mitt Romney would have done OK, even Mike Huckabee. (Paul would have been best IMO).

But what was there that was attractiveabout a 72 year old big government warmonger who looks even worse than his age?
I was unable to write Ron Paul in...I wasn't even able to vote for my next choice, Bob Barr. I voted for McCain, even though him losing IL was given.

Obama was elected president half an hour ago. God help us all.
I haven't turned on the TV all evening no need to see 200 pound+ black women shrieking like they have been touched by Benny Hinn...
Deadlift said:
A McCain Presidency would have only offered complacency and false hope and be flat-out HOLLOW. The struggle can't be avoided. That mindset only leads to extinction with but a wimper.

I agree with that completely. I'm relieved that the Republican neo-con war criminals and robber barons have lost. Eight years of this bunch was eight years too many. Most of them should be in prison.

A few quick observations. We're going to be in very interesting times racially and economically. The Empire is going to be forced to retrench in some ways because of the collapse of the financial system.

Racially, I see it going two ways simultaneously. There will be a substantial number of people of all races who will want the Obama presidency to be an "era of good feelings." Liberal elites in particular will see this as definitive proof that multiculturalism works and that the U.S. is again the shining beacon to the world.

However, there will be a minority, particularly blacks but also Aztlan types, who will see this election as a signal to really ramp up the race war against whites. Many whites will no longer accept so easily the excuses offered by blacks and their white patrons alike for black failure and dysfunction.

Hard economic times will exacerbate racial tensions. Obama is bound to disappoint a lot of people because the president is a human being not a god, and the federal government has been an intrusive, inefficient, corrupt monstrosity for many years now with a voracious appetite for power and control.

I'm going to be optimistic and hope that there will be a noticeable increase in the number of whites with racial awareness and pride. This may not happen but it was never going to happen under a continuing run of pseudo-conservative GOP administrations.
Deadlift, I own that episode of The Outer Limits, and use it to fuel my fire against all things politically correct. For the record, I won't be changing my avatar. You know Deadlift, its funny that you brought that show up, because I was thinking about it and those dates earlier today. Quite strange, and all I can say is they will have to pry the Confederate battle flag and my gunsfrom my cold dead hands.
The young rebellious generation of white Americans has spoken. Never in the history of mankind has such a large population been so self destructive as the white man of today. Unfortunately, our future oppressors won't break from history like our people have done tonight. They will devour us just as all racial majorities have done to minorities since the dawn of mankind.

We have not learned from history so we are doomed to repeat it. There are so many examples through all times, note most recently Rhodesia where whites were evicted or killed and had their land and money expropriated and redistributed. See Haiti where the whites were savagely slaughtered and the ones who escaped were told they were welcome back only to be killed upon their return en mass.

It won't happen now with Obama because we still have large numbers and power but its coming. Obama is a symbol of what's to come for our people. All one has to do is open a history book
My oldest son cast his first vote today. Some believe that we are on the threshold of a new era of social democracy, that the "conservative" era launched in 1980 with Ronald Reagan (whom I cast my first vote for at 19) is over. If that's so, I fear for my children.

I see the election of this dispicable character as further evidence of America's slide toward Third World disfunction and eventutual dissolution. It is truly depressing to watch millions of whites commit collective suicide.
How can a people,paradoxically more through actions than mere words, be so self destructive and self loathing. Even more ironic, how can it happen to such a great people who acheived so so much in such a short few centuries. It is mind boggling.
I saw about ten seconds of his victory speech...the punk sneer on his face, White girls in the audience in rapture...I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach.

As sickening as it is, it's important to remember that the zionists that control our government are the true evil. The mulatto is just a useful idiot who was living in well-deserved obscurity a decade ago, before the powers that be decided he would be forced upon us.

For now I think the most important thing is to stay alert, knowing it's going to be open season on "the white devil" now. Avoid the dark areas, arm yourself, move out of the city if you can, etc.

A doctor might say "you're getting sick because you're getting better. The medicine has to do its work." Let's hope this is the case and work to make sure it is.
I just can't watch that crap. If I do It will put me in a terrible mood and I'll just yell at everybody in the house.
The white guilt and self-loathing has been indoctrinated over a long period of time. I don't see this result as surprising at all. It's little different than the way white fans are thrilled when a black coach is hired, or the way they cheer for black athletes and entertainers. This is just a larger stage, and one that may take a lot of the credibility out of the endless whining about how "racist" whites are.

Another factor to consider is that just about any Democrat would have beaten McCain after eight years of the Bush regime. Obama comes across as young, dynamic, energetic and perhaps most importantly, non-threatening, akin to Tiger Woods or pre-murder spree O.J. Simpson. He appealled strongly to white working class people who have seen their standard of living decline, and those are the people who put him over the top in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania and almost all of the Rust Belt.
I am not at all surprised. I've known Obama would be president since he won the primaries. Everything was primed for a Democratic triumph for all the reasons you listed.

It's just the actuality of it sickens me so.
Gwtj: you forgot the laughing icon
I'm not watching it either, just reading and posting on here. If I watch that crapola I won't be able to sleep tonight or teach tomorrow.
LDS have large families right Reb. Too bad the Feds black mailed them into letting non whites in back in 1978.

The Feds threatened to resind LDS tax exemption status. Coincidentally, the church leaders received a message from "our savior" telling them to integrate the priesthood. As a result they kept their church tax exempt status.

At least they still have large white families. Utah may be the only state with a positive white growth rate.
White Shogun said:
I wish I had voted for Chuck Baldwin. It makes me sick at my stomach that I voted for McCain.

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36

I was worried about you shogun. we usually agree on most things. Its good to see you being your usual self again.
Furina fan said:
LDS have large families right Reb. Too bad the Feds black mailed them into letting non whites in back in 1978.

The Feds threatened to resind LDS tax exemption status. Coincidentally, the church leaders received a message from "our savior" telling them to integrate the priesthood. As a result they kept their church tax exempt status.

At least they still have large white families. Utah may be the only state with a positive white growth rate.

Yeah, for the most part. There are caveats however. Their family size is slowly shrinking as well, and their marriage age is starting later. Also, there are increasing numbers of inter-racial LDS couples, based on my experiences around them. In the next generation or so, I see some pretty substantial changes that will bring the racial and social attitudes of the LDS leaders and members more into line with the rest of the country. They are getting hit hard for supporting prop 8 in California right now. Almost all LDS people I know are neo-cons. The majority of the rest are libs, and there are a few paleo-conservatives. The mandates that headquarters gives on certain moral issues almost requires them to vote GOP, although there are more Democrats each election.

A number offundamentalist Christians also have higher birth rates and are doing their part to ensure the survival of the white race.
After the Bush Regime,the only Republican candidate that would have had a chance would have had to be anti-war and anti-immigration. The only Republican that was both those was ostracized by his party. The elites who control the Republican party would have voted for Obama before they would have voted for a Republican-backed Ron Paul. With this defeat, the Republican elites won't lose a wink of sleep.
Don, why would the zionist put forth a Affirmative Action Candidate such as BO, rather than a person such as Hillory Clinton, who, although I detest would be a much more qualified president than BO?

You say non threatening? A state senator who sat in a black racist church as a sitting US Senator for 20 years! No, he was more than threatening and you add in the Ayer relationship, Tiger Woods he is not.

I believe, unfortuneately, that whites in the US are looking for a hand out, they see Wall Street getting bailed out, why not them as well. They(we) are turning into white negros who look for blame, rather than making our own lot. I see this with the hispanic community in Los Angeles both legal and illegal. Someone is to blame for my unfortuneate lot in life.

The one thing these dumb whites fail to see is that by electing BO, they further subjagate themselves to the state and at the same time their freedoms are less. Man, I guess it is true, Rome once the glorious empire who ruled from England to the Middle East must come to and end. The shame of it all, what ever is left, will be a mongral race of negro, white and hispanic people. For some reason I think, the Asians will come to dominate and keep the negro at arms length. Good for them.
Shogun, you don't have to apologize for voting for McCain. I won't. As usual, we had nothing but bad choices, and those of us who voted for a candidate we dislike immensely did so (at least I did) to avoid the Tiger Woods-ESPN national jock-sniffing extravaganza that is sure to follow in the wake of Obama's election. That's not to mention odious things like further hate crimes legislation and reparations.

The reality is that we've almost certainly seen the last Republican president. With the enormous changes in demographics, coupled with the unbelievably high Democratic totals among first-time young voters (something like 67% of them voted for Obama), it is hard to imagine another grumpy white man (McCain, Dole, etc.) ever winning the White House. The Republicans, of course, being the Stupid Party, will not recognize this and will do everything they can to further mimic the Democrats. It won't help- these youngsters watching Nickelodeon, Disney Channel and Saturday Night Live are being spoon fed into the Democratic column.

Hopefully, a new and vital political party will emerge, that will actually give voters a choice. Btw, whatever happened to the Reform Party? Edited by: bigunreal
bush was such an unpopular president, thats one of the main reasons odorbamer won, now we have our first malatto president.
The fact is that the Bush regime was so bad that they turned too many red states into blue ones. What did anyone here at Castefootball expect to happen in this election after eight years of Bush. The whole purpose of the sham two-party system is that it allows the American people to get angry and throw out the bums in office.

The whole Obama platform was based on change. When Obama's liberal Democratic party pisses off the American people the Republicans will run the same campaign as Obama did this time and the moronic American people will throw out the bums and the pathetic two-party sham system will continue.

This election reminded me of the Carter-Reagan election. This country had low self esteem during Carter's administration. There was the gas shortage of 1978-79 and the Iran hostage situation. Reagan brought a new hope for the American people and we voted out Carter for a "change".
George W. Bush is more responsible for Obama's victory than anyone. A Democrat with any kind of credibility was going to win in 2008, especially with an opponent like McCain. Mickey Mouse could have won as a Democrat. Obama was lucky enough, along with his massive MSM support, to run in a year in which it was impossible for a Democrat to lose.
Obama comes across as young, dynamic, energetic and perhaps most importantly, non-threatening, akin to Tiger Woods or pre-murder spree O.J. Simpson.  [/QUOTE]

Funny thing, soon after the murder spree, I read something relevant about Simpson. It seems that after LA Mayor Tom Bradley was almost elected Governor of California in 1982, O.J. got the idea that he could win major elective office. He only gave up the idea when Gary Hart was forced out of the Presidential race in 1987. O.J. decided that his private life would be a problem if he ran for office.
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