The Election

You have got to be kidding me. Jews? Jews are white people. Are you telling me as a Jew who is white, I should not be rooting for the white athlete? Come on. Get some sense.
White Shogun said:
Surprised no one has mentioned yet that 70% of unmarried women voted for Obama.

No surprise. If they are not lizzies they want a sugar daddy. Most women love government handouts and politicians who promise tons of freebies.

Check out the WhiteObamavoters. Highest percentage were young people,the lowest old. That tells me conservative values have NO future. All the young kids are bombarded with pro-minority ant-white indoctrination from the cradle.
Quote from news article:The age of the voters was also a factor for Obama, particularly in the white vote he attracted. Take a look at the breakdown in age groups among White voters: 52% of those ages 18-29, 25% of those 30-44, 23% of those 45-59, and 15% of those 60 and over.

Last week at a family gathering we were discussing the election. Somebody asked the children who they wanted to win. All of them, about a dozen, wanted Obama. One of the boys ran out of the room and cried when some of us said we didn't want Obama to win. What the ? Where did they get Obamafied? Everywhere. The oldest kid was about 13. I guarantee you they are all lost to the cause. Get em while they are young and they will grow into rabid ant-whites.
Yes, i've even seen films of children's choirs made to sing pro-obama songs. weird and chilling.
Obama's young, McCain is old. That's it for most kids. Young people have always been stupid about politics, hey I voted for Carter, the voting age should be raised to 30 or more, but it should also be limited to white males so what can you expect?
Furina fan said:

You have got to be kidding me. Jews? Jews are white people. Are you telling me as a Jew who is white, I should not be rooting for the white athlete? Come on. Get some sense
dbwave said:
Furina fan said:

You have got to be kidding me. Jews? Jews are white people. Are you telling me as a Jew who is white, I should not be rooting for the white athlete? Come on. Get some sense

Welcome to the board dbwave. Appreciate your support. The jewish issue is a political one. High profile jews and pro-zionist forces are a big reason there is discrimination against white players. I can connect the dots for you if you like but you probably have heard it before.

If you're jewish it's not personal, heck I'm Irish and when people say the Irish drink too much I don't throw a fit, my dad was an alcoholic, his dad, my brother, etc, but I'm not. If there are a lot of money grubbing anti-white jewish people out there that doesn't mean you are. But that's how a lot of people see it.
jaxvid said:
dbwave said:
Furina fan said:

You have got to be kidding me. Jews? Jews are white people. Are you telling me as a Jew who is white, I should not be rooting for the white athlete? Come on. Get some sense

Welcome to the board dbwave. Appreciate your support. The jewish issue is a political one. High profile jews and pro-zionist forces are a big reason there is discrimination against white players. I can connect the dots for you if you like but you probably have heard it before.

If you're jewish it's not personal, heck I'm Irish and when people say the Irish drink too much I don't throw a fit, my dad was an alcoholic, his dad, my brother, etc, but I'm not. If there are a lot of money grubbing anti-white jewish people out there that doesn't mean you are. But that's how a lot of people see it.

That is an interesting analogy. I like it. What do you call a Jew who drinks to much like myself? lol. However, the main reason I read this site is to protest Stereo Typing. White athletes in particular. Would it not be hypocritcal to be against stereotyping for a white athlete and then stereo type a white Jew?

The majority of Jews are democrats and probably voted for Obama. But, do not put me in that category. You can not sterotype all Jews like that. That would be saying whites can not play the cornerback postion.
Rich ,extreme Jewish people with power, and newspaper/television control. If your not a Jewish suprimasist, then it dont apply to you. NO disrespect, I think we need more Jewish men to stand up against anti-white racisim. Do you read the Talmud, dbwave?Edited by: P-NutLane
jaxvid wrote:
People are too comfortable, nothing is going to change until people start to hurt.

jimmy chitwood wrote

this is it exactly.

white people have grown soft and weak. much like the Greeks, Romans, British and so on. a people who accept foreign values, behaviors, etc because they are too lazy/stupid/compassionate/whatever to resist them become corrupt, decadent, weak. the cycle has repeated itself throughout history. multi-culturalism isn't new. it appears in every great empire shortly before said empire fades or is destroyed by a strong mono-cultural people.

the white people of today have had it so easy for so long thanks to the strength and dominance of our ancestors that we (myself included until just a few years ago when i saw the light) have forgotten how to fight for what is ours.

hopefully this will change before it is too late for a white America."

I absolutely agree. White people have to struggle hard. The survival of our race depends on it. White people are just too damn spoiled. Unless something affects their SUVS or their flat screen tv's, white people simply just don't care. But take away their homes and all the other luxury toys then we'll see what they're made of. Without a civil war or a revolution of any kind there is no hope for our race.
P-NutLane said:
Rich controling extreme Jewish people with power, and newspaper/television control. If your not a Jewish suprimasist, then it dont apply to you. NO disrespect, I think we need more Jewish men to stand up against ati-white racisim. Do you read the Talmud, dbwave?

Once again you can say that about the whole white race. As Obama supporters want......redistribution of weath. Is it the Jews fault that they are successful? I am not religious but VERY proud of my Jewish Heritage. I consider my self white. I put that down in an survey I fill out. I look at the blogs and we consider Kevin Youkiliswhite. Well guess what......he is friggin JEWISH. So now do not root for him?

This a pet peeve for me obviously.
P-NutLane said:
Rich ,extreme Jewish people with power, and newspaper/television control. If your not a Jewish suprimasist, then it dont apply to you. NO disrespect, I think we need more Jewish men to stand up against anti-white racisim. Do you read the Talmud, dbwave?

And btw......I agree more Jews need to stand up against the anti white racism and wake up against the liberal propaganda machine.
Welcome to the board dbwave. I have some Jewish ancestry as well and am very proud of it but I came to Christ as a youngster and so some Jews may not consider me one of them anymore despite my heredity. I definitely consider myself white. Hope you stick around.
dbwave; I do consider jews white.I admire the way yall stick together so well. Jesus said first the Jew, then the Gentile. But I dont think Jews are special in the way the Talmud says yall are. True Jewish extremist, which you are clearly not, belive that they are the only people that truly have souls, and that all others are not quite human, and all are here to serve them. Thats is, Jews who belive that the Talmud is Gods word. As far as sports go. I root HARD for the decendants of all 12 tribes of Isreal. The moden day Jews are the decendants of only the tribe of Juda. The other 11 tribes,( Spainards, Irish, Sweedish, Norweigen, German, Celtic, Visiogoths, ect. ect)were taken intocaptivity, and still are for the most part. Only the tribe of Juda came out on top, in thatyall are reconized as Jews. So please dont let me insult, or offend you, my WHITE BROTHER. May the God of Abraham, Issac,and Jacob rain blessings upon you, and your loved ones.Please enjoy CF

P.S. I have nothing but respect for the likes of Bernnie Kosar,and Vinny Testaverde, who, correct me if Im wrong, are Jewish as well. PEACEEdited by: P-NutLane
P-NutLane said:
dbwave; I do consider jews white.I admire the way yall stick together so well. Jesus said first the Jew, then the Gentile. But I dont think Jews are special in the way the Talmud says yall are. True Jewish extremist, which you are clearly not, belive that they are the only people that truly have souls, and that all others are not quite human, and all are here to serve them. Thats is, Jews who belive that the Talmud is Gods word. As far as sports go. I root HARD for the decendants of all 12 tribes of Isreal. The moden day Jews are the decendants of only the tribe of Juda. The other 11 tribes,( Spainards, Irish, Sweedish, Norweigen, German, Celtic, Visiogoths, ect. ect)were taken intocaptivity, and still are for the most part. Only the tribe of Juda came out on top, in thatyall are reconized as Jews. So please dont let me insult, or offend you, my WHITE BROTHER. May the God of Abraham, Issac,and Jacob rain blessings upon you, and your loved ones.Please enjoy CF

P.S. I have nothing but respect for the likes of Bernnie Kosar,and Vinny Testaverde, who, correct me if Im wrong, are Jewish as well. PEACE

I did not know about Vinny. Jay Fiedler is one as was my all time favorite John Frank. (Niners Fan).

Very articulate and interesting reply. Thank you.
Much love to Jay Feidler. I bet they miss him in Miami, although Chad the EX Jet is doing allright.I didnt know aboutJohn Frank, thanks, did some research, he was Good!Peace, Bro Edited by: P-NutLane
Itis hopeless. I'm at a loss for words.All the posts, links, and discussions have not made a bit of difference.Sheep to be sheared and slaughtered, that is what we are. Thank you Jews for totally destroying our countries and lives. God bless you, and continued success in unleashing Negroes to prey upon us.And a special thanks to Ivan Boesky, Michael Milliken, and all thepresent day Wall Street swindlerswho have plundered us for so many years. Hey, they work hard, and certainly deserve our gratitude.

Jews must laugh theirasses off everytime they realize how incredibly stupid and naive we are.
jaxvid said:
No one can deny jewish influence over popular culture, and just about everything else. The point is why fall for it? Life is full of cons and BS. Part of growing up is learning how to separate the good from the bad in everything. Kids are pretty savvy today but so many act as if they don't get it. I don't think it is that they don't get it, I think people don't WANT to get it. It would make a comfortable life uncomfortable.

jaxvid, i have actually been told this, nearly word for word, not only about jewish influence but most all the issues we talk about at CF: "... People don't WANT to get it. It would make a comfortable life uncomfortable."

as the handful of CFers that i've actually spoken to can attest, i am not bashful about speaking up with regards to any issue i feel is important, even to complete strangers in "hostile territory" as it were.
anyway, ALL my friends and acquaintances know where i stand, and even the ones who refuse to agree with me (the liberals and the naively optimistic) don't attempt to refute my arguments any more.

rather, they shrug their shoulders and mutter that i should just ignore it. they say things to the effect of, "I don't want to think about it, because it's depressing and scary. Can't you just leave it alone?"

this kind of outlook just boggles my mind, but it is far too common among white folks. try getting a liberal to talk about the issues, and see how extremely it is. watching them dance around and ignore facts is hilarious yet painfully sad.
From several post here, I've come to the conclusion that at the core of Obama's support was the same collection of groups that went into a frenzy and all but lynched the Duke lacrosse team. Think about that for a moment. Runny nose white kids being very prominent in the embarrassment. Have you ever seen a group of people with such a lack of skills to evaluate? Zombies.
I have given in to Obamamania. I expect a pay raise and a new car this Friday.
screamingeagle said:
I have given in to Obamamania. I expect a pay raise and a new car this Friday.
And you will get it, as long as you are eligible.
Just rememeber that eligibility requires that you join and serve two years in Obama's Secret Police. Alternatively, if you're a white man, you can volunteer to be sterilized and adopt three African orphans. Either way, you'll be enjoying that 2% raise and Mexican-built hybrid economy car in no time!
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