The Election

I find it unbelievable how any white could vote for Obama. After that information came out about his pastor I figured that would seal his fate. Nope, not in America. Whites would rather vote for a black racist rather than a Republican. What a racist country this is. I thought this country was white supremacist. What bothers me the most is the larger amount of voters this time around. We all know who that is. It means more many more blacks voted this year than in other elections. As soon as they see a black face they run to it. When it was two white candidates they didn't care. If this isn't racism I don't know what is anymore.
The white guilt and self-loathing has been indoctrinated over a long period of time. I don't see this result as surprising at all. It's little different than the way white fans are thrilled when a black coach is hired, or the way they cheer for black athletes and entertainers. This is just a larger stage, and one that may take a lot of the credibility out of the endless whining about how "racist" whites are.

Another factor to consider is that just about any Democrat would have beaten McCain after eight years of the Bush regime. Obama comes across as young, dynamic, energetic and perhaps most importantly, non-threatening, akin to Tiger Woods or pre-murder spree O.J. Simpson. He appealled strongly to white working class people who have seen their standard of living decline, and those are the people who put him over the top in states like Ohio, Pennsylvania and almost all of the Rust Belt. "

The reality of it all is that Mccain was Mr. Magoo compared to Obama. But better a mulato as president than a warmongering race traitor. In fact isn't it funny that you never saw any POWS or any of his comrades speak out on his behalf. If this is the death of the Republican party then I will cheer because as far as I'm concerned they have done more damage to the white race than any democrat. Not that it makes any difference between democrats and republicans but it was nixon who had the bright idea of the being first american to go to china and next thing you know we're giving away most of our industry to those yellow bastards. Oh yeah I can't forget the ugly brown looking people south of the border too. It was bush senior who decided to invade iraq because he wanted to protect his investments. When he couldn't finish the job he decided his brilliant son should finish it for him. All the while young able white men and women were sent to their deaths to protect bush and his corporate friends. Let's not forget the greatest criminal heist in history disguised as the $700 billion bailout.&nbs p;
Well, I just got back form the dentist's office, so I have time to sit at the computer and check the state of affairs until the novocaine wears off.Too bad it didn't numb the pain in my guts.I don't have the exact figures, but from what I've read so far McCain wonthe majority of White votes. Think about it. Obama won because of all the minority voters. Aint that a kick in the teeth to Juan McAmnesty.

All around the world it is is being said that America has chosen a Black president. Not if only the Whites were counted. Interesting isn't it? Even with a disaster like Bush and a candidate asweak as McStupid? But now and forevermore regardless who runs, the Blacks,Mestizos, Pakis, Hmong, etc. will decide ourfate. They will increase in numbers and we will will fade away. They breed like rabbits, and get fat at our expense. America, what a country.

Stupid asses like Hannity and Limbaugh will still be in the dark concerning the truth of race. Remember in the nineties when Rush was crowing that liberalism is dead, and that Kennedy and his ilk would be relegated to the ash heaps of history along with communism.Ha ha ha. He doesn't know who the enemy is, so he willalways be fighting shadows.

Poor Ralph Nader. He was not quite as reverencial to Obama as he should have been. Shepard Smiff and the ditzy blondethrew a hissy fit. You would have thought he said the-N-word.

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Shepard Smith of Fox News gives Nader hell!
Bart Obama won because many whites voted for him. I know you state McCain won the majority of white votes. That majority is what maybe 70 percent. Obama won because off the other 30 percent of whites who voted for him. This country is still 66 percent white.
whiteathlete33 said:
Bart Obama won because many whites voted for him.

Oh yes, you are right. Many Whites voted forHussein. Still, if only Whites were counted, or if we had a smaller percentage of minoritieshe would have lost.
Bart said:
Stupid asses like Hannity and Limbaugh will still be in the dark concerning the truth of race. Remember in the nineties when Rush was crowing that liberalism is dead, and that Kennedy and his ilk would be relegated to the ash heaps of history along with communism.Ha ha ha. He doesn't know who the enemy is, so he willalways be fighting shadows.

Limbaugh knows the score. He's just not going to endanger his $30 million per year income telling his listeners what's what. Same with Hannity.

It means nothing to me that the next president won't be white. It's actually a natural and needed progression if white Americans are ever to wake up in more than tiny numbers. We haven't had a pro-white president since before FDR and maybe not since Andy Jackson. The ones we've known in our lifetimes are "white" in the same sense the heads of the networks and corporate CEOs are, white on the outside but not on the inside. John McCain has no white values; in fact white racial consciousness is the one virtue he denounces above all others, as does anyone and everyone who is part of the Empire's system of control and exploitation.

So many Americans invest so much energy in the President. He's become more powerful and mystical than a king inthis supposed "democracy." This country could get along just fine without a president. Aware folks should be concerned with individual, local and regional autonomy. Technological advances along with traditional modes of self-sufficiency (e.g. gardening, hunting) have made living in true freedom and liberty more feasible than ever. Live as free as possible, mentally and physically,from Washington and its chains of control.
"Stupid asses like Hannity and Limbaugh will still be in the dark concerning the truth of race. Remember in the nineties when Rush was crowing that liberalism is dead, and that Kennedy and his ilk would be relegated to the ash heaps of history along with communism. Ha ha ha. He doesn't know who the enemy is, so he will always be fighting shadows."

Bart, nice post man.

What's worse is the fact that millions of white, conservative males look up to Hannity and Limbaugh for guidance (as I do for policy ONLY). You're 100% correct when you say these two have no racial awareness....when speaking on public airwaves.

I wouldnt call them "stupid asses," because I'm actually positive that they know the truth about race. At best, they will sarcastically say things like: "According to the liberal media, white racists are the reason Obama will lose the election."

Let me ask you this....who do you think controls Hannity's and Limbaugh's strings? Could it be the shadow overlords that control nearly everything? I think so.
Bart said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Bart Obama won because many whites voted for him.

Oh yes, you are right. Many Whites voted forHussein. Still, if only Whites were counted, or if we had a smaller percentage of minoritieshe would have lost.

It really makes me sick gentlemen, knowing that so many whites are ignorant sheeple. They are so lazy that they won't even investigate a candidate for themselves. Whatever crap we end up getting from this "presidency" we deserve.
Don Wassall said:
This country could get along just fine without a president. Aware folks should be concerned with individual, local and regional autonomy. Technological advances along with traditional modes of self-sufficiency (e.g. gardening, hunting) have made living in true freedom and liberty more feasible than ever. Live as free as possible, mentally and physically,from Washington and its chains of control.

Well said Don! I agree completely.
Don Wassall said:
Limbaugh knows the score. He's just not going to endanger his $30 million per year income telling his listeners what's what. Same with Hannity.

Limbaugh who pretends to be on the cutting edge of societal evolution, never touches on certain subjects. If a caller tries to slip something in under the radar, he will be terminated in no time flat.

Hannity-The Great American -loves to speak about all the progress we have made fighting the twin evils of racism, and anti-semitism. Yeah, they both know the score, and intend to stay on the airwaves making millions and millions of dollars. Hey, itrequires lots of money to live in gaited communities, and compounds devoid of Negroes.
I try not to pay much attention to what goes on in Washington but it's impossible. They are always taxing something, cigarettes, higher property taxes, starting wars, and taking away rights we once had in the constitution. It's come to the point you have to be extremely selective in what you say today.Even though this is a free country and we are a million times better in that regard as opposed to other countries we pay for it in the end.

Whites are diminishing in this country as well as all over the world. It comes down to the fact that wherever whites go other races follow. It has always been that way.

"He had an Asian childhood, African parentage and has a Middle Eastern name. He is a truly global president."

Anyone notice there's no white or caucasian mentioned here? Obama is half white, but no mention is made of this when speaking of the new rigme, global president etc. It appears these people feels like their is no place for white people in this "new world".
I suggest they ship her to Africa to solve the hunger problem. jj

I don't get white people. Let them spend a night in the Superdome after Katrina while the blacks send word around they would start randomly killing whites at night fall. Let them get robbed and murderred by a 12 year old black thug even though they gave him the money. Let their sister get knocked out by a fat ars black man after she tells him to leave her beat up friend alone.

There has got to be an end to our abuse. Why did Churchhill fight Hitler? Churchhill loved his Great Empire but in defeating Hitler and exhausting his resources he rang the death knell for his once great Empire and usherred in the start of the demise of The White Man World Wide.
I was watching the election results in a restaurant---saw a white woman very similar to the one pictured above. Typical. If a black man is not a thug, why he must be another Jesus!
Well, amongst all this gloom and doom, there's one little thing we can be happy out. All three propositions on gay marraige bans in CA, AR and FL passed, so there's some sense left in people.

Although, I find it ironic that the same stupid white people who voted for Obama also disapproved of CA Prop 8 by 53%. (In other words, they wanted the measure to fail, and same sex marriages to continue).

It was largely the blacks and hispanics who helped pass the measure.

So, I just can't help but wonder, why are white people so dumb, willing to initiate their own self-destruction?
They are like brain-washed sheep, pro-black, pro-gay, pro-illegal immigration, etc, etc. This is just mind-numbingly difficult to accept about a race who has contributed so much to humanity for thousands of years.

How could we have possibly fallen so far off the deep end?
Furina fan said:

Yeah Jews are a problem, but you're hip to it, why aren't so many other white people? It's not rocket science. The evidence is clear. The brainwashing isn't even very good, it's lame, I saw through it when I was a kid. What's up with so many other white people?? When I talk to them privately they seem to get it somewhat but it never translates to action!!!!

People are too comfortable, nothing is going to change until people start to hurt. Nothing. It's an iron rule of nature. White people aren't less aware then others, we're just more comfortable. Look at white people years ago who didn't have it so good. It's only a select few of the population that refuse to surrender to the comfort. Hell the guys on this site could just ignore the caste system and enjoy the games, but we can't.
jaxvid said:
People are too comfortable, nothing is going to change until people start to hurt.

this is it exactly.

white people have grown soft and weak. much like the Greeks, Romans, British and so on. a people who accept foreign values, behaviors, etc because they are too lazy/stupid/compassionate/whatever to resist them become corrupt, decadent, weak. the cycle has repeated itself throughout history. multi-culturalism isn't new. it appears in every great empire shortly before said empire fades or is destroyed by a strong mono-cultural people.

the white people of today have had it so easy for so long thanks to the strength and dominance of our ancestors that we (myself included until just a few years ago when i saw the light) have forgotten how to fight for what is ours.

hopefully this will change before it is too late for a white America.
Furina Fan stated, "J E W S". If Jews are the reason, then white people are doomed. Why do whites let the minority Jews pull levers? Are the Jews so clever to manipulate every facuet of our society? I don't think so. I just think a large minority of whites just don't care or as some have stated too comfortable. Hopefully BO as President(it hard to write or state that)will be a wake up call and a call to arms.

No, its not the Jews, thats what Hitler tried to sell, and in the end it didn't work, it cost millions of lives and ushered it communism and then when it was destroyed left this remnant of multiculturalism.

The main problem is White People! We need to stop blaming outside influence and re-examine our selves and our interests. If not we will be absorbed into a mongral race and the constitution of this great land changed for ever. Fortuneatly I will have died by its completion.
The case of Sara Palin a white woman, who is a sitting governor and former mayor. The people who tried to destroy her were white! Sure, she had one rough interview with Couric, so what. Look at Biden and BO after some of the stupid and nonsensecial things they muttered. The only network to bring it up was Foxnews.

This white woman, mother of five married to a confident white man, all(mostly whites)wanted to demean her. This is just beyond the pale. Palin a good looking white woman, who if she had 2 years of tutoring that BO had would have faired better in that interview.

The way she performed in that debate with Biden sealed the deal for me. She ran circles around him, after only approx 6 six weeks on the national, pressure intense stage. I cast my vote for McCain not so much for him, but her, and the hope if McCain won, he would only be a one term President. She would slip right in after him.

But the point, I am making, it was the WHITES who tried to destroy her. Man, we have problems.
Every president of every television network, since its inception, has been a Jew (with the sole exception of Ted Turner, who ran CNN for a long time). Every major Hollywood studio but two (Disney and 20th Century Fox) were founded by Jews. Every studio head has been Jewish for quite some time now. Most every big newspaper and/or magazine has been headed by Jews. It's blatantly obvious to anyone that our mainstream media is totally controlled by Jews.

The media promotes an anti-white male agenda relentlessly. The election of Obama, complete with those photos of crying white women, are proof positive of this. So is the sad fact that some 67% of young voters went for Obama. They've learned their lessons well from Nickelodeon, Disney Channel and MTV. Just look at the names in the credits of all those horrid sitcoms and dramas that air on network television. You won't find a lot of Irish names there.

Btw, Hitler's Germany was the only nation to ever engage the Soviet Union directly in battle. He despised communism, and recognized its Jewish roots. He's not a personal hero of mine, but those are the facts.

Denying the Jewish influence behind almost everything is to flay helplessly at unidentified demons, Rush Limbaugh- Sean Hannity style.
No one can deny jewish influence over popular culture, and just about everything else. The point is why fall for it? Life is full of cons and BS. Part of growing up is learning how to separate the good from the bad in everything. Kids are pretty savvy today but so many act as if they don't get it. I don't think it is that they don't get it, I think people don't WANT to get it. It would make a comfortable life uncomfortable.
Surprised no one has mentioned yet that 70% of unmarried women voted for Obama.
Bart said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Whites are diminishing in this country as well as all over the world. .

Prime example of a mentally diminished White female / male?

<a href="" target="_blank">[IMG">style="WIDTH: 199px; HEIGHT: 238px" height=215 alt="Jain Tremmel of Fairbanks reacts with a Democratic crowd overcome with emotion as president-elect Barack Obama gives his victory speech on national television on election night Tuesday, November 4, 2008 at the Westmark Hotel. "It's very exciting," Tremmel said of the election results naming Obama as the next president.
" src=" /L04election03crop.jpg" width=122&gt;</a>
I hope that isn't a prime example of your average American female. Why breed ever if it is...
She has to be a lesbo or a hemaphrodite..
Edited by: white is right
American Freedom News