Tea Party Subverted By NeoCON(s)

The comical stereotypes of blacks from the "bad old days" of "white racism" remain just as true today as ever, and are likely much more prevalent given over 40 years of blatant double standards between acceptable white behavior and acceptable black behavior along withruthlessly making it taboo to point outthe overwhelmingly obvious dysfunction and failings of the "black community."
hope springs eternal, as this brave woman shows. she speaks up and calls out a jew Congressman (Rep. Brad Sherman) in the midst of a bunch of the tribe. notice how outraged he gets, and she calmly asks him why he is getting so upset. she doesn't back down.


now then, if only moreAmerican White "men" would grow some balls ...
It irritates me to hear the relationship between our country and Israel described as vital to our national security. It just isn't so. Whether or not we choose to have such a relationship with them ought to be at our own discretion, but to pretend they are vital to us is just nonsense. It seems to be one of those "common knowledge" phrases that gets constantly repeated with no one actually thinking about what it really means. If everyone in Israel suddenly converted to Islam and that territory became a cleric ruled country under shariah law life in the U.S. would not actually be tangibly altered in the least (other than getting to keep the money we give them along with the money we use to bribe their neighbors into tolerating them).

Edited by: Paleocon
Paleocon, very well stated. Our "national interest" would be best served by immediately extracting all troops, (taxpayer funded) resources & funding from the entire middle east (including closing all bases there within). There's NO legitimate value-add to the American people & our Republic from foreign entanglements.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
more crap from jew Representative Brad Sherman as he denies Eric Holder's race-favoring tactics and any knowledge of the Black Panther intimidation case.


it seems the White natives are getting restless. hopefully, there is more to come ...
I think the lady was referring to hate crimes prosecutions not all prosecutions. Unfortunately the weasel used that to evade the question.

Will this idiot be re-elected or is the sane population of his district too small to oust him?
Well things are becoming interesting. The NAACP just for all intents and purposes called the TEA Party a racist organization. And thankfully the TEA Party tactifully said F you to them.

BO is pretty much in the toilet as well as his co conspirators come November. But his silence on this will only further cover him in mud and the rest of the Democratic party.

Funny how the racist N.A.G.A full NAACP refuses to comdemn the loser New Black Pather Party for their overt racism against whites. The other day Gerald Riveria was challenging its two bit negro leader on his program. When used his own words against him, he later excluded Zionist but included only whites as oppressors. We kinda know who is pulling his strings now.

Anyways good for TEA Party for not backing down and guess who is backing their play? Thats right Mrs Palin.
Westside said:
Well things are becoming interesting. The NAACP just for all intents and purposes called the TEA Party a racist organization. And thankfully the TEA Party tactifully said F you to them.

BO is pretty much in the toilet as well as his co conspirators come November. But his silence on this will only further cover him in mud and the rest of the Democratic party.

Funny how the racist N.A.G.A full NAACP refuses to comdemn the loser New Black Pather Party for their overt racism against whites. The other day Gerald Riveria was challenging its two bit negro leader on his program. When used his own words against him, he later excluded Zionist but included only whites as oppressors. We kinda know who is pulling his strings now.

Anyways good for TEA Party for not backing down and guess who is backing their play? Thats right Mrs Palin.

Obama is the worst president we have ever had and I'm being totally serious. Many whites who voted for him have told me that they are very sorry they did. He's slowly waking some of the drunk white liberals up.

o'bama hasn't had time to be declared the worst president yet. He's still got two years to go, but he must pick up his lousing up a lot to catch up with lbj to wrest the championship of being the "worst" from that particular bum.

Tom Iron...
whiteathlete33 said:
Obama is the worst president we have ever had and I'm being totally serious.  Many whites who voted for him have told me that they are very sorry they did.  He's slowly waking some of the drunk white liberals up.

Obongo is indeed a wretched, pathetic little twit (what president wasn't?)"¦however, his limp-wristed, half-assed endeavors to instill anti-white policies (what president didn't?) and the furthering of the Cultural Marxist principles (what president hasn't?) truly pale in comparison that of Roosevelt or Wilson.

"Barry The Piglet"Â￾ surely wouldn't exist without the assistance of "The Great Father Piggies."Â￾
Edited by: Thrashen
Thrashen said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Obama is the worst president we have ever had and I'm being totally serious. Many whites who voted for him have told me that they are very sorry they did. He's slowly waking some of the drunk white liberals up.

Obongo is indeed a wretched, pathetic little twit (what president wasn't?)"¦however, his limp-wristed, half-assed endeavors to instill anti-white policies (what president didn't?) and the furthering of the Cultural Marxist principles (what president hasn't?) truly pale in comparison that of Roosevelt or Wilson.

"Barry The Piglet"Â￾ surely wouldn't exist without the assistance of "The Great Father Piggies."Â￾

The poll I saw on the news last night stated that 52 % of people would rather have a Republican running the country. It's a pretty significant change from polls when Obama first took office.
Edited by: whiteathlete33
Looks like Sarah Palin is less interested in being a "maverick" or "rogue" (whatever that means) than she
is in a superficial (read electoral only) bridging of the gap between
the Tea Party and the GOP. Even Ann Coulter has cooled her heels on the
warmongering (presumably).


Note the nefarious presence of Bill Kristol in all of this too.
In my home state last night, Tea Party backed, political newbie Carl Paladino pulled off the upset over establishment hack Rick Lazio. Lazio is most well known for losing to Hillary Clinton back when she ran for senate. His campaign was uninspiring to say the least. Now we have Paladino the Buffalo businessman and millionaire trouncing Lazio last night.LINK

Will Paladino be a good candidate? I'm not sure. What I do know is it's a good sign that people are rejecting the establishment Neo-cons. In Delaware last night, a similar event happened. In all, I believe there have been 8 "tea partiers" winning their primaries. If this trend continues, the GOP party will basically become defunct. They will not be able to win seats if they can't even win their own primaries. The storm of real change continues to build up and I could not be happier.
Freethinker said:
In my home state last night, Tea Party backed, political newbie Carl Paladino pulled off the upset over establishment hack Rick Lazio. Lazio is most well known for losing to Hillary Clinton back when she ran for senate. His campaign was uninspiring to say the least. Now we have Paladino the Buffalo businessman and millionaire trouncing Lazio last night.LINK

Will Paladino be a good candidate? I'm not sure. What I do know is it's a good sign that people are rejecting the establishment Neo-cons. In Delaware last night, a similar event happened. In all, I believe there have been 8 "tea partiers" winning their primaries. If this trend continues, the GOP party will basically become defunct. They will not be able to win seats if they can't even win their own primaries. The storm of real change continues to build up and I could not be happier.

Yes the loss in Delaware is especially good news. Up until now the GOP had been benefiting from Tea Party wins since it will usually mean a sure victory in the general election. But the Delaware win may mean a defeat for the GOP in liberal Delaware. Ha ha, the Tea Party won't have a big effect until they hurt the GOP, and now they are! Great news.

Notice how happy the MSM is about the Delaware result. They are practically peeing in their pants they are so happy. They think this means that the GOP can't win the Senate. I'm not so sure. The MSM is usually bummed when a RINO is defeated because it means one less liberal vote, but in Delaware they are going to get an even more liberal vote if the Dem wins. This Tea Party thing is getting interesting.
If the people of Delaware elect Chris Coons, who is a dedicated Marxist, over ANYBODY, then they deserve what they get.
FootballDad said:
If the people of Delaware elect Chris Coons, who is a dedicated Marxist, over ANYBODY, then they deserve what they get.
Have you ever looked at the demographics?
Delaware is one of the nine states whose black population exceeds 20%.
They WILL elect Coons.
Of course, unless Obama is on the ballot, how many of those 20% will actually bother to vote?
Riddlewire said:
FootballDad said:
If the people of Delaware elect Chris Coons, who is a dedicated Marxist, over ANYBODY, then they deserve what they get.
Have you ever looked at the demographics?
Delaware is one of the nine states whose black population exceeds 20%.
They WILL elect Coons.

An article entitled "Republican avalanche in November?"


I don't spend too much time talking about the ins and outs of GOP vs Dems, because it's nothing but a show. It's as fixed as any WWE wrestling match. Except in this case, the GOP and the Democrats are teammates, tag teaming up against the decent citizens of this country. Unfortunately the decent people have somehow gotten the idea that the Elephant is on their side, and have no idea he's actually in cahoots with the Donkey. It doesn't matter who gets elected in November, or if the GOP takes back both the Senate and the House, or just the House. No matter what happens, whoever's in power in DC is not going to address the fundamental problems America is facing.

But if the GOP wins big, that will be the end of most of the Tea Party nonsense. Where were these people when Bush was bankrupting America with prescription drug plans, No Child Left Behind, and two wars costing us trillions against countries who were no threat to us? If you ask the average Tea Partier, he'll say he's just as opposed to big spending and big government when the GOP does it as when the Democrats do, but it's not true. Or they would've been marching in the streets eight years ago. It's hard not to agree with leftists and liberals that what really angers the Tea Partiers is not the out of control spending, but the fact that a black guy's in charge. And if the GOP wins, most of them will take their signs and go home, and go back to grumbling about how small their Social Security cost of living adjustments are.

I'm only 30, but I've read a lot about recent political history in the US. And it seems to me that about every 15 or so years, after a Democrat takes back the White House after years of having a Republican president, conservatives start talking about revolution, and taking the country back. But then one of two things happens: either a national crisis occurs, which is blamed on "right wing hate"Â￾, or the GOP wins back the White House, and the revolutionaries pack up their signs and go home.

In the early 1960s, the John Birch Society was growing like wildfire, and "Impeach Earl Warren!"Â￾ billboards were all over America. Then JFK got shot, the assassination was (at first, anyway) blamed on a "climate of right wing hate"Â￾, and except for a last, disastrous gasp with Barry Goldwater, that was pretty much the end of the right wing revolution.

In 1980, the bumbling Jimmy Carter, inflation, unemployment, interest rates, gas prices, and the Iran hostage crisis combined to bring another right wing uprising to the forefront. John Birch Society membership started picking up again, Spotlight subscriptions were selling like hotcakes, and everyone was talking about the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the CFR, David Rockefeller and the plot to subordinate America to a one world government. The "conspiracy theories"Â￾ were so prevalent that Reagan even promised not to appoint any members of the CFR or the Trilateral Commission if he got elected. And we all know what happened. Reagan won, he promptly began filling his staff and administration with CFR and Trilateral members and Israel Firsters, along with running up huge deficits, and the right wing revolution dried up and blew away.

Then, after Reagan/Bush held the White House for the GOP for 12 years, along came Bill Clinton. And lo and behold, the right wing revolution talk began all over again. You had the militia movement. The Freeman's out in Montana. This was before the internet really took off, but thousands of people were buying shortwave radios and listening to people like "Mark from Michigan"Â￾ and William Cooper tell them that this was it, this was the end of liberty in America if we didn't rise up and take our country back. When the GOP capitalized on this right wing sentiment to take back the House in 1994, it took a lot of the wind out of the sails of the right wing revolution crowd. But a few kept the faith. Until, quite conveniently, the Oklahoma City bombing happened. It was blamed on "right wing hate"Â￾, and that was pretty much all she wrote for "taking the country back."Â￾

Then, after eight years of Bush/Cheney, Obama took over, and the pattern started all over again. And I don't see any reason to expect it will turn out any differently this time. I don't really see the Tea Partiers as having the stuff that would make them the exception to the rule.

For what it's worth, George Soros is predicting a GOP "avalanche"Â￾, and it's hard to disagree with him. Especially when you see how stupid Republican voters are. Just look at what happened the other day out in California. California was pretty well destroyed by the Bush/Cheney administration's refusal to do anything about illegal immigration, and its campaign of pressuring banks to make loans to unqualified non-whites. The state is in horrendous shape. But Dick Cheney still got a rousing reception from 10,000 people at the famous Bakersfield Business Conference, which is a huge conservative gathering. Some of the people paid $495 to attend.

Obviously, any "conservative"Â￾ cheering Dick Cheney hasn't learned a darn thing over the last 10 years, and isn't likely to learn much between now and Election Day.

So, yeah, I think we'll probably see a Republican avalanche in November. And then a whole bunch of the Tea Partiers will pack it up and go home, because now there'll be some responsible white folks in DC to keep that radical colored fella in line. Some will keep the faith, until another "terrorist attack"Â￾ is used to demonize those who criticize Obama, or until Palin or some other phony conservative wins in 2012.

Watson asked if violence would be in option in 2010, under the current government.

"The option is on the table. I don't think that we should remove anything from the table as it relates to our liberties and our freedoms," Broden said, without elaborating. "However, it is not the first option."

The way the article is written, it portrays this fellow as a wacko. I cut and pasted the relevant part of his interview response, and it's perfectly reasonable. As the candidate says, "..as it relates to our liberties and freedoms, why would it not "be on the table", although a distant option.
Rand Pual declared winner by Foxnews! Off to a great start!
Westside said:
Rand Pual declared winner by Foxnews! Off to a great start!

That's some good news, and Jim DeMint has been declared the winner over AA candidate Alvin Greene in South Carolina.
Early results suggest that Republicon Dan Maes will act as spoiler and deliver the Colorado Governor's race to the Democrats.

In much worse news, Christine O'Donnell actually won the Independent vote in Delaware, but didn't get enough Republican votes to beat devoted communist Coons in Delaware. Once again, you can thank the Republican party for giving free votes to the Obama regime.
American Freedom News