talkin for my boys this be crazzy



As a former amatcher boxer back in the 1980s and a africa american to i find the websight a litle silly u no,
i can only tell u from personel experience of my dad we all ways wanted set up matches with white fighters because :
31--the chin just wasn't their in general i mean not like my boys
32_--jest generaly over all they was slow, more than my boys jest in general
33--the arms were shorter
33--and if all else faled u could try and get them out of their on cuts--the skin i dont know its just not as tough u no what i'm saying,
Sometimes I'm not sure if these guys are real black people or people trying to write the way they think black people would write and just posting for a bit of trolling.
Yo, u be reading the site guidelines and sh*t before posting here, this be a no-troll place for me and my fellow short-armed weak-chinned slow-reacting easily-cut white brothers.
I think they let Kessler out of the psych ward. Or maybe state funding allows mental patients internet access now....
It appears you have been punched one time too many sir.

Or perhaps you dropped out of school at an early age? Was the 4th grade too tough for you? That's where you learn to spell and use grammer properly.

You really think blacks have tougher skin?
Amazing. But hey, take the cowards way out and cut someone instead of trying for the KO.

It must bother you that whites own most of the belts right now. Kind of kills your arguments, doesn't it moron?
As a former amatcher

--- I know that correcting spelling on internet forums is considered rather outree, and English spelling IS stoopid, and I'm certainly not perfect at it, but that's "amateur"

boxer back in the 1980s and a africa american

--- Not to be rude, but if I may correct the current PC parlance, you mean Negro American. Africa, you see, is a continent that is home to four major races and many sub-races. Black is also inaccurate as there are members of the Europid (aka Caucasian/White) race that are blacker than most Negroes, such as the Dravidian people on the Indian subcontinent.

to i find the websight a litle silly u no,

i can only tell u from personel experience of my dad we all ways wanted set up matches with white fighters because :
31--the chin just wasn't their in general i mean not like my boys
32_--jest generaly over all they was slow, more than my boys jest in general
33--the arms were shorter
33--and if all else faled u could try and get them out of their on cuts--the skin i dont know its just not as tough u no what i'm saying,

--- There is truth in what you say here and I have just recently addressed this issue below. The Negro has certain important innate advantages in certain sports, boxing definitely being one of them. The Negro is generally better able to withstand blows to the head as its skull is much thicker and its brain is smaller and much more simply constructed than the brain of the higher races. It also has a receding jaw and forehead, a flat nose, and no prominent cheekbones. Also, as you say, the negro skin is thicker and much more resistant to being cut, and the bones are slightly more dense, too. The Negro also tends to have longer arms. Boxing a Negro is akin to man fighting beast with his bare hands, and the competitor deserves all the more credit for doing so!

--- Yours, ww
Edited by: werewolf
Oh my God...are you seriously a human being, dude? Have you ever been to the white man's school? Haha, sh*t, that was perhaps the dumbest post in the history of the internet. I mean, great, you're re-telling every stupid myth of black AMAZING, we all know the lies quite well. I guess my only question is, what's with your numbering system (31, 32, 33)?

I don't think this could possibly be a real person typing thoughts from their brain, haha, could it?Edited by: Thrashen
Chump, now that my white brothers are boxing again suddenly we see champs and top contenders everywhere. Just like in the old days when WE invented the sport.

And I WAS an amateur boxer in the 80's and I liked nothing more than fighting skinny brothas because I knew they had no power with their skinny muscleless arms and toothpick necks that couldn't help them take a punch.
Guests said:
i can only tell u from personel experience of my dad we all ways wanted set up matches with white fighters because if all else faled u could try and get them out of their on cuts--the skin i dont know its just not as tough u no what i'm saying,

no dog i don no what ur sayin

The image many people have of negro boxers being the smooth, skilled, speedy fighters has been a false one. There's a lot of full-blooded negro fighters from Africa that have lost recently to whites because they are too slow and awkward.

Examples of full-blooded negro boxers: N'Dou, M'Baye, Bika, Akinwande, and Peter. Yes, they have thick skin and are strong and difficult to knock out. They do fight dirty, but they're not smart - Bika tried to cut Bute with a headbutt but ended up getting the worst of it. Africans are one-punch-at-a-time, awkward fighters.

The fact is that Joe Louis, undeniably an excellent boxer, had more white ancestors than black! One of the smartest, smoothest "black" fighters, Winky Wright, is at least 3/4 white. Muhammed Ali had white ancestors. The slickest and smoothest boxers are whites and mullatos, full blooded negroes are slow and awkward, although sometimes strong and always thick-skinned.

People we think of as black are often not really...Halle Berry's mother was a beautiful English blond model, who was in an abusive relationship with a Nigerian negro. Edited by: JD1986
JD1986 is right. African fighters are terrible. American blacks benefitted from free government boxing programs for a long time (notice all the boxing gyms are in inner cities). Like in every other walk of life, whites have to make thier own way. Whites now dominate boxing like we do international basketball, soccer, wrestling and almost all other sports.

I bet our "guest" won't come back to this forum after Pavlik-Taylor
Re Guest:

Actually I can deal with n's far better than I can with wiggers. At least most n's have enough sense to stand up for their own race which is more than you can say for most degenerate white people these days.

justthefacts said:
I think it works both ways!li.jpg">

why you showing photo's of Vitali-Lewis.Vitali was winning that fight unanimously on the scorecards after six rounds landing right hands at will.Byrd was outclassed and knocked out.That photo proves nothing as Lewis did'nt win that fight.He won it on a lucky technicality and then refused the rematch and promptly retired.the only advantage Blacks have is the propensity for white fighters to mark up and cut easier due to physiological reasons fairer skin,higher cheekbones and more narrow facial features as opposed to the dark ,flat round facial features of the average congoid.That's all your photo proves.The original thread starter questioned the fighting ability of whites,not who cuts easier and with the white domination of all fighting sports entrenching itself more, seemingly week by week both your point and his point are moot points
A lookey here, U gotsta be a tellin da troof a whens U be on dis here uh page ya'll.

Themsta white boys nowz holdin all da heavyweight titles cuz de don't be carin about doze colored boys in eastern europe.
Yo dem crackers ruined my life. What I did Beez whiteyz fault. Yo dem crackas winnin cause we let them. someone please get this clown out of here with his ebonics trash talk. For years I followed boxing and had few whites to cheer for. Now I love watching Chageav, Klitschko, and all the rest.
Also, Lewis was trying to open a cut and work it--he elbowed Klitschko to
get a cut after he found out Klitschko could take his best shot and give it
right back. Like Holyfield and other blacks, he cheated to try to win. Pussed
out of a rematch too, even though the money would have been tremendous.
That's the telling action right there.

BTW, that fight was years ago. It really hurts to look at the situation now,
doesn't it? If Taylor loses, that's just about it from 160 on up. I personally
like watching the greatest affoletes in the world take it on the chin. Bet you
never thought it would happen! Who's living in the past now?Edited by: PitBull
Lewis-Vitali. Lewis' gloves may have been "fixed". Vitali had never even been cut once before, not in the amateurs nor the pros nor in mixed martial arts, and suddenly his face looks like chopped meat. Quite a few of Lewis' fights were suspicious: Golota and Tyson appear to have been drugged.

I had a thread on this subject on the boxing forum that I was on before Canada Joe told me about this one:

"Who is checking the boxing gloves to make sure they are not "fixed"?"

Yeah, Lewis not giving the rematch to Klitschko says it all. The public wanted it and a true champion would've given it. If Lewis thought he could beat Klitschko, he would've fought him again. Klitschko called him out numerous times.

Golota was drugged and Morrison and Klitschko were cut. And Tyson, God only knows.
Tyson was drugged too. He sounded like he was on cloud nine in the post fight interview. A lot of Lewis' fights were very suspicious.

Tyson was definately drugged, he was drugged so that his camp could get paid and the fight would come off. He was way too passive and friendly for him to be anything but drugged. That all but sealed his fate in the fight, but his camp knew if he got dq'd again they might not have seen a dollar out of his purse.
Tyson sounded like Mother Theresa in his locker room after the fight.

Speaking of Tyson, his trial for the Dec 2006 drug and reckless driving bust is scheduled for this coming month, August - in Sheriff Joe Arpaio's territory! Sheriff Joe is billed as America's toughest sheriff.

American Freedom News