talkin for my boys this be crazzy

wow this be unreal. i used to fight not so long ago, golden glove New Jerzey, boyzzz. I hate to brake it to you but the man is rite, when a black man fight a white man, he kina put a corkskrew driver on the jab, make it twist on the skin a little bit. it get the redness coming, then come the blood. its that simple.

when you fight another brother, then you go for the body, do some more comventional reproaches on them, cuz you know your in for the long hawl then. but white boxers, they mite be good, but they still got the skin that cut, so mite as well go for it.

its common knowlege in the boxing worle, get use to it
Another Afro-English major, these guys have got to be putting us on. Still it's funny, it's like listening to an old Amos and Andy skit, ever hear any old Amos and Andy routines? Those guys were hilarious.

Message to trolls. OK maybe some white guys do get cut easier then blacks, maybe even ALL white skin is more prone to cutting then black skin, many here would agree with that. But if that's the case then why the hell are so many black fighters getting their asses kicked out of the boxing ring by white fighters if all the black guy has to do is "twist" his jab to cut the white boxeer? The skin cut argument makes black boxers look even more pathetic then they look now with all of their losing.
Aw sheeeeet mang, I'za amember youz Jerzzy boyz, drivin fo deep, drinkin straigt out da 8 bottle, hell yeah!!
" listening to an old Amos and Andy skit, ever hear any old Amos and Andy routines? Those guys were hilarious."


That just means white men are beating you even with your "advantages". That makes you twice the loser.

Do you write in that idiotic mannner to sound cool, or are do you have a third grade education? I've always been curious about that.

You should give the trolls some time to post, so we can make them look stupid before you ban them.
Naturally the idiot who started this thread lives in MY home state. What a surprise. lol. I hate Jersey.
this guy is a clown. his ebonics is an absolutely discusting mockery of the english language. blacks speak ebonics to make it look like it is something of their own. they are mad because they have invented nothing and just keep saying ," What I did beez whiteyz fault." yea keep blaming the white man for your problems.
I'll never forget when I was in a college linguistics class, and everyone was discussing their scores on a test we had just taken on a section about Black English, you know, habitual be, and all that stuff. A bunch of black people that sat near me all got these crappy scores while the white kids got As. I mean, it was a relatively straight forward, easy test. The blacks really couldn't come up with any complaints as everything studied had all come from papers done by black people.
I think it's a put on. Even someone that inarticulate doesn't usually write like he speaks. They might make spelling errors and so forth but this is ridiculous. It's a white person trying to be funny and troll us a bit.
I agree with Shogun. It's some white guy trying to be funny and inadvertently giving away what he thinks of blacks in the process.
White Shogun said:
I think it's a put on. Even someone that inarticulate doesn't usually write like he speaks. They might make spelling errors and so forth but this is ridiculous. It's a white person trying to be funny and troll us a bit.

yeah, of course. it's pretty obvious.
Lol, I have been on forums where people type like that. Don't be so sure.

They could always speak one of the languages of thier heritage and show they are proud, but they are too lazy to do it. So instead, they will just shorten words and make ebonics, aka "lazy english" as thier own new language.
You can try to make a white boxer bleed all you want but it's the white boxers that have been coming up on top. Like InfamousOne said earlier, even with all your "advantages" the whites win anyway.

Sometimes it really bothers me how I see people that are foreign speaking better english then the blacks that have lived here all their lives.
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