Steroids and Black Athletes

Correct. They were never actually proven to have taken PEDs. However, Greece is a relatively poor and powerless nation so their athletes can be made examples of. Many American or British athletes on the other hand..
I think it's safe to say they were on them. Didn't they crash a car running away from testers? - they are incentivised to earn a living because Greece is poor so I'm not judging them. Just my thoughts! Skin colour isn't the driver. Poverty certainly is
I just wish we could have seen him run in the 2004 Olympics in front of his home country of Greece. It would have been epic how loud
it would have been. In my honest opinion he was ready to go in the 19.70's!
I saw this list on a running site. Of the 3 listed as clean, I think they just didn't get caught. Just my opinion.

1 Usain Bolt, Jamaica – clean
2 Tyson Gay, USA – banned before 2013 world championships
3 Yohan Blake, Jamaica – banned before 2009 world championships
4 Asafa Powell, Jamaica – banned after 2013 world championships
5 Justin Gatlin, USA – banned in 2001 and again in 2006
6 Christian Coleman, USA – banned in 2020
7 Nesta Carter, Jamaica – banned after 2008 Olympics (gets Jamaican team, which included Bolt, disqualified)
8 Maurice Greene, USA – never banned, but faced allegations
9 Steve Mullings, Jamaica – banned in 2004 and 2011
10 Richard Thompson, Trinidad – clean

I saw this list on a running site. Of the 3 listed as clean, I think they just didn't get caught. Just my opinion.

1 Usain Bolt, Jamaica – clean
2 Tyson Gay, USA – banned before 2013 world championships
3 Yohan Blake, Jamaica – banned before 2009 world championships
4 Asafa Powell, Jamaica – banned after 2013 world championships
5 Justin Gatlin, USA – banned in 2001 and again in 2006
6 Christian Coleman, USA – banned in 2020
7 Nesta Carter, Jamaica – banned after 2008 Olympics (gets Jamaican team, which included Bolt, disqualified)
8 Maurice Greene, USA – never banned, but faced allegations
9 Steve Mullings, Jamaica – banned in 2004 and 2011
10 Richard Thompson, Trinidad – clean

I would say your just about as close to being 100 percent correct as can be. I totally agree with you!
I don't trust the blood chemistry of ANY of those Jamaican athletes. They've got that con down to a science. I remember when, I think it was Michael Johnson who was a 200 meter sprinter in Barcelona, saying that he thought black athletes were so great because of how slave owners would mix and match their biggest male slaves with their biggest and most rugged women. If you ask me, I'd think the best black athletes would be in Africa because they were fast enough, strong enough, and smart enough not to get captured and sold. Lol.
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except then the steroid users would want to push their way into the non-steroid group to have a better chance
True. They would.
I don't trust the blood chemistry of ANY of those Jamaican athletes. They've got that con down to a science. I remember when, I think it was Michael Johnson who was a 200 meter sprinter in Barcelona, saying that he thought black athletes were so great because of how slave owners would mix and match their biggest male slaves with their biggest and most rugged women. If you ask me, I'd think the best black athletes would be in Africa because they were fast enough, strong enough, and smart enough not to get captured and sold. Lol.
I believe it was Jimmy the Greek who said that. But it is wild how Jamaica seems to have such an unbelievable amount of the top times yet most (ex bolt) have all seemed to test positive

I wonder what the fastest clean time ever really is?
True. They would.

I believe it was Jimmy the Greek who said that. But it is wild how Jamaica seems to have such an unbelievable amount of the top times yet most (ex bolt) have all seemed to test positive

I wonder what the fastest clean time ever really is?
To know that partially you can go back to the 1950's before anabolic steroids were invented. The sprinters would still be faster currently
as tracks are better, cleats superior, better weightlifting & plyometric drills, dieticians, massage, etc. etc. I'm not sure what it would be but
i doubt very many would go sub 10 without alof of help from the flinstone vitamins.
This article has probably been posted here before, but in case anyone hasn't seen it, I'll push it to the front again. It brings out some interesting facts about Bolt.

This article has probably been posted here before, but in case anyone hasn't seen it, I'll push it to the front again. It brings out some interesting facts about Bolt.

Never read it or saw it before, but it certainly explains a lot
This article has probably been posted here before, but in case anyone hasn't seen it, I'll push it to the front again. It brings out some interesting facts about Bolt.

interesting article - but why such an obvious error as this one referring to Marion Jones ....... "And yet, despite breaking world records in the 100m and 200m sprints; despite being romantically involved with ...... and despite......"
This article has probably been posted here before, but in case anyone hasn't seen it, I'll push it to the front again. It brings out some interesting facts about Bolt.

Usain Bolt was chosen to make history and they protected his image at all costs as he was very popular worldwide. Excellent
article. I remember reading it many years ago but it was good to read it again. It's so obvious that so many of the top sprinters
cheat and are allowed to cheat.
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Is there anyone who has an iota of critical thinking skills that doesn't think Bolt used PEDs? Or that the ascendancy of Jamaican track is not fueled by PEDs?
Is there anyone who has an iota of critical thinking skills that doesn't think Bolt used PEDs? Or that the ascendancy of Jamaican track is not fueled by PEDs?
Well to be honest, I always assumed that drug testing was both strict and uniform. Apparently that’s not at all true.

If you don’t follow track closely it’s easy to assume people of west African descent are simply genetically gifted for sprinting (and obviously many are) but those last couple tenths make whites who are right at or near the 10.0 line look slow when in reality that’s probably right where most elite sprinters would be if they ran clean.
fastest clean 100m? Lemaitre's.....none of the Black/Negro sprinters ran clean....even the dude who beat the Germans in front of Hitler
fastest clean 100m? Lemaitre's.....none of the Black/Negro sprinters ran clean....even the dude who beat the Germans in front of Hitler
haha! yep, every black man who's ever beaten a white fella must have used drugs. They couldn't have just been better at sprinting?
The Europeans on drugs 30,40,50 years ago did jack! Must have read the label wrongly I guess.
haha! yep, every black man who's ever beaten a white fella must have used drugs. They couldn't have just been better at sprinting?
The Europeans on drugs 30,40,50 years ago did jack! Must have read the label wrongly I guess.
Yawn.. another disingenuous post informing us simple rubes of how dumb we are to notice that there seem to be a lot of athletes of African descent cheating.

And obviously we then think every competition which features different races is fixed. "Why, my 55 year old, ginger dentist could likely beat the pants off those Blacks in a race if it wasn't for the cheating.." That's how you choose to represent our thoughts which is as fraudulent as Ben Johnson's 9.79. That is not at all representative of the thought process most posters here hold.

But, not surprising you take this route, as you are the same person who has stated that the athletic caste system doesn't exist. You have chosen to downplay and disregard the volumes of information on this site that highlights the unfavorable conditions towards Whites in athletics which has created an unfair and uneven playing field.
atch their biggest male slaves with their biggest and most rugged women. If you ask me, I'd think th
Wow suprise, suprise. The recently crowned fastest Under 20 Sprinter of All Time just was busted in a drug test.

World U20 100m Record Holder Issamade Assinga Suspended!​

T x T TrackTime

They're trying to make this a Surinamese problem, but Asinga was born in Atlanta; attended Montverde Academy, Florida and he'd signed a letter of intent for Texas A&M. This also more or less proves that tons of high schoolers are already juicing; Asinga is still only 18.
After seeing Shericka Jacksons physique, I was looking stuff up. I'm almost happy to not see white girls running with these beasts.

I mean, I know it's a dead horse at this point, but I saw this post on another site and thought it was interesting.

I think it's time for a thread on this topic. A commenter on another thread wrote:

"The Jamaicans clean ? I think more likely than the Americans are not clean: look at the history. Their college system is an open question with the most incredible sudden improvements every year and it does not test a check in line fully with WADA requirements.The Jamaica trio will eventually retire and things will return to the USA general dominance. After all, what's with the great Mens Jamaican sprinters of 10 years ago. They are a great sprinting nation for such a small nation"

That's a hilarious thing to say. Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce was basically an 11.30 (100)-24.10 (200) runner before she joined Stephen Francis' training group and, as ALL of his female trainees, showed up with braces... one year later she was the fastest woman in the world. Elaine Thompson was, as a 22yo, a 11.40 (100)-23.70 (200) runner before she joined Stephen Francis and showed up with braces... a little more than one year later she ran 21.66... Shericka Jackson was a 23.30 (200)-53.30 (400) runner when she joined Francis and, SHOCKINGLY with braces on, a couple of years later she was a medalist at the WC in the 400, and she is now the fastest woman in the world.

I could continue with Melaine Walker, Sherone Simpson, et al, but I think you get the drill. With a more or less none-existent out-of-competition testing program for many years, and the fact that every athlete is allowed to "miss" 2 tests every year, Francis and certain other "super coaches" in Jamaica should be viewed with strong suspicion, to say the least. By all means, criticise the Americans if you feel like it. But don't give me "the Jamaicans are the true, clean, World Record holders" bullcr*p. If anything, I'd say DAS is probably much closer to the "true" 200 meter world record holder than all of the Stephen Francis products are.
After seeing Shericka Jacksons physique, I was looking stuff up. I'm almost happy to not see white girls running with these beasts.

I mean, I know it's a dead horse at this point, but I saw this post on another site and thought it was interesting.

I think it's time for a thread on this topic. A commenter on another thread wrote:

"The Jamaicans clean ? I think more likely than the Americans are not clean: look at the history. Their college system is an open question with the most incredible sudden improvements every year and it does not test a check in line fully with WADA requirements.The Jamaica trio will eventually retire and things will return to the USA general dominance. After all, what's with the great Mens Jamaican sprinters of 10 years ago. They are a great sprinting nation for such a small nation"

That's a hilarious thing to say. Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce was basically an 11.30 (100)-24.10 (200) runner before she joined Stephen Francis' training group and, as ALL of his female trainees, showed up with braces... one year later she was the fastest woman in the world. Elaine Thompson was, as a 22yo, a 11.40 (100)-23.70 (200) runner before she joined Stephen Francis and showed up with braces... a little more than one year later she ran 21.66... Shericka Jackson was a 23.30 (200)-53.30 (400) runner when she joined Francis and, SHOCKINGLY with braces on, a couple of years later she was a medalist at the WC in the 400, and she is now the fastest woman in the world.

I could continue with Melaine Walker, Sherone Simpson, et al, but I think you get the drill. With a more or less none-existent out-of-competition testing program for many years, and the fact that every athlete is allowed to "miss" 2 tests every year, Francis and certain other "super coaches" in Jamaica should be viewed with strong suspicion, to say the least. By all means, criticise the Americans if you feel like it. But don't give me "the Jamaicans are the true, clean, World Record holders" bullcr*p. If anything, I'd say DAS is probably much closer to the "true" 200 meter world record holder than all of the Stephen Francis products are.
The braces call out is spot on. Not many are aware of the connection of PEDs and braces due to jaw growth..
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