Steroids and Black Athletes

The difference between manual and electronic times is circa 0.23-o.25 cents seconds. ).9.9 is circa 10.15!

wow! in 1987, the WR was 9.93 !

You can see on this graph that there is something wrong

The difference in doping is if you could find it! If you are in certain country you will use some doping... in other countries other types of doping (more sofisticated!). It depends to the economic interests. InItaly we have a doping problem expecially in cycling and soccer... in other countries it's different.
For me Lemaitre is a femomenon like Bolt. But the jamaican is doped and Lemeitre isn't. With doping the difference is between 0.3 and 0.5 seconds for 100m. I could explain it.

More leaks about how universal doping of every kind is in Kenya, where there is no testing:
The afroamerican peoples from usa and english speaking carribean (Commenwealth, like for African fastest countries. Except Martina...) are faster than other peoples in the world. The majority train themself in usa. Jamaica apart from 2004-2006...
Afroamerican peoples have a bit of european and indios eritage. They are not so genetical selected. Genetics are more sofisticated. And humans are not so genetically differentiated. The difference is qualitatively the doping and related training.

[h=1]Forget playing fair, cheaters get a natural 'high' breaking the rules
By Suzannah Hills[/h] 8 August 2012

Cheaters get a natural 'high' from breaking the rules, a new study has found.

Far from feeling guilty about not playing fair, dishonest people benefit from a 'cheaters high', researchers claim.

The University of Washington, London Business School, Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania have carried out a series of studies into how cheaters perceive their actions.

The findings showed that the majority of cheaters viewed their behaviour in a positive light.

Researchers led by Nicole Ruedy at the University of Washington’s Foster School of Business asked subjects to predict how they’d feel about cheating and then asked them how they felt after completing tasks where they actually did cheat.

The studies showed that most people predicted they’ll feel bad about cheating, but most felt good after doing it.

Taking advantage: Cheaters also admitted to feeling superior to their non-cheating associates (posed by models)

It suggests that the thrill of pulling off a deception outweighs the negative feelings associated with immoral behaviour.

The study could go some way to explain why people get involved in financial scams when they are already very wealthy.

The report states: 'Our documented pattern of results helps to explain otherwise puzzling unethical behavior, such as the finding that people often cheat even for trivial sums of money.'

It added that cheaters, even when under suspicion of breaking the rules, felt better off and smarter than their non-cheating colleagues.
This is a very good article from a few weeks ago. It deals with the problems of PED testing by the World Anti-Doping Agency, and why they probably want to not catch any cheaters. This bit in particular was quite illuminating:

Conte claims that a key shortcoming of Olympic drug testing is the timing. He says he told World Anti-Doping Agency officials years ago: "Here's where you're not getting it right: When you build your explosive strength and speed and power base is October-November-December. Eight months later, they're winning gold medals based on the drugs they used nine months ago. So you don't need to be testing at the Games. ... You need to stick your hook and line and pole in the pond during this time frame. I know, because I was preparing people this way."
In poker they have a saying" one time please(for a suck out)" I will say the same thing for the Jamaicans..... I figured out how the off season went for Blake and friends notice how this salt and pepper team never had a chance to get the pee pee test....
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This could be a reason why Blake, Bolt do not run indoors....Blake, especially, loads up on HGH in the winter and peaks in the summer.

In addition, there’s the question of whether sports leagues could even put effective testing in place, because the body naturally produces HGH and testers would be hunting for artificially accelerated levels.

no, don't listen to the anti doping agencies there is no test for HGH and there probably never will be any
blake can take his HGH just before going to the stadium and nothing will happen to him
the only (very rare) times someone is caught that's because they caught him with HGH on him, or they caught him while he was taking HGH

the same goes for insuline

they just want you to believe everybody except some very bad guys from sh*tty eastern european countries is clean, so they tell you that they test for HGH, but it's a joke
I have also wondered about why Bolt never competes indoors? He has the ability to break Mo Greene's 60m record and Frankie's 200m record. But obviously can not compete indoors as he is "doing his training". Looks like an insider is needed in Glen Mill's training camp in order to get the truth. Mills currently coaches Weir, Blake and Bolt and others. Oh, that's funny, didn't they just sweep the medals in the 200m? Pardon me, must be just a coincidence...
[h=2]Improved HGH Detection in the London Olympics Coming Says WADA[/h]Published by at 11:13 pm under Steroids in Olympics
Olympic athletes who are taking HGH supplements should be wary because WADA is now planning to implement a new testing method for human growth hormone. Although the Olympics adopted HGH testing years ago, no single athlete was caught using the synthetic human growth hormone. There were at least 8 positive tests recorded in different sports disciplines but it was not in Olympic competition. This is the reason why theWorld Anti-Doping Agency and other anti-doping institutions around the world continued their efforts to find a better testing method. Actually, this current method is used as an alibi of the NFL player’s association in resisting the implementation of the HGH test in football.New HGH Testing Method in Time for London OlympicsIn a meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland, WADA Director General David Howman said that an improved method of testing HGH could be in place in the coming London Olympics. “We hope to introduce the test this year. It will open a new window in the fight against doping,†Howman said.The current method uses the isoform test which can only detect the presence ofhuman growth hormone in the body up to 72 hours. Experts say that advanced dopers can evade detection because of the limitation of the test. Last year, the USADA and UK Anti-Doping met to discuss the merits of the new method of detecting HGH. Both anti-doping bodies agreed that the improvement in the detection method will help them combat doping in professional sports. Now that WADA made the announcement, the new method has been validated by their scientists and is ready for implementation.Howman also said that they are working on new testing methods that can detect blood transfusions. This is another doping method used by professional athletes especially in endurance sports. EPO is another concern of WADA. They want a more comprehensive testing for this banned substance. They noted that some laboratories do not include EPO tests because of the cost of testing.The Biomarker Test for Synthetic HGHThe new method of detecting synthetic HGH is called biomarker. It will also use blood samples but its detection period is longer as compared to the isoform test. According to Tygart of USADA, the biomarker test can detect HGH use from 10 days up to 21 days. This is indeed a dramatic improvement from the current method. Another good thing about this new method is it can be used together with the existing HGH test. This can be a significant deterrent to doping athletes especially in the Olympics.One significant difference of the biomarker test is on how it detects synthetic growth hormones in the body. The isoform test looks for the presence of HGH in the body while the biomarker looks for certain chemicals that were produced by the body after using HGH. So a biomarker test is more focused on the effects of artificial human growth hormone in the body. Anti-doping scientists say that this development in catching HGH users is the product of 12 years of research.Percentage of Doping Athletes Could be HigherHowman also added that based on their research there could be at least 10% of professional athletes who are taking banned substances. So authorities should not be complacent and must continue their efforts to curtail doping in sports. “If there is more than 10 percent of the athletes in the world being tempted to take the shortcut by taking prohibited substances, then we’ve got an issue that is not being confronted as well as it should be,†the WADA director said.
However, he clarified that it doesn’t mean that a lot of Olympic athletes are into doping. “People go to the Olympic Games very well prepared for a big event, knowing if they are going to make a mistake it is the worst shame they can bring upon themselves, their family.†This is an event that athletes will less likely take shortcuts. Howman said that cheating athletes are usually caught in pre-game testing. He also warned those who would try to circumvent the anti-doping rules. “The real sophisticated guy might try to get away with it. But the program is going to be extensive,†he added.

it looks like it's the same test than before, but they can detect HGH longer after the income

and? it makes everybody who knows a little about HGH smile
doctors who test HGH make measurements for 24 hours to know if the production of HGH is normal or not
that's just a joke, their way to tell you "don't worry the competition is clean" even though they are doing irrelevant tests (there is no test for HGH yet in france we were testing in urine)

in the article:
Although the Olympics adopted HGH testing years ago, no single athlete was caught using the synthetic human growth hormone.

the only way they catch somebody is to fing HGH in his bag, or catch him injecting HGH
then they would say that they caught him thanks to the testing, but in reality the testing alone means nothing
forget about hgh ,
it is not what has caused the times to plummet in sprints .

alot of peolpe say hgh is not even worth effort for alot of athletes ,
only if older athlete like in baseball where can go into 40 ,s
or if have injured joints .
hgh can even make performances worse as many can get bad insulin resistance from it.
much better peds that guaranteed to work and alot alot better .

hgh has been around and heavly used since what 1990
then why this sudden paradigm shift in sprints from 2004,2005
on with liu xiang , powell and then said w.record holder ,horrible creature .

paradigms in sprinting
1960- steroids

then 1980,s-
steroids and heavy weigthlifting / ( and or also some plymetrics like borzov used )
was the next step .

then 2004/2005
all previous peds
and SARMS .
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hgh ,nor undetectable roids dont explain
the increase in speed endurance that see easily in 200m

that allow athletes like warren weir to come from nowhere .
or gatlin to go from 10.10 to 9.80 easily . sarms are that good
and allow an athlete of bolts height to succeed at sprints
where normally dont ,just end up burnt out and injured
from massive stress of event .

all know why bolt has records ,simply due to his height
and all down to the extra androgenicity from sarms that
cant get from traditonal roids .
androgenicity that alows tall athletes to handle stress and excell
at sprints where just never happened before .
bolt is nothing without sarms ,
maybe is lucky with roids to get down to 9.80 if body doesnt fall apart
lucky to born in the start of the sarms era

sarms use is growing and someone has to speakout eventually
everyone thru from xiu to pearson and eaton have benefited heavily
frm them
forget about hgh ,
it is not what has caused the times to plummet in sprints .

alot of peolpe say hgh is not even worth effort for alot of athletes ,
only if older athlete like in baseball where can go into 40 ,s
or if have injured joints .
hgh can even make performances worse as many can get bad insulin resistance from it.
much better peds that guaranteed to work and alot alot better .

hgh has been around and heavly used since what 1990
then why this sudden paradigm shift in sprints from 2004,2005
on with liu xiang , powell and then said w.record holder ,horrible creature .

paradigms in sprinting
1960- steroids

then 1980,s-
steroids and heavy weigthlifting / ( and or also some plymetrics like borzov used )
was the next step .

then 2004/2005
all previous peds
and SARMS .

the reason why they say it doesn't works it's because they don't want you to know the secret :grin:
it's used by every sprinter on PED now

and HGH was available in the 80's, it was HGH from cadavers

i don't know anything about SARMS, maybe you're right about them being the reason of the latest break-throught since 2004-2005
What is everyone's opinion about Amos Nijel, an 18 year old with just 2 years of training improving 5.5 seconds in a year, and from a nation with no culture of running, becoming the equal third fastest 800m runner of all time? Or for that matter Rudisha time-trialing a WR?
they say it was ,the greatest 800m ever ,
more like the dirtiest one .

as for hgh , maybe there is some new technique or combo with something
but highly highly highly dought it .

just look through many bodybuilding forums to get the general opinion
of hgh , and that it is not worth it if younger or the expense ,any fat loss or muscle building
properties or training recovery times can be achieved so much easily ,better , and much faster with steroids .
and for alot of people does nada besides if older and recovery , and injury .
as for spriniting ,never heard of any benefits or properties that enhance it much
regardless if used by alot or not .
and the period from 1990-2005 ,pretty much confirms that .

sprinting is all about androgenicity and how much you can enhance it
and to date it still is .
hgh does little to increase
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just look through many bodybuilding forums to get the general opinion
of hgh , and that it is not worth it if younger or the expense ,any fat loss or muscle building
properties or training recovery times can be achieved so much easily ,better , and much faster with steroids .
and for alot of people does nada besides if older and recovery , and injury .
as for spriniting ,never heard of any benefits or properties that enhance it much
regardless if used by alot or not .
and the period from 1990-2005 ,pretty much confirms that .

again, they say this because they don't want you to know what makes them this big
an HGH was available well before 1990

regarding the 800, i heard that the record was very impressive because the other record was made with an athlete that led the race very fast and then vanished (so it was easier), while this time rushida led the race from the beginning to the end
this is the reality
copy and paste .

didnt want to put this in lemaitre thread , somebody mentioned it for thousand time ...

sprinting simply comes down to the androgen receptor , so far .
and sarms pretty much confirm this .

look the difference between black and european origin athletes
and then further to asian and indian ones .
comes down to the androgen receptor
and naturally in sprinting know the differences ,.1-.2 maximum
everthing else equal .

for years people used to think maybe it was hormones but many tests showed that
hormone levels are pretty much the same between all races .
so the difference can only be the action at the receptor
hard to show this analyitically but obvious .
sprinting confirms this
as does steroid use , blacks do better on them due to these differences in general
this is fact .
off course receptor varies greatly between whites but know what mean .

but as always intelligence is the keystone of any people and with invention of sarms
any difference in receptor can be negated and level playing field .
still complex and balancing act , also steroids enhance them also in other ways
and together powerful combination .
the only problem to date black athletes especially in short sprints are the only ones
getting benefit from them as usual so far due to general shut out of whites in them .

sidenote ,people talk about the limits of sprinting but as sarms evolve ,who knowes where
this limit is ,especially when start messing with nervous system .
so far any enhancements in it have been indirect and androgen modulated .
101 in how to save the sprints , basically get one times white athlete and super sarm/steroid
and all world records are gone .
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Pharmalita Jeter just powered the USA through to a 40.82 time and a new WR. They broke the old GDR world record. Lately do to "improved training" techniques this record has seemed vulnerable and ready for the history dust heap. I can't wait for the AP photo of Jeter powering home down the stretch, it will probably look like Secretariat at the Belmont.
was it the '92 Olympics where every single sprint finalist was wearing braces? or was it '96? anyway, everyone "wondered" why all the fastest runners suddenly had begun wearing braces as adults ... but, of course, none of the media investigated.

it eventually was revealed that the reason was because they were all taking Human Growth Hormone (hgh), which has a side effect of changing the size and shape of the human skull. hence, all of these elite sprinters (who were taking hgh) had jawlines that were shifting, causing them to need braces in order to prevent them becoming snaggle-toothed freaks ... as opposed to (getting away with being drug cheat) super-fast heroes.

when i was watching the sprints this year, i kept noticing a similar physical attribute that wasn't normal ... the hairline. virtually every top female and male (black) sprinter (the ones who were dropping the insane times) had a hairline that began INCREDIBLY far back on their head. it's as if they all have begun going bald, albeit in the same manner on every head. their foreheads have nary a bit of hair until nearly far enough back as to be even with their ears. they also look exceedingly old for their chronological age ... take for example the Yamaican men: Blake is 22 and Bolt is 25, yet they look to be in their mid-30s.

perhaps someone who has the time and ability could post photos of the heads/faces of the top male/female sprinters to show what i mean.

it wouldn't surprise me that in a few years those in the know will look back at these Games and wonder why no one noticed the visible side effects of whatever "training regimen" these affletes were injecting. it certainly ain't the yams.
JC, here are some pictures of the top Olympic sprinters for ya. :wink:

18.jpghgh.jpg genotropin-pfizer-16-iu-53mg-1ml-hgh-human-growth-hormone-online.jpg jintropin-hgh.jpg
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