they say it was ,the greatest 800m ever ,
more like the dirtiest one .
as for hgh , maybe there is some new technique or combo with something
but highly highly highly dought it .
just look through many bodybuilding forums to get the general opinion
of hgh , and that it is not worth it if younger or the expense ,any fat loss or muscle building
properties or training recovery times can be achieved so much easily ,better , and much faster with steroids .
and for alot of people does nada besides if older and recovery , and injury .
as for spriniting ,never heard of any benefits or properties that enhance it much
regardless if used by alot or not .
and the period from 1990-2005 ,pretty much confirms that .
sprinting is all about androgenicity and how much you can enhance it
and to date it still is .
hgh does little to increase