South Africa World Cup 2010


Most Turks living in Turkey have predominantly White features. The Turkic tribes of Central Asia we're a mix of Aryans and East Asians, the ones that moved West into Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, and Russia mixed with pure Aryans for hundreds of years and over time began to look more and more White. Turks who remained in the East in nations such as Turkmenistan and Western China retained their Asiatic features. Nations in the middle like Afghanistan and Tajikistan have Aryans in the East and Asians in the West.

I think it's flat out stupid to deny Whiteness to White people just because they may have had Asiatic ancestors hundreds of years ago. It's not like East Asians are to be looked down upon in the first place. I def. think Zidane has White features as do many Arabs and North Africans. Some of you Euros go way too overboard with Arab/Muslim hate. Religion does not determine whether or not you are White. Many Americans don't think too highly of Mormons or Scientologists, but that doesn't make them not White. Do you consider the best French player Ribery to be "not White" just because he's Muslim convert. You can't deny obvious genetic features just because you don't like somebody LOL
I have a question. I know they say the white population is around 8 percent or so for the entire world. However when they say that do they include Turks, northern Africans, and white hispanics?
whiteathlete33 said:
I have a question.  I know they say the white population is around 8 percent or so for the entire world.  However when they say that do they include Turks, northern Africans, and white hispanics?

Doubt it. They would probably want to downplay the white populace as much as possible. They count Arabs and Hispanics as their own race, when in fact they're just ethnicities made up of people white, brown, and black people. They probably don't even count Argentina
With white hispanics as well as some whites in Middle Eastern contries I'd suspect the white population is much higher than the 8 % they state.
Even if Algerians are white, they are not French or German. Look at the Scots who hate the English. They consider themselves separate, don't they. A nation is a group of people of the same ethnicity, isn't it? You could have several nations within a state.Teddy Roosevelt refered to the races of Europe, all being white, but still distinct. Of course, the last 50 years people have been trying to make differences not important. When I read stuff written by prominent figures from 100 years ago, it is an eye opener, because nobody would say the things they say now. It was natural to accept different races and ethnicities and talk about the differences.
"I think it's flat out stupid to deny Whiteness to White people just because they may have had Asiatic ancestors hundreds of years ago."

Many of the folks I'm talking about are off-colored. They don't even have WHITE skin! I see Turkic peoples as "gray-skins." This is true in Southeast Europe and on the Asian Continent.

When determining what constitutes Asiatic features (aside from some of it being "in the eye of the beholder"), the skull-shape is critical. For instance, I consider Valerie Bertinelli as being a member of my people, genetically-speaking.

It's because she doesn't look malformed like most of the world's population. Most of the world have dark eyes/dark hair and disgusting skulls. I damn well refuse to put them on some pedestal, and wave my magic wand and declare them "White." It would be pandering! As for East Asians, they are genetic enemies of White European peoples. And then there's the "low-Asians," of course, that live in huts just like negroes!! Prodigious birth-rates as well..
whites in europe 600 million
Half of russia is like 90 million
180 million US + 35 million canada+ Australie
200 Million south america is like 1.1 billion is close to 17%.
A lot of people in south american don't know that they are white so the % that see hisself as white is much lower.
waterbed said:
whites in europe 600 million

Half of russia is like 90 million

180 million US + 35 million canada+ Australie

200 Million south america is like 1.1 billion is close to 17%.

A lot of people in south american don't know that they are white so the % that see hisself as white is much lower.

Those numbers sound about right Waterbed. We have to consider the fact that just India and China make up at least a third of the worlds population.
Germany ended up starting 2 Turks (Ozil and Khedira) and 9 whites against Australia. If Ballack hadn't been hurt, he'd have started over Khedira. The Aussies started one mixed Polynesian-looking player, who received a strange red card on a routine tackle.

The game was an incredibly one-sided pounding. The first 3 German goals were scored by white players (Podolski, Klose, and Mueller). Germany's minority-loving coach, Low, then decided to pull Klose and replace him with black-Brazilian striker, Cacau. Cacau scored a tremendously cheap goal in mere minutes on a pathetic defensive effort by Australia. [Rolls eyes]

It's a shame, because Klose could have easily inched ever closer to the all-time record for World Cup finals goals (he's 4 away from tying Brazil's Ronaldo). But then Germany, like all other teams playing under FIFA, couldn't properly bask in the doldrums of black athletic "supremacy."Â￾

If Germany were to field an all-German squad (minus their beloved Turks) they'd certainly reach the finals of every World Cup and Euro Cup championship. The same would be true for other white Euro nations.
Interesting that both Klose and Podolski are from Silesia in what is now Poland. Both claim mixed German and Polish ancestry, and both came to Germany as children.
Thrashen, you are being unreasonbly harsh on Germany. It is unfortunate that this whole World Cup thread has turned into a "who's white, who's not" discussion.

It seems, for some people, white = Anglo Saxons exclusively. Others, (myself included) are more inclusive, and count the peoples of southern Europe (Spain, Italy, Greece) as well as certain groups of people from Turkey, Persia, etc, not to mention the South Americans from Argentina, Uruguay, as well as 40% of Brazil amongst the Caucasians. In any event, this will be the first/last time I will make any mention of my take on this whole matter. I think we should focus more on soccer going forward.

Germany is starting 9 native Germans, plus Ozil who's of Turkish descent and looks 100% white, plus Khedira, who's father is of Tunisian descent. Khedira has a darker complexion and looks to me like he'd be right at home in Portugal, Spain, Argentina, Italy, Greece, Turkey, etc, etc.

As far as I can see, both of the guys appear to have earned their spots on merit and not because of some affirmative action policies ala France or England.

Germany remains as the top team I'm rooting for to win the Cup, followed by Spain and Argentina.
Thrashen - the "mixed Polynesian looking" player is Everton's Tim Cahill, whose mother isindeed, unfortunately,Samoan.

I'm so bloody embarrassed. The game was an unmitigated disaster for Australia but, if I'm to be honest, this type of hiding was on the cards.
Contrary to what people may think, Australia is a comparatively weak side. Sure, we are good enough to comfortably dispose of the various Asian lightweights that we encounter in the qualifiers (four teams from the confederation qualify automatically with the winner of a playoff involving the fifth and sixth teams facing the Oceania winner, so progress to the finals is not overly difficult, given the paucity of Asian teams of quality), but top-level competition is another story.

Australia's squad contains very few players who can even remotely cut the mustard at this level. The fact that Scott Chipperfield and Craig Moore (who both turn 35 at the end of the year) were in the starting lineup speaks volumes about our depth, or lack thereof. Guys like Carl Valeri (Sassuolo - Serie B, Italy), Mile Jedinak(Genclerbirligi, Turkey) and Richard Garcia (Hull City) by rights shouldn't be anywhere near a World Cup. Jason Culina, who these days turns out for Gold Coast United in the Australian A-League, is incapable of meaningfully competing against any decent, let alone world-class, opposition.

To top things off, coach Pim Verbeek played Tim Cahill way up front, when his ideal role is to make runs from the midfield and thus create and hopefully score.

Anyway, one can use the excuse that Cahill was harshly sent off (the challenge was woefully late but, in my opinion, it should have been a yellow) or that Per Mertesacker handled the ball in the penalty area without any consequences, but the reality is that the Socceroos weren't up to snuff and thethrashing was fair. If Cahill had stayed on the score may have been kept down but, with such bad play,Australia were never going to win this match.

Well,Australia now needs to win both of their remainingfirst-round matches- we'll see what happens in the next game against Ghana, eh?

Edited by: Rebajlo
Concerning Australia, isn't it the case that soccer is not really that big of a sport down there? I've always thought that good athletes there go for rugby, basketball, Australian rules football, tennis, etc.
referendum - Yes, Australia is a 'developing' nation in the world of soccer. Soccer is about as popular in Australia as it is in the US. Same with New Zealand who play tomorrow.
foobar75 said:
Thrashen, you are being unreasonbly harsh on Germany. It is unfortunate that this whole World Cup thread has turned into a "who's white, who's not" discussion.

It seems, for some people, white = Anglo Saxons exclusively. Others, (myself included) are more inclusive, and count the peoples of southern Europe (Spain, Italy, Greece) as well as certain groups of people from Turkey, Persia, etc, not to mention the South Americans from Argentina, Uruguay, as well as 40% of Brazil amongst the Caucasians. In any event, this will be the first/last time I will make any mention of my take on this whole matter. I think we should focus more on soccer going forward.

Germany is starting 9 native Germans, plus Ozil who's of Turkish descent and looks 100% white, plus Khedira, who's father is of Tunisian descent. Khedira has a darker complexion and looks to me like he'd be right at home in Portugal, Spain, Argentina, Italy, Greece, Turkey, etc, etc.

As far as I can see, both of the guys appear to have earned their spots on merit and not because of some affirmative action policies ala France or England.

Germany remains as the top team I'm rooting for to win the Cup, followed by Spain and Argentina.

That's fine, we can respectfully disagree on the subject of "who's white."Â￾ I wasn't suggesting that their two Turkish players didn't "deserve"Â￾ to play for Germany, only that I wish they'd play for their own nation, Turkey (a great national squad in its own right). Cacua, the black Brazilian striker who came on for Klose during a "goal-fest"Â￾ type of game (11 versus 10), only obtained German citizenship a few months ago"¦specifically to play for Germany's national squad. Why would anyone, German or Brazilian or otherwise, think of this as a "good thing?"Â￾ Again, it's not that he's a bad soccer player, only that he should work hard and make Brazil's national squad.

I will root for Germany until they play a squad of 11 ethnic Anglo-Saxons (Denmark, for instance, although they are unlikely to advance).

Edited by: Thrashen
Ozil who's of Turkish descent and looks 100% white,

If he's white then white has no meaning. There are some Turks in the west of the country who are European, that is true, but most Turks are Asians. Edited by: Matra1
jcolec02 said:
Japan plays Cameroon this morning, who yall goin for????

why would i cheer for either of these teams?

they certainly weren't representingmy tribe, asnot a single White athlete was on the pitch. i don't have a problem with that, however. why, you may ask?it is a"novel concept" in today's globalized multi-cult that two national teams actually had a roster filled with players who were representative of their nation. Japan was Japanese, and Cameroon was dark-as-night black africans.

i wish Western nations would take a similar approach ... oh, wait. they are. the West is already stocking their teams with africans.

as an aside, Cameroon looked like a stereotype of itself. their play was selfish, un-organized, and sloppy, and when things got tough they started arguing with one another. how "strange" that blacks would behave in such a manner ...

also, just from looking it appeared that Japan was a bit bigger and much swifter than their black opponents. but i thought blacks were all huge speed demons. again, how "weird" ...

in the early match of the day: for the Danes, their lone non-White defender certainly looked affletic as he headed a balloff his teammate's back for an own goal. pathetic. offensively, they did almost nothing. they were overmatched by the Netherlands.

the mostly White (two non-White starters ifi recall correctly)Dutch looked impressive. their non-White starters were non-factors, though, so why have them on the field? the Dutch did bring in a black forward off the bench who displayed some speed, but you'd have thought he was a PoY candidate the way ESPN's commentators jizzed all over themselves while talking about him.

so far,to methis World Cup has been more about errors and a love affair with all things african than stellar performances. hopefully we will see better play as the tourney progresses.
speaking of ESPN's afro-philia, they just showed an advertisement about the upcoming Portugal-Ivory Coast match ... "african power" Ivory Coast, that is.
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