Most Turks living in Turkey have predominantly White features. The Turkic tribes of Central Asia we're a mix of Aryans and East Asians, the ones that moved West into Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, and Russia mixed with pure Aryans for hundreds of years and over time began to look more and more White. Turks who remained in the East in nations such as Turkmenistan and Western China retained their Asiatic features. Nations in the middle like Afghanistan and Tajikistan have Aryans in the East and Asians in the West.
I think it's flat out stupid to deny Whiteness to White people just because they may have had Asiatic ancestors hundreds of years ago. It's not like East Asians are to be looked down upon in the first place. I def. think Zidane has White features as do many Arabs and North Africans. Some of you Euros go way too overboard with Arab/Muslim hate. Religion does not determine whether or not you are White. Many Americans don't think too highly of Mormons or Scientologists, but that doesn't make them not White. Do you consider the best French player Ribery to be "not White" just because he's Muslim convert. You can't deny obvious genetic features just because you don't like somebody LOL