South Africa World Cup 2010

OK - I have seen every team now and have noted the racial breakdown of each squad's starters. This is not scientific but just my impression of the races. For most games, I have seen the opening where they are all lined up for the national anthems. For a few, I missed the opening and had to note each player on the field. I think this is pretty accurate but let me know if I have missed anything:

Algeria â€" all North African/Arab
Argentina â€" 10 whites, 1 mestizo
Austraia â€" all white
Brazil â€" 4 whites, 7 blacks/mixed
Cameroon â€" all black
Chile â€" 7 or 8 whites, at least 3 mestizos
Denmark â€" 1 black
England - 6 whites, 5 blacks (may improve to 7 whites next game)
France - 4 whites, 7 blacks
Germany â€" all white (though 2 Turks)
Ghana â€" all black
Greece â€" all white
Honduras â€" 8 mestizos, 3 blacks
Italy â€" all white
Ivory Coast â€" all black
Japan â€" all Asian
Mexico â€" all white or mestizo
Netherlands â€" 9 whites 2 blacks
New Zealand â€" 10 whites, 1 abo
Nigeria â€" all black
North Korea â€" all Asian
Paraguay â€" more or less all mestizo
Portugal â€" 10 whites, 1 black
Serbia â€" all white
Slovakia â€" all white
Slovenia â€" all white
South Africa â€" all black
South Korea â€" all Asian
Spain â€" all white
Switzerland â€" 9 whites, 2 blacks
United States â€" 7 whites, 4 blacks
Uruguay 9 whites, 1 black, 1 mestizo
I doubt most people could find the actual line between Europe and Asia on a map. It's just a freaking imaginary line.

One's genetic make-up is what matters. Most Turks are non-white

Edited by: Matra1
It's a shame that Switzerland has the same "addiction" that Germany has with their 2 mercenary Negroes. One of which just scored. Let's hope Spain can come back. I think they will. Edited by: Freethinker
Liverlips said:
OK - I have seen every team now and have noted the racial breakdown of each squad's starters. This is not scientific but just my impression of the races. For most games, I have seen the opening where they are all lined up for the national anthems. For a few, I missed the opening and had to note each player on the field. I think this is pretty accurate but let me know if I have missed anything:

Algeria â€" all North African/Arab
Argentina â€" 10 whites, 1 mestizo
Austraia â€" all white
Brazil â€" 4 whites, 7 blacks/mixed
Cameroon â€" all black
Chile â€" 7 or 8 whites, at least 3 mestizos
Denmark â€" 1 black
England - 6 whites, 5 blacks (may improve to 7 whites next game)
France - 4 whites, 7 blacks
Germany â€" all white (though 2 Turks)
Ghana â€" all black
Greece â€" all white
Honduras â€" 8 mestizos, 3 blacks
Italy â€" all white
Ivory Coast â€" all black
Japan â€" all Asian
Mexico â€" all white or mestizo
Netherlands â€" 9 whites 2 blacks
New Zealand â€" 10 whites, 1 abo
Nigeria â€" all black
North Korea â€" all Asian
Paraguay â€" more or less all mestizo
Portugal â€" 10 whites, 1 black
Serbia â€" all white
Slovakia â€" all white
Slovenia â€" all white
South Africa â€" all black
South Korea â€" all Asian
Spain â€" all white
Switzerland â€" 9 whites, 2 blacks
United States â€" 7 whites, 4 blacks
Uruguay 9 whites, 1 black, 1 mestizo

I can attest to the racial breakdown you present"¦however, Australia is all-white, with the exception of a single mixed-Polynesian player (Tim Cahill) who was red-carded against Germany. Perhaps his replacement for their next match will make the Aussies all-white.

I'll be rooting for the squad with the lightest skin, and with the lightest physical features (in terms of hair and eye color)"¦regardless of what national border they happen to live within. I'd prefer Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Serbia, Slovakia, or Slovenia, etc. Failing those teams, I suppose I'd prefer a team such as Denmark, the Netherlands, or Switzerland (one of their black players just scored against Spain).
Thrashen said:
I'll be rooting for the squad with the lightest skin, and with the lightest physical features (in terms of hair and eye color)"¦regardless of what national border they happen to live within. I'd prefer Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Serbia, Slovakia, or Slovenia, etc. Failing those teams, I suppose I'd prefer a team such as Denmark, the Netherlands, or Switzerland (one of their black players just scored against Spain).

Italy not white enough for you?
Spain had an incredible number of shots and possessed the ball most of the match but failed to score. Their crosses and corners were very poor, especially in the last few minutes when they were desperate.
Well, I was cheering for Spain but Switzerland still comes across as a white team with only two blacks.

Realistically, Spain is making the next round so it comes down to Chile or Switzerland.

I had high hopes for the racial makeup of Chile and thought they would be similar to Argentina and Uruguay. But Switzerland comes across as a whiter team even with the diappointing inclusion of two blacks.
I'll be pulling for Argentina b\c I feel they are the most fun to watch. After that it'd probably be Germany, Italy, and Spain.
jaxvid said:
Thrashen said:
I'll be rooting for the squad with the lightest skin, and with the lightest physical features (in terms of hair and eye color)"¦regardless of what national border they happen to live within. I'd prefer Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Serbia, Slovakia, or Slovenia, etc. Failing those teams, I suppose I'd prefer a team such as Denmark, the Netherlands, or Switzerland (one of their black players just scored against Spain).

Italy not white enough for you?

Teams like Italy, Greece, and Spain are also somewhat acceptable (though not preferred). A squad in which all eleven starters have olive skin, jet-black hair, and jet-black eyes simply isn't "diverse"Â￾ enough for me to whole-heartedly support. I'm a second generation German with blonde hair and green eyes"¦I will support my own until they are all eliminated from contention. I think an Italian or Grecian or Spanish person should do the same.
Approximately half the Swiss starting 11 was non-white. Gokhan Inler is a Turk. Hakan Yakin is an Arab. As I said earlier Eren Derdiyok is Kurdish. Then there are the two blacks.
I agree Matra1, the Swiss are not a team I will root for unless they face some turd world country.

South Africa's country moto is "Unity in Diversity". This is preached on ESPN's coverage non stop of course. However, their starting 11 is 100% black. That sure is diversity, right? But of course no one cares because the group being left out are whites. For the record, the 2009 estimated figures were Black African at 79.3%, White at 9.1%, Mixed at 9.0%, and Indian or Asian at 2.6%.
At the end of the first half Uruguay leading South Africa 1-0 thanks to another great long distance goal from Diego Forlan. The Uruguayans are all over the hosts who can barely get a touch of the ball. Could South Africa be the first ever host country to be eliminated at the group stage? I think they will be.
From good to great from an anti-South Africa standpoint. The South African keeper sent off for a foul in the box. The penalty is converted by Forlan. The South African dream is almost over!

I hope there is good security at the stadium for the Uruguayan fans.Edited by: Matra1
South Africa was just all-but eliminated by the blonde-haired, blue-eyed Forlan of Uruguay.

The rapists, thieves, and murderers of white South Africans will surely "express"Â￾ their vile hatred in the form of rioting (or supplemental genocide).

The media will be pissing in their little panties over their fallen heroes. Finally, a little justice.Edited by: Thrashen
Concerning Chile's team makeup, I believe the country itself is much more mestizo than Argentina or Uruguay, so its soccer team is pretty much on par for what it should be.
"Teams like Italy, Greece, and Spain are also somewhat acceptable (though not preferred). A squad in which all eleven starters have olive skin, jet-black hair, and jet-black eyes simply isn't "diverse"Â￾ enough for me ..."

This is not an accurate description of these teams.
I knew Nani, the African who plays for Portugal (and ManU,) was ruled out for the WC but I only just found how he got injured. He injured himself trying a fancy overhead kick during training! Way to go genius!
Geez I can barely stomach ESPN's coverage of the World Cup. Every chance they get they slam the racist whites and the evil "aprtheid" system they put in place. WTF just cover the frickin score of the game and leave politics to the standard news networks. Either nice to see the "rainbow Nation" get whooped on.

Uruguay could shock some people!!!Edited by: celticdb15
Matra1 said:
Derdiyok of Switzerland is also not true Swiss. He's of Kurdish background.

The Euros have got to stop letting in all these Kurds and Turks. I don't get it. Why does a Kurd deserve to live in Switzerland? I'd love to live there with all the mountains and nice cities. It looks like they are out to destroy their own country also.

You can tell the difference between Turks and Europeans most of the time. Anyway, they still shouldn't be living theie.
celticdb15 said:
Geez I can barely stomach ESPN's coverage of the World Cup. Every chance they get they slam the racist whites and the evil "aprtheid" system they put in place. WTF just cover the frickin score of the game and leave politics to the standard news networks. Either nice to see the "rainbow Nation" get whooped on.
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<div>Uruguay could shock some people!!!</div>

But, ESPN was just whining, big time, about how under-whelming African teams have been "on African soil." haha!!

You can see their already tiny balls shriveling-up even further, while their voices get really soft and somber. Who died? Their black lovers? What sickos. Non-stop "Africant worship" -- that's something we can do WITHOUT.

The dark teams aren't finished yet, but a few should be knocked-out soon.
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