Sotomayor hates white people


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Sotomayor hates white people

Which is why Obama wants her on the Supreme Court. You know those white firefighters who have been in the news lately because they passed the promotions test, only to have the city throw the test scores out because no blacks passed? Their case is before the Supreme Court right now.

Guess who ruled against the white men in a lower court? Yep, Sonia Sotomayor. She didn't just rule against them. She displayed her sheer contempt for them by writing a one paragraph opinion dismissing their claims without even addressing their arguments or the facts of the case. This sort of thing is unheard of, and even a fellow judge criticized her for her contemptuous treatment of the white firefighters.

But according to dissenting Judge Jose Cabranes, the single-paragraph order issued by Sotomayor and her colleagues ignored over 1,800 pages of testimony and more than an hour of argumentâ€"ignoring the facts of the case.

"(T)he parties submitted briefs of 86 pages each and a six-volume joint appendix of over 1,800 pages; plaintiffs' reply brief was over thirty pages long,"Â￾ Cabranes wrote.

"(O)ral argument, on December 10, 2007, lasted over an hour,"Â￾ Cabranes explained, adding that more than two months after oral arguments, Sotomayor and the majority panel upheld the lower court in a summary order "containing a single substantive paragraph."Â￾

Cabranes criticized Sotomayor and the majority for not explaining why they had sided with the city in their new opinion.

Of course Sotomayor sided with the city, and opposed the white men who had been mistreated because of their race. The city was violating their rights on behalf of blacks. Case closed.

When you hate white people, the laws, arguments and facts of the case are of no import whatsoever. It was non-whites vs. whites, and Sotomayor didn't need any "facts"Â￾ to decide how to rule. The non-whites get what they want, and white people get screwed. That's what Equality and Diversity are all about - hating white people. And Sotomayor made it clear with this and other rulings that she believes the white man has no rights the law is bound to respect. That's why Obama wants her on the Supreme Court, because she has "empathy"Â￾ for minorities, which means hatred of whites.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Obama likes to fill positions with racists such as himself and his wife. Sotomayor is just another one of his pawns.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
One look at her and it's easy to guess her politics, same as when Ruth Bader Ginsburg was nominated.


Jul 12, 2007
Glenn Beck featured a quote from her today. I can't remember the wording, but spirit of her statement was that "only brown people can rule on matters that affect brown people". I wonder why the MSM isn't reporting that? You can bet there would be rioting in the streets if Alito had said something like "America is a majority white nation. Therefore, all Supreme Court justices should be white because the greatest number of people affected by our rulings will be white people. And only a white person can understand what other white people go through."


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
The GOP will roll over and play dead as usual. They never stick up for white people -- the only people stupid enough to vote Republican.


Nov 23, 2008
This is the beginning of 8 years of HELL for white folks.

It's seems OK to push white people around.

This just STINKS!!!!

Mr. Lutefisk

Dec 18, 2004
I knew their had to be white hate in her past to make it this far in diversity central USA. She has been hand picked from the beginning with Bush 41 appointing her, that was about 20 years ago. She is 55 years old now, 20 years ago she would have been in her mid-thirties. that is pretty young for a nobody judge like herself to be appointed by the President at such a young age. Kind of like Obama, hand picked from the start.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Any Obama appointee is going to be bad. At least in this case she is replacing a guy who is just like her-Souter. It's a push as far as the court is concerned. What will really hurt is when one of the good ones leaves the court. As far as the Republicans are concerned there is nothing they can do anyway, they don't have the votes for a filibuster and unless there is some serious crime in her background there aint no way an appelate judge is not going to be confirmed.


Jul 16, 2005
sotmajor looks like a half a man, shes a she-man,the first she-man on the court.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Compared to Janet Reno she looks like Ms America....
That said she is probably a triple minority.....
Jun 21, 2007
Outside North America
I would say the current regime leading the U.S.A. is probably just as much anti white as the U.S.S.R. was anti ethnic Russian. If you think this is a stretch think again. You have the tribesmen making up only 3% of the nation yet basically influencing every lever of power from top to bottom. You have a total of 3 percent of the population basically in charge of the nation.
I can see very bad things happening to white Americans in the future. You actually have people leading controlling the U.S. that hate everything about traditional white America. Not dislike, no no no. Literally hate. The sad part is, white America does not have the heart to resist what is being done to them.
Of course all is not lost for white Americans just as all was not lost for Russians as they are still here stronger than ever in 2009 nearly 90 years after that great nations take-over. However I cannot see the damage to America being reversed by the present rules of the game. When the powers that be gain enough power they just simply redefine a law to suit their needs. I see nothing to lead me to believe that it will change. America will go through a dark dark time I believe. Eventually, the current state will collapse. All states do eventually. With the reckless policies of the current regime I do not see it lasting as long as even the decrepit Soviet System lasted. I do believe that America as we knew it is gone forever though. That is a fact geographically speaking.The conquerors of America have done the deed that a master would have to admire. They systematically broke down the nations immune system, monopolized it's institutions of higher learning, monopolized it's information centers, (media) and have essentially altered the psychological state of the American to their liking. The only thing left is for the powers that be to literally seize powers politically outright with no rival. This is the final stage and incidentally the stage that the U.S. is currently in. The mask will come off of the masters because they are drunk with their own power. As always, a bright day will once again seize America's shores. However I fear before that day, the white population will be exposed to things that their fathers could never have even imagined possible. I hope to god I am wrong about this. Hoowever the outright hostility and hatred that the current ruling elite show towards white America leads me to believe I am right in my opinion.Edited by: aussieaussie31


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
We can fully expect (yet) another cultural Marxist, Globalist puppet aboard the "Supremes"...with little regard for Constitutional adherence & incessant, ad-hoc "legislation" from the bench (oligarch style).


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
aussieaussie31 said:
I do believe that America as we knew it is gone forever though. That is a fact geographically speaking.The conquerors of America have done the deed that a master would have to admire. They systematically broke down the nations immune system, monopolized it's institutions of higher learning, monopolized it's information centers, (media) and have essentially altered the psychological state of the American to their liking. The only thing left is for the powers that be to literally seize powers politically outright with no rival. This is the final stage and incidentally the stage that the U.S. is currently in. The mask will come off of the masters because they are drunk with their own power. As always, a bright day will once again seize America's shores. However I fear before that day, the white population will be exposed to things that their fathers could never have even imagined possible. I hope to god I am wrong about this. Hoowever the outright hostility and hatred that the current ruling elite show towards white America leads me to believe I am right in my opinion.

Good stuff!!!


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Riddlewire said:
Glenn Beck featured a quote from her today. I can't remember the wording, but spirit of her statement was that "only brown people can rule on matters that affect brown people". I wonder why the MSM isn't reporting that? You can bet there would be rioting in the streets if Alito had said something like "America is a majority white nation. Therefore, all Supreme Court justices should be white because the greatest number of people affected by our rulings will be white people. And only a white person can understand what other white people go through."

Another one of her qoutes that was mentioned on Glen Beck and Lou Dobbs stated that "a Latino woman with the richness of her experiences more times than not can come to be better conclusion than a white man". I can't stand to think about having a bigoted tool like her on the highest court in the land for 25 years or so.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
jaxvid said:
aussieaussie31 said:
I do believe that America as we knew it is gone forever though. That is a fact geographically speaking.The conquerors of America have done the deed that a master would have to admire. They systematically broke down the nations immune system, monopolized it's institutions of higher learning, monopolized it's information centers, (media) and have essentially altered the psychological state of the American to their liking. The only thing left is for the powers that be to literally seize powers politically outright with no rival. This is the final stage and incidentally the stage that the U.S. is currently in. The mask will come off of the masters because they are drunk with their own power. As always, a bright day will once again seize America's shores. However I fear before that day, the white population will be exposed to things that their fathers could never have even imagined possible. I hope to god I am wrong about this. Hoowever the outright hostility and hatred that the current ruling elite show towards white America leads me to believe I am right in my opinion.

Good stuff!!!

BUMP !!!


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Bart, awesome posts, I've been watching the News-Jews dancing around this topic in the "news" recently, it's nice to hear the actual truth.

I think it's VERY, VERY good when things like this happen. I want them to push anti-white racism to it's absolute breaking-point. That is the only scenario in which the intoxicated white men and women of this lazy, uninformed, prideless nation will realize that they are indeed in the midst of a spiritual, physical, and psychological war.

Hopefully the loathsome lesbian, Sotomayor, will continue to make more and more outlandish, racist, and arrogant statements for every thick-skulled, smiling white dope to hear.

The election of Obongo is exactly the medicine white amerika has deserved for the past 50-60 of treachery against all things their fathers held dear.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
The Hock,

It doesn't matter if she's an able person or not. Once she's in, she's in and that's all that matters. If she's the biggest racist and or fool the world has ever known is meaningless. She'll still have her "vote."

Tom Iron...


Apr 14, 2005
Let's see briefly married now divorced with no kids...can you say muff diver? LOL Ugh...what an ugly piece of ass haha!!


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
DixieDestroyer said:

That should get most Republicans riled up. What does the chief Negro in charge of the GOP have to say about her?

Michael Steele says GOP shouldn't oppose Sotomayor

That's right - Michael Steele, the black man who is head of the Republican National Committee solely because of anti-white pandering by the GOP, says the Republican Party should not oppose Sotomayor for the Supreme court. In fact, he's really excited that a white man isn't getting the job:

"I'm excited that a Hispanic woman is in this position,"Â￾ said Michael Steele on Bill Bennett's radio show Friday. He added that instead of "slammin' and rammin'"Â￾ on Sotomayor, Republicans should "acknowledge"Â￾ the "historic aspect"Â￾ of the selection and stick to a "cogent, articulate argument"Â￾ against her.

Steele argued that the GOP should not "get painted as a party that's against the first Hispanic woman"Â￾ picked for the Supreme Court.

Of course Steele doesn't want the GOP to oppose the the first Hispanic woman picked for the court. He and she are on the same team. They're co-belligerents in the war against white people. Neither one would be in the position they are today without having benefited massively from anti-white discrimination their entire adult lives. Steele knows that, and he's giving Sotomayor her props as a fellow soldier in the war on white people.


Nov 25, 2004
Has Obama appointed any white male Christain to anything? Like all minorities Michael Steele votes with anti-white race first. What did Republicans expect?


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Jax, if only the Republicans were ONLY "stupid." That might be easier to stomach.

It wouldnt shock me one bit if a white, christian male was making the same outrageously anti-white comments (as Sotomayor). That's old news at this point. Having a minority stating such things is the only reason it's even more enraging.

I think it's now become blatantly obvious....Democrat and Republican are, and have always been, the exact same political party. It's become quite apparent that their ultimate goal is to completely replace every single aspect of american culture with the complete opposite.

Instilling these "new values" with those force-feeding multiculturalism is the only "change" I've ever seen taking shape. The remainer of the standard political issues always stay the same....that is, morons bickering back and forth while the important sh*t goes unnoticed.