Sotomayor hates white people


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Thrashen what pisses me off most about stuff like this is that politicians are supposed to be such vote whores and here is a case where major points can be scored with the peasants and they STILL don't stray from the anti-white agenda. For cryin out loud is it such a hard thing to do to hang this bitch out to dry to score some political points!!!???!!!

It's a long way from the elections so why give a flip that the MSM will flog them for trying to roast this turd? They have polls, they have people who read the internet, they know what a polarizing figure she is and how they can play to the base by opposing her. So why doesn't it happen? Isn't there one guy out there who figures he is going to throw his lot in with the great silent white majority and leverage the support to get elected and eventually rich?

Also the Rush Limbaugh 'hate' confuses the hell out of me. From what I can tell Rush is the living embodiment of the typical Republican voter. That guy is nothing but a mirror for the way those people think and feel. And the party lets guys like Steele and Powell drive a wedge between them and him. It is so STUPID that I cannot comprehend it and if anyone can explain it to me I would be eternally grateful.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
jaxvid said:
More from the "stupid" party. We got no one looking out for us.

GOP senator: Stop calling Sotomayor a 'racist'

Jaxvid, the link doesn't work for me.

Mr. Lutefisk

Dec 18, 2004
Minorities have declared war on White people especially white males and the majority of Whites are clueless or in denial. Just wait until minorities are the majority, it will not be pretty. I predict new laws on land ownership in which the state will take land away from Whites to give to minorities, a Whites only tax, and extremely harsh prison sentences for Whites "to make up for over 400 years of racism and injustice". Take a look at South Africa now to see America's future.


Mar 2, 2008
Westwood, California
Sotomayor is just another example of a pampered (yes, PAMPERED) "minority" with delusions of "I'm so tough and intelligent" grandeur, who has reached her lofty status not due to the intelligence, drive, and toughness with which she (and others similar to her) likes to describe herself, but instead due to the incredible kindness, generosity, and selflessness (STUPID selflessness, I say) of white people, whom she of course hates.

Not at all surprising. Sad, though.

Even sadder, because this stupid sack of ungrateful Affirmative Action-style monkey sh-- is going to have the power to say whether you live or die.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Bart said:
jaxvid said:
More from the "stupid" party. We got no one looking out for us.

GOP senator: Stop calling Sotomayor a 'racist'

Jaxvid, the link doesn't work for me.

Didn't work for me either. I'm having some troubles with links on the new board. I looked for the story again but couldn't find it.

It went something like: Sen. Sessions says that top GOP figures shouldn't call her a racist because blah blah blah I'm a stupid white a-hole that only lives to suck off the teat of the public treasury so I'll say anything to keep my cushy job including selling out my own race because I'm a lying phony bastard.

Or something to that effect. That's what I remember about the story anyway.
Oct 24, 2005
BHO has appointed some white guys. He put Arne (The yo-yo) Duncan in charge of the indoctrination... department.
There are some who will disagree if arme is a man or a human being for that matter.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
If there was ever a time for a 3rd party/ independent/ Ron Paul Republican to win, it will be in the up coming years.

The Democrats are not drunk with power, I'd say they are far worse. Maybe, sh*tfaced with power is the proper term. Every move they make borders the brink of insanity. They are so arrogant about it too. They don't even try to hide most of the blatant and vile decisions, appointments, appropriations, etc that they make anymore. The Democrats are an insult to any white male, liberty/freedom lover and/or honest hardworking American. I for one am sick to my stomach.

As others have already said, the GOP is probably worse for not standing against these bastards. The GOP has lost its morals and convictions along time ago and everyone here knows its.

Democrat = Republican. The sheep must wake up and realize this. 3rd parties are the only way to go.Edited by: Freethinker
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
You want to know what is really pathetic about this whole neocon pee parade on Senorita Sotomayor? The MSM, along with the neocons, seem to think that only race is being exploited here. Apparently, nobody wants to add sex to that list as well. Yes, she also showed that she is a misandrist, but we are not supposed to recognize that in America (only when it's the opposite). So typical.


She will be confirmed after we say our piece, and then the USSC will start to lose power because every decision will be race tainted by this witch. It would be like giving control of the Federal Reserve to black politicians, the very next day a new monetary system would be set in place and the black pols could play with the Fed like it was Detroit, but it would have no power. "White men have a common sense of oppression, but we are not victims", Horus.


Nov 26, 2004
Sotomayer is white.

CIA World Fact Book for Puerto Rico:

white (mostly Spanish origin) 76.2%, black 6.9%, Asian 0.3%, Amerindian 0.2%, mixed 4.4%, other 12% (2007)

2000 Census Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico self-identify as follows:

According to the 2000 U.S. Census there were almost four million inhabitants. Eighty percent of Puerto Ricans described themselves as "white"; 8% as "black"; 12% as "mulatto" and 0.4% as "American Indian or Alaska Native".[71]

Ms. Sotomayer has:

curly hair (Caucasian rather than kinky ******* or straight Amerindian)

prominent nose (not flat)

light skin

high IQ (graduated law school, passed NY bar exam which 24% fail on first attempt)

Hispanic is not a race. But it has become used as a racial category. Which is very useful for whites who might otherwise have to compete with other whites and with Asians. It enables the left to celebrate and accelerate the passing of the white majority. 'You have to hire Hispanic managers for a Hispanic work force.'

Over 50% of Hispanics self-identify as white. In reality the number may be higher or lower, but it is still significant as many benefits accrue to being a 'minority' even while being a 'majority'.

Sotomayer's rhetoric and judicial record on race isn't sincere. She knows she has a role to play in exchange for her success. Is she really enamored of 'people of color', especially when they intrude on her upper-middle class lifestyle? Does she travel to Washington Heights to hang out with Dominicans? Are there awkward moments when she pays, and occasionally tips, her Latina-staffed maid service?

Who knows, she may surprise. Both 'confirmed bachelor' Souter (who was mugged while 'jogging' in a D.C. park) and Ms. O'Conner were supposed to be conservative. They acted otherwise on the bench. Sotomayer may betray her liberal record.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Charlie said:
Sotomayer is white.

CIA World Fact Book for Puerto Rico:

white (mostly Spanish origin) 76.2%, black 6.9%, Asian 0.3%, Amerindian 0.2%, mixed 4.4%, other 12% (2007)

2000 Census Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico self-identify as follows:

According to the 2000 U.S. Census there were almost four million inhabitants. Eighty percent of Puerto Ricans described themselves as "white"; 8% as "black"; 12% as "mulatto" and 0.4% as "American Indian or Alaska Native".[71]

Ms. Sotomayer has:

curly hair (Caucasian rather than kinky ******* or straight Amerindian)

prominent nose (not flat)

light skin

high IQ (graduated law school, passed NY bar exam which 24% fail on first attempt)

Hispanic is not a race. But it has become used as a racial category. Which is very useful for whites who might otherwise have to compete with other whites and with Asians. It enables the left to celebrate and accelerate the passing of the white majority. 'You have to hire Hispanic managers for a Hispanic work force.'

Over 50% of Hispanics self-identify as white. In reality the number may be higher or lower, but it is still significant as many benefits accrue to being a 'minority' even while being a 'majority'.

Sotomayer's rhetoric and judicial record on race isn't sincere. She knows she has a role to play in exchange for her success. Is she really enamored of 'people of color', especially when they intrude on her upper-middle class lifestyle? Does she travel to Washington Heights to hang out with Dominicans? Are there awkward moments when she pays, and occasionally tips, her Latina-staffed maid service?

Who knows, she may surprise. Both 'confirmed bachelor' Souter (who was mugged while 'jogging' in a D.C. park) and Ms. O'Conner were supposed to be conservative. They acted otherwise on the bench. Sotomayer may betray her liberal record.

Great post, Charlie. I think she is white as well but she obviously is more proud of her Latina heritage which is wrongly percieved to be always non-white, skin color nonwithstanding. Good point about the so-called conservatives Souter and O'Connor who did a complete about face once they got on the Supreme Court. There is a school of thought out there with Rush Limbaugh being one of them who thinks she may be a closet pro-lifer because of her deep Catholic and Latina roots and lack of a firm liberal record on the issue and so there is a small chance that she might not be as liberal as the left wants. However, she does have a liberal record on affirmative action and gun rights, so she should still be confronted and challenged on her record during the confirmation hearings. Barring a miracle or last minute scandal, she will be the next Supreme Court Justice.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The number of conservative justices, politicians, etc., who after arriving in Washington "grew" and became liberals is legion, but has there ever been a liberal who became conservative?


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
David Horowitz is a guy who changed from left wing hippie Marxist to conservative and he gets roundly booed on the college campuses where he speaks now. But as far as a conservative politician or judge who used to be liberal and changed to conservative when he got to Washington, I can't think of a one. But there has to be somebody who did, some anonymous House Rep or Federal appeals court judge. But your point is obviously well made, it happens rarely if ever.
Oct 24, 2005
I have to add to what Aussie31 said. Twice in the 1980s I met people who immigrated from the Soviet union. They considered the communist government to be foreign overlords to the Russian people. Lenin was a stooge for the Kaiser, Trotsky was a jew, Stalin was from Georgia, Kruschov was from the Ukraine, ect. I was stunned for I was not used to thinking of nations along national, or racial terms. I wonder what they think of Russia now.
Meanwhile we americans have to endure the Kenyen/indonesian monarch that is ruling us.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
yesterday Pat Buchanan was on MSNBC and he went head to head with the outspoken lesbian host of one of its programs, Rachel Maddow.

Maddow, of course, felt that putting Sotomayor on the Supreme Court simply because she was a minority was super duper and became extremely angry with Buchanan who pointed out that affirmative-action appointments should have no place in America.

here's the video.

Pat spoke very plainly, but i don't think anyone heard him. especially considering that MSNBC has the lowest ratings of any of the news networks.
Dec 18, 2004
Don Wassall said:
The number of conservative justices, politicians, etc., who after arriving in Washington "grew" and became liberals is legion, but has there ever been a liberal who became conservative?

It is a fact that the most liberal Supreme Court Justices have often been appointed by Republican Presidents. One reason is that they realize that making liberal decisions will result in extravagant praise from the press and the "better class of people."

The closest thing to a Supreme Court Justice who turned out to be more conservative than expected would be the late Justice Byron White, who was a famous football player at Colorado. He would have won the 1937 Heisman trophy if he had played any games in the East. John F. Kennedy named White to the Supreme Court in 1962. Many liberals feel that this was a big mistake by JFK.

White voted against abortion because he felt the court would exceed its powers by legalizing it. He also voted the wrong way according to liberals on a press question and a sodomy decision. Even though White took the liberal position on every racial preference question, the feminists, media types, and the homosexual lobby never forgave him.

Justice White was always called a "conservative" by the press but was not in his own mind. He felt the Court should stay within the Constitution and decide cases rather than change the law.

I have been meaning one of these days to make a post about Byron White's athletic career. He always hated the name "Whizzer." White felt that being a sports celebrity was both empty and a distraction from having the significant legal career he intended.

Justice Clarence Thomas has probably been more conservative than the Bushes expected (or wanted). Thomas has been the subject of personal attacks starting with the Anita Hill controversy. Some thought Thomas would "grow" into a liberal after being on the Court for a while as many other Republican appointees did, but he has not.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
JC, James Edwards is discussing this on the Political Cesspool tonight. I think he's going to play the audio clip too.
Oct 20, 2008
New Jersey
It's not de rigeur to openly classify yourself as White in a positive manner today. Let Sotomayor be Latin; do you think any given group of Whites would want to consider someone like her one of their own?

As for O'Connor, she was appointed because she had a pair of melons and Reagan had to appease the feminazis. End of story.

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
guest301 said:
David Horowitz is a guy who changed from left wing hippie Marxist to conservative...

Horowitz only "converted" on some of his commie-lib ideas. He is still very much a liberal on racial matters.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Charlie, you make a good point, however I've never thought of Latinos/Latinas as White. "Sodomayor" looks part Asian to me. Her bashing of the (superior) White man & embracing of the "Latina" label "denouce" any partial/Mestizo Whiteness she may have (IMO). I don't/won't consider her White (she doesn't deserve that privilege/honor).
Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
sport historian said:
Don Wassall said:
The number of conservative justices, politicians, etc., who after arriving in Washington "grew" and became liberals is legion, but has there ever been a liberal who became conservative?

It is a fact that the most liberal Supreme Court Justices have often been appointed by Republican Presidents. One reason is that they realize that making liberal decisions will result in extravagant praise from the press and the "better class of people."

The closest thing to a Supreme Court Justice who turned out to be more conservative than expected would be the late Justice Byron White, who was a famous football player at Colorado. He would have won the 1937 Heisman trophy if he had played any games in the East. John F. Kennedy named White to the Supreme Court in 1962. Many liberals feel that this was a big mistake by JFK.

White voted against abortion because he felt the court would exceed its powers by legalizing it. He also voted the wrong way according to liberals on a press question and a sodomy decision. Even though White took the liberal position on every racial preference question, the feminists, media types, and the homosexual lobby never forgave him.

Justice White was always called a "conservative" by the press but was not in his own mind. He felt the Court should stay within the Constitution and decide cases rather than change the law.

I have been meaning one of these days to make a post about Byron White's athletic career. He always hated the name "Whizzer." White felt that being a sports celebrity was both empty and a distraction from having the significant legal career he intended.

Justice Clarence Thomas has probably been more conservative than the Bushes expected (or wanted). Thomas has been the subject of personal attacks starting with the Anita Hill controversy. Some thought Thomas would "grow" into a liberal after being on the Court for a while as many other Republican appointees did, but he has not.

Insightful post. Thanks for the knowledge.

Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
156 conservatives around the country are speaking out. sickened by the Republican Party's refusal to challenge the non-qualified racist Sotomayor, these folks have written the Senate directly, demanding that Sotomayor be disqualified.

<H1>156 Leading Conservatives to Senate: Obama's Supreme Court Nominee Disqualified</H1>
<DIV =blogexcerpt>Among the 156 who signed the letter are: Curt Levey of the Committee for Justice and Manny Miranda of Third Branch; plus: Gary Aldrich, Bob Barr, Morton Blackwell, Brent Bozell, Floyd Brown, KellyAnne Conway, Janice Shaw Crouse, Marjorie Dannenfelser, Elaine Donnelly, Joseph Farah, Alan Gottlieb, Colin Hanna, Andrea Lafferty, Jeffrey Mazzella, Chuck Muth, Tony Perkins, Larry Pratt, Bill Redpath, Al Regnery, David Ridenour, Ron Robinson, Ilya Shapiro, Rev. Lou Sheldon, Matt Staver, Herb Titus and Wendy Wright.
<DIV =blogtext>

MANASSAS, Va., July 23 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ â€" 156 conservative and constitutional cause leaders and citizens have signed a letter to members of the U.S. Senate expressing opposition to the confirmation of President Obama's nominee to be an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Judge Sonia Sotomayor.

One of the letter's signers, Richard A. Viguerie, said, "The media and Republicans aren't defining President Obama as an extremist politically and constitutionally; therefore, it is up to us conservatives. It is also important that a message be sent that, while Republicans may not be unified in opposing Obama's dangerous and unconstitutional agenda, conservatives and other constitutionalists are united."Â￾

"President Obama has nominated a radical judicial activist who apparently feels the need to mask her outrageous statements, rulings and writings over the years with the soothing words of a constitutionalist,"Â￾ said Kay Daly, president of the Coalition for a Fair Judiciary. "Perhaps the Left has discovered that the American people most certainly do not want the Constitution to be radically altered on the whims of empathy. Sotomayor's extremist actions throughout the years speak far more loudly than the pretty words she spoke at her confirmation hearing. A ‘no' vote for Sotomayor is a ‘yes' vote for the Constitution,"Â￾ Daly said.

The letter notes it may be historic that a nominee to the Supreme Court has gone on record at her confirmation hearing to reject the underlying judicial philosophy of the President who made the nomination. The letter also states in part:

"Given that an appointment to the Supreme Court is for life, the statements by the President and his advisors, and Judge Sotomayor's pre-confirmation statements that conflicted with her confirmation testimony, we believe her judicial philosophy is indeed one that should disqualify her from appointment to the Supreme Court.

"This is a matter of whether the nominee has demonstrated that she will abide by the role of the judiciary consistent with, and as constrained by, the Constitution.

"Judge Sotomayor's rulings, whether dealing with the 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, private property rights, criminal law, use of foreign law, race, equal protection and other areas of law, demonstrate that, if she is consistently ‘empathetic' at all, it is in favor of government power, even beyond constitutional constraints."Â￾