Thrashen - thanks for the kind words, mate.
Australia is indeed a great place but is definitely no longer the distinctively "old-style" Anglo-Celtic country of BanjoPatterson, Hoges, and Ginger Meggs - the image which remains popular in the U.K. and U.S.For example, if You fly into Kingsford Smith Airport in Sydney, You are instantly surrounded by swarming masses of Asians and that trend unfortunately continues as You move through the inner city and more and more of the outlying suburbs.
The "official" figures pertaining to Australia's racial composition are vague, conflicting, and very difficult to obtain, yet one thing is constant - they certainly don't reflect reality in the least. For instance, censusdata flourished by the Australian Bureau of Statistics supposedly shows that the Asian population is circa 8%, while the Britannica Yearbook shows it as circa 6% - the latter figure is generally used bythe media to downplay any public concernsabout immigration.
The extent of mediasmokescreens regarding the numbers of non-whites is staggering.I remember reading an article in the Sydney Morning Herald entitled "The Changing Face of Australia" some time in late 1993 / early 1994, which stated that the Asian population was between 7 and 8 percent. This was the proportion bandied about in the media until Pauline Hanson made her famous 1996 maiden speech in Parliament in which she challenged continuedAsian immigration. In theleftist hysteria which followed, the figure was mysteriously lowered to circa 4% and remainedthus for years on end.Ina similar vein, according to the media, the Muslim populationis supposedly still about 300,000- despite these animals' prodigious birthrates, supplemented by constant new arrivals, and very visible presence all over theplace (especially in crime), their numbers have magically remained static for about fifteen years...
With leftist globalist fanatic Kevin Rudd (my God, that "man" is an embarrassment
) and his mindless Labor Party cohorts at the helm, political correctness is in full swing and things have only become worse. It seems that every tax dollar either goes overseas in the form of "aid", is spent on some "indigenous" project, or is pumped into impractical and purely cosmetic votegrabbing schemes underpinning a typical Labor "get re-elected at any cost" strategy.The Anglo-Celtic Australians(thegroupwhich I, being Australian-born, identify with and which has always naturally included me, despite my 100% Polish background and "strange" name
)are increasingly marginalised in our own country. The back-breaking nation-building role of the originalBritish and Irish settlers is being constantly trivialised and diminished, with emphasis placed on the heroic role of "migrants", especially the non-whites whoturned up in numbers from the 1970s onwards and who have contributed essentially nothing but crime, squalor and sweatshop labour.During the recent Australia Day celebrations (January 26, in case You were wondering) that clown Rudd simply blathered on about the benefits of migration, with a sea of grinningyellow, black, and brown faces in the background. Thoroughly disgusting...
Australia's ultra-generous social security system
attracts parasites from every filthy corner of the world, and with "baby bonus" payments of over $5,000 per brat, the Arabs, Asians, Indians, Africans (yes, we are importing those, as well
), Pacific Islanders, Aboriginals and other sundry undesirables are breeding like flies. Sounds strangely familiar, does it not?
My father was Polish, but lived in England from about the age of twenty three. He adored the place, but became alarmedby the rapidly increasing levels of"Commonwealth" (i.e., black, Indian, Pakistani) immigration into the U.K. I remember him telling me thathe couldliterally smell theunwashed grubs if they were sitting a couple of rows behindhim in the cinema or if they passed on the street. Back then, the White Australia Policy was still in force here, so he thought "that's the place for me", and consequently made the move. Once he got to Australia he loved it, butlet's just say that he was less than impressed when the policy waseventually dismantled in stages from 1966 onwards...
Edited by: Rebajlo