So(a)me old Bigger, Faster, Stronger (Blacker) BS

Westside - Thanks, mate. I am following the activities of the Tea Party movement with interest. Many participants must be "logically thinking" white Americans who are surely fed up to the back teeth with the visibledismemberment of the United States as a "European" nation and, I suspect, are voicing frustration at their lack ofmeaningful representation in the Jewish dominated / controlled political partiesand media. Hell, I would be going through the roof simplydue to the bowel-loosening levelsofthe United States' debt, how and where this credit is spent, and the identities of the creditors, let aloneeverything else...<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><O:p></O:p>

Don Wassall said:
Downplaying the actual Asian population in Australia is interesting as I think the samephenomenon is happening in the U.S. The area I lived most of my life in (Western Pennsylvania) was bereft of Asians, until aboutsix years ago when they suddenly started popping up everywhere. I've mentioned before that even though they are quiet and law abiding and assimilate well, their intelligence and sheer numbers make them the number one threat to take over North America, not the hispanics. And as I've also mentioned, just watch the media and particularly commercials. The asian female has become a media staple, an additionalway of conditioning Whites to the coming new demographic order if the system has its way.

Don - You are spot on in Your assessment of the primacy of the Asian, and in particular Chinese, threatto North America (and Australia, for that matter).The media-propagated image of the Asian is that of the quiet, hard-working, and law-abiding model citizen, yet anyone who hasto put up with sizeable Asian populations and pays heed to the information that his senses furnish him with knowsthat this is not quite true...

The Asians, like the Jews, display clannish behaviour and almost always cooperate against "outsiders". Here in Australia, they hardly assimilate at all. One has to listen to the less-than-dulcet tones of their hideous languages wherever Asians are found (these days, that's in virtually all urban areas). I have noticed that even if young Chinese schoolchildren, who have obviously been born here, may be speaking English among themselves, the moment a non-Asian enters the close vicinity they almost instantly revert to Mandarin or Cantonese. I have very often experienced instances of walking onto a premises to unexpectedly discover a room full of Chinese, who look over, make what must plainly be derogatory jocular comments in their own tongue, and then collectively burst out laughing. Many people I have spoken with,the majorityof whom aren't "racists" by a long shot,have often confirmed personal experience of this type of insulting behaviour when I have raised the subject (tactfully, of course
).I cansafely say that the vast majority of Asians whichI have come into contact withare naturally rude (at least to whites...). Sure, theyaredeferential and fawning when they require something, or wish You to buythe shoddy garbage that they sell, or when there are only one or two of them about, but the moment they constitute a larger group the usual non-white contemptfor Australians quickly surfaces.<O:p></O:p>

As for the myth that Asians are very law-abiding, the reality is that they are heavily involved in the drug trade, with the communities' participation, profit sharing, and complicit silence running far more deeply than most people suspect â€" I have never believed the authorities' and media's mantra of "it's only a tiny minority"Â￾. When I was growing up, I remember the old National Front staging protests with placards reading: "No Asians = No Heroin"Â￾. While such slogans are not, of course, wholly accurate, the fact remains that Asian gangs are responsible for the bulk of drug importation into Australia. The perpetrators arrested in most of the huge heroin busts are almost invariably Chinese or Vietnamese. This leads us to the subject of the presumably far greater numbers of huge (and not-so-huge) shipments that arrive undetected and what happens to the profits from their sale (naturally, sold mostly to white Australians...).<O:p></O:p>
Australians often marvel at the apparently startlingly rapid success of the "hard-working"Â￾ Asian: "Look, Mr.Wong arrived with nothing only five years ago but now owns three restaurants and three flats and he, his wife, and four children each drive a Mercedes or BMW. Those Asians certainly work hard!"Â￾

Most people wouldn't even consider the possibility that the suspiciously prodigious acquisition of wealth by Chinese "businessmen"Â￾ may involve a nefarious practice or two, and I'm not just talking about 500+% profit margins on illegal knock-offs or ripping off gullible diners by charging full restaurant prices for a bit of steamed rice and a couple of strips of meat in soy sauce. I am strongly of the opinion that a combination of the following actually fuels many of their "successes"Â￾:<O:p></O:p>

(a) employment of illegal Asian labour (they almost never employ non-Asians, using the excuse that proficiency in Mandarin et cetera is required for "dealing with clientele"Â￾) and the resultant beneficial overhead / taximplications<O:p></O:p>
(b) involvement in the distribution of drugs / laundering of drug money

(c) utilisation of mysterious sources of capital from Chinese "financial backers"Â￾, i.e., the Chinese government, which "sponsors"Â￾ migrants to colonise Australia / Canada / the U.S. This may sound far-fetched but, given the Chinese "imperial"Â￾ mentality, their quasi-colonial "resource-grabbing"Â￾ in sub-Saharan Africa and other parts of the world, and their penchant for the purchase of Western companies (while brazenly posing as a "developing country"Â￾), I believe that such scenarios are completely feasible.<O:p></O:p>
Here's an example of small-scale Chinese involvement in the drug trade which wasn't very difficult for me to spot. A few years ago, I visited my friend who was then living in Miranda (a suburb on the southern outskirts of Sydney). It was after-hours on a weekend, so everything was closed and we had run out of soft drink
. The only shop within lazy walking distance remaining open was (surprise, surprise) a Chinese-run convenience store. I make a habit of never buying from Asians (which, in Sydney, has always been very difficult...), but my friend went in, so I reluctantly followed. The shop was empty, except for the female Chinese owner (undoubtedly "hard working"Â￾ and "law abiding"Â￾), who looked about fifty and who was showing something to an Australian teenager. I glanced over and she quickly covered the marijuana smoking equipment and bags of dope she had been offering to the kid with a large piece of fabric. That was just one tiny convenience store â€" how many similar convenience stores are engaging in this type of activity around the country? How many restaurants? How many Asian emporia?<O:p></O:p>
Damn, this post is becoming so huge, that it should maybe consider a career in bodybuilding, so I'll wind things up by saying that, paradoxically, the Asians who assimilate to the greatest degree in some ways form the greatest threat of all: miscegenation. More and more white Australian men are marrying / breeding with Asian women. This is especially apparent in the state capital cities and in "university"Â￾ cities and towns. Many young Australian males meet Asian girls during their tertiary studies and enter into relationships with them. Among older men, the internet-facilitated "Filipino bride"Â￾ syndrome manifests itself disquietingly often, so the Eurasian population will doubtlessly balloon in the next decade or so. All in all, things don't bode well...
As for One Nation, several things went awry. Pauline Hanson was not a natural public speaker and had a few rather embarrassing gaffes in television interviews, the most notorious being her not knowing the meaning of the word "xenophobia"Â￾. Her reply, now enshrined in folklore, was "please explain"Â￾
. Factionalism did play a part, with power-broker and chief advisor David Oldfield (who is now a radio host) eventually being acrimoniously expelled. <O:p></O:p>
The main problem that One Nation encountered, and the catalyst of the party's eventual demise, was, funnily enough, brutally relentless negative media attention, gleefully encouraged by all of the major political parties. This created an atmosphere of frothing hysteria which manifested itself in the usual pan-leftist tactics of protests, intimidation and provocation. The Liberal and Labor parties, despite being traditional adversaries, conveniently and unprecedentedly exchanged preferences at the elections in deals designed, to use the then Prime Minister Howard's words, to "put One Nation last"Â￾. <O:p></O:p>
Allegations of electoral fraud pertaining to the party's registration were levelled against Pauline Hanson and fellow founding member David Etteridge. Both actually served something like ten or eleven weeks in jail before being acquitted. Just out of interest, the Howard Government minister and current Liberal leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott, established a trust fund to bankroll the legal action against One Nation...

By the way, sorry about the appearance of this post - the font size is somehow inconsistent ...
I had only written approximately half of it when I was interrupted and had to shut down my computer, so I saved it as a Word document, then completed it a couple of hours later. When I pasted the finished product back in and posted it, the size of the font and the spacingwas a bit off in places andcannot seem to be rectified...
Edited by: Rebajlo
Rebajlo, thanks for all your insight on the plight of Australia via the scourge of non-European/U.S. immigration. Australia is such a beautiful country, it's a shame the untermenschen have to jack up your society (via their Globalist puppet enablers). We suffer much of the same plight here in the U.S. Hang in there partner!
Rebajlo, thanks for enlightening us about things in Australia. Had no clue what things are like down there.
Dixie, Col. Reb - glad to be of service.

As Australia has a rather low profile (despite Comrade Rudd's pitiful attention-seeking antics) people generally believe that the situationhere isn'tall that bad. Mind You, compared to the U.S., U.K., France, et ceterait's still rather mild, but as we only have a population of circa. 21-22million, our "absorption capacity" is not that great and, with constant non-white immigration and high birthrates of the non-whites already here, Australia's racial composition is changing at an alarming rate.

Both of the main political parties (Liberal / Labor) are all for continuing migration, but the Labor Party, being much further to the left,is of course far worse -Labor are well aware that the imported non-whites, with their "welfare" mentalities,are natural Labor voters so, like their British namesakes, they pile them in and hand out the social security benefits... The Liberals were in power from 1996 to 2007 but, despite casting themselves as vigilant protectors of Australia's borders who were "tough on illegals" (and thussuccessfully foolinga significant portionof the electorate), they crammed the country full of Arabs, Asians, andsomething not hithero seen here - Africans.To top things off, the Liberals were (and still are) under the misapprehension that these non-whites shall be grateful and vote for them.

What really pisses me off
is the fact that we are blindly following in the misguided footsteps of Europe and North America - the mistakesthat have been made there (and the dire consequences) stand out like the proverbial, yet our politicians and citizens utterly fail to take heed. A large part of the reason for this delusional inaction is that people here aren't being informed of what is happening in, let's say, theNetherlands and France. The mediadoes not even mention anti-white race riots and "ethnic" crime insuch places- but we, of course,all know why...

For example, the "footage" of France which the media like to show is that of quiet cafe culture set to accordion music, with not an Arab or African to be seen. The same goes for Scandinavia - plenty of snow and friendly white people going about their business, with nosign of Muslim-infested slums in, say,Oslo or Helsinki. If any "racial" disturbances are (rarely) reported, they are only presented in the context of "underprivileged" and "alienated" immigrant youth understandably reacting against evil white discrimination.

The same probably goes for images of Australia in the U.S.: beautiful blonde women in bikinis emerging from the surf, koalas, kangaroos, wide open spaces, the Harbour Bridge - and all without a single shot of an Asian, Arab or Somali...
During the Australian Open, I noticed how many asians were in the crowd. I see the same phenomenon in the U.S. during golf tournaments in the West. Their numbers in the U.S. seem to be increasing far more rapidly than those of hispanics, who themselves have quickly overtaken and surpassed blacks in numbers.
I've noticed a lot of "fresh" Asians in Michgian.
We only have orientals in certain areas of metro Atlanta (Buford Hwy, etc.). I noticed alot of rubynoggin, H-1B visa indians in North Fulton...stealing jobs from Americans!
Where I live in NW GA, there's a few illegal invaders & bruthaz/sistuhz here & there, but otherwise mostly White.
I just don't get why they have to import Third Worlders to places like Australia. I mean I wouldn't so much if they simply picked one nation like Holland to jack up. Also, why don't they just make the nations where these people come from their multicultural diverse dreamlands? Wouldn't that be just as well as bringing them to places like Australia?

I love the images of Australia that you mentioned, the blond women in bikinis coming out of the surf, golden sand beaches, koalas, kangaroos, Outback Steakhouse (just thought I'd throw that in, haha). It's such a shame to see them trying to drive this nation down the toilet. Whenever I hear the song "Down Under" by Men at Work I have visions of the Aussieland of the late 70s/early 80s when I'm sure you could go days at a time without seeing any minorities with beautiful women all over the place, warm sunny weather, everyone with a friendly and laid back attitude and an abundance of XXXX for everyone to drink!
Black people can be as fast or slightly faster than a white man (and a case can be made that they mature earlier due to poverty and having younger mothers), but overall they have inferior strength, intelligience, coordination, endurance (obviously east africans have good endurance due to altitude though), conditioning, balance, and especially versatility. The fact that the NFL can't find a decent black QB even though they'd like to rid the league of white people speaks volumes about the athleticism of blacks.
Also, the few blacks that can throw or possess a mind usually descend from guess who, white people. Oddly enough, many of the great "black" sprinters like Maurice Greene look more white than black, and most likely are.