Sistah wins Ms. America contest!!


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
No, I'm not going to "pile on" this woman, who, no surprise, is from an upper-class background and seems like a decent person. I'm just going to put forth some questions.

I have concluded that the "pandering" to black women - especially in "modeling" - is to get White Men interested in them. There's really no other reason. Some black groups also suspect that that's what going on.

Of course, anyone who understands the PTB realizes that black women aren't being "put on the stage" (via the many modeling show (sham) contests - like Tyra's "America's Next Top Model" - to make black males more racially aware. No siree. MANY models - black and White - will appear in ads promoting miscegenation, etc. The black "models" are necessary for those ads, with White men, that have seemingly EXPLODED. An ad where a White man is with a stunning mestiza (or with one of the few East Asian women that are ACTUALLY stunningly beautiful) is one thing, but black women?

And, from what I can tell, the Cultural Marxism is WORKING. Quite a few black models have White boyfriends. How does that make White women feel? This situation presents a disaster on the horizon. Remember all those dopes that thought that Tiger Woods' niece (or whatever relation they are) that golfs was ATTRACTIVE? I bet most of them were White. This pandering, and lack of respect for oneself, is a huge DISEASE. Of course, I'm not going to go around the internet and say that so-and-so is ugly.. because I don't think that would be effective or wise. Maybe one could tell them, "Get your glasses checked, and gain some self-respect."

Cameron, the first black Miss America since Ericka Dunlap in 2005, says she wants to get a master's degree and eventually become a news anchor.

I thought that "we" were the ones that are "obsessed with race?"
By now it's common knowledge that blacks have to be overrepresented in every aspect of media. Also I notice that Erika Dunlap is married to a white guy.
Edited by: whiteathlete33
Black women are the most horribly ugly females on the planet. one in a million looks like tyra banks. Most have hideous faces.
whiteathlete33 said:
By now it's common knowledge that blacks have to be overrepresented in every aspect of media.  Also I notice that Erika Dunlap is married to a white guy.

Thanks for bringing that up! It's at 3:10 in this video-

I had thought that she was from Texas, but she's from Florida. Plenty of bucks down there, God's Afroletic breeding ground, so what's the problem?

Some interesting stuff. It's no surprise that some black women want to live in Civilization (i.e. with a White man, that's about the only way)...
Deadlift said:
whiteathlete33 said:
By now it's common knowledge that blacks have to be overrepresented in every aspect of media. Also I notice that Erika Dunlap is married to a white guy.

Thanks for bringing that up! It's at 3:10 in this video-

I had thought that she was from Texas, but she's from Florida. Plenty of bucks down there, God's Afroletic breeding ground, so what's the problem?

Some interesting stuff. It's no surprise that some black women want to live in Civilization (i.e. with a White man, that's about the only way)...

Obviously black men will consider Dunlap a race traitor. I can't get mad at them for this one because I consider he white husband a race traitor.
For years through the media we've been told how white women love black men, as though they have an animalistic desire for them and white men could never fulfill their needs. I for one like to see the reverse situation.
chris371 said:
Black women are the most horribly ugly females on the planet. one in a million looks like tyra banks. Most have hideous faces.

Exactly! IMO, Tyra Banks is overrated too, she has that high/"windshield" forehead that many "sistuhz" (like Pam Oliver) have. This business of pushing blacks as "supermodels" is such a crock of cultural marxist horse dung. I wasn't at all surprised when I saw that another "sistuh" won Ms.America, but I was indeed disgusted by the continued agenda advancement of the cultural marxist vermin!
I heard a black mother telling another black mother in the break room at work that her husband was angry that her daughter had married a white man but she was glad that she had because white men usually do not beat their wives or even after a divorce abandon their children and will usually work a steady job to feed, clothe and house their family. Even the black women consider marrying white as "marrying up"
chris371 said:
Black women are the most horribly ugly females on the planet. one in a million looks like tyra banks. Most have hideous faces.
Where I grew up, all the black girls looked like this:


And most were on their second child by the time they graduated high school.
We were never meant to coexist with these creatures.
Riddlewire said:
chris371 said:
Black women are the most horribly ugly females on the planet. one in a million looks like tyra banks. Most have hideous faces.

Where I grew up, all the black girls looked like this:


And most were on their second child by the time they graduated high school.

We were never meant to coexist with these creatures.

Most black women I see look like that. Some are even fatter and uglier. I thought blacks are physically superior.
Just about every girl in my (nearly all-white) high school is better looking than that "girl" in Riddlewire's picture. Living in South Dakota, I have never gone to school with blacks before. There have never been any on my football team. Heck, all of our sports teams are devoid of blacks. I think there are only one or two blacks in the entire school system. I consider myself lucky.
DixieDestroyer said:
chris371 said:
Black women are the most horribly ugly females on the planet. one in a million looks like tyra banks. Most have hideous faces.

Exactly! IMO, Tyra Banks is overrated too, she has that high/"windshield" forehead that many "sistuhz" (like Pam Oliver) have. This business of pushing blacks as "supermodels" is such a crock of cultural marxist horse dung. I wasn't at all surprised when I saw that another "sistuh" won Ms.America, but I was indeed disgusted by the continued agenda advancement of the cultural marxist vermin!
Tyra Banks has also had a nose job and of course has peroxide hair and is now fat and bloated. The only black model that I have though was hot was Vanessa Williams who is half white anyway.
This year's Miss America also has that soopa high forehead thing going on... Still she looks like a bit of a mix, as her skin a a bit light to be a pureblood:
shes not bad looking, certainly doesnt hold a candle to Carrie Prejean, or Tara Conner
In the eye of the beholder. I have never been attracted to black women, even though they seem to like me.
To be honest, I've been at least moderately attracted to female members of almost every race (mostly hispanic, asian, or middle eastern).

Obviously, I've never dated one, kissed one, or so much as talked to one other than the most basic conversations at college, on the street, etc. My wife is a super light skinned Lithuanian woman with green eyes and dark brown hair. I have blonde hair and green eyes, so not too much of a "step down" from my own germanic aryan roots.

If in-your-face mixing has to occur, I'd much rather see a white man with a non-white woman...even that is sickening.
Of course these pageants favor black or minority contestants. That's the American way - if a minority actually has an education and presents themselves in a respectable mannner they are applauded. This shouldn't bother white americans because its blatant proof of the cultural decay in the black community. Just like Chris Matthews said about Obama -"for an hour I forgot he was black." When a ghetto welfare sistah with a "negro dialect" wins a pageant, that's when we're in trouble.
FootballDad said:
This year's Miss America also has that soopa high forehead thing going on...  Still she looks like a bit of a mix, as her skin a a bit light to be a pureblood:

i'd tap that.
FootballDad said:
In the eye of the beholder.  I have never been attracted to black women, even though they seem to like me.


Because, really, what "White man" wants to risk possibly having a negro "son"...? That's an absolute abomination!

A White father should want to teach his son how to survive and thrive in this world of struggle, and that son ought to look like him and encompass his genetics entirely!

Did anyone watch, "I Shouldn't be Alive," last night on Animal Planet? It's a powerful program. A father and son is hunting in Montana, and the son goes out on his own and is then mauled by a 500-pound Grizzly bear. He then kills the bear with one shot. His one thigh is torn to shreds so he can't climb the hills to get to his father. He has to go down the hills to try to find help, not to mention that a huge storm is roaring and dropping tons of rain. He eventually comes across another father and son hunting. They do all they can but they can't get him down the mountain. He's going in and out of consciousness. They shoot their guns to try to attract the help that they need. Sure enough, a group of 4 men, White men, hear the shots and come to them, one being a doctor.

The story doesn't end there, but I think I explained the situation rather well. The program is well made and tugs at one's Aryan soul. It gets 2 thumbs up from me.
DL, I caught a bit of that episode as well. IMO, mountain men like Jim Bridger, and naturalists like Richard Proenneke displayed the essence of the White man's innate instinct for toughness & survival!

P.S. - Cameron looks to have some White genes, but she certainly isn't worthy of a (legit) Ms.America title. I think there are attractive women from all races, BUT by far & away the most good lookin' women (by/per) race are White!
Speaking of black "supermodels", check out the "brutha" that Ralph Lauren included to model the U.S. Winter Olympics opening ceremony clothes. As if there's a slew of "affletes" at the Winter Olympics (more cultural marxist BS)

"Brutha" Used to Model Winter Olympics Clothing


Edited by: DixieDestroyer
DixieDestroyer said:
Speaking of black "supermodels", check out the "brutha" that Ralph Lauren included to model the U.S. Winter Olympics opening ceremony clothes. As if there's a slew of "affletes" at the Winter Olympics (more cultural marxist BS)

Ralph Lauren is a piece of trash. The guy is a sellout to the max.
DixieDestroyer said:
Speaking of black "supermodels", check out the "brutha" that Ralph Lauren included to model the U.S. Winter Olympics opening ceremony clothes. As if there's a slew of "affletes" at the Winter Olympics (more cultural marxist BS)

"Brutha" Used to Model Winter Olympics Clothing


The voiceover for commercials hyping the Olympics is one of those annoying deep-throated blacks. One can be sure that there will be far more black announcers and commentators employed by the networks than there are black athletes on the U.S. team. And a disproportionate amount of air time will be devoted to the arrogant black speed skater who medaled four years ago (can't think of his name right now), and any other American athlete or story that has a minority angle to it will likewise be played up to the hilt.
Ralph Lauren is a piece of trash. The guy is a sellout to the max.[/QUOTE]

He's not a sellout. He is true to his people. He was born Rueben Lifsh*tz, an Ashkenazi Jew.
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