SI swimsuit blonde...and swastikas!

For my little part, the one thing I never do is watch Holocaust movies or engage in anything about the Holocaust. I think the last one I saw was Schindler's List. For arguments sake, let's say that movie was truthful. Great. I got it. Yet the Holocaust industry continues to push it upon us as if it's the only atrocity committed in the 20th century or even the history of civilization.

Personally I'm done with it, and that's the most I can do in my little corner of the world. Thankfully my family agrees with me.

Another note, I'm tired of seeing German soldiers treated like animals or morons or sub-humans. Many of them were just following orders like good soldiers do.

edit: One more thing, I avoid saying "The Holocaust" if possible and I almost never say "anti-semitic." These are propaganda words The Jews have successfully pushed upon us. If I had to have a conversation with someone about this stuff I would just say "anti-jew".

Edited by: swedish fish
North America

There are over 60 million Americans of at least partial German ancestry in the United States, including various groups such as the Pennsylvania Dutch. Of these, 23 million are of German ancestry alone ("single ancestry"), and another 40 million are of partial German ancestry. Of those who claim partial ancestry, 22 million identify their primary ancestry ("first ancestry") as German. The 55 million Americans of primarily German ancestry are by far the largest part of the German diaspora, a figure equal to nearly two-thirds the population of Germany itself. Germans form just under half the population in the Upper Midwest.

I think that's entirely possible. You can find pure Germans in Alaska, Hawaii, South Florida, etc.

In my view, the Germanic people that moved to Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Wisconsin (and a few other places) were brilliant. Whether they were farmers or other parts of the economy, I truly believe that they realized that the big Eastern cities only meant dilution of their blood. They understood the importance of "isolating" the race - thereby keeping it distinct.

*I'm not suggesting that wikipedia is the best source in these matters*
To get back to the German Polish dispute, one thing that has stuck out to me in all the debate is the fact that the war almost didn't get off the ground. On Saturday, Sept.2 Germany had agreed to a cease fire, and peace conference at which their demands against Poland would be addressed. Unfortunately Britain insisted that Germany first withdraw its troops from the territory it had already taken (which was significant even though it was just a day and a half of fighting), and this Germany refused to do. Germany would likely have been awarded Danzig and at least some of the corridor region at any such conference, which Mussolini was hoping to host. This is not to say that in the months ahead Hitler would not have come up with some new adventure, but in hindsight I believe this was an opportunity that was missed, to delay WW2 at the very least for some time, and maybe for more than that, especially as there were strong currents in France in favor of staying out of war against Germany even if she was up to something in Eastern Europe.
Some very interesting thought provoking posts. I don't think this discusion would drive anyone away from the site, and if it did then they would probably be too timid to even deal with the caste system anyway.

One thing about the third reich that always bothered me was the cult of personality around Hitler. Say that nazi Germany survived. As I understood it they all went around "heil Hitler" this and "heil Hitler" that. What happens next? What happens when he gets old and senile, and when he dies? What of the government then.

And I notice that people get pissed off at the current Us gov't and the power that it yields. What about nazi-germany? Talk about central power in the hands of the government!!! They had gun control, not a popular issue here I imagine, they were pretty strict in most everything, what freedoms on the internet do you think you would have in nazi-Germany? The whole nazi set-up seems f-upped from the beginning and only got worse as it went along.

I can't see getting on that band wagon at all. I'm an independant freedom lover and as far as I'm concerned nazi-germany sucked, I don't care how good they were for the germans. I'm glad they were crushed and destroyed. There has to be better.
jaxvid said:
One thing about the third reich that always bothered me was the cult of personality around Hitler. Say that nazi Germany survived. As I understood it they all went around "heil Hitler" this and "heil Hitler" that. What happens next? What happens when he gets old and senile, and when he dies? What of the government then.

The government was centered around the NSDAP and that would not have changed, he would have been succeeded by another party member such as Himmler or Bormann, or someone hand chosen such as Hans-Ulrich Rudel. The Hitler Jugend and SS were trained for leadership so there would have always been worthy successors for every facet of government. The only authoritarian government that could be comparable would be the USSR, it continued to thrive after Stalin and unlike Stalin, and other than the night of long knives, Hitler did not murder officers and rival personas.

And I notice that people get pissed off at the current Us gov't and the power that it yields.

The main reason I dislike the federal government is because they are not out for the best interests of the American people.

I can't see getting on that band wagon at all. I'm an independant freedom lover and as far as I'm concerned nazi-germany sucked, I don't care how good they were for the germans. I'm glad they were crushed and destroyed. There has to be better.

Considering the mass rapes at the hands of the Soviets, the forced privation and "deNazification" process that murdered millions of Germans post-WWII, and all the casualties it cost them during the war, I don't think it was a good thing at all, in fact I think it sucks that the Germans lost.

I don't at all think it was good for Germans or Europeans in any conceivable way, I don't even think it was good for "freedom loving" Americans, with what continues to happen to all Europeans today and what it means for the future of whites everywhere as with Germany's defeat the propaganda machines have incessantly inundated whites that any form of ethnocentrism except Zionism is evil and leads to tragedies like the Holocaust. It's why there are DWFs in the first place.

As an American the Third Reich would not have affected your life in a negative way. The Germans would have been just as free except miscegenation was outlawed and now there is even less freedom of speech in Germany since there are laws against "inciting race hatred," "holocaust denial," etc.
jaxvid said:
Some very interesting thought provoking posts. I don't think this discusion would drive anyone away from the site,

No, but it did drive me away from posting about the original topic on this thread. I was going to make a comment about how SI loves to add a little controversy in their magazine every now and then but after three pages of WWII posts it doesn't feel like it even belongs in this thread.

This is one of the all time hijackings of a thread that I can remember.

But at least it was quality posting and, for me, very enjoyable reading.
jaxvid said:
And I notice that people get pissed off at the current Us gov't and the power that it yields. What about nazi-germany? Talk about central power in the hands of the government!!! They had gun control, not a popular issue here I imagine, they were pretty strict in most everything, what freedoms on the internet do you think you would have in nazi-Germany? The whole nazi set-up seems f-upped from the beginning and only got worse as it went along.

I can't see getting on that band wagon at all. I'm an independant freedom lover and as far as I'm concerned nazi-germany sucked, I don't care how good they were for the germans. I'm glad they were crushed and destroyed. There has to be better.

Well, we didn't get better. Just look at the results of Hitler's defeat. Is that something to be glad about?

I'm not mad about the power the U.S. government yields, I'm mad at the way they yield it. For example, if they yeilded their power to make good decisions like shutting down the border, I'd cheer their power. As it is about every single decision that our government makes sucks. I'd rather have a dictator that is popular and makes good decisions, than a democracy not of my choosing that makes bad decisions. In fact, I'd take a good dictator over a good democracy any day.

And as if we actually have any choice in our system today anyway. We get two people to select from - neither of which we like and we end up having to vote for lesser of two evils. Heck, a great deal of castefootballers felt they had no choice but to vote for Mr. Amnesty himself, John McCain. How screwed-up is that?

People voted the Nazi party in power in Germany. Yah, the system was different, but people still got to vote and I would bet had more power through their votes than do Americans today.

As far as the "Heil Hitler" and cult of personality surrounding him, I don't have a problem with it though it was overdone. I don't know was the the greeting a law in Germany? He was popular amongst his people.
He certainly was not a dumb mad man. He had incredible knowledge of history, particularly racial history, as well political history and knowledge. An amazing depth of knowledge in a non-internet Era. Frankly, I think you could wrap all of the American President's knowledge together and it would not equal Hitler's. His ability to speak on this knowledge with racial pride made him incredibly popular with the people from a grassroots movement. Hitler was certainly no millionaire born crowned prince like Roosevelt or Churchill.

I would equate the large crown "Heil Hitlers" too Ron Paul supporters chanting "Ron Paul" before he takes the podium. Politics - not a big deal. In a perfect world it would have been nice if a pro-white anti-communist candidate could rise to power and stay in power without being such a totaltarian. Impossible in 1930's Germany, but a nice thought. Also impossible in present day U.S. - but a nice thought. I'll keep voting though against all hope.

BTW, the gun control myth has already been addressed in this thread. Edited by: Kaptain Poop
GWTJ said:
jaxvid said:
Some very interesting thought provoking posts. I don't think this discusion would drive anyone away from the site,

No, but it did drive me away from posting about the original topic on this thread. I was going to make a comment about how SI loves to add a little controversy in their magazine every now and then but after three pages of WWII posts it doesn't feel like it even belongs in this thread.

This is one of the all time hijackings of a thread that I can remember.

But at least it was quality posting and, for me, very enjoyable reading.

Agreed. You can discuss the pros and cons of the Nazis till you turn blue in the face but I don't think you will change anyones mind. I tend to agree with what Don and Jaxvid had to say about them. Edited by: Menelik
All I know is that I'd rather not live in a new Nazi regime here, anymore than I like living in the one we have now. I'm for smaller, less centralized government, not more government. I want less government control of the people, not more control of the people. The idol worship of Obama is the closest we've come, in my lifetime at least, to the German worship of Hitler and it turns my stomach. No thank you.
Kaptain Poop said:
I'm not mad about the power the U.S. government yields, I'm mad at the way they yield it.

We agree about alot, but not that. I think ANY powerful government becomes a burden to live under no matter how well intentioned originally. The old absolute power corrupts thing. I prefer minimal government. I don't think asking the US gov. to protect the border neccesitates a nazi style govt. Take away the welfare/warfare state and seal the borders and the US would be fine.
If the Germans had won, please explain how that would stop the USA (Zionist Hollywood, MSM, Universities) from promoting black physical supremacy? If Germany had won, I don't think that would have changed England from being a negro-loving country either.

There were significant numbers of "African-Americans" - and then there's the "super" Jamaicans, Bahamians, etc. Would they be "barred" from international events like the Olympics?

If someone responds, I suspect that they'll suggest a "Domino Theory" of White-uprisings (against the "chosen") in the West. I don't know about that... White Americans were unwilling to take the risk in my view.

It's not like nobody knew that this or that director was a Jew or this or that professor was a Jew. If the most vile of them are left unscathed, they'll naturally get COCKIER. Look, when "Tiller the Baby Killer" was killed in Kansas, did the MSM not seem a bit worried (to say the least). WHOA, this might spread! The prisons CAN'T hold all the blacks and browns, and CAN'T hold all the Whites. That's not lost on the chosen. I've read numerous cases of "White murderers" that were released from prison early. That means that there really is "a lack" of prison space, and during this Depression, that will likely continue.

*The idea that - "if the Germans had won" - we'd be waking up to Rainbows and Candy Canes and Cake - sounds specious at best.*
Deadlift said:
If the Germans had won, please explain how that would stop the USA (Zionist Hollywood, MSM, Universities) from promoting black physical supremacy? If Germany had won, I don't think that would have changed England from being a negro-loving country either.

The victors would have been able to write their own history. As it is, all the buzz words associated with ethnocentrism and Eugenics such as racist, Nazi, etc have an evil stigma because of the Holocaust and Hitler's supposed desire to conquer the world.

Look at William Shockley, he was always shouted down and called a Nazi every time he spoke about black-white intelligence differences and why? Because of the Holocaust.

If someone responds, I suspect that they'll suggest a "Domino Theory" of White-uprisings (against the "chosen") in the West. I don't know about that... White Americans were unwilling to take the risk in my view.

It would be unneeded. Whites at this time already controlled the globe, what would have been prevented would have been the snivel rights era and the fall of Apartheid.

*The idea that - "if the Germans had won" - we'd be waking up to Rainbows and Candy Canes and Cake - sounds specious at best.*

Suppose it would come down to a propaganda war, at the very least Jews would no longer have a monopoly over it.Edited by: Anak
Deadlift said:
*The idea that - "if the Germans had won" - we'd be waking up to Rainbows and Candy Canes and Cake - sounds specious at best.*

Well we do know what has happened since they lost. Guessing how a hypothetical German victory would have effected the world is personal opinion. Certainly Germany would have been the leading power in the world both economically and militaristically. They would have had a devotely white nationlist leader installed for life (probably a good 40 years). They would have been the first nation to have a nuclear weapon, the jet engine, long-range missisles etc. Most importantly they would have remained 100% white and as such would have been the envy of the world. I don't know, do you think they possibly could have influenced the rest of the world?
Edited by: Kaptain Poop
jaxvid said:
Kaptain Poop said:
I'm not mad about the power the U.S. government yields, I'm mad at the way they yield it.

We agree about alot, but not that. I think ANY powerful government becomes a burden to live under no matter how well intentioned originally. The old absolute power corrupts thing. I prefer minimal government. I don't think asking the US gov. to protect the border neccesitates a nazi style govt. Take away the welfare/warfare state and seal the borders and the US would be fine.

I believe minimal government also, but how do you get there from where we are now? A President will have four years to reverse all the carnage to the point of recovery. If he doesn't act fast and instead decides to first minimize his own powers, he won't be given more than four years. It will take a powerful leader IMO.

It also depends on what is meant by a powerful or minimal government. Does that exclude a WN government? Does minimal mean; anything goes all the way around? I prefer a government that upholds my ideals despite it crushing the civil rights of some bi-sexual mongrol mulatto to go streeking naked down the middle of the street. I prefer a government with a direction that stands for something over one that stands wholeheartedly for nothing.

Perhaps if we ever come out of this mess we can establish a fool-proof system that allows for a government to do what is needed to safeguard the people and carry out their will without the corrupt exploding excesses that typifies our current system.
Deadlift said:
*The idea that - "if the Germans had won" - we'd be waking up to Rainbows and Candy Canes and Cake - sounds specious at best.*

Who proposed that idea? No one has stated we'd be waking up to rainbows etc. It is reasonable to believe however, that our country and other White countries would not have become the multi-racial anti-White cesspools that they have become.

I remember the America of my youth. It was infinitely better then - in many ways.

So the German-Axis was crushed. Swell. Now the commies were able to continue unabated in their quest of world domination. The poor white saps living behind the iron-curtain were eternally grateful for the hell inflicted upon them, I'm sure.

How the heck did that happen? I thought it was the rotten Germans who were bent on world domination. Go figure.

The same deceitful, putrid yids who brought that lovely system to the world have changed hats a few times and are now totally free to practice their wiley crafts with impunity.
I don't see how Germany could have "submitted" America-proper, and then occupy it... without Aircraft Carriers!!

I agree that they weren't trying to take over the world, but Hitler lacked prudence. Why couldn't he have set up an incredible force of Germanic peoples to defend Central Europe from the Eastern Bolsheviks? There were SS Units with Dutchmen, Danes, Norwegians, etc.

Being AWARE of the Bolsheviks was a good thing, but waging "all-out" war in the East, that culminated with the invasian of Russia, was simply foolish and suicidal. That's what made Germany look bad. The Bolshevik tactic was to use, incite, an "internal revolution" to change a government to one of their liking.

Tell me how Germany was facing any immediate threat from Russia? Hitler managed to gain the reigns of Germany, but I can't call him a military genius or a prudent man, by any means.
Germany and Nazi party had been fighting communism literally not just figuratively in the streets of Germany since the end of WWI. The communist party was outlawed by Hitler once he got power. Inside the borders of Germany communism was no longer a threat, but in many states in the area communism had a strong foothold - including critical areas like Poland.

Historian David Irving explains Germany's attack on Russia as a war that was unavoidable as Russia was mobilizing an invasion force themselves. Hitler had intelligence that they planned to attack soon. Russia was always Germany's natural enemy. Otherwise, hard to explain why Germany would want to take on the whole world all at once. For that reason, I accept Irving's version as the logical common sense truth.
Deadlift said:
Being AWARE of the Bolsheviks was a good thing, but waging "all-out" war in the East, that culminated with the invasian of Russia, was simply foolish and suicidal. That's what made Germany look bad. The Bolshevik tactic was to use, incite, an "internal revolution" to change a government to one of their liking.

Italy made a bungled invasion of Greece. Greece allowed the British access and this put British aircraft too close to Germany's oil supplies in the Balkans, so Germany was forced to enter Greece as well. Italy had no reason to invade Greece and it ended up delaying Operation Barbarossa by ~6 weeks, otherwise Germany would have defeated the USSR before 1942. Germany could not have predicted how could that weather was.

Tell me how Germany was facing any immediate threat from Russia? Hitler managed to gain the reigns of Germany, but I can't call him a military genius or a prudent man, by any means.

Yes, there was an immediate threat. One of the reasons Stalin made the non-aggression pact with Germany was so that Western Europe would weaken itself and that they could invade.

The USSR was encroaching on the Balkans, where Germany was receiving their oil supplies, they were also building airfields along the Western border and training their pilots to bomb(but not to fight air to air), and they were deploying many troops on the frontiers as well, they had plans for an invasion. They were also providing resources to Germany and eventually this supply started to trickle down. Operation Barbarossa was Germany's best shot to take the USSR out quickly but unfortunately it was delayed and they could not have accounted for the extreme cold of that winter as it was abnormal.
Kaptain Poop said:
Historian David Irving explains Germany's attack on Russia as a war that was unavoidable as Russia was mobilizing an invasion force themselves. Hitler had intelligence that they planned to attack soon. Russia was always Germany's natural enemy. Otherwise, hard to explain why Germany would want to take on the whole world all at once. For that reason, I accept Irving's version as the logical common sense truth.

This is true another good book on the subject is Viktor Suvorov's "Icebreaker".
ToughJ.Riggins said:
I simply find it hard to believe that an effort could be so organized as to convince the world that the Nazis committed mass genocide without it happening... It's the Pro Nazi comments that irk me.

You find it hard to believe because you are not aware of the evidence to the contrary. The evidence is overwhelming. You are not aware of all the inconsistencies, lies and mountains of BS that has been totally disproved.

Truth is truth, you call it pro Nazi because it doesn't agree with your position.

( By the way, I believe White people should forge new alliances and devise new paradigms. We can and should learn from the past, but there
has been too much water and shed blood flowing under the bridge. It's a new day. Old symbols and ideologies that stir up animosities between White brothers should be left behind.)

Please don't tell me you aware. Your parroting of the party line proves you have no clue.

I suggest you take the time to familiarize yourself with the research that has been done by by noble men who have risked their lives and have been imprisoned for daring to unravel the web of deception.

Why in the hell have the jews and their lackeys made it unlawful to question details of the so-called holocaust? Think about it!!

They do not want open, honest debate, because their sacred doctrines are fabricated from whole cloth.

They should be yelling, screaming, challenging revisionists to open debates. They don't - because they get their a$$e$ kicked.

No, instead, they snatch them off the streets and toss them into jail! Shut up! You are guilty of anti-semitism! They are the true despots.

There is much information on the internet. Do some research before it is taken away.

This one in particular sheds some light on the absurd claims of the consummate liar ... Elie Wiesel.

Thanks to Anak for the link. by: Bart
Lets not forget the hoax Thomas Joseph Dodd was a part of(Senator Chris Dodd's father); the shrunken Jewish heads. Told to the world that the Nazis were so evil they shrunk Jewish heads, made human skin lampshades and soap out of jewish fat all presented as proof during the Nuremberg Trials. All proven HOAXES!!!!I guess the Jews were blind sided by science, no wonder they want to exterminate all debate and block any further research.

In 2004 Israel claimed 1,100,000 holocaust surviviors still alive! Is is not too difficult to pin point the liars. But does our controlled media ask the obvious....NO!!! Funny how Israel can have its cake and eat it too. Norman Finkelstein quotes his mother as asking, If all of these people are survivors, who did Hitler kill?

Funny how the only two written poof of planned genicide were not written by Nazis but by Jews; Theodore N. Kaufman author of "Germany Must Perish" and Henry Morganthau Jr. U.S. Secretary of the Treasury with his "Morganthau Plan".

Kaufman wanted to sterilize the whole population and make them work slaves until death and Morganthau wanted to starve 10s of millions to death to cut down the population.
Mr. Lutefisk said:
Funny how the only two written poof of planned genicide were not written by Nazis but by Jews; Theodore N. Kaufman author of "Germany Must Perish" and Henry Morganthau Jr. U.S. Secretary of the Treasury with his "Morganthau Plan".

Kaufman wanted to sterilize the whole population and make them work slaves until death and Morganthau wanted to starve 10s of millions to death to cut down the population.

Mr. Lutefisk, thank you for mentioning the book "Germany Must Perish" written by the German hating Jew Kaufmann. He penned the book well before America entered the war. I'm sure most of our members have never heard of it. You will be amazed at the deep hatred directed towards the German people.

I guess when you watch the movie - Inglourious Basterds - you will realize that to the Jewish mind it is not just Nazi bashing, but German bashing!

The first chapter alone will suffice.

1. About This Book
Today's war is not a war against Adolf Hitler.

Nor is it a war against the Nazis.

It is a war of peoples against peoples; of civilized peoples envisioning Light, against uncivilized barbarians who cherish Darkness.

Of the peoples of those nations who would surge forward hopefully into a new and better phase of life, pitted against the peoples of a nation who would travel backward enthusiastically into the dark ages. It is a struggle between the German nation and humanity.

Hitler is no more to be blamed for this German war than was the Kaiser for the last one. Nor Bismarck before the Kaiser. These men did not originate or wage Germany's wars against the world. They were merely the mirrors reflecting centuries-old inbred lust of the German nation for conquest and mass murder.

This war is being waged by the German People. It is they who are responsible. It is they who must be made to pay for the war. otherwise, there will always be a German war against the world. And with such a sword forever hanging overhead the civilized nations of the world, no matter how great their hopes, how strenuous their efforts, will never succeed in creating that firm and solid foun- dation of permanent peace which they must first establish if ever they intend to start the building of a better world.

For not only must their be no more German wars in fact; there must not even remain the slightest possibility of one ever again occurring. A final halt to German aggression, not a temporary cessation, must be the goal of the present struggle.

This does not mean an armed mastery over Germany, or a peace with political or territorial adjustments, or a hope based on a defeated and repentant nation. Such settlements are not sufficiently conclusive guarantees of no more German aggressions.

This time Germany has forced a TOTAL WAR upon the world.

As a result, she must be prepared to pay a TOTAL PENALTY.

And there is one, and only one, such Total Penalty: Germany must perish forever!

In fact -- not in fancy!
Mr. Lutefisk said:
Funny how the only two written poof of planned genicide were not written by Nazis but by Jews; Theodore N. Kaufman author of "Germany Must Perish" and Henry Morganthau Jr. U.S. Secretary of the Treasury with his "Morganthau Plan".

Kaufman wanted to sterilize the whole population and make them work slaves until death and Morganthau wanted to starve 10s of millions to death to cut down the population.

The Morganthau plan was actually signed in 1944 by Roosevelt and Churchill. Just like today we have Jewish people in appointed positions of power that often are allowed to overstep the bounds of their titled position. What is the Secretary of Treasury doing planning the deconstruction of post-war Germany? More importantly, why was he allowed to? Not hard to see who was really in charge of Roosevelt and Churchill.

Lutefisk, you missed one plan; the Hooton Plan. The Hooton Plan was written by American Jewish Supremacist, Earnest Hooton. He was a well-known anthropologist who dealth particularly with racial issues. He claimed the Jewish race was superior to all others and, interestingly enough, he touted one of the first anthrologically based theories on black athletic superiority.

Anyways, the Hooton plan called for the "war gene" to be bred out of the German people. To accomplish this Hooton called for all German males to be enslaved while bringing in other races through massive immigration to breed with the German women. No kidding. Following the war there was a massive influx of Turko/Mongoloids into Germany supposedly to replace the male labor force absent as a result of WWII casualties.

Funny how these plans to some extent were actually carried out following the war.
Bart, I've read plenty of alarming excerpts from "Germany Must Perish,"Â￾ which was self-published in 41 by the New York heeb, Kauffman. Predictably enough, the book's usage by the 3rd Reich as "war propaganda"Â￾ which proved the point that "Jews hated Germany"Â￾ has been neatly labeled by the mass media as "anti-Semitism."Â￾ This little trick, like all of their deranged interactions with the MassMan, is tremendously duplicitous.

Essentially, if a white man preaches hate for another race, he is a racist (or in this case, anti-Semitic)"¦.also, if another race preaches hate for a white man"¦.he is a racist for the act of comprehending or identifying their race-based hatred. Hmm, it's almost as if "someone"Â￾ always comes out the victor, and "someone"Â￾ always suffers.

Young children can see through this odious "logic,"Â￾ but adult white males cannot. One day they will beg for forgiveness, and there will be none.
A video has just been uploaded to Youtube, by DD. It is sensational! Perfect timing regarding our discussions. Only ten minutes in length, but it gets to the heart of the matter. TJ Riggins, you might want to view this to gain a more balanced understanding of history.

Click on the video found at post # 37.

The Zionist Red Army
American Freedom News