SI swimsuit blonde...and swastikas!

I can see where I have understated bigunreal's argument regarding scripted games v fixed games. I do think though that even the argument of scripted games is less harmful than pro-Nazi commentary in damaging the site's credibility.

However, I can't argue with Don's last post, re: free speech and open discussion. Nor I can argue with Don's success in building Caste Football into a site that is referenced by the likes of Steve Sailer and others. Without Don, there wouldn't be a site on which we could even argue the merits of making or permitting pro-Nazi comments on a site dedicated to supporting white athletes.
Rebajlo said:
<div style="">Anak - You appear to have overlooked one thing, viz. GERMANY invaded Poland on the 1st September 1939 (without a formal declaration of war).

I did not overlook that, the picture I posted was of France not Poland, Poland is a separate issue. Germany did not randomly invade Poland and I am not sure why declaring war matters. You seem to think that the Poles were all innocents. Did you overlook the fact that Poland participated in the partitioning of Czechoslovakia?

Germany repeatedly tried to get Poland to join the anti-Comintern pact.

What Germany and Poland had was a border dispute. Germany wanted wanted land access to East Prussia. Germany wanted this to take the fight to the USSR, Germany never wanted war with Poland. They were in agreement until Poland broke off all negotiations. The
British guarantee of Polish independence is probably to blame for that. It's clear that the Polish government and military did want war with Germany when Smigly said, "Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it even if she wants to." I believe that they did not think that Germany would defeat them so quickly and that they would have been able to sandwich them with France.

The free city of Danzig voted 99+% in favor of a reunification with the Reich, only ethnic Poles and Jews voted against it. Poland would not allow this to happen. Poland began starving the citizens of Danzig.

Poland attacked ethnic Germans within their borders. The only evidence that the Gleiwitz incident was staged was attained by torture, where 137 Germans out of 139 cases had their testicles smashed beyond repair, and that comes from an American judge.

So yes I believe Germany had plenty of casus belli.

Part of Hitler's Speech on the event.
"How could a Great Power like Germany be expected to look on how a much inferior people and a much inferior State maltreated Germans in these territories? Two conditions in particular were quite unbearable. Firstly, a city, whose German character could not be contested by anyone, was not only prevented from? finding its way back to the Reich, but an attempt was also made to colonize it systematically and gradually by a thousand means and ways. Secondly, communication with a province separated from the German Reich was interfered with by all kinds of petty chicanes or made dependent on the benevolent attitude of the Polish State. No other power in the world would have put up with such conditions for so long a time as Germany did. I cannot imagine what England for instance would have said to a similar solution, purporting to establish peace at her expense, or how France or the United States of America would have accepted such a solution."

Poland is not the reason the Allies declared war on Germany. They wanted to prevent German hegemony over the continent. If they had cared about Poland they would not have let an even more brutal regime occupy Poland indefinitely.
<div style="">As for the bombing of civilian targets, I'm sorry to burst Your little bubble, but the Germans were well ahead of the field in that department, commencing with the attack on the Polish city of Wielun on the first day of the war (killing approximately 1200 people), and continuing on their merry way throughout the Polish Campaign, with the salient example being the bombing of Warsaw. Here are a couple of photos:

The difference is that the bombing of Dresden had no significance to the war. What is more comparable is the Battle of Berlin.
<div>You posted a pleasant little photo illustrating the "benign" nature of German occupation in Western Europe. Here are a few which record the chivalric activities of the Germans in Poland, treating the Polish untermenschen (oops, sorry, fellow white men) with benevolent dignity.</div>
<div><strong style="">CIEPIELOW MASSACRE 1939 [/b](300 Polish prisoners of war murdered by the undoubtedly honourableGerman military)</div>
<div>PUBLIC EXECUTION IN LESZNO - 21 October, 1939</div>
<div>How about "punishment executions" of civilians? I'm sure You'll enjoy this. On the16 December 1939 two Polish resistance fighters attacked a German police station ("How dare they!", I hear You bellow,"After all, the Germans were doing those backward Poles a favour by occupying their country!")in the town of Bochnia and in the ensuing fight, two German policemen were killed, including the commandant.The two Poles were wounded, then captured and subsequently executed by hanging. The next day, a battalion of SS (I'm sure that You are familiar with the memorabilia...) arrived on the scene and rounded up 23 civilians who, along with 29 people already under arrest, weremurdered by firing squads.

What about the Bromberg Massacre? What about the massacres in the Danzig corridor before the war?
<div>There's Ribbentrop on the right,displaying the National Socialists' distaste for the evil Communists. But that's Realpolitik for You - the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and all of that rot.Poignant stuff, indeed. The irony is that if the Germans had sincerely wished to simply fight communism - and destroy the Jews - Poland would have made the ideal ally, as anti-communist and anti-Jewish sentiment among Poles was (and remains) greater than virtually anywhere else in Europe...

Germany did try to get Poland to join the anti-Comintern pact. Poland eventually refused.

Germany made the pact with the USSR to buy time to deal with France and Britain before taking the war back east. The USSR was always their real enemy.
<div>Please accept my apologies for any offence that this post may cause. I am not making personal attacks, nor am I attempting to sow discord - I am only providing a non-German (and specifically Polish) view of the Second World War. If people find this distasteful, well, both sides of the story have a right to be told - and I do not feel that I should have to apologise for that...</div>

<div style="">

What's clear is that this was not so black and white. Germany, Poland, the USSR, the Allies and also Jews all commited atrocities and brutality so why then does only Germany get the bad rap? Why are only Hitler and the NSDAP demonized?

The real question is what would have been better for the white race, Axis or Allied victory? I think the answer to that is clear, with Allied victory we are seeing the displacement of whites, the emasculation of white men, non-stop multicultural propaganda, the encouragement of race-mixing, massive amounts of third world non-white immigration into Western nations, globalization and destruction of national sovereignty, and with this and so many other things the white man is told to support every cause but his own. Do you think this would have happened if Germany won? Will the white race even survive? Maybe the Poles would have been oppressed long term under Germany, but I don't think so.
swedish fish said:
Any pro-white site that glorifies Hitler or Nazis in any way will never get anywhere. Ever. If you came up with the most convincing, full-proof argument to why Hitler really wasn't that bad, it still doesn't matter. The average fence-sitting white person will never accept it and can't be bothered. I can't either.

Now that doesn't mean people can't talk about Jewish people and their influence. That pink elephant would be ridiculous to have to walk around for anyone with an ounce of intellectual honesty and observation skills. If there were a huge number of Swedish people in powerful postions in media and government, people would talk about that. Imagine:

Federal reserve chairman Björn Ulvaeus
New York Times publisher Agnetha Fältskog
NBA Commissioner Dolph Lungren
Baseball Commissioner Elin Nordgren
President of Harvard University Mikael Ã...kerfeldt
President of NBC Ace of Base
The Daily Show with Marie Fredriksson

LOL. I mean come on! People would say: "Hmm. Is it just me or did anyone notice there's a lot of Swedish people in powerful positions?" Shhh. And if these people had very similar leftist political views then we wouldn't be talking about Jews, we would be talking about those damm Swedes. If you say, well, there are many types of Jewish people with different ancestry. Fine, then throw in some people from Norway and Denmark and we can expand it and say, "those damm Scandinavians run everything!."

You get my point. It's there and there's nothing wrong with talking about it.

But it all comes back to WWII and the Holocaust. Any taboo opinion on race is labeled "racist" or "anti-Semitic," and the owner of that opinion is associated with the evil Nazis that murdered Jews because they had brown hair and brown eyes.
"The real question is what would have been better for the white race, Axis or Allied victory? I think the answer to that is clear, with Allied victory we are seeing the displacement of whites, the emasculation of white men, non-stop multicultural propaganda, the encouragement of race-mixing, massive amounts of third world non-white immigration into Western nations, globalization and destruction of national sovereignty, and with this and so many other things the white man is told to support every cause but his own. Do you think this would have happened if Germany won? Will the white race even survive? Maybe the Poles would have been oppressed long term under Germany, but I don't think so."

Very good questions. You are forgetting the third and most important option: do not enter WW2. If we stayed out of that, and stopped supporting Israel and fighting their wars, made term limits for politicians, and exposed the many institutions and strongholds of cultural marxism, I am convinced the problems you stated above would be solved.
American leaders are traitors though and have been for a very long time. They do not have the interests of White Americans at heart.
Anak said:
American leaders are traitors though and have been for a very long time. They do not have the interests of White Americans at heart.

This applies to those who are politicians as a job for life. If we decentralize our government and create term limits across the board then there would be no incentive to be a "traitor."
Yes, we must all believe the mainstream view of history or it will hurt this site. LOL. Next we'll be told by those "so concerned" that we must follow the official version of the 911 lies, support Israel, and vote for Sarah Palin in 2012.

Castefootball is a grassroots website. None of our support comes from sources that buy into mainstream dogma. We actually lose credibility with our base when we champion the of garbage that is spewed by such sources. Telling us certain subjects such as the definetly arguable discussion about historical events like WWII is off-limits, is a joke. If you don't want to talk about it - then don't. But don't feign concern for the website - it's disengenous to say the least.

Germany having a border skirmish IN FORMER GERMAN LAND does not equate into a World War with U.S. involvement. What ever side you believe was all good or all bad, if you can't see that then there is no hope for you. I happen to believe the Germans had the right to defend other ethic Germans who were being slaughter in former German land before the war. Along with slaughter of Ukrainians, Latvians, Estonians etc. I am backed up by the simple fact of history that refugees from nearly all surrounding areas were running towards Germany while it was being savaged and away from the Bolsheviks who were winning. That tells me all I need to know about who was more evil.

What do think would happen today to a pro-white nationalistic country? Peace and harmony and acceptance by all the international global community?
It sad that so many on a white nationalist related website think its taboo to even discuss the validity of the only modern white nationalist nation in the world - WWII era Germany. Maybe we are made of sugar candy.
All good comments but hindsight is 20/20. And wishful thinking.
Hitler is the most lied about person in history, no lie is too extreme for our Jewish controled media. Lets see, Hitler was a gay drug addict who had sex with his neice then murdured her. He also wanted to take over the world and exterminate any person who did not have blue eyes and blond hair.
Some good discussion here gentlemen. As I previously stated, I'm no "neo-nazi"...nor am I a "fan" of Hitler or the Nazis (primarily because I have disdain for ALL forms of socialism). However, I understand some of the nationalism and desire to rid Germany of the bank$ters. As a WN who opposes the (Rothschild hatched) Central Banking Cartel & their Zionist members & allies, I can relate to some NSDAP's motivation(s)...without being a supporter of them. I'm also a major advocate of our Constitutional it was designed and implemented by our Founding Fathers (not the distortion it's been twisted into today).
If I've ascertained absolutely anything at all from my studies of race relations, it's that everything and anything that the mainstream media (or globalist PTB) regards as good, or true, or positive"¦.the complete opposite of their "official position"Â￾ is where the unambiguous truth lies.

Thus, if the Z0G / PTB / Cultural Elites scream out: "The Allies Are The Heroes Who Saved The World"Â￾ from their ivory towers"¦simply ask yourself why "they"Â￾ are so thrilled with certain outcomes of certain historical events? The pattern, like most all things, is racial.

If I were ever forced to "edit"Â￾ my comments at CF, I would get quite uninterested with this site and move on to something more stimulating. I would never, ever ask for forgiveness for my pro-German (or, more accurately, that naughty little "Nazi"Â￾ buzz word) attitude"¦it would be similar to a modern white American man crying that "he's sorry"Â￾ for African American enslavement. You'll be tripping over your beard before you hear me admit an ounce of shame for Mein Volk (of which I consider all white men and women to be a part of).

With so many Neocons, forums become like Fox News Lite, the banality of which makes me ill. Edited by: Thrashen
Great posts gents. Thrashen, I agree with your sentiments.
Firstly, let me say that I did NOT call for any form of censorship - I hope that this, at least, is clear.Every topic, no matter how emotive, should be discussed(although I doubt that any of us would appreciate a thread about, let's say, shaving one's nads...
). What I DID say, however, was that in my humble opinion,purely one-sided pro-Nazi sentiment can drive potential members away from the site. That's all.

Kaptain Poop - Who here said that we all have to believe the "mainstream" view of history? All I did was point out that the Germans were not always innocent victims and that they dished out some horrible stuff in Eastern Europe. Does the fact that I raised German atrocities make me some kind of pro-Israel troll who "feigns concern" for the site? If You choose to believe that the Nazis were 100%blameless 100% of the time and that such a view is thedefining prerequisite of White Nationalism, that's fine, mate. But I prefer toperuse and acknowledgeall aspects of the pictureand, as far as I can see, this is not an NSDAP tribute site, so people can surely criticise aspects of Hitler's Germany - or isn't that allowed?

Anak - I do not think that Poleswere / areall innocents or in any way ideal. I must admit to deliberatelyposting a purely tendentious Polish point of view without, for instance,mentioning the Polish role in the 1938 dismemberment of Czechoslovakia (which You touched upon), in order to see how people would react
(I edited the post several times, in an attempt to attainthe requisite"imbalance"

I have no problem in acknowledging less-than-impressive episodes in Polish history, such as the abovementioned Czechoslovakian affair, anti-German violence in the inter-war period, Pilsudski's "pacifications" in the east, the 16th /17th century szlachta's short-sighted and repressive policies in the Ukraine and Poland itself, et cetera. That's precisely why the "white knight" school ofGerman Nazi-era history irritates me so much - "we were strictly honourable, never committed any wrongs", and so on. The NSDAP was a German nationalist movement which put the interests of Germans first (which is fair enough, if you're German) - it was not a general "all whites are equal" White Nationalistmovement. I wish that people would stop portaying the Nazis as something else - namely, a messianic pan-White organisation. If anyone tells me that Hitlersaw Poles, Czechs and Russians as peers, well,that's just pure rot. The portion of Hitler's speech which You quoted, for example, refers to the Poles as "a much inferior people".Now, to the points / events that You discussed.

Your picture of occupied France propmpted me to make my initial post, as it showed only one side of German occupation. As You said Yourself, Poland was a separate issue (and much less pleasant one at that).

Both the Gleiwitz Incident and the Bromberg Massacre (and the events aroundthem) are, as You know, steeped in controversy - both sides, funnily enough, have their own version
. We must perforce look at the background of relations between ethnic Poles and Germans, especially in the areas of the old Prussian Partition and Pomerania, where the populations had been mixed for centuries.Bydgoszcz, forexample,came under Prussian rulein 1772, Poznanin 1793. The Polish populationsof theselands came underGerman control and were gradually subjected to Germanisation, especiallyin the second half of the 19th century, aseconomic competition between the two groups intensified with the rise ofthe Polish middle class. This alarmed the traditionally dominant Germans and, in the era of Kulturkampf, state efforts of forced Germanisation, especially in schools,increased. You may or may not have heard about the strike staged by Polish schoolchildren in Wrzesnia in 1901-02 in response to beingbeaten for refusing to say the Lord's Prayer in German. This type of bitter sentiment was still present a mere thirty seven, thirtyeight years later - the Germans had been heavily dispossessed as a result of Versailles and were now the second-class citizens, while the Poles, who had finally regained independence and remembered past discrimination, did not wish for a return to the old order. The Poles were also displaying that unfortunate naive chauvinism which is often present in new / resurrected states, buoyed by their success in the Russo-Polish War of 1921. This success gave them a rather distorted confidence in their military "might", given the almost 19th century nature of that conflict. All in all, not exactly an atmosphere of trust and goodwill.

As You said, what Poland and Germany had was a border dispute. In my opinion, war was alwaysinevitable, despite the many negotiations, offers, counter-offers, and the like. The two peoples / nationssimply didn't trust each other. The Germans were keen to regain former territories, while the Poles wished to retain what they now had at all cost. If it didn't happen in 1939, it would have happened later - guaranteed.I assume that Polish leaders probably calculated that they stood a better chance at that point in time, as they would supposedly receive prompt aid from Franceand Britain, than when Germany was evenmore powerful in the future.

The German attempts to entice Poland to join the Anti-Comintern Pact must also be viewed in the light of the abovementioned climate of distrust, with Poland not wanting to be an obviouslylesser, subservient partner. Whether joining the Pact or permitting the construction of an extra-territorial highway and railroad through the Polish Corridor would have prevented war and eased tensions is, in my opinion, highly unlikely.The Polesfeared sharing the fate of Czechoslovakia (despite, ironically, participating in that country's "peaceful" destruction)if they made any concessions, while the Germans were in an increasinglystrong position and encouraged by their territorial gains to date.

I'm glad that You concluded by saying that all sides committed atrocities
- that's the kind of honesty which is sometimes lacking in discussions of the Second World War. What the world would look like in the event of a German victory is pure speculation - but, given the history of Polish-German relations in the era of the Partitions, I would not be inclined to share Your optimism about the fate of the Poles.

Anyway, enough of all this. As whites, we should be putting our differences aside and uniting against our true foes. The world has changed and we need to recognise those changes and realise that cooperation is the key to survival.

Despite what people may have inferred from these posts, I have nothing against the Germans. In fact, I tend to get on quite well with most of the Germans thatI meet. They, like all white people, are my people. I find it strange when old white ethnic rivalries are placed above racial rivalries. During the 1998 World Cup,I recall seeing some Scottish fans being asked whether they hoped that England wouldqualify for the second round. The response: "No, anyone but England!". Well, England's group consisted of Romania, Colombia, and Tunisia, so therefore these Scottish geezerswould happily see England (a much whiter team than the present incarnations, by the way) lose to a black and mestizo-laden Colombia and an Arab-laden Tunisia. Amazing...

By the way, sorry for the "late" edit - I was literally falling asleep at something like 2AM, so the post was not in the best shape and I had missed a couple of points.

Edited by: Rebajlo
Rebajlo said:
Firstly, let me say that I did NOT call for any form of censorship - I hope that this, at least, is clear. Every topic, no matter how emotive, should be discussed (although I doubt that any of us would appreciate a thread about, let's say, shaving one's nads...
). What I DID say, however, was that in my humble opinion, purely one-sided pro-Nazi sentiment can drive potential members away from the site. That's all.
<div> </div>
<div>Kaptain Poop - Who here said that we all have to believe the "mainstream" view of history? <div> </div>

The answer to that question is that it is implied because of the fact that you said that my view "can drive potential members away." I know you have a lot of concern for this site and a lot invested with your whole 32 posts and all.

Where is this "purely one-sided pro-nazi sentiment" that you fear so much for the sake of the site of course? Can you not read and see that the discussion on this topic has been about 50-50? And where are all of these other "pro-Nazi" topics? You act like this forum is littered with Hitler literature. Where is it? I know you haven't had time to see the whole site with only a few posts and all, but why don't put your boat on cruise, let your bait spin in the water and see if you can root out the Nazi's on this website on other topic threads before you play the Nazi card?Edited by: Kaptain Poop
Discussion and observations about WWII and 1930s Germanythat deviated fromthe party line weren't always greeted with hysteria and ruthless attempts to punish the "heretics." For instance:

"One may dislike Hitler's system and yet admire his patriotic achievement. If our country were defeated, I hope we should find a champion as indomitable to restore our courage and lead us back to our place among the nations." -- Winston Churchill, "Hitler and His Choice," Strand magazine, November 1935

"After visiting these two places (Berchtesgaden and the Eagle's lair on Obersalzberg), you can easily understand how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived. He had boundless ambitions for his country which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way that he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made." -- John F. Kennedy, "Prelude to Leadership -- The European Diary of John F. Kennedy -- Summer 1945," pg. 74
Kaptain Poop said:
The answer to that question is that it is implied because of the fact that you said that my view "can drive potential members away." I know you have a lot of concern for this site and a lot invested with your whole 32 posts and all.

Where is this "purely one-sided pro-nazi sentiment" that you fear so much for the sake of the site of course? Can you not read and see that the discussion on this topic has been about 50-50? And where are all of these other "pro-Nazi" topics? You act like this forum is littered with Hitler literature. Where is it? I know you haven't had time to see the whole site with only a few posts and all, but why don't put your boat on cruise, let your bait spin in the water and see if you can root out the Nazi's on this website on other topic threads before you play the Nazi card?

Does the fact that I have only made 32 posts mean that any opinionsI express automatically lack validity or credibility? You seem to believe that I have some ulterior motive.

Anak wrote an intelligent reply to my post in which he concluded , quite rightly, that ALL sides committed atrocities. That's all thatI was attempting to elicit - a statement to the effect that ALL sides suffered. Simple, really. If you couldn't be bothered to acknowledge that such things happened, or you don't believe them to be true, that's fine. But since Anak has made even less posts than my humble self,I guess that his opinions don't really count either. I suppose that, given a similar yardstick, Danielle Steel must be more relevant to the history of literature than Jane Austen...

Nobody is "playing the Nazi card", as you put it. There's no need to be aggressive - since you are so keen on unfettered discussion, all of this shouldn't bother you at all. I never claimed that this was a site "littered with Hitler literature" - just becauseI have a "mere" 32 posts compared with your proud four-digit total doesn't mean that I haven't been viewing the forum for a long while prior to joining, does it? I'm not some "Johnny come lately" bloke who has only recently "awakened" to the Jewish anti-White agendas coiled about society in general and sport in particular, so don't patronise me by implying that I'm some kind of neophyte.

If you haven't already done so, and if it isn't beneath you, I invite you to check out my article on the homepage entitled "The Death of English Football" and my posts on the situation in Australia. As they are quite lengthy, maybe they will even go some way to making up for my small number of posts...
I hate to see this issue divide good people, I've seen it happen so many times before. It really is one of the weaknesses of WN or whatever you wish to call it. There is no reason for people who are banded together to prevent the extinction of our culture fight over this long dead situation.
I actually get more disgusted at non-jewish whites than Jews sometimes. Obviously, Jews have too much power and influence, but who let that happen? They didn't take our media institutions by gunpoint. There was no military coup. They've been openly pushing their anti-white agenda for decades. Openly. And yet my fellow whites gobble it up, with a smile.

There are a few intelligent people who aren't susceptible to brainwashing and propaganda, like you fine people here, but we are at the mercy of the clueless masses. The guilty whites. The DWFs. The ones who clap like trained seals when Bill Maher makes one of his snide, nasty jokes. The idiots who worship Jon Stewart (which by the way is the type of guy the white advocacy movement is missing, someone who is funny and finds a way to get away with politically incorrect stuff).

The bottom line is they found a way to take control of important institutions...and I find it frustrating that millions of intelligent white people, the silent majority who are tired of anti-white racism, haven't done the same.

edit: I just want to applaud and thank the people who started and run this interesting site, you guys did your part.

Edited by: swedish fish
Swedish Fish, welcome to Caste Football!

Many of us here get very irritated with the many Whites who've allowed themselves to become zombified sheeple to the PTB & their litany of lies. We try to awake those with minds to learn, ears to hear, hearts to care & the stones to stand!

***BTW, John Stewart "gets away" with the politically incorrect talk (primarily) because he's a left-leaning, tribesman.
jaxvid said:
I hate to see this issue divide good people, I've seen it happen so many times before.

I like these discussions. Most Americans have heard only one side of the story, if you will. Our perceptions and beliefs have largely been shaped by the mind benders whose chief aim is to keep us totally ignorant, confused and unsuspecting.

What we KNOW to be so - may not be so. It is not a bad thing to have our most cherished beliefs challenged. If they hold up under careful scrutiny - fine. If not?

We have some very sharp, informative people here who bring a lot to the table.Of course, we should keep it civil, polite and constructive.
I agree with Jaxvid here. I hate to see the great people in this community split apart over differing views of history, etc. I have given many opinions here and discussed what I think is the best course of action, and yet have received very little sharp criticism. The few times I have I just ignored it, because I figure maybe that guy was just having a bad day or something. Also, I try to never do anything that seems like bashing a member here, even if I felt like it. People I don't care about, like anti-white racists, I will go ahead and bash, but not the people who have my back.

By no means am I saying that we should all agree, hold hands and sing kumbayah. We should allow spirited debate, but there should be a line when we are just gentlemen and "agree to disagree."
Since Shogun and others were giving different points of view I will make a comment on Nazis.

I don't call Holocaust minimalists racists. But to think there was no Holocaust at all is utterly ridiculous. The numbers might be inflated, but it would be impossible to trick the entire world without loads of people speaking out on a historical lie. Kind of like the "entire" NFL being run with a perfect script without multiple people blowing the whistle or having the script go wrong with a dropped pass or any other error.

Let's be serious, the highest level Nazis were not like Schindler in Schindler's list. I have heard the story that the big businesses and banks running the German economy were mostly controlled by Jews and that most Jews didn't show much German pride and identified as Jews first. Most Christians before WWI in Europe thought charging interest on loans to people in the lower and middle classes was morally wrong according to a world history teacher I had in H.S. This is why Jews were the ones in central Europe that gained control of the banks.

But the Germans did not do what the American's did with the Japanese by simply trying to put dissidents or people they thought might sympathize with the other side and hurt the war effort under control of the government in a humane labor camp etc. Wanting to force Jews to fight with pride for Germany would have been fine. Even breaking up the Jewish control of the financial sector and exporting dissenters would have been reasonable. It was such a dire time of economic crisis where the poorest German's would even burn German Marks to stay warm b/c the money was worthless.

Hitler was a mad man though that wanted revenge and might not have stopped until the Germans ran most or all of Europe and gained control of the oil sector in the middle east. Chamberlain and the Allies agreed to give him Czechoslovakia and when the German's took control of Austria (they identified with Germany from the Austrian/Hungary empire) Europe looked the other way. The war didn't even start when they originally crossed into the Rhine land. But when they took Poland in 1939- speculation started on how far it would go and war broke out. How do we know Hitler wouldn't have stopped until he owned the whole mainland of Europe which would have included many countries that didn't "nationalistically" identify with Germany?

Any group Hitler thought was undesirable to a new "Supremacist" German order they put in camps (in the final years of the war) and treated them with intolerable cruelty, beat them and some died of starvation. Near the very end of the war the "final solution" ended with dissenters and many of the disabled, Jews, Gypsies and even some religious leaders who spoke out being mass murdered. These were people without an army. They were not prisoners of war. And even POWs aren't "exterminated" by reasonable governments.

A totalitarian regime like this should not be sugar coated and respected by anyone. Whether they mass murdered 600,000 or 6 million they committed mass murder against people by simply "stereotyping" them by group as "not human" and "worthless".Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
I don't want my views misrepresented. I have never said that all games are definitely fixed, with all players given scripts and every play plotted out beforehand. Sometimes I refer to "scripts" in my rants, but I also tend to be overly dramatic and prone to hyperbole. I'm sure I'm not the only poster here like that.

My "fixed" posts are mostly speculation, based on my own observations. Since they bring out more hostility, especially from the owner of this site, than any other posts on this forum, I will not be doing that any longer. I initially thought my fellow Caste Football posters would at least be entertained by my theories, but clearly I was wrong.

I don't know for certain that any NFL games are fixed, and I surely couldn't prove it. That being said, I believe all professional and college (at least NCAA football and basketball) sports are totally corrupt and thus when I see suspicious things, I attribute it to the general dishonesty therein and consider the product illegitimate. I BELIEVE that pro sports are fixed. I don't know who exactly is involved. My posts represent my opinions, for what they're worth.

I don't believe in censorship at all, but I think White Shogun's point was a good one. While I happen to agree with Thrashen and Kaptain Poop to a great degree on this subject, there is little question that conspiracy theories about NFL games being fixed are far less controversial than anything approximating a pro-nazi view. But, as Shogun stated, if your intention is not to attract fence sitters and educate them about the Caste System, then it's all fine.
American Freedom News