SI swimsuit blonde...and swastikas!

Gee TJR, did you just cut and paste from a government approved public education history book? I disagree with just about everything you said. But I must be "ridiculous." Holocaust blah, blah, blah, - show me the proof and please no pictures of skinny people with captions explaining the propaganda, or BS "eyewitnesses", or tortured confessions. Just show the minimum phrensics (sp?) a crime scene would require (bodies, a list of names, a document, etc).

What is ridiculous is to think that the Germans tried to exterminate unarmed people held captive for years and failed miserably. The Bolsheviks proved mass genocide wasn't that difficult. Simply starve a population for weeks or months, or even easier put a bullet in the back of their head whereever you found them.

How can anyone believe that the Germans, in the middle of a trying war, rounded up Jews, shipped them to camps, sheltered them, clothed them, and fed them for years only to kill them in the end in "secret" gas chambers? Of course all of the bodies were cremated (so they convienently couldn't be found) with sparse supplies of fuel. Tell me another.

TJR, you asked, "How do we know Hitler wouldn't have stopped until he owned the mainland of Europe?" Answer: Because there is absolutely no evidence of such. Hitler annexed Austria with widespread Austrian approval. Checkoslavakia was taken without firing a shot. All that Hitler took prior to the war was former German land with etnic German populations. Everybody knew the Treaty of Versailles was severely unjust to Germans and would not last. Should a person be appalled when the Treaty started unraveling? Come on now. Germany was not attacked for rather minor land grabs - just like Russia wasn't attacked at all from the allies when they reversed the Treaty of Versailles. Germany was attacked for only one reason: because they took control of their country back from the choke-hold of international Jewry.

Bolshevik Russia was not attacked or demonized. In fact, their atrocities were hidden by the world media - but not unknown. So, who was more of a threat to Europe - the Bolsheviks or the Germans? If you answered the Bolsheviks, of course you are correct. Russia took 1/2 of Poland, Finland, Latvia etc. And, or course, we know that the Bolsheviks were killing white Christians to the tune of tens of millions prior to the war. Did Germans kill any white Christians prior to the war? Nope. Yah right, Europe felt threatened by Germany!?

At the time, international Communists (comintern) were infiltrating governments throughout the world including the United States. Poland and China were heavily infiltrated with communist at the time. They nearly even took the European Country of Spain just a few years earlier (Spainish civil war). But Spain was saved by, you guessed it, Hitler's Germany (not England, or France).

Did we have problems with secret plans of world domination by Germans before or after the war? Of course not. However, we've had to deal with communist ever since. From China falling to communism after the war, to the Mccarthy Era, the Rosenburgs, the Korean war, the Vietnam war, the Cuban missile crisis, all the way to Barack Obama. Yah right, the Germans wanted to take over the world - tell me another.

One thing is certain; had the Germans won, Europe would still be completely white and as such it would certainly be a better place to be than it actually is at the present. Perhaps if our kind wasn't so gullible they would actually think of "what's best for my own people" instead of falling for Hollywood tearjerkers with some story about a Jew or Gypsy. What about us? Why can't we think of our own people? Too busy eating sugar candy?Edited by: Kaptain Poop
What you say about Austria is factually correct and I stated basically the same thing in my first post. The Versailles treaty was harsh and I understand the Germans wanted to take back what was theirs, with the country under economic collapse. But when they invaded Poland in 1939- much of that land they grabbed had people that were not behind Germany nationalistically. A country only has the right to gain control of another country if most of the people want to join them.

Back to the other issue: people in the concentration camps were put there (depending on the camp) originally for forced labor or for confinement. They considered these people worthless as human beings or dissidents. When the Germans started losing the war they decided to kill people in many of the concentration camps when the conditions in Germany were deteriorating. They considered the prisoners of "no use". Maybe to put more Nazis in the battle field from the concentration camps as well?

I don't see how people can believe that there was no Holocaust at all, this is even more specious reasoning then thinking the NFL is entirely scripted. The secret would have gotten out if the Holocaust was a complete lie. Could the death count have been inflated by American and English officials doing the report as a PR campaign yes, but stuff definitely happened. There would have been plenty of U.S military people to come forward with the truth b/c too many people would have seen things if it was in fact 100% a German smear campaign. No Holocaust reasoning makes no sense to me it's specious if you ask me. And Germans would still be constantly speaking out against things.

Lastly, sure mainland Europe would probably be whiter by now if the Germans won. But times change. I don't think Germany would control even the majority of mainland Europe at this point- even if they won it at a previous point.

If the Confederates won the Civil War, there would be no slavery at this point in the U.S, especially with mass media showing people the treatment of slaves and with the globalization of the globe with trade and travel.

Pro Nazi comments make this site look bad. It's not my site and I don't agree with censorship on the internet, but I DO believe in personal SELF censorship.

Yes, I don't like the mass immigration from the third world into Europe and the U.S. And going on to Arab Muslims- they are no friends to Christians for the most part and it is very rare for them to like America- I sense a lot of hate there. The U.S would be smart to stop immigration of Muslims into the U.S and Israeli immigration as well except in VERY RARE cases, like a family connection or if they bring something that really helps America.

But cheering for the Nazis to have won the war is wrong. In the year 2010, we could never tell what the butterfly effect would have been if the Nazis won. How do we know that there wouldn't have been constant war breaking out over the last 65 years in Europe and even some Nuclear events?

The Nazi high ranking officials were NOT good, reasonable people. I do know that Stalin killed more than Hitler and think the statistics could be inflated somewhat by the U.S and English military officials or reporters doing the report in Germany. But how can people honestly believe that Hitler was a reasonable person who should be respected? This irks me. History can't be completely rewritten. Text books can exaggerate things or throw in liberal opinions, but the Holocaust was not completely "invented".

And if you read my post KP, I criticized the Jewish control of the financial sector in Germany and stated that exportation of Jews etc. who wouldn't go along with getting behind what their country needed in such dire times would have been a reasonable policy. I even said that breaking up the large scale Jewish control of the business sector was reasonable with so many of the Christian Germans suffering. Even forced labor of dissidents who won't support their country in a time of war I can understand happening. I guess my post isn't extreme enough for you?

And to Bigunreal, I'm glad you don't believe that every NFL player, coach and owner are part of a script. I was just speaking in general terms about how a complete denial of mass murder in Germany doesn't make sense. Bigunreal, I think you are a good poster here with great points proving that there is a caste system and I consider you a friend on the site who has treated me with great respect. I do think that players here and there, refs, or a small group of refs and players could agree to try to throw a game for financial gain or something. The NFL is garbage, so we should expect that garbage could happen from time to time.
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
And I should also add. Germany is a country that I want to travel to someday. The German people as a whole are not to blame for WWII and personally I get sick of all the crazy German bashing that goes on with Cultural Marxists. I've rarely met a German that isn't smart and after the Irish and Scottish, I respect their culture the most.

Hitler and the top ranking Nazis were conniving evil people and they used propaganda as a tool to gain control (Reichstag fire etc). The disaster of economic collapse in Germany, starvation and anger over getting screwed with the Versailles treaty (which in addition to taking land from them- penalized them financially) allowed an extremist to take control. The German people didn't know how extreme he was at first. The Nazi's had finished "second"Â￾ in the previous election. Hitler only became Chancellor after appointment. He took control as Von Hindenberg ailed with old age and Hindenberg supposedly admitted his mistake before he died. One of the first things Hitler did was pass widespread gun control which helped solidify his power.

I should also add that Hitler was a great public speaker as well as an extremist. Obama is a great public speaker and a bit of an extremist and economic collapse may be coming- makes me worry.
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
ToughJ.Riggins said:
I don't call Holocaust minimalists racists. But to think there was no Holocaust at all is utterly ridiculous. The numbers might be inflated, but it would be impossible to trick the entire world without loads of people speaking out on a historical lie. Kind of like the "entire" NFL being run with a perfect script without multiple people blowing the whistle or having the script go wrong with a dropped pass or any other error.

There were concentration camps. The argument is that there was no state plan to exterminate all Jews and especially not with Zyklon B showers in gas chambers. Jewish casualties came from the spread of typhus(which delousing with Zyklon B was used to prevent) and starvation near the end of the war due to the Allies bombing German infrastructure.

Germans did not invent the concentration camp system, the British did. The US also used them for their German and Japanese citizens during WWII. Typhus rapidly spread amongst the Jews in the concentration camps because they largely came from Ghettos and were unhygienic as a collective(General Patton attested to that Starvation came near the end of the war when the Allies were bombing Germany back into the Stone Age and were even targeting German peasants and farmers, as Chuck Yeager said, "They were feeding the enemy," well they were also feeding the Jews and most Jewish deaths came after liberation.

Are you at all familiar with Holocaust Revisionist literature?
Germar Rudolf is a German chemist, here's his work refuting the gas chambers:
The best overall primer that I've read for Holocaust Revisionism is Jurgen Graf's, "Holocaust or Hoax? The Arguments"

A couple of extensive websites on Holocaust Revisionism:

"For 15 years, every time that I heard of a witness anywhere, no matter where in the portion of Europe that was not occupied by the Soviets, who claimed to have himself been present at gas exterminations, I immediately went to him to get his testimony. With documentation in hand, I would ask him so many precise and detailed questions that soon it became apparent that he could not answer except by lying. Often his lies became so transparent, even to himself, that he ended his testimony by declaring that he had not seen it himself, but that one of his good friends, who had died in the camps and whose good faith he could not doubt, had told him about it. I covered thousands and thousands of kilometers throughout Europe in this way." - Paul Rassinier, French pacifist, Communist, and "Holocaust Survivor."

Let's be serious, the highest level Nazis were not like Schindler in Schindler's list. I have heard the story that the big businesses and banks running the German economy were mostly controlled by Jews and that most Jews didn't show much German pride and identified as Jews first. Most Christians before WWI in Europe thought charging interest on loans to people in the lower and middle classes was morally wrong according to a world history teacher I had in H.S. This is why Jews were the ones in central Europe that gained control of the banks.

The Jews became the big bankers because the Church banned interest taking in money lending, for Christians...,5753,-1030,00.html

But the Germans did not do what the American's did with the Japanese by simply trying to put dissidents or people they thought might sympathize with the other side and hurt the war effort under control of the government in a humane labor camp etc. Wanting to force Jews to fight with pride for Germany would have been fine. Even breaking up the Jewish control of the financial sector and exporting dissenters would have been reasonable. It was such a dire time of economic crisis where the poorest German's would even burn German Marks to stay warm b/c the money was worthless.

The Jews were put into concentration camps because the Germans considered them saboteurs and risks to the German war effort. Their initial plan for the Jews was repatriation, which is why many of them were driven east out of German lands.

Hitler was a mad man though that wanted revenge and might not have stopped until the Germans ran most or all of Europe and gained control of the oil sector in the middle east.

Hitler wanted to regain the German lands that belonged to Germany before the Versailles Treaty. Germany would have had hegemony over continental Europe and would have been the cultural leader of Europe, instead of France or Britain. He wanted to achieve this by allying with the UK and not having a conflict of interests such as colonizing Africa. He also wanted to create "lebensbraum" by taking it from the USSR. Hitler did not want to take over the Middle East as that would have been a conflict of interests with the UK, but so what if he did? How would that make him a "mad man"?

and when the German's took control of Austria (they identified with Germany from the Austrian/Hungary empire) Europe looked the other way.

Why shouldn't they? The Austrian people themselves voted in favor of this in a plebiscite.

But when they took Poland in 1939- speculation started on how far it would go and war broke out. How do we know Hitler wouldn't have stopped until he owned the whole mainland of Europe which would have included many countries that didn't "nationalistically" identify with Germany?

What are you even talking about? They took the low countries because they had plans to allow access to the British for one and it allowed them to bypass the Maginot line secondly. Germany took Denmark and Norway because Churchill was laying mine fields in the Norwegian territorial waters, which caused Germany to suspect that they wanted to occupy Norway themselves... which the UK did have plans for. Germany kept the Norwegian government intact. They would have set up German colonies in the USSR, these are the only lands they would not have relinquished at the closing of the war. The only invasion that did not make sense was Italy's of Greece.

If the Allies cared so much about Germany taking these countries why did they allow the USSR to conquer half of Europe? Stalin wasn't a "mad man"?

Any group Hitler thought was undesirable to a new "Supremacist" German order they put in camps (in the final years of the war) and treated them with intolerable cruelty, beat them and some died of starvation. Near the very end of the war the "final solution" ended with dissenters and many of the disabled, Jews, Gypsies and even some religious leaders who spoke out being mass murdered. These were people without an army. They were not prisoners of war. And even POWs aren't "exterminated" by reasonable governments.

Sure they did. The evil Germans who were Hitler's willing executioners also made lamp shades out of Jewish skin and shrunk Jewish heads seemingly for use in voodoo rituals, Hitler was into the occult, donchaknow.

A totalitarian regime like this should not be sugar coated and respected by anyone. Whether they mass murdered 600,000 or 6 million they committed mass murder against people by simply "stereotyping" them by group as "not human" and "worthless".

It shouldn't be lied about either.Edited by: Anak
ToughJ.Riggins said:
But when they invaded Poland in 1939- much of that land they grabbed had people that were not behind Germany nationalistically. A country only has the right to gain control of another country if most of the people want to join them.

This was already adequately explained for both sides in this thread by me, a pro-German poster, and Rebajlo, a pro-Polish poster.

Back to the other issue: people in the concentration camps were put there (depending on the camp) originally for forced labor or for confinement.

No, they were put there because the Germans deemed the Jews and leftists risks to the German war effort. It was Speer that utilized forced labor, after the war began and the concentration camps existed.

I don't see how people can believe that there was no Holocaust at all, this is even more specious reasoning then thinking the NFL is entirely scripted.

It depends on how you define the "Holocaust." Is the Holocaust concentration camps? Virtually no one and especially not actual Holocaust revisionists deny their existence. They also know that tens of thousands of Jews died, but they show that the reasons are due to typhus and starvation and quite a few other Jews died on the Eastern front as partisans. Denial of the Holocaust really means "denial" of the gas chambers used for human execution.

The secret would have gotten out if the Holocaust was a complete lie.

Yeah, it has.

There would have been plenty of U.S military people to come forward with the truth b/c too many people would have seen things if it was in fact 100% a German smear campaign.

Guess how many American and British soldiers liberated "DEATH CAMPS." Zero, even by official story telling.

Lastly, sure mainland Europe would probably be whiter by now if the Germans won. But times change. I don't think Germany would control even the majority of mainland Europe at this point- even if they won it at a previous point.

They would have hegemony and be the economic and cultural leaders of Europe. There would not be incessant propaganda for race-mixing and multiculturalism, there wouldn't be "Zionist Occupied Governments" creating the laws that allow massive amounts of third world non-Whites to immigrate into Western nations. Racism, ethnocentrism, Eugenics, etc would not be evil words. I doubt even Wal-Mart and McDonalds would have made a dent into continental Europe let alone this plebeian leftist thought.

But cheering for the Nazis to have won the war is wrong. In the year 2010, we could never tell what the butterfly effect would have been if the Nazis won. How do we know that there wouldn't have been constant war breaking out over the last 65 years in Europe and even some Nuclear events?

Not sure how that would make cheering for the Nazis "wrong."

The Nazi high ranking officials were NOT good, reasonable people. I do know that Stalin killed more than Hitler and think the statistics could be inflated somewhat by the U.S and English military officials or reporters doing the report in Germany. But how can people honestly believe that Hitler was a reasonable person who should be respected? This irks me. History can't be completely rewritten. Text books can exaggerate things or throw in liberal opinions, but the Holocaust was not completely "invented".

I disagree, I think that they were very reasonable. No more unreasonable than Churchill, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Smigly, Moscicki or Stalin who we allied with and claimed fought for "Freedomâ„¢."
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Hitler and the top ranking Nazis were conniving evil people and they used propaganda as a tool to gain control (Reichstag fire etc). The disaster of economic collapse in Germany, starvation and anger over getting screwed with the Versailles treaty (which in addition to taking land from them- penalized them financially) allowed an extremist to take control. The German people didn't know how extreme he was at first. The Nazi's had finished "second"Â￾ in the previous election. Hitler only became Chancellor after appointment. He took control as Von Hindenberg ailed with old age and Hindenberg supposedly admitted his mistake before he died. One of the first things Hitler did was pass widespread gun control which helped solidify his power.

"History is a set of lies agreed upon."Â￾ - Napoleon Bonaparte

According to Hollywood movies and history books written by the victors, yes indeed, Adolf Hitler was a very wicked man and so were his naughty underlings.

Nazi gun control is a myth:

I should also add that Hitler was a great public speaker as well as an extremist. Obama is a great public speaker and a bit of an extremist and economic collapse may be coming- makes me worry.

Fret not, despite what all the leftist mags and FoxNews claim President Barrack "Um, Um, Ummmm, Err," Obama is actually a terrible public speaker and he'd be lost without his teleprompter. Edited by: Anak
Let me bring up three real genocides that I often think about. Pol Pot killed over 20% of his own population in Cambodia during the late 1970s. I walked over bones around mass graves near the killing fields and touched a few of those that were exposed on or near the walking path. I saw thousands of skulls at this one site alone. That was real.

Anywhere from 12-40 million people died in the USSR's Gulags, and almost all of these were Whites.

The saddest genocide to me though, is that which is happening in the USA right now. We've killed over 50 million of our own since 1973, that's over 15% of our current population. Considering that most of these babies were White, we have helped decrease our own numbers considerably, especially when you take into account the number of children these people could have had, had they been allowed to live to adulthood. That, to me, is a real tragedy.
Edited by: Colonel_Reb
ToughJ.Riggins said:
What you say about Austria is factually correct and I stated basically the same thing in my first post. The Versailles treaty was harsh and I understand the Germans wanted to take back what was theirs, with the country under economic collapse. But when they invaded Poland in 1939- much of that land they grabbed had people that were not behind Germany nationalistically. A country only has the right to gain control of another country if most of the people want to join them.

In 1939, Germany was not in "economic collapse" - they were flourishing. The U.S. was in economic collapse. Also, a lot of the Polish land that was taken did have higher numbers of Poles than Germans and some land had higher numbers of Germans, but you surely know that since Versailles Poland had a policy of deGermanification. Before Versailles Germany was the most densely populated country in Europe, and after Versailles it got worse due to deGermanification policies. International investigations confirmed before the war that roughly 70,000 Germans had been killed in these areas. Should one of the most powerful nations in the world turn a blind eye while their race is bieng ethnically cleansed by lesser border countries?

[/QUOTE] Back to the other issue: people in the concentration camps were put there (depending on the camp) originally for forced labor or for confinement. They considered these people worthless as human beings or dissidents. When the Germans started losing the war they decided to kill people in many of the concentration camps when the conditions in Germany were deteriorating. They considered the prisoners of "no use". Maybe to put more Nazis in the battle field from the concentration camps as well? [/QUOTE]

They didn't need forced labor, Germany had plenty of labor. As far as Germany "deciding to kill people", prove it. It's not like Hitler was shy about his racial thoughts. Since the allies broke the German code early in the war, surely they intercepted one "secret extermination message?!?" One document with an order. Those Germans must have been pretty bad at killing. No order, no document. End of discussion.

Pro Nazi comments make this site look bad. It's not my site and I don't agree with censorship on the internet, but I DO believe in personal SELF censorship.[/QUOTE]

No, stupid or inaccurate comments make that poster look bad. Truth on this site is of upmost importance - not politically correctness. I suggest you let Don worry about what or who makes the "site look bad." I believe he has reprimanded you in the past. No offense, those were earlier times.

But cheering for the Nazis to have won the war is wrong. In the year 2010, we could never tell what the butterfly effect would have been if the Nazis won. How do we know that there wouldn't have been constant war breaking out over the last 65 years in Europe and even some Nuclear events? [/QUOTE]

No, we don't know for sure what would have happened if the Nazi's have won, but we do know what happened after they lost. Ever since, the white race has been speeding towards extinction.

[/QUOTE]The Nazi high ranking officials were NOT good, reasonable people. [/QUOTE]

How do you know? You've researched their personal life?

[/QUOTE]But how can people honestly believe that Hitler was a reasonable person who should be respected? This irks me. History can't be completely rewritten.[/QUOTE]

Of course it can. George Orwell wrote fiction from actual historically events in Russia. How can you be so naive? You've been posting on this site for awhile now and you don't see how history depends on who does the writing?

[/QUOTE] And if you read my post KP, I criticized the Jewish control of the financial sector in Germany and stated that exportation of Jews etc. who wouldn't go along with getting behind what their country needed in such dire times would have been a reasonable policy. I even said that breaking up the large scale Jewish control of the business sector was reasonable with so many of the Christian Germans suffering. Even forced labor of dissidents who won't support their country in a time of war I can understand happening. I guess my post isn't extreme enough for you? [/QUOTE]

No, just not correct enough. It's not about being "extreme" - that's a label. It's about being correct. So you agree with me about the choke-hold international Jewry had on Germany, but you don't see that as a cause for war? Why? Don't you think international financiers are powerful enough to start unjust war? What's extreme about my position?
[/QUOTE] Edited by: Kaptain Poop
It will always be a complex fight, even for white nationalists, to overcome the knee-jerk, ubiquitous, dogmatic "Nazi Germany Was The Scum Of The Earth"Â￾ mantra-of-the-white-masses.

Like all things concerning white mass-culture, the ideals that will be "tolerated"Â￾ from the "intellectual"Â￾ "authority"Â￾ are articulated to the white peasants early and often"¦.screamed into the brain cells of schoolchildren from Book-TV-Radio-Internet megaphones. Today, we are the pod-like artifacts of generational numbing"¦.especially with regard to an individual's ability to form their own attitude, viewpoint, or theory. No, all that messy "thinking"Â￾ garbage has already been "been taken care of."Â￾ Just read the "official"Â￾ history books, you'll see!

Why are we so stunned when a little white girl grows up and spawns her f*cking halfling brats with a non-white man (or has none at all)? Or when a little white boy grows up and mocks white athletes as he paints his obese face with a corporate logo, and swills another brew at the Big Game whilst cheering for his favorite black superman? For their entire lives, any balking at the "absolute truths"Â￾ set before them is met with totalitarian discouragement. Even the most strong-willed whites cannot fight forever without feeling dejected and unappreciated.

So no, I think I'll maintain my humble opinion of WW2 (and all other AmeriCON wars). That is, that this entire planet, no matter what, would have been far better off if the eternal Hollywood Villains would have won. What the hell are we clinging to that's so precious, anyway? At least "Satan Reich"Â￾ would have given us a better chance at racial preservation. If suggesting something so immersed in pro-white impetus makes me "extreme"Â￾ or "racist"Â￾ or "pro-Nazi,"Â￾ then fine, I'll wear those media-contrived "labels"Â￾ as a badge of honor.

BTW, I always gain so much knowledge from this sort of thread, thanks to all.
I knew a man who had been interred in a Nazi POW camp. This man told me he nearly starved but that the prisoners and the German guards were served from the same pot with the same ladle. He did not blame the Germans for his starved condition as the Germans were as starved as the POW's.
Germans are in a unique situation, and it sounds to me like the fear is NOT that Whites will go extinct, but that the German man himself will disappear.

I think we all know what extinction is, and the various causes of it. So, tell me, how can non-Germans make German women give German men more kids? How can non-Germans bring the German man and woman back together in harmony? If I were to start spouting National Socialism, what would that accomplish? NOTHING! Would that improve the German birthrate? DOUBTFUL!

It looks to me like Germans are the only ones that could possibly fix their own house, or, at least start taking steps in that direction. Like I said, Germans are in a unique situation. I'm not exactly sure what non-Germans can do for you. I'm talking primarily about Europe. Only YOU can get that chip off of your shoulders. If you play the victim and view everyone else as simply fodder for your machinations, don't expect help because you won't get it. Hitler, himself, wasted so many of his soldiers because he went against the superior knowledge of his Generals. Hitler was NO genius. Why glorify him or make him out to be something he wasn't? If I were to fill my house with Nazi items, that wouldn't accomplish JACK in any real way!

I'm not anti-German, and many of my favorite athletes are of German-descent, but you're never going to convince me to be pro-National Socialist. I don't disagree that Hollywood and "history" books have an agenda. I personally do not subscribe to the so-called "Holocaust" either. If Germans feel guilty about the past, tell me what non-Germans can do about that?.. (other than being sychophants and whipping boys; those aren't options).

Not an insignificant number of German women have been alienated from German men, and I'm not exactly sure what I can do about that. Praising Hitler won't help.
This isn't about praising Hitler or hanging Nazi parafenalia in your house (I doubt anybody here does that). It's about being correct pure and simple. If you want to demonize those that disagree with your less than well-researched view than what are you accomplishing? Are you just spouting off or adding something of substance? Frankly, I can't even follow your logic with the whole "what are non-Germans to do about it thing". How about just be accurate in history? Is that so evil? Do I have some evil motive? Am I a mad man?

What can non-Germans do? The deed has been done to Germany. Germans haven't been in control of their own destiny since the war. But what can non-German whites do the next time a white country decides it wants to remain white? Applaud them. Help them instead of demonizing them. Finally, when your country has turned into an unlivable third world multi-cultural cesspool, you can beg that evil Nationist country to let you in.
Deadlift said:
Germans are in a unique situation, and it sounds to me like the fear is NOT that Whites will go extinct, but that the German man himself will disappear.

I think we all know what extinction is, and the various causes of it. So, tell me, how can non-Germans make German women give German men more kids? How can non-Germans bring the German man and woman back together in harmony? If I were to start spouting National Socialism, what would that accomplish? NOTHING! Would that improve the German birthrate? DOUBTFUL!

It looks to me like Germans are the only ones that could possibly fix their own house, or, at least start taking steps in that direction. Like I said, Germans are in a unique situation. I'm not exactly sure what non-Germans can do for you. I'm talking primarily about Europe. Only YOU can get that chip off of your shoulders. If you play the victim and view everyone else as simply fodder for your machinations, don't expect help because you won't get it. Hitler, himself, wasted so many of his soldiers because he went against the superior knowledge of his Generals. Hitler was NO genius. Why glorify him or make him out to be something he wasn't? If I were to fill my house with Nazi items, that wouldn't accomplish JACK in any real way!

I'm not anti-German, and many of my favorite athletes are of German-descent, but you're never going to convince me to be pro-National Socialist. I don't disagree that Hollywood and "history" books have an agenda. I personally do not subscribe to the so-called "Holocaust" either. If Germans feel guilty about the past, tell me what non-Germans can do about that?.. (other than being sychophants and whipping boys; those aren't options).

Not an insignificant number of German women have been alienated from German men, and I'm not exactly sure what I can do about that. Praising Hitler won't help.

I am an American. I think everyone in this thread is as well, other than an Australian.

I never specified Germans as facing "extinction," I always mentioned the white race as a whole. Demographically white Americans are probably the worst off. Actual white Americans, not Caucasian Americans which a lot of non-white riffraff is considered "white" by the US census, such as non-blacks from the Middle East, Latin America, I've even seen a Vietnamese murderer on death row that was labeled as white.Edited by: Anak
It should be noted that the US still occupies Germany and has never signed a peace treaty with them.
We whites are facing genocide, its only our countries being flooded with immigrants, and it is only who are told to "assimilate." Sorry about the Jews, but the Holocaust cannot be used in their defence for the genocide they want inflicted upon us.
Anak if you read, I did in fact state that some of the concentration camps were for confinement- I could be wrong on the statement that I thought there were some forced labor concentration camps as well.

I simply find it hard to believe that an effort could be so organized as to convince the world that the Nazis committed mass genocide without it happening. I'm sure many died of starvation in the last years of the war in the camps, but you're telling me all the stories about Nazi abuse of the prisoners and the final killings at the concentration camps at the end of the war is a complete lie? Low level U.S and British soldiers did not see much of anything at the concentration camps, but many high ranking military people did. Many Germans and their prisoners know what happened there and soon after there was media reporting going on. If there was no intolerable cruelty of prisoners and killing of many at the end of the war- I'm sure Germans would still be speaking out against a smear campaign constantly to this day.

I basically think things spun out of control when they were losing the war and the highest ranking Nazis wanted revenge on those they thought hurt the war effort. The SS and high ranking Nazis used fear to get some of the soldiers to carry out orders in the painful aftermath of losing the war.

If you consider those in concentration camps to be prisoners of war (which is kind of innaccurate b/c they were people without an army) then they should have been treated humanely.

The killings may have been lower scale then they are reported- and maybe some of the mass graves that were reported and photographed were filled with bodies of those who starved rather than were shot. And wondering about the gas chamber theory is not outside the question for me.

But to think the Nazi regime was something to be beloved is ridiculous and something I will not ponder considering. The Nazi regime was just one of many regimes the world has known that acted with intolerable cruelty toward different groups (not just Jews) during a time of economic collapse and a following war.

I don't think Germans are any different than any other Europeans morally- and hope German men can stop feeling the mass guilt that hurts the country. But praising Hitler will not get anywhere. I agree with Deadlifts' post for the most part. Being a Holocaust minimalist and blaming the high ranking Nazis, the Gestapo- the fear they caused- the disaster from WWI and not the German people- is what would probably benefit Germany... But to play victim and act like Hitler was a reasonable man and say WWII history is all propaganda will not benefit anyone. Just my two cents. It's the Pro Nazi comments that irk me.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Kaptain Poop said:
Just show the minimum phrensics (sp?) a crime scene would require (bodies, a list of names, a document, etc).

The Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names
"Yad Vashem, together with its partners, has collected and recorded here the names and biographical details of half of the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis and their accomplices. Millions more still remain unidentified:"

I have no idea whether this Yad Vashem listing is invented or not. Does anyone here know?

As far as "what if" scenarios, I'd go back to the first World War and assert that the world would have been a much better place if Austro-Hungary and her allies would have won the first World War -- or at least, if Emperor Karl Habsburg's peace plan wouldn't have been scorned. With the destruction of the last strong monarchs, the door was completely thrown open to petty and demagogic politicians (which democratic and republican systems reproduce with such ease).
Has the PTB "sterilized" the German people? I think my post was certainly thought-provoking.

There is a sentiment of wanting everybody else to cry a river, but there's a staunch refusal to acknowledge that Hitler was largely responsible for destroying the fittest men that Germany had.

I also don't see the evidence that Hitler was fighting "for White people everywhere."
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Anak if you read, I did in fact state that some of the concentration camps were for confinement- I could be wrong on the fact that I thought there were some forced labor concentration camps as well.

Yet you go on to state:

I simply find it hard to believe that an effort could be so organized as to convince the world that the Nazis committed mass genocide without it happening.

Were they used for confinement, or were they used as mass extermination centers? How did they conduct this genocide, by simply confining them or with the use of Zyklon B showers in gas chambers?

I'm sure many died of starvation in the last years of the war in the camps, but you're telling me all the stories about Nazi abuse of the prisoners and the final killings at the concentration camps at the end of the war is a complete lie.

Yeah and I'm saying most of the stories about the "Holocaust" are a lie as well. Have you read some of them?

Low level U.S and British soldiers did not see much of anything at the concentration camps, but I'm sure many high ranking military leaders did.

Yet none of them wrote or said anything about it.

Many Germans and their prisoners know what happened there and soon after there was media reporting going on. If there was no intolerable cruelty of prisoners and killing of many at the end of the war- I'm sure Germans would still be speaking out against a smear campaign constantly to this day.

That would be illegal in Germany.

But to think the Nazi regime was something to be beloved is ridiculous and something I will not ponder considering. The Nazi regime was just one of many regimes the world has known that acted with intolerable cruelty toward different groups (not just Jews) during a time of economic collapse and a following war.


I don't think Germans are any different than any other people and hope German men can stop feeling the mass guilt that hurts the country. But praising Hitler will not get anywhere. I agree with Deadlifts' post for the most part. Being a Holocaust minimalist and blaming the high ranking Nazis, the Gestapo- the fear they caused- the disaster from WWI and not the German people- is what would probably benefit Germany... But to play victim and act like Hitler was a reasonable man and say WWII history is all propaganda will not benefit anyone. Just my two cents. It's the Pro Nazi comments that irk me.

The truth should be told whatever it is and whatever one believes it to be. Vindicating the Germans and their leaders will go a long way to assuage that guilt.
Deadlift said:
Has the PTB "sterilized" the German people? I think my post was certainly thought-provoking.

Who is talking about low German birthrates specifically?
Observer said:
Kaptain Poop said:
Just show the minimum phrensics (sp?) a crime scene would require (bodies, a list of names, a document, etc).

The Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names
"Yad Vashem, together with its partners, has collected and recorded here the names and biographical details of half of the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis and their accomplices. Millions more still remain unidentified:"

I have no idea whether this Yad Vashem listing is invented or not. Does anyone here know?

They could just copy a Tel Aviv phone book and no one would know the difference.
Anak said:
Observer said:
Kaptain Poop said:
Just show the minimum phrensics (sp?) a crime scene would require (bodies, a list of names, a document, etc).

The Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names
"Yad Vashem, together with its partners, has collected and recorded here the names and biographical details of half of the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis and their accomplices. Millions more still remain unidentified:"

I have no idea whether this Yad Vashem listing is invented or not. Does anyone here know?

They could just copy a Tel Aviv phone book and no one would know the difference.

There is something to be said for this being an easy (and relatively inexpensive when the "investment" yields billions) forgery. However, it is more than just a simple listing of names. For instance, you can type in the surname "Stein" and a city "Warsaw" , and a scanned image of a purported original document is displayed. It would be possible to do a statistically significant sample and then research to test the veracity of this (and check for duplicates also); perhaps someone already has checked?
Observer said:
There is something to be said for this being an easy (and relatively inexpensive when the "investment" yields billions) forgery. However, it is more than just a simple listing of names. For instance, you can type in the surname "Stein" and a city "Warsaw" , and a scanned image of a purported original document is displayed. It would be possible to do a statistically significant sample and then research to test the veracity of this (and check for duplicates also); perhaps someone already has checked?

You could try asking on codoh's forum.

I think this is discussing the same thing:
Anak said:
Observer said:
There is something to be said for this being an easy (and relatively inexpensive when the "investment" yields billions) forgery. However, it is more than just a simple listing of names. For instance, you can type in the surname "Stein" and a city "Warsaw" , and a scanned image of a purported original document is displayed. It would be possible to do a statistically significant sample and then research to test the veracity of this (and check for duplicates also); perhaps someone already has checked?

You could try asking on codoh's forum.

I think this is discussing the same thing:
American Freedom News