Sen. Lindsey Graham


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
This clown speaks for the rest of the Republican leadership, I'm sure.

Graham: GOP 'not going to be the party of angry white guys'

(CNN) â€" South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham has always enjoyed a little back-and-forth with belligerent audiences.

He was at it again on Monday night as he faced down an angry town hall crowd in Greenville packed with libertarians and Tea Party activists who accused at the Republican senator of ditching conservative principles by working with Democrats on issues like climate change and voting to send Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.

But Graham stressed a mantra he's repeated many times since his friend John McCain lost the presidential election last November â€" that the GOP must reach out to different constituencies, or face extinction.

"I'm not going to leave the Republican Party," Graham said when one questioned asked him why he hasn't yet joined the Democrats. "I'm going to grow it. We're not going to be the party of angry white guys."

His comments were met with a salvo of boos and shouts of "Ron Paul!"

"I love this party," he responded. "I'm not going to be let it be hijacked by Ron Paul."

Graham emphasized his conservative bona fides â€" particularly his record of opposing abortion rights and support of gun rights â€" but said GOP needs to build a broader coalition. Otherwise, he warned, those trying to purify the party will turn Congress over "to the most liberal people in the world because somebody disagrees with you."

"I'm going to find people in Maine, Delaware, Illinois and other places that can win," he said. "And I'm going to help them, and we're going to move this party and this country forward. If you don't like it, you can leave."
ron paul is addressing this statement on cnn tonight. it will be interesting to see what he says.
ron was VERY disappointing tonight on cnn. he did his usual act about civil liberties and the fed, but a huge miss on sticking up for association rights.

he basically conceded that to label something as 'white', it's an insult and he has no problem with it.

let me be the first to say **** ron paul and the horse he rode in on.

nationalism takes care of ron paul's issues and then some.

**** conservatives, and double **** libertarians! they are the competition of the nationalist. my new motto is... "white first or **** off".

if your white, and everyone around you is white, and everybody wants white people to succeed, all the BS will be as dead as the do-do.
Edited by: C Darwin
Graham is a Globalist shill/RINO/Neocon puke. In addition to green-lighting the Marxist "wise latina", he was a big supporter of the amnesty for illegal invaders like the McCain-Kennedy Immigration Reform Bill of 2006 & the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007.

While solid on 2nd Amendment defense, he's in full denial of scientific proof of the 9/11 false-flag/treason.

Neocon Graham Denies Scientific Proof of 9/11 False-Flag

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
C Darwin said:
ron was VERY disappointing tonight on cnn. he did his usual act about civil liberties and the fed, but a huge miss on sticking up for association rights.

he basically conceded that to label something as 'white', it's an insult and he has no problem with it.

let me be the first to say **** ron paul and the horse he rode in on.

nationalism takes care of ron paul's issues and then some.

**** conservatives, and double **** libertarians! they are the competition of the nationalist. my new motto is... "white first or **** off".

if your white, and everyone around you is white, and everybody wants white people to succeed, all the BS will be as dead as the do-do.
pepole like graham and paul are worst than "*** hole's! they are just holes without a "***" around "it"!!!!!Edited by: lost
I'm glad people are starting to wake up to the racial realities of today and can see that the GOP doesn't care about whites as a group and isn't going to change. Maybe we can start electing people at the local level who aren't afraid to be pro-white and/or nationalists.
Sadly, you can elect all the local level candidates you want but once they get visions of higher office they will walk the PC line and embrace the "good for all mantra" leaving whitey to wine and motherf..k the only party that gives a remote f..k about them.

We will continued be marginalized until we speak up in great numbers. The Tea parties and march on Washington this past summer were good starts. I think to vilify all members of the GOP is misguided. Starting a third party would be ill advised and accomplish nothing for us.
A yahoo featured article said somethink like move over Sarah Palin the Republicans have new maverick's, Olympia Snowe and Lindsay Graham. I had to laugh, to the MSM maverick means what? Politicians that don't represent their party but represent the MSM view. They also said Graham was the heir apparent to the former "maverick" John McCain! What a sad joke, two policitians completely out of step with their supposed parties platform and the people they supposedly represent and they are "mavericks", I think they represent another four legged animal--the ass.
Bart said:
This clown speaks for the rest of the Republican leadership, I'm sure.

By "leadership," are you referring to the honorable chairman (new AA housepet) of the Republican National Committe, Michael Steele? Hmm, I wonder if Steele, the 1st afro-american chairman, gives a hoot about the white race or culture? I'm sure, in the same vein as every single "man" in the history of american politics....Steele would shed a fake tear while weeping "we are all one melting pot."

Who could forget the "infamous" (boring non-issue) "Oreo Cookie Incident" in which Steele was seated at some meaningless debate and his "opponents on the left" supposedly hurled Oreos at Steele....which he later suggested was symbolic of his "black on the outside, and white on the inside" attitude. Steele then faked being racially offended, and whined like a woman about it on Hannity (liberal neo-con) and Colmes (flaming homosexual liberal).

Little did Steele's moronic, misinformed "liberal enemies" know, Steele was has been working hand-in-hand against whites his entire political life (not unlike 99% of the spineless "conservatives").

As for Ron Paul, he's now had several opportunities to become the only politician to touch the dreaded "white issue." Every time, he's puss!ed-out just like the rest. Seems to me that Dr. Paul is either editing his racial comments, or doesnt actually care about his race (most likely). That said, I'd take him over Mexican McCain or his Royal African Majesty in a heartbeat.
Westside said:
Sadly, you can elect all the local level candidates you want but once they get visions of higher office they will walk the PC line and embrace the "good for all mantra" leaving whitey to wine and motherf..k the only party that gives a remote f..k about them.

We will continued be marginalized until we speak up in great numbers. The Tea parties and march on Washington this past summer were good starts. I think to vilify all members of the GOP is misguided. Starting a third party would be ill advised and accomplish nothing for us.

Westside, I never vilified the entire GOP, I just said they don't care about white interests. That's the truth. I didn't said we should start a third party either, in that post anyway. It might take a bunch of people in different parties or independents who would stand up for whites on the local level to make changes happen. The only way any of this will happen is if more whites wake up and start making noise. Anything would be better than what we have now. Of course, society might have to fall apart and start over from scratch. Who knows what the future holds, but our (Whites) future isn't in the GOP as it currently is. Men will always seek power and fame and be selfish. We can't do anything about that. What we can do is try to change the country so that there are real checks on people from gaining too much power so they don't form a tyranical government. The Constitution was designed to do that, but in a moral and religious society. We don't have that now.
Col Reb my last post was not directed at you. I was giving my thoughts and fustration on whats going on politically. How whites have ceded power without losing a war. How whites have allowed all of this bs to go down and not stand up and say, "not anymore" on a larger scale. Like I said the Tea Parties and March on Washington were good starts. Hopefully there will be more.
I agree, Westside. It is very frustrating to see. I see signs of awakening, especially among younger whites, so I'm hopeful. I'm a little edgy today, so you'll have to excuse me. Its just been one of those days for the last two days.
jaxvid said:
They also said Graham was the heir apparent to the former "maverick" John McCain! What a sad joke, two policitians completely out of step with their supposed parties platform and the people they supposedly represent and they are "mavericks", I think they represent another four legged animal--the ass.

Yes, I agree. Interesting how the media always falls in love with Republican mavericks.
There's no one close to a WN on "Crapitol sHill". I'm a fan of Dr.Paul, except for race issues. I knew he had a glaring shortcoming when I heard his lauding of that adulterous, heretic MLK. Buchanan has made some decent points on race (against PC BS), but he's no longer in office. My sister-in-law says I'd have been better suited in the 1930s...and on this issue (& many others) I agree with her.
The creep makes my skin crawl every time I see him. He's a good poster boy for everything that's wrong with the Republican Party and White men in general.
Don Wassall said:
The creep makes my skin crawl every time I see him.  He's a good poster boy for everything that's wrong with the Republican Party and White men in general. 

Ditto! Graham is the one Republican I would most like to punch in the mouth. He's obviously trying to be the next John McCain and media darling until he runs for President one day. Disgusting little worm that he is, Glen Beck made light of him on yesterdays show.Edited by: guest301
Graham and Snow are pieces of S***. I've always hated Graham. The man has no pride or backbone. I'd also like to give him a good kick.
Yet the voters of supposedly conservative South Carolina just re-elected him. As long as you call yourself a conservative, say nice things about the troops, and quote Jesus once in a while you can get elected by the whites of the south.
Matra1 said:
Here is the traitor South Carolinians re-elected speaking to La Raza:

Linday Graham tells 'bigots' to shut up

"fLimsey" Graham is such a candy@$$, Neocon/RINO, gutless traitor!
He was totally groveling to the La Raza vermin...lionizing "hispanics", praising fellow NWO puppet "Juan McAmnasty" & Ted "Kommiedy" (good riddens to bad rubbish). That kind of Neocon, "Christian" Zionist pandering totally sickens me!

P.S. - The mug carries himself & speaks like a fruitcake.
DixieDestroyer said:
P.S. - The mug carries himself & speaks like a fruitcake.

DD, this is not the first time I have heard this mentioned. It wouldn't surprise me at all if he had those type of leanings, especially considering his anti-American agenda. You are right, he is nothing but a no-good POS RINO who wants to sell out America to nefarious forces. I argued with other "conservatives" who say they LOVE Lindsay Graham. I ask them, do they agree with his big government spending? Amnesty? Of course not. Buuuuutttt, Graham supports the troops. I'm sure he will face some serious competition in his next primary. I'm sure he's in his last run in the U.S. Senate. I love the fact someone asked when he's going to join the democratic party! Hey, at least some are waking up!
Most Republicans have the exact same opinion as Limpwrist Graham, but they just arent as vocal and haphazard with "their" ideas.

Graham is so stupid and arragant that he spits fire at guys like Glenn Beck. Beck pisses me off each and every time I watch his show, but he's the absolute BEST we have in the corperate media.

Democrats and Republicans are about as different as Pepsi and Coke....and that "independant" turd race traitor, Ron Paul, is only slightly less wimpy.

If Graham were to ever run for president (against BHO), I'm sure the media would be tickled pink at the possibility of a "no win situation" for pro-white, conservative americans. Oh wait, didnt that just happen with when BHO faced Juan McCain?Edited by: Thrashen
Thrashen said:
If Graham were to ever run for president (against BHO), I'm sure the media would be tickled pink at the possibility of a "no win situation" for pro-white, conservative americans. Oh wait, didnt that just happen with when BHO faced Juan McCain?

I think we have our next Republican candidate for President!!!!!

Slogan: Graham--he's the right cracker for America!
Ol' "Flimsey Gayham" would be an excellent puppet/shill for the Globalist Elite ma$ters.
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