Ron Paul - POTUS 2012

If Dr. Paul were to win the nomination as the Republican candidate for presidency, he should be very careful of who he chooses for a running mate. with an eye to winning, I think Michelle Bachmann would be an excellent VP. A woman would definitely win him the presidency. But the Republican party would definitely want to hang a real LBJ type bum around his neck, just in case they had to kill him, like I believe JFK was killed.

Tom Iron...

Michelle Bachmann would give the powers-that-be the very thing that would most likely instigate them to assassinate Ron Paul. Choosing any of the other GOP candidates would give the powers-that-be a more desirable VP than President.
Dennis Kucinich. All those so-called top tier Republican candidates are the scum of the earth.

I remember how Pat Buchanan deliberately sabotaged his own candidacy - and the Reform Party (which had up to then achieved federal matching funds and ballot status in all fifty states) - by selecting one deranged communist negress after another to be his running mate, that and the fixed computerized voting machines wrote an end to him and the Reform Party.


So are you suggesting that Ron Paul will sabotage his presidential bid, by selecting Kucinich? Or that he should sabotage it by doing so? If he picks Kucinich the mainstream GOP voters will stay home feeling outraged, sold out, and feeling that they never should have trusted Ron Paul (although it may help the Constitution Party pick up an extra handful of votes from the less deluded mainstream "conservatives"). The hardcore anti-Ron Paul Republican voters (visit the Hannity forums to observe them) will have the perfect scenario to cow all the newly minted dissidents back in to the cold embrace of the GOP neo-con establishment by simply saying "I told you so." Of course, the mainstream Dems will vote for Obama. The far Left will probably still vote for the Socialist or Green candidate because while they might like how Ron Paul jabs his own party they certainly don't agree with him on the role of the state.

I would suggest picking an Old Right/paleo-conservative type, but this has advantages and disadvantages. The pros would be that the mainstream "conservatives" couldn't really complain about the pick not being conservative enough (pro-life, anti-gay marriage, devout and overtly Christian, pro-gun rights, etc.) The other advantage is that a crotchety Old Right paleo is even less palatable to the powers-that-be than Ron Paul so it might reduce the chance of assassination. The cons would be that this person is unlikely to have much of a natural constituency so they really don't bring much to the table other than an amusing thrashing of Joe Biden in the VP debate. The other disadvantage is that like pretty much everyone on the Old Right (currently and historically) this man would likely be somewhat anti-Semitic (anti-gay, xenophobic, and racist as well) which would send the mainstream "conservatives" howling as much as or more than picking Kucinich. Or maybe, just maybe, it would open the door a crack. Who knows?
"So are you suggesting that Ron Paul will sabotage his presidential bid, by selecting Kucinich? Or that he should sabotage it by doing so? "

No, I'm suggesting a right-left coalition against the ruling Wall Street-Zios. Dennis Kucinich is an honest man, in fact more honest than RP on crucial issues like 911.

Why not Gary Johnson for VP. He's a younger version of Ron Paul. Although he's not a household name, he has been campaigning already for several months without any major screw-ups. Granted, he gets almost no media coverage so we wouldn't know if he had any Herman Cain Libya moments.
Gary Johnson: "Open up the borders and let them all come in!"
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The Democrats pounced on a moment of weakness in America. They took advantage of an extreme (and extremely rare) condition in the populace in which anybody they threw up there would have defeated the Republican nominee. Knowing this, they installed the most radically leftist world leader in history. His efforts (or those by his handlers) haven't been entirely successful because he's a retard who doesn't know anything about American governance or the American people. But an idiot swinging around such a massive club can still do a lot of damage.

I don't think the situation is reversed this time. I don't think Obama can be defeated by just anyone. Duke, for instance, would never win a presidential election against Obama and I'm certain that Paul would never win with Duke as his running mate. The GOP would violate their own rules and have a "recall nomination" or some such BS.

Who should Paul choose?
Impossible to say. Singular polls are mostly fraudulent. And, in certain years (ex. 2004), the entire range of them will trend outside of reality. If Ron Paul believes he has good information, though, he should act in accordance with tradition. If the polls are close before he makes his selection, he should pick a non-threatening VP candidate who has never made a ripple in the national consciousness, but whose positions he can be certain of privately. After all, the Vice President just isn't that important in most terms. The most important thing is for Paul to reach the White House. If, however, victory seems certain (Obama polling in the teens, perhaps), then Paul should shoot for the Moon and pick a running mate who, in any other year, would stir up the media and left-wing dreck to such an extent that they would set records for voter participation. I don't know who that would be. I don't even know that such a candidate exists in this country (outside of Duke). I know that the left hates Tancredo with a passion. I believe his claims of wanting to close the border and limit even legal immigration. His other positions align well with mine. A choice more palatable to both sides (who still wouldn't be acceptable to the left in a close year) would be Paul Ryan. There may not be anything special about him when it comes to his other positions, but he does seem sincere about reducing the size of the Federal Government. Starving Washington D.C. is, in my opinion, a net good on its own, regardless of the additional outcomes.

We have to win the GOP nomination first, though. And the polls are looking good for Ron Paul on this day.
I was wondering about the possibility of Jesse Ventura. The guy handles himself pretty good on the political talk shows. He also would be a good compliment to Ron Paul. He is charismatic and is not afraid to say things that some are afraid to. I don't agree with all his positions, but I think it would be funny to watch. (On a side note, I recommend tuning into Mark Levin this week. The guy is so pissed off at Ron Paul's polling numbers he can't stop talking about it. It is actually kind of refreshing to listen to his misery.)
Gary Johnson: "Open up the borders and let them all come in!"

But make them work to pay for their own food, health care, housing, utilities, child care, and college - unlike a growing number of worthless natural born U.S. citizens.
But make them work to pay for their own food, health care, housing, utilities, child care, and college - unlike a growing number of worthless natural born U.S. citizens.
If we can't make out own "natural born U.S. citizens" pay what are we going to do different to make other folk pay?
For what it is worth here I will state my criteria in order of importance for selecting the person to take on Obummer and his leftist/socialist/marxist enablers and followers.

1. Revernce and return to the core principles of the US constitution.

2. The vow to repeal the mandated Obamacare.

3. A proven track record on creating private sector jobs in America. Where everyone benefits, including the government sector(cash overtime returing).

4. Rid America of unneccasry regulations and agencies who push them (EPA), Dept of Energy and Depart of Education.

5. End the deployment of our troops in conflicts abroad. If warefare is neccassary, Predator Drone 24/7 with the countries in region paying for it.

6. Advise Isreal that we are not doing the heavy lifting. We will be in the "rear with the gear". Their people will be doing the dying.

7. Get that Canada Oil pipe working in America, mas pronto!
For what it is worth here I will state my criteria in order of importance for selecting the person to take on Obummer and his leftist/socialist/marxist enablers and followers.

1. Revernce and return to the core principles of the US constitution.

2. The vow to repeal the mandated Obamacare.

3. A proven track record on creating private sector jobs in America. Where everyone benefits, including the government sector(cash overtime returing).

4. Rid America of unneccasry regulations and agencies who push them (EPA), Dept of Energy and Depart of Education.

5. End the deployment of our troops in conflicts abroad. If warefare is neccassary, Predator Drone 24/7 with the countries in region paying for it.

6. Advise Isreal that we are not doing the heavy lifting. We will be in the "rear with the gear". Their people will be doing the dying.

7. Get that Canada Oil pipe working in America, mas pronto!

That's a nice list but unrealistic. Except for Ron Paul there is no person in any level of govenment in the whole country that would fit more then two of those catagories. Even RP doesnt fit number 3.
That's a nice list but unrealistic. Except for Ron Paul there is no person in any level of govenment in the whole country that would fit more then two of those catagories. Even RP doesnt fit number 3.
Jaxvid you are absolutely correct. But even the top 2 would be start in the right direction with No. 3 clearly be just as important if not more so, given the disasterous economy right now.
Jaxvid you are absolutely correct. But even the top 2 would be start in the right direction with No. 3 clearly be just as important if not more so, given the disasterous economy right now.

Agreed. But my list would be much less exclusionary, not because I want it to be but just so there was possibly someone that could fit it.

1) white
2) male
3) straight, married with kids
4) former military'
5) over the age of 50
6) regular member of church
7) background not in law or politics but something useful
8) anti-immigration
9) pro-White or at least not avowedly anti-White
10) level headed with moderate ability to communicate

Well I guess my list is just another one for Ron Paul mostly. So I think we are both going to be unhappy next November.
But make them work to pay for their own food, health care, housing, utilities, child care, and college - unlike a growing number of worthless natural born U.S. citizens.

You cannot make them pay when they can vote, but they can make you pay.
Paleocon, That's a takeoff on what Ben Franklin said. "once the people realize they can vote themselves money, that's the end of the republic," or words to that effect.

Did anyone watch the debate last night? If so, what was your take on it?

Tom Iron...
Paleocon, That's a takeoff on what Ben Franklin said. "once the people realize they can vote themselves money, that's the end of the republic," or words to that effect.Did anyone watch the debate last night? If so, what was your take on it?Tom Iron...
I didn't watch it, but heard the arch-z10n1st/neoCON skirt Bachmann attacked Dr.Paul regarding his position on Iran. She (like all neoCONs) is totally beholden to the globalist empire building agenda.
I didn't watch it, but heard the arch-z10n1st/neoCON skirt Bachmann attacked Dr.Paul regarding his position on Iran. She (like all neoCONs) is totally beholden to the globalist empire building agenda.

Yeah that is for sure, Dixie. From what I saw, Dr. Paul did a god job last night. Admittedly, I missed the "live" debate and fell asleep in the middle of the replay later during the night. I did see Pawn Vanity question Dr. Paul about his newsletter from the 90s. Funny how the first question they always ask RP (going back 5 years at least) is about whether he will totally rule out running as a 3rd party candidate if he doesn't get the GOP nomination. All of those who ask him that question are party hacks. They value winning the next election above all, so "their" party stays in power. It sickens me how far we have fallen since the time of Gen. Washington.
I didn't watch it because a. I don't watch television and b. politcians make me nauseous. They all sound like they're running for president of Israel in the right wing Likkud Party rather than pres. of the USA, except for Doctor P.
Dr Paul did well last night when they tried to attack him on Iran. He stood his ground and did not back down. I feel he always does well at debates because all he does is tell the truth. That's easy and can't fail. Meanwhile, his opponents are lying and backtracking trying to defend previous positions and statements.

For those of you who may not be aware, Dr Paul's campaign is having an important moneybomb today. It's Tea Party Day and 4 years after he set the single day record of 6.4 million. If you support Ron's message and I know many of us do, please consider donating. I just gave what I could in anticipation of my holiday bonus.

Ron Paul is surging. Let's keep the moment going against the Powers That Be!
Billionaire casino owner, close personal friend of Benjamin Netanyahu, and currently being investigated in China for Rupert Murdoch style spying on officials Sheldon Adelson just forked over $20 million to help Newt Gingrich. reports that Sheldon Adelson and Gingrich have forged an alliance in which in exchange for Adelson's support, Gingrich has promised more support for Israel, meaning sending more of your kids to die in Israel's wars.
The only way to get this kind of big money corruption out of our elections is for the little money to unite together in a common cause to send a message that contrary to Newt Gingrich's promises, this nation is not for sale to Israel or anyone else, at any price.

Donate to Ron Paul here:
I didn't watch it because a. I don't watch television and b. politcians make me nauseous. They all sound like they're running for president of Israel in the right wing Likkud Party rather than pres. of the USA, except for Doctor P.

I find that to be consistent with your stated opinions about American elections.

For myself, this was the first debate I attempted to watch all the way through since '08. I usually just watch the Ron Paul highlights on youtube the next day.
Billionaire casino owner, close personal friend of Benjamin Netanyahu, and currently being investigated in China for Rupert Murdoch style spying on officials Sheldon Adelson just forked over $20 million to help Newt Gingrich. reports that Sheldon Adelson and Gingrich have forged an alliance in which in exchange for Adelson's support, Gingrich has promised more support for Israel, meaning sending more of your kids to die in Israel's wars.
The only way to get this kind of big money corruption out of our elections is for the little money to unite together in a common cause to send a message that contrary to Newt Gingrich's promises, this nation is not for sale to Israel or anyone else, at any price.

It figures that the Yiddish Flesh-Eating Virus, Adelson (the 16[SUP]th[/SUP]-richest person on planet earth), would donate his white-hustled Casino-shekels to the ultra-corrupt, mega-adulterer, lifelong-electioneering Zio-Slave, Little Newt GingBitch. As I mentioned in an Anti-Gingrich rant a few months ago, the Fornicating Fatso is a high-ranking member in the “Zionist-Goyim Alliance.”

Adelson, a genuinely-vile Yarmulke-Scalp, is the personification of Global Zionism. He owns Israeli propaganda-newspapers, he owns multiple casinos, resorts, and expo centers in multiple countries, he’s donated billions to exclusively-Zionist causes, and he’s been a long-time “family friend” of the Bush’s.

As one can ween from the photos below, Adelson perfectly resembles a stereotypical Jewish cartoon characters (short, fat, monstrously-ugly, bald, hook-nosed, Negro-lipped, etc)…





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