Ron Paul - POTUS 2012

The key word is "Easily"

[h=1]Ron Paul wins conservative voter straw poll[/h]
Rep. Ron Paul easily won a Republican presidential candidate straw poll Saturday at the conservative Values Voter Summit in Washington, while two of the most popular candidates in the race — Ron Perry and Mitt Romney — finished near the bottom.
Mr. Paul won with 37 percent of the vote, while Herman Cain, who has been surging in the polls recently, finished in second with 23 percent. Former Massachusetts governor Rick Santorum finished third with 16 percent.
“Dr. Paul’s standing among Christian conservative voters is growing as people become more familiar with the man as well as the message,â€said Paul presidential Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.
Mr. Perry and Rep. Michele Bachmann officially tied for fourth place with 8 percent of the vote, although Mr. Perry’s 167 votes was 10 more than Mrs. Bachmann’s tally. Mr. Romney, who has struggled to win the support of conservative voters, had 4 percent.
Newt Gingrich finished second-from-bottom with 3 percent, while Jon Huntsman, the only major GOP presidential candidate who declined to attend the weekend event, finished last with less than 1 percent of the vote.
** FILE ** Ron Paul (Associated Press)

Mr. Paul, an outspoken Texan whose libertarian-leanings often don’t sit well with conservatives in his party, trails significantly in most national polls. But his fiercely loyal band of supporters often show up in mass for Republican straw polls, pushing him near or at the top of the table in those contests.
More than 600 people registered for the three-day Values Voter Summit on Saturday morning just prior to the straw poll’s noon closing time, with many, if not most, believed to be Paul supporters.
Event organizer Tony Perkins, an influential figure in the American conservative movement, declined to say if he was disappointed in the poll results, instead saying that “the field is still somewhat fluid.â€
“Ron Paul and his campaign is very well organized in showing up for straw polls,†said Mr. Perkins, president of the Family Research Council’s lobbying political action committee.
Mr. Perkins, when asked to explain why Mr. Perry and Mr. Romney did so poorly in the poll, suggested that conservative voters “are still in the process of deciding where they want to go.â€
“This is really a testing ground for what it’s going to take for someone to capture the Republican nomination†for president, he said.

© Copyright 2011 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission.

The powers that be are trying very hard to stem the flow towards DR. RON PAUL, but it seems to be gaining momentum. They're having an increasingly hard time pulling the trick of ignoring him like they did last time.
Even the other candidates are echoing his thoughts, but of course, everyone knows they don't mean it.

Tom Iron...
possibly THE best anti-militarism, anti-fear mongering political ad that i've ever seen. so simple. so profound. Ron Paul does it again.

pass it on, folks.


Very good. I can't say that I really trust Paul but he is by far the best of the lot they have trotted out for their phony election. Last time around, despite all the millions of dollars he collected from regular people all across the country, nobody I know in this state saw a single tv ad from him when the campaigning got underway in full, and when they were exposing vote fraud, like that place where they said he got zero votes in the whole town - and then a family of four showed up to say they all voted for him, or when they were shutting him out of their debates - he was silent, and then he was surrounded by all those gangsters like the Ron Paul Limo mobsters with their gold chains...but the zionists and the Wall Street crowd don't like his anti-war message one bit. They want their mass murdering wars without end for Israel and Wall Street going on and on indefinitely, so I hope he runs a legitimate campaign this time...but of course they run the votes through their pre-programmed diebold voting machines anyway, and count them in private, and the zio-networks will tell you who won before you vote anyway, so don't get your hopes up...unless a miracle happens.

I'm really encouraged about Ron Paul's chances now. With every candidate of the establishment coming to the fore and being called the "frontrunner" and then shortly after, falling apart, Dr. Paul looks more and more as if he's going to pull off the impossible. I thought Dr. Paul looked like a million bucks the other night.

Tom Iron...
I'm really encouraged about Ron Paul's chances now. With every candidate of the establishment coming to the fore and being called the "frontrunner" and then shortly after, falling apart, Dr. Paul looks more and more as if he's going to pull off the impossible. I thought Dr. Paul looked like a million bucks the other night.

Tom Iron...
I hope you're right Tom. He's got my vote and full support.
The Ron Paul 2012 campaign is unique. Not only does it seem to be alienating people on both the left and the right, but on the same hand it is also helping to bridge the left-right gap.
I take this is a positive sign. In a time of disheartening political divide, maybe the country needs someone that brings an eclectic ideology to the table.
Many conservatives are turned off by the Ron Paul 2012 campaign, specifically by some of Paul’s more liberal views, such as decriminalizing drugs. Like many liberals, the Ron Paul 2012 campaign recognizes that the War on Drugs has only made things worse. Drugs are more powerful and people still do them. What should unite people, is the amount of money that will be saved from not jailing minor drug offenders – not to mention the blow back that will be avoided within the families of the incarcerated. Right wing pundits can’t have their cake and eat it too – if they are against Government bureaucracy, then that should include the War on Drugs.
Many liberals are turned off by the Ron Paul 2012 tenet that the Department of Education should be abolished. However, many fail to ask themselves if the DOE has actually increased the quality of education. Certainly access to education has increased, but prices have skyrocketed since the inception of the DOE in the 1970′s, and it doesn’t take a college grad to realize that too many college grads lack proficiency in history, math, science and plain common sense. Public schools also suffer from insufferable drop out rates and disparity of quality. Why should the DOE be defended when things could clearly be better?
The DOE has pushed for monolithic standardization and in some cases push psychotropic drugs on kids who may not actually need them. If a pre-teen Albert Einstein, a boy who couldn’t speak or tie his own shoes, was alive in today’s public school, surely a recommendation for methylphenidate and decelerated study would be given. His future would be placed in the hands of a series of standardized tests, and poor results would forbid him to enter college. Today, without a college degree, he would have never become a patent clerk, and that could have disaffected his passion towards physics and mechanical engineering. Great minds should not be allowed to slip through the cracks of bureaucracy, just because they don’t fit-in under some marginalized, narrow conception of intelligence. I think liberals and conservatives can both agree on that, as would Ron Paul 2012.
There’s no reason that the Federal Government can’t cut some of the bureaucratic interference, while still ensuring equal access to education and provision of funds.
There is a mix of conservatives and liberals that agree with the Ron Paul 2012 campaign promise to ween ourselves off of a FIAT currency. Yet, another conservative-liberal mix strongly supports the Federal Reserve System. Neither side can begin an honest discussion about debt, deficits and taxation, until we examine a system that forces perpetual debt and taxes for survival. The very fact the Ron Paul 2012 campaign has nudged this issue into the national conversation is of benefit to everyone, regardless of your stance on the matter.
The Ron Paul 2012 campaign has hammered home the idea of drastically cutting our military spending. Something that most liberals should agree with, as well as conservatives who see the military-industrial complex as an endless source of debt and a threat to liberty. However, many mainstream conservatives are scared of this idea. It seems that while many on the right proclaim that the size of government needs to be cut, they are not willing to cut one of its largest sectors.
The Ron Paul 2012 campaign has made a point of saying that the Federal Government should not define Marriage, claiming it should be left to the church. Basically the Ron Paul 2012 campaign is saying that if a certain church decides to oversee Same-Sex Marriages, then those Marriages are perfectly acceptable. The Episcopalian Church, for example, holds increasingly liberal views towards homosexuality. More churches could follow suit. Believe it or not, anyone can start a church if they have enough followers and get a 501(c)(3) application approved. If enough like minded people decided to start a church that allows Same-Sex Marriages, then there’s nothing the Federal Government could do about it. Ron Paul’s method could allow for same-sex marriage opponents to no longer stand in the way through political posturing.
Health care is another issue that on the surface is divisive, but if you dig a little deeper, you see that liberals and conservatives can lower their middle fingers and extend an open hand.
The effects of the recent healthcare legislation are yet to be known. All potential benefits and consequences are hearsay. However, supporters and objectors might find a little common ground on the following ten key points from the Ron Paul 2012 website:
1) We must remove any obstacles for people seeking holistic and nutritional alternatives to current medical care. We must remove the threat of further regulations pushed by the drug companies now working worldwide to limit these alternatives.
2) Threatening individuals with huge fines by forcing them to buy insurance is a boon to the insurance companies.
3) The cozy relationship between organized medicine and government must be reversed. Early on medical insurance was promoted by the medical community in order to boost re-reimbursements to doctors and hospitals. That partnership has morphed into the government/insurance industry still being promoted by the current administration.
4) Long-term insurance policies should be available to young people similar to term-life insurances that offer fixed prices for long periods of time.
5) Insurance sales should be legalized nationally across state lines to increase competition among the insurance companies.
** There are some who claim this would only encourage a national monopoly. A ‘Wal-Mart of Health Care’ if you will. Well, as it stands now, insurance companies hold state monopolies that will only grow more powerful through the health care initiative. By allowing companies to sell beyond state lines, they can increase their payee pool and spread their risk, which could lower prices. If this were coupled with strict adherence to current antitrust laws, it could be of great benefit to all. **
6) Allow a 100% tax credit for all medical expenses. A lot of the ‘unnecessary treatment’ that was talked about during the health care debate, is partly due to doctors not wanting to get sued for not doing everything they could to help the patient. Tort reform needs to be examined.
7) The costs are obviously too high but in solving this problem one cannot ignore the debasement of the currency as a major factor.
8) More dollars into any monopoly run by government never increases quality but it always results in higher costs and prices.
9) Government does have an important role to play in facilitating the delivery of all goods and services in an ethical and efficient manner.
10) There must be more competition for individuals entering into the medical field. Licensing strictly limits the number of individuals who can provide patient care. A lot of problems were created in the 20th century as a consequence the Flexner Report (1910), which was financed by the Carnegie Foundation and strongly supported by the AMA. Many medical schools were closed and the number of doctors was drastically reduced. The motivation was to close down medical schools that catered to women, minorities and especially homeopathy. We continue to suffer from these changes which were designed to protect physician’s income and promote allopathic medicine over the more natural cures and prevention of homeopathic medicine.
[h=1][/h]In closing, this is a time for Americans to come together to forge solutions. A path to destruction is being toed on partisan lines. If we continue to draw an invisible line between ourselves and our fellow civilian, nothing will change. In this Civilian’s humble opinion, the Ron Paul 2012 campaign, when compared to every other candidate, provides the best chance for different ideologies to finally come together on a few things.
Civilians News doesn’t expect everyone to jump on the Ron Paul 2012 bandwagon. We encourage dissent, debate and discussion, and this Civilian contribution follows that pretense. We recently received a Civilian contribution highlighting opposition to Ron Paul 2012, and are proud to feature it. The media’s job is not to compartmentalize and divide the People based on agenda. Rather, we must be dedicated to providing a wide array of views, so that the viewer’s mind is free to form organic opinions, unshackled from the tyranny of indoctrination.
We also value mutual respect, and adhere to the notion that most Americans across the spectrum want what they feel is best for themselves, their Countrymen and their nation. Therefore, instances of biased reporting, like the recent Ron Paul 2012 CNBC poll blackout, are unacceptable. For the rest of the election cycle, you can count on Civilians News to provide diverse opinions on every candidate and every issue. We encourage our fellow Civilians to submit their own articles, opinions, video, audio, artwork, etc, if they want to share it with the world. We will proudly feature it, as long as it contributes to a civilized and informed debate.
Every individual must work to support a new brand of independent media. Otherwise the collective conscience of our country will continue to be sullied and fragmented through the agenda-driven whims of a corporate minority.
[h=5]By Hank Xanders, Civilian[/h]
DR. RON PAUL was actually acknowledged/pictured along with the other candidates in the NYPost today as one of the frontrunners of the GOP. Of course, in the accompanying article, they only put his name in once, but even that is a breakthough.

He's coming on gentlemen. Even with all the censorship of the man, the msm couldn't stifle him this time around. Whether you agree with him or not, you should aknowledge he's the only candidate who has his beliefs and sticks through them through thick and thin.

Tom Iron...
DR. RON PAUL was actually acknowledged/pictured along with the other candidates in the NYPost today as one of the frontrunners of the GOP. Of course, in the accompanying article, they only put his name in once, but even that is a breakthough.

He's coming on gentlemen. Even with all the censorship of the man, the msm couldn't stifle him this time around. Whether you agree with him or not, you should aknowledge he's the only candidate who has his beliefs and sticks through them through thick and thin.

Tom Iron...

I was also shocked to see that Tom. If his campaign can continue to raise money, and he stays in the race until there are only two there is no way short of him being killed that he will not win the nomination. Can you imagine any of the other clowns in the GOP race having to go toe to toe with him on any issue foreign or domestic? It would be a joke, he would tare them apart in debate and his record going back to 1979 would back up his claims and promises. I can't wait! Go Ron Paul Go America!
I have kept quiet but I'm one of his biggest supporters. I just don't want to jinx it. The media and the powers the be will do anything to keep him from winning the nomination. Expect some serious mud slinging soon. I hope I'm wrong but we need to continue to spread his message and hope for the best. Ron Paul in 2012!

Look at it this way. The establishment is scared. That's why he's banned from the debate. They know he's doing well. This is just proof. I always thought Jewish people were smart, and I guess they are, but banning REP. PAUL was a bad mistake on their part. By banning him, they draw attention to him. He can't buy such publicity. So this is a win-win for DR. PAUL. I still think the Jewish people behind this will relent and allow him to participate. Anyway you look at it, good break for our candidate.

Just goes to show, smart people mess up from time to time like anyone else.

Tom Iron...
Not sure if anyone has seen this video, it's from about 3 months ago. Some dumb f*ck c*** from Fox News asks a stupid question, and Dr. Paul dismisses the whole thing with his usual calm and collected demeanor, class and dignity. It's all part of the neocon network (and other outlets) agenda to sensor and shut down Ron Paul and try to derail his campaign in any way possible.

foobar 75

The woman interviewing Dr. Paul, is Martha MacCallum, part of the best thing about Fox News, their goodlooking anchorwomen.

No I didn't see that interview because I've been taking some on CF's advice and not watching as much T.V. or is that Telavivision!
Stupid bimbo bitch. Of course her Jewish bosses told her what to say, but still what an *******! Dr P is much too polite.
Gentleman please! I'm sure we have a couple of female readers online!
Please! No "White Knighting"!
No "white knighting" but to refer to a female as a c**t and a b!tch? That's lowbrow and boorish. And truth be told its also TNB.
I second menelik's comment. Let's tone that type of talk down.

Tom Iron...
Did anyone else see this "Republican Presidential Forum" on Fox News?

Not only was it one of the best designed candidate vetting processes I've ever seen, it was possibly the only good thing Mike Huckabee has ever done in politics.
I just watched the segment with Ron Paul. He was stellar in this format. Without the biased moderators laying traps with their "Gotcha!" questions about leftist social issues as we get so often in the Debate format, the candidates are allowed to express their exact feelings (and political intentions) about serious policy issues.

Romney is on right now and it's pretty obvious that he's nothing more than a classical double-talking politician. I wish everybody in America was watching this. How unfortunate that it's airing opposite so many "important" football games.
Dr.Paul is such a well tempered gentleman & handled the MSM hack with class. He's the genuine article. :)CS, glad you're scaling back on the hellivision. We 86'd the cable pert near a year ago. I've only "missed" it for a few football games (& UFC on Spike).
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Seems like Ron Paul is getting into the news a bit more. His refusing to take part in the Donald Trump "debate," I think was a real good move. Got him plenty of publicity anyway. If you read the comment sections on the articles, most people agree with what he did. Even the ones who say they wouldn't vote for him. Good move.

Tom Iron...
Of course, though, they are correct when they say that Dr Paul has zero chance of winning. And that's because their no paper trail computerized Diebold voting machines are hacked and pre-programmed and de-programmed and the votes are tabulated in private in a little office in Manhattan. Bull**** elections bull**** democracy.

Seems like Ron Paul is getting into the news a bit more. His refusing to take part in the Donald Trump "debate," I think was a real good move. Got him plenty of publicity anyway. If you read the comment sections on the articles, most people agree with what he did. Even the ones who say they wouldn't vote for him. Good move.

Tom Iron...

Yeah Tom Iron, but what did Dr. Paul mean about his and Trump's stance on China being different. Dr. Paul said, "He (Trump), probably didn't like my position on China."

I like Dr. Paul, but I liked Trump's stance on what he would do with China.

Do you know Dr. Paul's stance with China? If you do, please explain.

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