Ron Paul - POTUS 2012

Interestingly, as I walk around with my Ron Paul button on, all sorts of young people enquire into how they can get one. The latest being a young guy on the cash register in a Shop Rite.

Well, we'll know what's up tonight. Let's keep our finger crossed. Last night on the radio, the talk show guys were frothing at the mouth in their attacks on Dr. Paul. That might be a good thing. I hadn't heard his name mentioned that much in all the weeks prior.

Tom Iron...
They're going to count the votes in secret at a secret location...and then tell us that Ron Paul got 8% of the vote and finished just behind Bachman. Then we'll see what Paul does, if he just plays along with their phony crooked elections like he did last time, or demands an honest recount with a real paper trail.

An Open Letter to Ron Paul from Michael Rivero

It is one thing to speak of principles and quite another to fight for them.
Dr. Paul
I am but one of the millions of Americans who supported you in 2008 and support you now. We have donated to you, volunteered for you, promoted you, defended you, and in a very real way fought for you. Now may be the time for you to return the favor.
All across Iowa, alarming indicators are rising that those who wish to continue the nation down the path of fascism are preparing to steal the Iowa Caucus from you. We all know you are a gentleman and still believe in the ultimate fairness of our nation, but in this one regard I fear you are being dangerously naive. As the HBO Documentary "Hacking Democracy" illustrates, election fraud, always a reality in the past, is now epidemic across the nation. Iowa has a prior history of vote fraud shenanigans, as shown in 1996 when vote fraud shaved 13% from Pat Buchanan's totals all across the state, tipping the victory to Bob Dole.
As I am fond of telling my radio audience, this election is not a gentlemanly contest. It is a bare-knuckles, knock-down, spit-teeth-in-the-gutter fight for the future of this nation, with a nuclear world war hanging in the balance. Your opponents espouse that God wants this nuclear war waged on the Arab world and the problem with politicians listening to those voices in their head is that they truly believe that lying, cheating, stealing, even assassination is no sin in the furtherance of what they claim is a divine agenda.
Of course, we all hope that the voter turnout for you is so great that cheating will be impossible, and that we are headed for yet another "Dewey Defeats Truman" moment in history. But your sudden decline in the public media polls, with number arrived at through fraudulent means signals an attempt to "pre-sell" your defeat to the more gullible segments of the public. Rumors coming from Chicago, known for political skullduggery, that the Iowa votes will be counted in Illinois rather than Iowa, should send a clear warning signal that fraud is afoot.
Dr. Paul, We The People stand with you. We ask that you stand with us, and if indeed, as appears to be the case, Iowa is stolen from you, then it is time to take off the gloves and fight for those principles which have attracted so much support for you. Because the vote stealers are stealing more than just a victory from you, they are stealing our nation from all of the people. They are stealing a life of peace from our children. They are stealing prosperity from us all. They plan an eternity of war for the world and if they succeed, none of us will ever live to see a time of peace again.
If we do not choose to fight against these people now, we will soon have no choice but to fight for them from now on.
Far more than just your political ambitions are at risk here. If the election is allowed to be stolen, then all we have to look forward to is nuclear war without and violent revolution within.
If Iowa is stolen from you, we need you to be the leader we all know that you are and demand a recount by hand of all ballots.
Michael Rivero

They're going to count the votes in secret at a secret location...and then tell us that Ron Paul got 8% of the vote and finished just behind Bachman. Then we'll see what Paul does, if he just plays along with their phony crooked elections like he did last time, or demands an honest recount with a real paper trail.

Don't worry you shouldn't support him anyway.

Ron Paul loses the "werewolf" vote![h=1]Ron Paul Flips Out Over Accusation That He Believed 9/11 Conspiracy Theories[/h]
"Ron Paul Flips Out Over Accusation That He Believed 9/11 Conspiracy Theories"

What "conspiracy theories", the gag about the 19 evil little Arabs with boxcutters who couldn't even fly a tiny Cessna and weren't even on board and their wicked mastermind who lived in a whole series of gigantic supercaverns in the Himalayan foothills - oops, scratch that, a slum apartment next door to army hq in Karachi! And they did it "beacause they hate our freedom". That "conspiracy theory"?

But yeah there are a lot of disturbing things about Paul, including his attack on the truth about 911, and white nationalists, and his surrounding himself with mobsters, but at least he wants to stop their endless wars for Israel and Wall Street, or says he does, and sometimes politicians have to say things that aren't quite true (sometimes?), so if you don't mind I'll indulge in some temporary fantasizing and wishful thinking, even tho I well know that their so-called democracy is a bull**** shell game to fool the canon fodder suckers.

I listened to about an hour of Rush Limbaugh today at lunch, he talked about the Iowa primary the whole time, not once did he mention Ron Pauls name, not even in derision. Limblah hates Paul, he has called him a "nut" and a "democrat". It's curious that he's so anti-Paul seeing as how he has gone all Tea Party the last couple of years when he realized that his traditional RINO pandering was losing him audience.

He has also ripped Romney and Gingrich knowing correctly that his quasi-tea party ditto heads despise the both of them. Rush has tried to pimp Perry and Bachmann as they have the Israel first, chickenhawk, faux-christian, attitudes that he loves so much.

However now that both Perry and Bachmann appear to be out of the running for the popularity contest that is the repub nominating charade he finds himself without a horse in the race. So like any good republican twerp he gravitates to the wimpiest one left and that is Santorum. Santorum is the Huckabee of 2012. A truly unelectable nice guy that represents conservatism in a way that ensures it will never happen on a national level.

The MSM will love Santorum after Iowa, a nice guy that they are sure will not do anything to defeat Obama if nominated.
I listened to about an hour of Rush Limbaugh today at lunch, he talked about the Iowa primary the whole time, not once did he mention Ron Pauls name, not even in derision. Limblah hates Paul, he has called him a "nut" and a "democrat".
Here is how Limbaugh and most of the neocons view Ron Paul (from the Limbaugh website):

I heard most of the last hour of Lameblah today and he repeatedly told callers he "liked the field" and mentioned every one of the GOP candied-dates except Dr. Paul. It is clear Rush is changing his course with the ever changing political winds (while maintaining his Republican party hack card), and at the same time is imploring his followers (audience) not to do that very thing. He is a joke and is quickly losing relevance as he shows his true neo-con colors.
moments ago, i had the displeasure of hearing/seeing this video/audio courtesy of Jewtube ...


what's even more frustrating than the horrible message being broadcast is the fact that Jewtube is once again doing their best to "encourage free speech" by blocking the views that Ron Paul videos get.

check out the below screen capture of my search for the video and notice the number of views ...

ron paul youtube fix again.JPG

at the time of my search (a mere few moments ago), the video had already actually been seen over 10,000 times. but compare that to the below screen capture of the video page itself from when i clicked the link (again, just a few mere moments ago) ...

ron paul youtube fix again 2.JPG

again, you can see that the view count has been frozen at 305. "weird," huh?

furthermore, werewolf is spot on about how far the "elected" criminals in "both" parties will go to continue their mafioso malfeasance. literally nothing is beyond these crooks.
Paul also has said that the reason blacks are in prison is not because they committ crimes but because they are "discriminated against." The libertarians will always sell out in the end.

Rand Paul was on the Hannity radio show today, saying his father believes this. It would be okay to say the "drug war" disproportionately affects negroes; but that is not what Senator Paul said.

Rand also said he and his father find the quotes/articles from the old Ron Paul newsletters abhorrent and that they do not know who wrote them. I remember well those old newsletters -- they were very reasonable, usually a bit timid!
Rand Paul was on the Hannity radio show today, saying his father believes this. It would be okay to say the "drug war" disproportionately affects negroes; but that is not what Senator Paul said.

Rand also said he and his father find the quotes/articles from the old Ron Paul newsletters abhorrent and that they do not know who wrote them. I remember well those old newsletters -- they were very reasonable, usually a bit timid!

Exactly. Again, I ask why the extravagant hero-worship of Ron Paul by most of the posters at this Forum?
When I saw that Ron Paul was winning all the entrance polls but only by 1 percent, I knew that he was not going to be allowed to win. It's the first time I have seen entrance polls turn out completely wrong. After a few more minutes of watching CNN they were in the middle of an interview with Ron Paul supporter who was in military uniform. He started talking about how Israel doesn't need our help etc. and they suddenly lost the satellite feed. Go figure. I'm sure it was just another coincidence.

In 2008 for the first time I went to Primary/caucas. The formalities of Roger's rule of order was strictly adhered to in the whole process and then it was time to vote. They handed out blank post it notes that we were to write our candidate of choice down on. No ID check, signature, or official ballot. Talk about a process specifically designed for fraud. It really doesn't matter how closely fraud is monitored in the general election when these primaries rely on post it notes. We will have two pre-determined candidates already approved of by the PTB.

Once again, how could the entrance polls be so far off? This is just getting all to obvious.
SH, I can't speak for anyone else, but I certainly don't "worship" Dr.Paul. He definitely has his flaws (as discussed in this thread), but he has much fewer than the other NeoCON z10n1stas running for POTUS. His calling out of the (private) Fed and their collection agency (IRS) shows he's (at least) somewhat willing to take on the PTB (via their Central Banking Cartel).

FYI, I voted for Dr.Chuck Baldwin in 2008 and am waiting to see who the Constitution Party nominates for 2012 (if anyone). While a WN paleo-conservative would be optimal...I'll take (just) the paleo-conservative (for now).

P.S. - NeoCON Palin (wisely) warns GOP not to marginalize Dr.Paul & his supporters...
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Exactly. Again, I ask why the extravagant hero-worship of Ron Paul by most of the posters at this Forum?

Is he supposed to say that he agrees with the Newletters and is a card carrying member of the KKK? You have to have the ability or willingness to read between the lines. Do we get down on Peyton Manning because he brags about Reggie Wayne and doesn't stand up for racism against whites in the NFL? No, because we want him and other white qbs to keep their jobs.

I don't think Ron Paul is all that good at articulating his views. He wins exactly 0 votes when he goes on and on about MLK and Rosa Parks - just like every other candidate has to do. So what? We all know MLK and Rosa Parks aren't really his heros. We all know he is opposed the civil rights act. So why must we demand that he doesn't play the game. Why can't we have one guy on our side that is little bit deceptive? Why can't we be smart enough to play the game to our advantage too?

Who do you suggest we "heroworship" for President at this point if not Ron Paul?
I think Ron Paul is fully aware of the Jews who run this country and I think he is aware of our desperate racial situation in the country too. I think he knew about the so-called racist comments in the Newsletter and I think he probably even wrote them. He gets my vote for that. I don't expect or demand that he takes credit for the racist comments, nor do I expect him to openly question why only Jews run the Federal Reserve. I'm sure he knows the score though.
How does Santorum, who can't even get more than 100 people to turn out at his events, get 25% of the vote? His campaign has been on life support for months and now he rises to the top in mere days? This is utter ********. I am with werewolf when he says there is massive voter fraud. They will do anything to derail Dr. Paul. I now feel that a total collapse or 2nd revolution will be the only way to restore this country. Sorry for the negativity but the establishment's crookedness has brought me to a tipping point.

sportshistorian: You always call yourself a "realist" but yet you won't support the only candidate running who has enough clout to win the presidency whom isn't as phony as a 3 dollar bill. Sure Dr. Paul is not pro-White but he's the only guy who's not anti-White. Also, maybe he does believe what was said in those newsletters but do you honestly think he'd have any shot to win if he came out and supported it? The average "conservative" is a pussy and is terrified of being called a "racist" or supporting one. I'd be curious to hear what you think we should do to fix our nation? Vote for David Duke?

Edit to add: Kaptain, I'm in agreement with you. Your last 2 posts echo my sentiments.
How does Santorum, who can't even get more than 100 people to turn out at his events, get 25% of the vote? His campaign has been on life support for months and now he rises to the top in mere days? This is utter ********. I am with werewolf when he says there is massive voter fraud. They will do anything to derail Dr. Paul. I now feel that a total collapse or 2nd revolution will be the only way to restore this country. Sorry for the negativity but the establishment's crookedness has brought me to a tipping point.

sportshistorian: You always call yourself a "realist" but yet you won't support the only candidate running who has enough clout to win the presidency whom isn't as phony as a 3 dollar bill. Sure Dr. Paul is not pro-White but he's the only guy who's not anti-White. Also, maybe he does believe what was said in those newsletters but do you honestly think he'd have any shot to win if he came out and supported it? The average "conservative" is a pussy and is terrified of being called a "racist" or supporting one. I'd be curious to hear what you think we should do to fix our nation? Vote for David Duke?

Edit to add: Kaptain, I'm in agreement with you. Your last 2 posts echo my sentiments.

I don't (as of now) support any of the Republican candidates. In 2008 I voted for Baldwin. Every four years, the "conservative" voters go with the worst candidate possible on the National Question and then are bewildered when that candidate is for amnesty.

In 2008, for example, South Carolina GOP primary voters who chose McCain (because he was a "war hero") were "surprised" to learn he was for amnesty. They didn't bother to check his policy positions prior to voting.

The Republican politicians, pundits, radio hosts, and ordinary voters are terminally stupid.
How does Santorum, who can't even get more than 100 people to turn out at his events, get 25% of the vote? His campaign has been on life support for months and now he rises to the top in mere days? This is utter ********. I am with werewolf when he says there is massive voter fraud. They will do anything to derail Dr. Paul. I now feel that a total collapse or 2nd revolution will be the only way to restore this country. Sorry for the negativity but the establishment's crookedness has brought me to a tipping point.

Indeed, this whole thing is ridiculous. How does this clown Rick "Sanatorium" come out of nowhere and almost win (maybe win by the time the night is over) Iowa? It's just like RGIII's Heisman campaign. One week he's not even in the top 3, the next week he wins it.

So, this is the kind of garbage who may potentially run for POTUS? Depressing stuff. Even more depressing is all the brain-dead morons who voted for this guy tonight.

Indeed, this whole thing is ridiculous. How does this clown Rick "Sanatorium" come out of nowhere and almost win (maybe win by the time the night is over) Iowa? It's just like RGIII's Heisman campaign. One week he's not even in the top 3, the next week he wins it.

So, this is the kind of garbage who may potentially run for POTUS? Depressing stuff. Even more depressing is all the brain-dead morons who voted for this guy tonight.


Well, I can agree with "brain -dead morons" as the correct term for Santorum's supporters. Santorum is this year's Huckabee.
Even more depressing is all the brain-dead morons who voted for this guy tonight.

What makes you think anyone actually voted for him?
Santorum was as far out of the race as Herman Cain. His vote total is not credible.
It's not even a conspiracy theory. The GOP has stated on multiple occasions that they would not allow Ron Paul to win Iowa. I'm just taking them at their word.
How does Santorum, who can't even get more than 100 people to turn out at his events, get 25% of the vote? His campaign has been on life support for months and now he rises to the top in mere days? This is utter ********. I am with werewolf when he says there is massive voter fraud. They will do anything to derail Dr. Paul. I now feel that a total collapse or 2nd revolution will be the only way to restore this country. Sorry for the negativity but the establishment's crookedness has brought me to a tipping point.

sportshistorian: You always call yourself a "realist" but yet you won't support the only candidate running who has enough clout to win the presidency whom isn't as phony as a 3 dollar bill. Sure Dr. Paul is not pro-White but he's the only guy who's not anti-White. Also, maybe he does believe what was said in those newsletters but do you honestly think he'd have any shot to win if he came out and supported it? The average "conservative" is a pussy and is terrified of being called a "racist" or supporting one. I'd be curious to hear what you think we should do to fix our nation? Vote for David Duke?

Edit to add: Kaptain, I'm in agreement with you. Your last 2 posts echo my sentiments.

In the past we had electronic vote in Holland too.Since a couple of years ago when they found out that is was very unsafe, it is not allowed anymore and it has to be strictly paper vote.
Alright, I believe he was robbed, but they did let him have enough votes to make it seem real. On to NH now. Dr. Paul should stay the course, because as we all know, anything can happen in life.

So it's going to be Romney. Maybe, maybe not. Maybe Michele Bachmann and Huntsman will back out soon. This could get real interesting. All Dr. Paul has to do is stay in and you never know.

Just like in football, the team (in this case the "team would be the Republican national party) always wants a black guy over a White guy, but sometimes the black guy gets hurt, or holds up a liquor store and murders seven people in the store or who knows what? Things happen.

Tom Iron...
Rick Santorum lost the last election he was in by a landslide in 2006 in Pennsylvania amungst the people who know him best. The next natural step of course is to be a Presidential nominee. :icon_rolleyes: He also is one of the candidates that is allowed the distinction of opposing the TARP bailouts except that he first started opposing it in 2010 - three years too late. Apparently he is a big supporter of Arlen Spector.
A snippet from wikipedia: "Santorum and fellow Republicans heard from Hillel, the Anti-Defamation League, and the Zionist Organization of America to determine how to combat anti-Semitism in American colleges.[SUP][46][/SUP] Santorum drafted language on "ideological diversity," which Race & Class magazine suggested was tantamount to "policing thought."[SUP][47][/SUP] Inside Higher Edsuggested that he was pandering to David Horowitz and had no deep-seated position on the legislation.[SUP][48]"[/SUP]
I predict a 3rd or 4th place finnish in Iowa. Nothing scares an Iowan conservative like the "R" word.

I wish my football picks were as accurate.

I think this is all show anyway. American Idol for ugly people that can't sing. More jew entertainment. I like American Idol better.
Hey, I'm not the kinda guy to say I told you so but I told you so.

"It's not who votes that matters. It's who counts the votes"... Joseph Stalin.

An Israeli company, Elron-Voxeo, counts the votes, in secret. Nuff said.

Can you find even one single person online who supports the maniac Santorum who says the first thing he'd do will be start WW3? The Israelis must have thought it would be a funny joke to give him a lot of votes.

American Freedom News