Ron Paul - POTUS 2012

If Ron Paul can get some dirt on Romney I think a lot of Evangelicals will flock to him. Newt is going to run out of steam. I think Paul is clearly a tremendous man with some great ideas but he needs to shake this Jewish 911 conspiracy crap he was linked to.
Uh oh! I can sense that werewolf is about to explode!:biggrin:
I didin't mean 911 wasn't a Jewish conspiracy but if Paul wants to get a lot of main stream votes he is going to need to distance himself from these accusations. Right or wrong most of the sheeple will castrate him over this. Maybe if he becomes President than he can use his powers to show the average American how are media is Zionist controlled.
I agree with you.
An article entitled "Gingrich, Perry fail to qualify for Virginia ballot"

It is becoming increasingly clear that either Mitt Romney or Ron Paul will become the GOP presidential nominee. They were, almost shockingly, the only two candidates with enough infrastructure to qualify to be on the ballot when Virginia votes in the Republican primary.

In Ancient Rome the two major political parties were called the "optimates" (often translated as "best" but in Roman History class in college another translation was "Chosen" which would be better for our discussion) and the "Populist" (the People).

What is emerging in the Republican Primary is a classic battle between the chosen's candidate Romney and the people's candidate Paul. In a legitimate election, the people's candidate will almost always win, so the Chosen can't afford to have honest elections.

Russian poll watchers could be very useful, though, it is unlikely that they could stop the election fraud that happens in, almost, every major election (the "chosen" won't give up power that easily) in the USA, but they could expose it to the would.
this short blurb from MSNBC says it all ...

Most Paul critics say that he will "decimate" the military, which is ridiculous. As a strong Constitutionalist, Ron Paul knows that the primary job of the FedGov is maintaining a strong defense, ie: military. He just doesn't think we should be constantly at war for no reason whatsoever, with soldiers everywhere around the globe.
"I'm flabbergasted that an artist with such a huge gay fan base would publicly support Ron Paul," wrote Myranda Warden, or @my_warden, in one typical riposte. "Why, @kelly_clarkson, why?!"

Oh good lord, no need for Clarkson to even answer this lady. When will the gays realize they don't have that much power in numbers? They try to make it seem as if it is natural to be a homosexual, when there is nothing remotely "natural" about their sexual lives.

"I like Ron Paul because he believes in less government and letting the people (all of us) make the decisions and mold our country. That is all. Out of all of the Republican nominees, he's my favorite."

* I am very excited to vote for Paul in the upcoming election! It will be the first time I've exercised my right to vote. Still a lot of hope for the future guys!
I love hearing the hysterical bashing of Dr. Paul on the radio here. They'd fall over dead if they said one good word about him (probably be fired as well).

I think a good saying to picture these constant attacks on him comes from Shaekespear - paraphrasing,

"Thou dost protest too much, me thinks."

Tom Iron...
I hate to admit this but Ron Paul is the best presidential candidate in the last 40 years. Im not sure 911 was a conspiracy but this guy is truly a champion. He has my vote and I am going to do my best to convince others to do the same.
it's been well documented that Youtube (or is it jewtube?) has a VERY strong left-leaning political bent, and that their video rabbis often freeze the view counts of videos that they don't like so that they won't become popular enough to get listed on random searches.

the most recent example of this that i've personally experienced is of this Ron Paul video:

finally, after literally hundreds of thousands of views in the past two days, Youtube finally changed the view count ... but take a close look at the screen capture from early Wednesday night that i'm posting below.

ron paul youtube fix.jpg

as you can see, the view count is at 301 ... which is odd, since it has been "liked" 4,625 times.

from such a reputable bunch of "free speech" advocates, it sure is "weird," huh? *smirk* :dodgy:
i apologize for the double post, but i stumbled across this video this morning that illustrates the media's double standard/disinformation with regards to the importance of the Iowa caucus and Ron Paul's performance therein.


the reason for the double standard, of course, is that the guy the MSM wants to win isn't in the lead ... at least the following commentary from Time is honest in its reasoning: Iowa is simply too White to be allowed the privilege of going first. no joke. here's the pertinent snippet:

But with every passing decade, Iowa's electoral character grows more out of step with the reality of the United States. Iowa is an unusually homogenous -- that is, white -- and rural state in an increasingly diverse and urban nation.

the full opinion piece can be found at this link:
But with every passing decade, Iowa's electoral character grows more out of step with the reality of the United States. Iowa is an unusually homogenous -- that is, white -- and rural state in an increasingly diverse and urban nation.

I guess no one at Time caught the glaring contradiction in the words I've put in bold font. That which is diverse can not be united. Thus, a nation, by definition, cannot be diverse. Now, of course, a people can unite around various things other than race which would give them a national character. However, if our diverse population was so united then the whiteness of Iowans would be irrelevant would it not? The unintended admission hidden in that anti-white rant is that whites, in fact, do have group interests distinct from the hordes of Third World parasites festering in our urban areas.
I guess no one at Time caught the glaring contradiction in the words I've put in bold font. That which is diverse can not be united. Thus, a nation, by definition, cannot be diverse. Now, of course, a people can unite around various things other than race which would give them a national character. However, if our diverse population was so united then the whiteness of Iowans would be irrelevant would it not? The unintended admission hidden in that anti-white rant is that whites, in fact, do have group interests distinct from the hordes of Third World parasites festering in our urban areas.

excellent post!
To all the great posters on this web site I thank you. I joined this site because of all the anti white racism that persists in football.
Now that I have had the wool lifted from my eyes I think Ron Paul will be the greatest president we have ever had. I dont love the guy but I like him very much.
Geez, how dare we walk away from 2 phony wars and use our tax dollars to help our own people and economy. This guy is incredible. If he can beat the Jewish leftist propoganda I will vote for him a hundred times if I could find a way to do it.
Ron Paul is not perfect but he is damn close to it. Screw these liberal jerks.

Robert Donachie
Personally I don't think the MSM doesn't want Ron Paul to win, I think they would like him to be the Republican candidate because they have to believe he would be easily defeated by Obama. Also I don't think they really care. It's doubtful even if he won he could do much. The Congress and the courts (or an assasins bullet) would prevent that.

I think the media attack on Paul is more just a general response mechanism of the corporate media which needs to generate attention by creating some sort of buzz. Paul is good for buzz, as he is so much different then the usual type of candidate. They expect him to last a couple of news cycles before being disposed of. So they are hoping to milk as much media attention from it while it lasts.
I don't hate Mitt Romney but unfortunately he is the only chance we have of beating Obama. I don't prescribe to the Mormon faith based on its principles but Romney dosen't see like that bad a person other than his doubling over to Zionists and their cultural marxist agenda. Its kind of funny how Jews make up 2 pecent of the nation yet Obama and Romney among many have to sit there and beg for their votes. They arent begging for their votes much less begging for their wealth and power.
I dated a girl who was a lobbyist in DC and as nice a person she was there was no denying form her that the Jewish lobbying groups are the strongest and most persuasive in the whole land.
I find it very dishearting that we give Israel more aid than any country in the world and yet they have a 5 milion population. JUst disgusting. I have Jewish friends but they are good people. The rest can rot in hell. Stereotypes are created on fact not myth.
Hey guys. Don't give up on Ron Paul. He is surging in the polls despite the media backlash. I was watching Fox News today and they had Sarah Palin on talking about the potential front runners to win the rebulican nomination for president. To her credit, she talked highly about Ron Paul more than any other one of them. This is exciting as Sarah Palin is a very powerful women and she almost helped McCain to beat Obama. I'm not the biggest Palin fan but we need all of the help we can get.

Tommorow is the big day in Iowa. I am pumped up and I feel very good about Pauls chances despite the hidden vote counting. If Ron Paul loses Iowa. Then we will truely know the fix is in. He should win and win by a big margin! Ron Paul in 2012!:usa:
What do the posters on this Forum see in Ron Paul? For the last several years he's been saying Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King are his heroes. According to Peter Brimelow, he's not exactly strong on the National Question either. The latter may be because the bigger libertarian donors pressure him.

I've nothing against Paul personally, I'm just not interested in him. I think Paul does as well as he does because the other GOP candidates are so bad.
sport, maybe it has something to do with Dr. Paul being more of a real Conservative than any of the other candied-dates out there. He has a solid record and he is more likely to stick to his guns when in office. I don't agree with everything he says, but he's way to closer to the ideal candidate than anyone else I've heard mentioned so far. I'll vote for him in the GOP primary, again, but if he doesn't get the nomination, I'll vote for someone in a third party who is close enough to what I believe that I won't go against myself when voting for him (if there is someone like that). Will you even bother to vote seeing as how the GOP candidates are so bad and Dr. Paul doesn't interest you?
What do the posters on this Forum see in Ron Paul? For the last several years he's been saying Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King are his heroes. According to Peter Brimelow, he's not exactly strong on the National Question either. The latter may be because the bigger libertarian donors pressure him.

I've nothing against Paul personally, I'm just not interested in him. I think Paul does as well as he does because the other GOP candidates are so bad.

I found this link:

The top 10 reasons why Dr. Ron Paul is the only rational presidential choice for Americans, Democratic, Republican and Independent:

10. Dr. Paul works a real job, has run a small a business and served in the military. He has been a physician for 40 years, co-owned a coin store for 12 years and was a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force and U.S. National Guard for five years. That was how our country was set up -- for public servants to work a real job that they returned to after their public service was done. He has real skills and is not a professional politician.

9. Dr. Paul has decades of experience running a business and in depth knowlegde of health care.

8. Dr. Paul understands money and is chairman of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology.

7. Dr. Paul does the right thing referencing the U.S. Constitution and works for the country versus campaigning for his ego. He has been serving the public in politics for over 40 years.

6. Dr. Paul refuses to accept a federal pension for his public service, something other members get after a short period because they do not have real jobs. According to Dr. Paul, to receive a pension for public service would be "hypocritical and immoral."

5. Unlike most other candidates out there, Dr. Paul is not a good-looking, smooth-talking, snake charmer or charismatic zealot. He is a regular, plain-spoken person who says it the way it is.

4. Dr. Paul doesn't care if big groups like him (like unions and businesses). His donations come primarily from individuals, not from groups. He is willing to serve his country honorably without personal gain. Dr. Paul will do what is right for the U.S. based on the Constitution whether or not big money or big government likes it.

3. Dr. Paul has written a bill, called the Sun Light Rule that requires our politicians have at least 10 days to read bills before signing them.

2. Dr. Paul will bring practical wisdom, cut spending, balance the budget, stabilize the economy and probably be able to do away with the IRS and income tax, a tax that is not constitutional and was started to fund the civil war and supposed to stop after the civil war. He wants to abolish the U.S. Department of Education, giving the states and parents back control. He wants to do away with other large government agencies, restoring the rightful power to the states.

1. Dr. Paul's old-fashioned decency, integrity, honor and real-life experience are exactly what our country needs after hiring actors, puppets, oil and other group-connected slick sales men and marketers. He's been married to the same woman, Carol, for 54 years (married 1957).
Electing dishonorable, irresponsible, good-looking, smooth-talkers over the past several decades has eroded our country's stability.

Are Americans finally ready to elect an honest, decent man who will not listen to non-sense from regular Americans, politicians or corporations? A president who will be accountable and hold us all accountable? I hope so.

"Special interests have replaced the concern that the Founders had for general welfare. Vote trading is seen as good politics. The errand-boy mentality is ordinary, the defender of liberty is seen as bizarre. It's difficult for one who loves true liberty and utterly detests the power of the state to come to Washington for a period of time and not leave a true cynic." -- Dr. Paul

"He does not take money from corporate PACs. Lobbyists cannot sway him; to try is a waste of time. He never bargains with his own deeply held beliefs, nor does he cut backroom deals. Because his political views and his personal convictions are in complete harmony, he seldom faces a "tough" vote. And when the politicking for the week is over, he returns to his district to take up his lifelong occupation, which has nothing to do with politics." -- S. C. Gwynne
sport, maybe it has something to do with Dr. Paul being more of a real Conservative than any of the other candied-dates out there. He has a solid record and he is more likely to stick to his guns when in office. I don't agree with everything he says, but he's way to closer to the ideal candidate than anyone else I've heard mentioned so far. I'll vote for him in the GOP primary, again, but if he doesn't get the nomination, I'll vote for someone in a third party who is close enough to what I believe that I won't go against myself when voting for him (if there is someone like that). Will you even bother to vote seeing as how the GOP candidates are so bad and Dr. Paul doesn't interest you?

I still may vote Republican in November if the GOP candidate is serious about repealing Obamacare. It will be the last chance to do so.

Paul also has said that the reason blacks are in prison is not because they committ crimes but because they are "discriminated against." The libertarians will always sell out in the end.
I found this link:

The top 10 reasons why Dr. Ron Paul is the only rational presidential choice for Americans, Democratic, Republican and Independent:

10. Dr. Paul works a real job, has run a small a business and served in the military. He has been a physician for 40 years, co-owned a coin store for 12 years and was a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force and U.S. National Guard for five years. That was how our country was set up -- for public servants to work a real job that they returned to after their public service was done. He has real skills and is not a professional politician.

9. Dr. Paul has decades of experience running a business and in depth knowlegde of health care.

8. Dr. Paul understands money and is chairman of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology.

7. Dr. Paul does the right thing referencing the U.S. Constitution and works for the country versus campaigning for his ego. He has been serving the public in politics for over 40 years.

6. Dr. Paul refuses to accept a federal pension for his public service, something other members get after a short period because they do not have real jobs. According to Dr. Paul, to receive a pension for public service would be "hypocritical and immoral."

5. Unlike most other candidates out there, Dr. Paul is not a good-looking, smooth-talking, snake charmer or charismatic zealot. He is a regular, plain-spoken person who says it the way it is.

4. Dr. Paul doesn't care if big groups like him (like unions and businesses). His donations come primarily from individuals, not from groups. He is willing to serve his country honorably without personal gain. Dr. Paul will do what is right for the U.S. based on the Constitution whether or not big money or big government likes it.

3. Dr. Paul has written a bill, called the Sun Light Rule that requires our politicians have at least 10 days to read bills before signing them.

2. Dr. Paul will bring practical wisdom, cut spending, balance the budget, stabilize the economy and probably be able to do away with the IRS and income tax, a tax that is not constitutional and was started to fund the civil war and supposed to stop after the civil war. He wants to abolish the U.S. Department of Education, giving the states and parents back control. He wants to do away with other large government agencies, restoring the rightful power to the states.

1. Dr. Paul's old-fashioned decency, integrity, honor and real-life experience are exactly what our country needs after hiring actors, puppets, oil and other group-connected slick sales men and marketers. He's been married to the same woman, Carol, for 54 years (married 1957).
Electing dishonorable, irresponsible, good-looking, smooth-talkers over the past several decades has eroded our country's stability.

Are Americans finally ready to elect an honest, decent man who will not listen to non-sense from regular Americans, politicians or corporations? A president who will be accountable and hold us all accountable? I hope so.

"Special interests have replaced the concern that the Founders had for general welfare. Vote trading is seen as good politics. The errand-boy mentality is ordinary, the defender of liberty is seen as bizarre. It's difficult for one who loves true liberty and utterly detests the power of the state to come to Washington for a period of time and not leave a true cynic." -- Dr. Paul

"He does not take money from corporate PACs. Lobbyists cannot sway him; to try is a waste of time. He never bargains with his own deeply held beliefs, nor does he cut backroom deals. Because his political views and his personal convictions are in complete harmony, he seldom faces a "tough" vote. And when the politicking for the week is over, he returns to his district to take up his lifelong occupation, which has nothing to do with politics." -- S. C. Gwynne

As I said, nothing personal against Ron Paul, but he doesn't excite me. I'm not only a race realist, but I have a realistic, non-sentimental view in all things. You will have noticed I don't go for nonsensical conspiracy theories either.

I am impressed by his son, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky. I think he has promise as a future presidential candidate.
This VDARE piece ( tells why Ron Paul doesn't threaten the political establishment as Buchanan did. Paul doesn't challenge the political orthodoxy on open borders and multiculturism and continues to grovel about the Ron Paul Letters.

In 1996, he defended them. Now, he will not and goes in the opposite direction in "anti-racist liberal duckspeak," as the VDARE piece says.
This VDARE piece ( tells why Ron Paul doesn't threaten the political establishment as Buchanan did. Paul doesn't challenge the political orthodoxy on open borders and multiculturism and continues to grovel about the Ron Paul Letters.

In 1996, he defended them. Now, he will not and goes in the opposite direction in "anti-racist liberal duckspeak," as the VDARE piece says.

Perhaps his recent behavior results from his recognition that America might die with another four years of Obama (or four years of Obama-lite ->Romney). Paul loves America and he wants to save it from the unfortunate voters who have been brainwashed by the media establishment. Toeing the "contemporary" line might be distasteful to him and us, but it might also be necessary to win.
After all, he can't do America much good if the White House remains in the hands of TPTB.
American Freedom News