Ron Paul in 2008!

Check out or .com. He has raised 10.8 millions dollars as of 1800 hrs 8Dec07. Absolutely he can win, and will control about 30 percent of the vote. The Elites are in full anxiety mode.

Write those checks! Ron Paul in 2008! And then write another one for The American Nationalist Union. It's the Right thing to do.
I have only heard brief segments of Limbaugh's show lately, but when I tuned in for a moment this afternoon, he said Ron Paul was a nut. Did I get that right?
All of the "Conservative" mouthpieces are knocking Ron Paul. They are just doing what they are told. Guys like Limbaugh, Hannity, Medved, etc. are all payed by the same folks who use them to disseminate their carefully constructed message. Ron Paul is a MAJOR threat, and they are doing everything they can to discredit and ignore him. I don't know if he can overcome their tactics, but if he can jump out there early with a big win, or even a close second, he may be able to force them to include him, and once that occurs I have faith that his message will resonate and then he can win.
I've been going back and forth between Paul and Tancredo. The information below puts me squarely in the Paul camp, however.

"Ron Paul dissents from honoring the 1964 Civil "Rights" Act...the only one to do so."
Dr. Paul will be on Meet The Press next Sunday 12/23 with Tim Russert.
I don't kow if you guys are on the Ron Paul forums or not, but we need to
start using the meetups and online forums to post ongoing legislation in the
House and Senate that we are opposed to, and then start bombarding the
senators and congressmen with letters, e-mails, faxes and calls like we did
on the amnesty bill last spring. The Congress is going into Christmas recess
and we can organize this thing over the next few weeks.

Run this idea to by forums you frequent so we can start doing this. If need
be, find out Dr. Paul's stance on any legislation and then we go from there.
There was an "open letter" at on Monday December 17 that Ron Paul supporters should see. A Hispanic Ron Paul supporter claims that Paul is going to bring in 60 million "legal immigrants" if elected. The writer boasts that Hispanics will neither speak English or assimilate. Here is the thread:
sport historian said:
There was an "open letter" at on Monday December 17 that Ron Paul supporters should see. A Hispanic Ron Paul supporter claims that Paul is going to bring in 60 million "legal immigrants" if elected. The writer boasts that Hispanics will neither speak English or assimilate. Here is the thread:

This is concerning, but could just be the latest effort to besmerch is name. From reading his writings and official immigration policy he wants legal immigration to fair for all immigrants (ie - Europeans treated equally). Sounds like he would return to the pre-1965 national origins immigration policy. No birthright citizenship and no government aid. That pretty much sums it up and maybe the toughest stance against illegal immigration as well as the current unfair legal immigration process.
Actually I didn't see anything in the article that suggested that Ron Paul was in favor of bringing in more "legal immigrants." Did I miss it?

BTW, Ron Paul will be on Glenn Beck tonight.
Kaptain Poop said:
Actually I didn't see anything in the article that suggested that Ron Paul was in favor of bringing in more "legal immigrants." Did I miss it?

BTW, Ron Paul will be on Glenn Beck tonight.

No, there wasn't anything saying that directly in the article, my mistake. However, this is in keeping with in the last several years. When has Rockwell last run an article criticizing open borders? This year there were pieces mocking Lou Dobbs and those fighting amnesty. Does Lou Rockwell think masses of unskilled immigrants will mean less government power?
sport historian said:
Does Lou Rockwell think masses of unskilled immigrants will mean less government power?

Nope, he does not.

Although I think Beck is a dope, it was nice to have an hour with Ron Paul.

Paul was on earlier with Joe Scarbrough on MSNBC and Joe asked him if Paul supported any of the 20th century wars in which the USA has participated. They went down the list and Paul said no to all, noting that WWI caused WWII. Just seeing little things like that on TV can make me misty-eyed.

Edited by: Bronk
Kaptain Poop said:
Actually I didn't see anything in the article that suggested that Ron Paul was in favor of bringing in more "legal immigrants." Did I miss it?

BTW, Ron Paul will be on Glenn Beck tonight.

I know there are some Glenn Beck haters on this site but maybe some of you should take a second look at him despite the disagreements on the war on terror. He gave Ron Paul the whole hour of his show on Headline News last night to discuss his views and Ron Paul thanked him for it and said he was fair. There were some tough questions but there was alot of areas where he and Beck agreed and I hope most of you got a chance to watch it. It may be repeated this weekend.
guest301 said:
Kaptain Poop said:
Actually I didn't see anything in the article that suggested that Ron Paul was in favor of bringing in more "legal immigrants." Did I miss it?

BTW, Ron Paul will be on Glenn Beck tonight.

I know there are some Glenn Beck haters on this site but maybe some of you should take a second look at him despite the disagreements on the war on terror. He gave Ron Paul the whole hour of his show on Headline News last night to discuss his views and Ron Paul thanked him for it and said he was fair. There were some tough questions but there was alot of areas where he and Beck agreed and I hope most of you got a chance to watch it. It may be repeated this weekend.

I did watch Beck for the first time at length. If anyone is dangerous, it is sychophantic intellectual adolescents like Glenn Beck. An effeminate worldview like many on the tube, I wonder what he gets up to behind closed doors??
voice said:
guest301 said:
Kaptain Poop said:
Actually I didn't see anything in the article that suggested that Ron Paul was in favor of bringing in more "legal immigrants." Did I miss it?

BTW, Ron Paul will be on Glenn Beck tonight.

I know there are some Glenn Beck haters on this site but maybe some of you should take a second look at him despite the disagreements on the war on terror. He gave Ron Paul the whole hour of his show on Headline News last night to discuss his views and Ron Paul thanked him for it and said he was fair. There were some tough questions but there was alot of areas where he and Beck agreed and I hope most of you got a chance to watch it. It may be repeated this weekend.

I did watch Beck for the first time at length. If anyone is dangerous, it is sychophantic intellectual adolescents like Glenn Beck. An effeminate worldview like many on the tube, I wonder what he gets up to behind closed doors??

That is so lame. Glenn Beck gives Ron Paul what no other network or mainstream journalist/commentator will give him,a fair chance to get his views across to the American people and you call him effeminate and wonder what he does behind closed doors.Glenn Beck disagrees with most here on the war on terror and Israel and so do I, but he agrees with you on such topics as no amnesty for illegals and building a fence, a return to the gold standard, getting rid of the IRS, a return of power to the state and local goverments and he is very tough on crime. Is a perfect worldview required to garner your respect? The guys is a happily married man with children and a practicing mormon, I doubt he does anything different behind "closed doors" as you put it, than what you do.
Tancredo might have just won my vote back from Paul. I'd like for Ron to clarify things:

Tancredo Asks Ron Paul for Clarification

Letter written on behalf of Ron Paul calls for an end to assimilation, supports pathway to citizenship, and calls the Minutemen "racists"

(Washington, D.C.) - Presidential candidate Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO) today asked fellow candidate Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) to disavow or accept responsibility from a letter published on the webpage of his former Chief of Staff Lew Rockwell.

"This letter written on behalf of Ron Paul labels the Minutemen as racists, supports a pathway to citizenship, and denounces assimilation and the use of the English language in America," Tancredo said. "Congressman Paul needs to write off this radical diatribe as nothing more than a rogue supporter misusing his name, or publicly support the views that are exhibited in this letter."

Tancredo concluded, "In a political season that has witnessed many who are less than truthful with their intentions, we need candidates who preach what they truly believe. I hope Congressman Paul will address the views illustrated in this letter immediately."

The author, Abelardo J. Arias, states in his "Open Letter to Hispanics On Behalf of Ron Paul" that the Hispanic community has "seen overt racism from people like the Minutemen and other self-armed vigilantes who patrol the border." He goes on to state, "Although I personally support amnesty as an emergency measure to forgive the hard-working taxpayers who live in our country illegally, I can still fully support Ron Paul as a man who will defend the rights and liberties of men, women and children who enter this country for a better life."

Lastly, Arias says "Hispanics balk at any attempt by the majority to assimilate us or to only speak English because we're in someone else's country. Ron Paul's principles in action demonstrate that he would never support a policy that Hispanics in America need to do as Americans do. There are many in the Republican Party today who feel that way about Hispanics. I consider this only a milder form of racism and xenophobia."

To read the article released on behalf of Ron Paul:

Lew Rockwell is a libertarian web site. Ron Paul has nothing to do with the content printed there. Hardcore libertarians actually favor open borders and are critical of Ron Paul for it. This Arias moron does not seem to know all of Paul's intentions.

Ron Paul would disagree and had nothing to do with this article. What other candidate is constantly asked to refute support of whacked out fringe supporters? This is just another smear attempt to steal voters from Ron Paul (and it apparently worked on you LiverLips).

RP said just last night on Glen Beck he wanted to pardon Ramos and Compean. He wants us to obey our own laws, which would drive out the illegals .

I urge you to read more about RP before you make any decisions.
The letter wasn't written on behalf of Ron Paul, but in support of him. Big difference. When you say 'written on behalf of,' it makes it seem like an official in his campaign wrote a letter, with Paul's consent, and published it.

Obviously, Arias is nothing more than a Ron Paul supporter who wrote an article to convince Hispanics to vote for Ron Paul. I doubt Ron Paul even knows who Arias is.
Ironically, I am more of a libertarian than a conservative and agree with Paul on more issues than Tancredo. I speak Spanish (pues, un paquito) and am less of a stickler on immigration than many on CF.

But the racism of this Arias cabron is just poisonous. Hispanics can defend their own language culture and race but when whites try to defend themselves it is racism. If I wanted that I'd vote for Romney, McCain or Obama.

I'll be looking for Paul's response.
Liverlips said:
I'll be looking for Paul's response.

Why should Paul bother to respond to this article? Should he respond to everything posted on Stormfront, too?

That video is priceless!

Also, I've said this before, that the MSM and now their internet trolls will
try to divide Ron Paul supporters by using race and "racism" as much as
possible. I've seen it at, as a brand of new
"supporters" are trying to create new money bombs and money bomb
dates around such figures as MLK. MLK is a very polarizing figure on the
right. So the trolls inject it in, then get cadres of other "supporters" to
chime in support of this terrible idea, while other true supporters argue
about it and they get labelled as racists. Nice tactic. Divide and conquer.

The way we beat these dolts is simply to get feet on the street, advertise
Dr. Paul's name, and direct people to HIS official website, not some goofy
forum. Its time to get out from behind the computer and out into the
streets with the unwashed masses (which includes me). I'm almost at the
donation limit myself, so that's the next logical step.

Also, keep your eyes out for infiltrators in meetup groups now. Its
probably best to just find other like minded individuals and just go to the
meetups and campaign offices for signs, bumper stickers, and slim jims
and even create mini-meetups of people you know are the real deal.Edited by: PitBull
American Freedom News