Ron Paul in 2008!

I think the fact that Ron Paul even made it onto Meet the Press is

Of course its Russert's job to hatchet Dr. Paul. Russert is a scumbag or
else he wouldn't have his job.

What it says is that the smears and misrepresentations of Dr. Paul in the
rest of the media have done nothing to his image, and in fact, have
probably helped it along. Time to bring out the big guns! But from what
I understand, Ron Paul hit the ball out of the park! Now even the Geritol
set will be informed about who he is.

Looks like the Establishment is getting REALLY nervous! Serves them
right after all they've done to us, ruining this country and killing us on
911. Worthless pieces of human garbage!
LabMan said:
I would be very happy to see Don Wassall as Ron Pauls running mate!

I happily decline, and if drafted will still decline.
Let's build the pro-white sports network instead, if Ron Paul can do it we can give ESPN some genuine competition!

Ron Paul is proving to the world that the American Spirit is alive and well. As someone who has editorialized in a nationally circulated publication that the presidency (executive) should and deserves to be abolished, I make an exception only for Paul! I believe everything positive is achieveable in 2008.
White Shogun said:
How many of you would not vote for Ron Paul if he chose Walter Williams or Alan Keyes as a running mate?

Keyes and Williams are as differnet as Kemp and Buchanan. Keyes is a boorish blowhard. Walter Williams holds some silly notions, but is otherwise reasonable and not given to emotional outburst when sacred PC cows are gored. Williams is significantly more rational than Thomas Sowell, too.

What do y'all think of Judge Andrew Napolitano as a potential running mate for Ron Paul?
Deus Vult said:
What do y'all think of Judge Andrew Napolitano as a potential running mate for Ron Paul?

The Fox news legal analyst?

My question regarding Keyes / Williams wasn't about their ideology, it was about race. I wondered how much support would waiver for Paul if he chose a black running mate. Like I said, I'd still vote for him. I was curious if it would dissuade any of our other Ron Paul supporters.
White Shogun said:
My question regarding Keyes / Williams wasn't about their ideology, it was about race. I wondered how much support would waiver for Paul if he chose a black running mate. Like I said, I'd still vote for him. I was curious if it would dissuade any of our other Ron Paul supporters.

Hey man, are you trolling again?
Why would I ever vote for someone who is putting a member of a 12% minority, with all of the irrational positions that a majority of that minority hold, one step away from becoming the most powerful person in the world?

No thanks. Let's hope Dr Paul has the sense not to put that issue in play.

The way I see it, there is going to be a huge voting block that will either A.) refuse to vote for the democratic candidate based upon their gender or race and will stay home, or B.) refuse to vote for the democratic candidate based upon their gender or race and vote for another option. If Paul chooses a Black running mate, a lot of those people in group B will switch to group A, which would be very bad for his chances of winning.
Don Wassall said:
White Shogun said:
My question regarding Keyes / Williams wasn't about their ideology, it was about race. I wondered how much support would waiver for Paul if he chose a black running mate. Like I said, I'd still vote for him. I was curious if it would dissuade any of our other Ron Paul supporters.

Hey man, are you trolling again?


socal, do you think Paul is astute enough to know this, or do you think he would choose a running mate based on demographics in the hope of winning votes or political gain?

I agree with you though, that either way it would persuade some of his voters to stay home.
Let's just hope he goes third party or independent if he doesn't get the GOP nomination, otherwise his campaign will be over shortly and we'll have nothing but the establishment's identical abominations to listen to until November.
White Shogun said:
Don Wassall said:
White Shogun said:
My question regarding Keyes / Williams wasn't about their ideology, it was about race. I wondered how much support would waiver for Paul if he chose a black running mate. Like I said, I'd still vote for him. I was curious if it would dissuade any of our other Ron Paul supporters.

Hey man, are you trolling again?


socal, do you think Paul is astute enough to know this, or do you think he would choose a running mate based on demographics in the hope of winning votes or political gain?

I agree with you though, that either way it would persuade some of his voters to stay home.

I can't really say at this point. If Paul was to win the Republican nomination there would be a huge amount of pressure put on him to distance himself from the radical racialist right. I think he has been able to avoid the issue to this point because of the media's strategy of ignoring him. That won't last much longer, as he is almost certain to get out of the gates fast when the primaries begin. The media's strategy will have to turn from ignore to attack, and then we will see how he intends to deal with it. I hope he has the courage to stick to his Libertarian roots and basically tells the media to go stick it where the sun don't shine, but I suspect he may be forced to make concessions to the whore of Babylon which may mean pandering to the Blacks and Mestizos.
On the Neil Cavuto show, Cavuto asked Paul if he would return the $500 donated by the owner of Stormfront.

Paul said no, he wouldn't return it. Cavuto went off on him, as would be expected.

Paul's reply in a nutshell was, 1) He's not going to scrutinize every donation that comes in. Over 100,000 individual donations have been received by his campaign, and he has neither time nor money to review all of them; 2) The money is already spent. He would be giving back someone else's $500 at this point, and; 3) If he gives it back, the guy would spend it on some activity that Paul disagrees with, so why give it back? He will put the money to better use in his campaign.

I like the way Paul stood firm, and Cavuto reluctantly agreed with him at the close of the interview.
How about Frodo Baggins as a running mate? Dude, his wife is HOT!

[url] /12/paul_fox_news_i.html[/url]

Paul: Fox News is 'scared of me'
<DIV =utility id=blogTools>By James Pindell December 29, 2007 01:40 PM
<DIV =blogText>

PLAISTOW, N.H. -- Ron Paul said the decision to exclude him from a debate on Fox News Sunday the weekend before the New Hampshire Primary is proof that the network "is scared" of him.

"They are scared of me and don't want my message to get out, but it will," Paul said in an interview at a diner here. "They are propagandists for this war and I challenge them on the notion that they are conservative."

Paul's staff said they are beginning to plan a rally that will take place at the same time the 90-minute debate will air on television. It will be taped at Saint Anselm College in Goffstown.

"They will not win this skirmish," he promised.

The Fox debate occurs less than 24 hours after two back to back Republican and Democratic debates on the same campus sponsored by ABC News, WMUR-TV and the social networking website Facebook.

Paul, the Republican Texas Congressman, was wrapping up his final day of campaigning in New Hampshire until the Iowa Caucuses on Thursday.

He spent much of the day campaigning at diners in Manchester and Plaistow and downtown walks in Derry and Exeter.
White Shogun said:
My question regarding Keyes / Williams wasn't about their ideology, it was about race. I wondered how much support would waiver for Paul if he chose a black running mate. Like I said, I'd still vote for him. I was curious if it would dissuade any of our other Ron Paul supporters.

There was a time when I would have closed the door on Paul upon his choice of a non-white running mate. Today, probably but not definitely.

If he were to choose a non-white, it had better be a damn good one! A higher standard? Yes. Unabashedly so. A white guy would just need to not drag the ticket backward -- which I guess is a high standard, considering the esteem in which I hold Ron Paul. If he did choose a black, it could not be a dickhead like Thomas Sowell or Alan Keyes. Or Shelby Steele. It would have be someone exceptional like Elizabeth Wright.
Edited by: Deus Vult
I plan to watch whatever debates Dr. Paul is in on from here on, just as I have almost all the earlier ones. He is still being labeled isolationist by the neo-con Memphis talk show crowd. Just like Paul's opponents, they don't recognize the difference between non-intervention and isolationism. One Memphis host said today that Paul doesn't say positive things about America's foreign policy, only negative. I'd ask that host what he thinks is so great about our country's foreign policy right now. Several Paul supporters called the host and told him he is wrong and one got the host to admit that he didn't believe the Constitution could be used the way Paul wants it in this inter-connected age. I say BS on that!
Ron Paul supporters in Louisiana -- provided you are registered as a Republican -- should participate in Louisiana's upcoming GOP caucus.

If you need details, contact me at:

We need your participation in all districts, especially in Bill Jefferson's congressional district (2nd dist).
I think that running mates are usually irrelevant. Unless something "happens" to the candidate, they are basically glorified ribbon-cutters. I would be very disappointed if Ron Paul selected someone like Alan Keyes, who is almost as crazy as John McCainiac is, but as long as his campaign is alive, he has my support.
Tonight was the first debate I've watched, and I was very impressed with Ron Paul. However, I think he was speaking to people who already had a pretty high level of understanding in regards to the issues he chose to tackle. I was also impressed with Fred Thompson and to a lesser degree Guiliani. McCain just looks like an old fool, Romney reminds me of the stereotypical politician, way too slick and Huckabee stumbled and bumbled a bit too much for me.

I really liked Paul comparing Iraq to a Chinese equivilant here in the U.S., I also loved his explanation of inflation in regards to the price of oil.

Edited by: reclaimsocal
for those of you who didn't watch the debate, they missed Romney being allowed to nearly monopolize the debate, along with numerous cut-aways to other candidates smirking and laughing disrespectfully when Ron Paul was blowing huge holes in their arguments.

here is a video link that not only has the whole debate, but he also has a transcript alongside. spread the word.
Jimmy Chitwood,

Thanks much for that. I thought Ron Paul did a good job. His statements were clear crisp and lucid. The other were all shooting from the hip. Actually, I don't think they were well prepared on the questions. There was all sorts of smoke and mirrors coming from them.

Tom Iron...
Ron Paul has been running ads in New Hampshire on immigration. He is contrasting is record with McCain's. The libertarians don't like it, Vdare reports at the Vdare blog.
Tom Iron said:
Jimmy Chitwood,

Thanks much for that. I thought Ron Paul did a good job. His statements were clear crisp and lucid. The other were all shooting from the hip. Actually, I don't think they were well prepared on the questions. There was all sorts of smoke and mirrors coming from them.

Tom Iron...

It was helpful to have the transcript running alongside the video because that makes it even easier to see how often they weren't answering the question directly. And Jimmy was right to point out the deliberate reaction shots of the others smirking at Ron Paul's answers, especially when he would talk about the Constitution and how all the principles any politician needs are contained within it.

I would say Huckabee and Romney are running in a dead heat as far as being the most dangerous of a very dangerous bunch, Paul excepted of course. Romney is a great smooth-talking wind-up doll, and lots of women will vote for him as he's the best looking of the bunch (unfortunately those are the things that often matter most in our silly "democracy"; for example the taller candidate almost always wins U.S. presidential elections). Romney's Mormonism may scare off enough voters to deny him the nomination, but most of those same voters will rally around Huckabee, who is downright scary; a Christian Zionist who openly embraces the dictatorial powers of the executive. Edited by: Don Wassall
Don Wassall said:
Tom Iron said:
Jimmy Chitwood, Thanks much for that. I thought Ron Paul did a good job. His statements were clear crisp and lucid. The other were all shooting from the hip. Actually, I don't think they were well prepared on the questions. There was all sorts of smoke and mirrors coming from them. Tom Iron...
Romney is a great smooth-talking wind-up doll, and lots of women will vote for him as he's the best looking of the bunch (unfortunately those are the things that often matter most in our silly "democracy"; for example the taller candidate almost always wins U.S. presidential elections). 

I think Carter over Ford in 1976 is the only time that a noticeably shorter candidate won in living memory.
sport historian said:
I think Carter over Ford in 1976 is the only time that a noticeably shorter candidate won in living memory.

Yes, but Carterpresented a friendlierimage, having abig, toothysmile and lots of hair incontrast to the bald, stern visage of Ford. Most women will cast their votes for the nicest looking, sweetest talking, sugar daddy, who weeps openly, and feels their pain.
American Freedom News