Ron Paul in 2008!

I'm just about to watch Leno. I can't wait to see what Ron Paul has to say. Hopefully we can get some more people like us pulling for this guy. He reminds me a little of JFK on some of his views. This country would be headed back in the right direction if he could win the nomination and run for the presidency. Go Ron Paul!
I think Dr. Paul did really well tonight, despite having to explain himself because of Leno's ignorance about his past and stances. He had lots of applause and you could tell Leno was intrigued by him, especially on the Iraq issue. I hope Dr. Paul can get more national exposure like this between the debates.
From the article: Ron Paul Hits A Home Run On Jay Leno Show

Paul makes an excellent debut in front of his first large mainstream American audience.

by James Buchanan

"Ron Paul just did a fantastic job on the Tonight Show. The audience was packed with enthusiastic Ron Paul supporters, who cheered loudly when Leno mentioned his name after the monologue. Leno asked Ron Paul how many babies Ron Paul delivered as a doctor and the audience applauded when he said 4,000. Leno also noted that Ron Paul served in the Air Force as a flight surgeon.

On the same show, Leno had actor Tom Cruise promoting his latest film and the popular rock band, the Sex Pistols. Leno must have had an unusually large audience that night, which was yet another fantastic break for Ron Paul.

One news article reports "The campaign has been going so well in his view that 'there's probably a risk I could win,' Republican presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul just told NBC-TV's Jay Leno... (Paul) has been raising more money than several candidates who are better known and has certainly been generating more buzz on the Internet, where his videos and blog postings about him have multiplied sharply in recent months. He told Leno he attributes those successes 'to the message.' 'I have shortcomings, but the message has no shortcomings,' Paul said. It's all about 'liberty,' he added. Paul ticked off some of the things he would try to do as president â€â€￾ including bringing all U.S. troops home from Iraq and eliminating the federal income tax."

Ron Paul came off as witty, sincere and perhaps the greatest patriot in mainstream politics today. Millions of anti-war Americans have been looking for a solid anti-war candidate, and Ron Paul clearly is the one. Millions of Democrats are disgusted with Hillary's repeated pro-war pronouncements. The Democrat Party has failed repeatedly to stop funding the war, to investigate the lies that led us into the war or to impeach Bush and Cheney for their criminal abuse of power. We will probably see a record number of Democrats and Libertarians changing parties so they can vote for Ron Paul in the Republican primary.

The Ron Paul phenomenon has a fantastic grass roots quality to it. Once people learn about Ron Paul, they can't help but spread the word, tell their friends and start blogging about Paul until the wee hours of the night. Thanks to the Jay Leno Show, Ron Paul has just been introduced to millions of Americans nation-wide, who probably had never heard of him before. The Ron Paul campaign has just shifted up a gear or two, and the momentum is building faster than ever."

[url] jay-leno-show_990.html[/url]
I agree with most of Ron Paul's policies except for one; free trade. There was a reason why "tariffs" were in place. To protect workers from lower wages in Asia, and third world economy.
Ron Paul would be the only Republican candidate I would vote for. So it looks like the only way I'm voting Republican is if Paul gets the nod. Boy oh boy how that would piss off alot of supposed "conservatives".
Whoever gets the nomination, we should all *enjoy the show*, especially the spectacle of all of these "conservatives" tying themselves in knots trying to explain away Ron Paul's genuine grass-roots popularity and convince their listeners that he's not a real conservative.

Here's a guy who actually believes in the constitution and limited government, who will use the constitution to invalidate all foreign aid, eliminate 90 % of the bureacracy, overturn the power-grabs of the judiciary (thereby overturning Roe v. Wade), bring home the troops, protect our borders, etc. I'm hoping that he will also repeal the 1964 "Civil Rights" act.

OK, so he's wrong on foreign trade, but if he's right on everything else--he's the obvious man of the hour. I don't mind buying stuff from Malaysia, if Ron Paul kicks all of the illegal immigrants out.

The current strategy seems to be to ignore him. It was hilarious to hear Laura Ingraham recently discussing possible conservative candidates. She mentioned every so-called conservative, and left out the only genuine one. She couldn't even bring herself to mention him as *a possibility.* Amazing...and I thought conservatives were for the constitution and small government. Apparently not.

I'm looking forward to the primaries...I want to see Sean Hannity, Rush, Laura, and Michael Savage all throw hissy fits when Ron Paul wins.
I just love how Paul refuses to bow down and kiss the feet of the religous right. That is what is really pissing off the main stream right and another reason why Fox News disrespects Paul at every shot they get. Also I'm really hoping if Ron wins he can get rid of this country's stupid wars and no I don't just mean Iraq. I'm talking about the war on drugs, the war on poverty, and all these other wars that really don't accomplish anything but take our tax money.
I agree, his support is growing. He raised 4.3 million dollars in one day, breaking Mitt Romney's record of 3.1 million.

It also appears that Fox news may try to bar Ron Paul from thier next debate, because he isn't polling %5. So if Paul gets 37,000 individual donors and breaks records, how could he be polling so low?

You gentleman will enjoy this.
I just found out my gold and silver bullion has been confiscated by a herd of Nazi's. I received this email yesterday from Liberty Dollars:

I sincerely regret to inform you that about 8:00 this morning a dozen FBI and Secret Service agents raided the Liberty Dollar office in Evansville.

For approximately six hours they took all the gold, all the silver, all the platinum and almost two tons of Ron Paul Dollars that where just delivered last Friday. They also took all the files, all the computers and froze our bank accounts.

We have no money. We have no products. We have no records to even know what was ordered or what you are owed. We have nothing but the will to push forward and overcome this massive assault on our liberty and our right to have real money as defined by the US Constitution. We should not to be defrauded by the fake government money.

But to make matters worse, all the gold and silver that backs up the paper certificates and digital currency held in the vault at Sunshine Mint has also been confiscated. Even the dies for mint the Gold and Silver Libertys have been taken.

This in spite of the fact that Edmond C. Moy, the Director of the Mint, acknowledged in a letter to a US Senator that the paper certificates did not violate Section 486 and were not illegal. But the FBI and Services took all the paper currency too.

The possibility of such action was the reason the Liberty Dollar was designed so that the vast majority of the money was in specie form and in the people's hands. Of the $20 million Liberty Dollars, only about a million is in paper or digital form.

I regret that if you are due an order. It may be some time until it will be filled... if ever... it now all depends on our actions.

Everyone who has an unfulfilled order or has digital or paper currency should band together for a class action suit and demand redemption. We cannot allow the government to steal our money! Please don't let this happen!!! Many of you read the articles quoting the government and Federal Reserve officials that the Liberty Dollar was legal. You did nothing wrong. You are legally entitled to your property. Let us use this terrible act to band together and further our goal â€" to return America to a value based currency.
We did a Ron Paul petition drive here in Red Bank, N.J. yesterday and it went real well.

Going out again now and distributing Ron Paul circulars.

Tom Iron...
Youtube link

Check out this redneck neocon, who's bashing Ron Paul. Whats even funnier is if you read the comments, you will see that most all of them are from Ron Paul supporters. Is this the best, Mike Huckabee supporters can come up with? Pathetic!
Michael Medved has attacked Ron Paul for receiving donations from racists and white supremacists. This is not surprising, but look at just a few of the 500+ comments following the post.
Medved is part of the cult of Israel, anything he says should be measured against that. I say get out of the way let them overextend their stupidity and drag liberalism down with it.
I delayed investing in precious metals the past two years only out of procrastination. I nearly invested in Ron Paul coins a couple months ago, but didn't. Big mistake. They are now worth 10 times their price back then.

BTW, will feds raid the makers of Hillary coins.

hillary coins
Ron Paul Wins His 25th Straw Poll, Takes Virginia

Ron Paul has just won his 25th straw poll. The Republican presidential candidate has taken the top honors in Virginia, followed by Fred Thompson in second place and Mike Huckabee in third. Paul got 182 of the 439 votes cast, or 38%.

The Richmond-Times Dispatch reported that there was a visibly discernable turnout for Ron Paul, and went on to say that his vocal supporters packed the place.

The Virginia win makes the 25th straw poll victory for Ron Paul. A month earlier he won the New York State Republican straw poll in New York City, with 43% of the vote. His other 23 straw poll wins can be seen on the official Ron Paul 2008 campaign website.

Audience gives it to Jim Gilmore on youtube.Edited by: C Darwin
i'm not very versed in domestic politics, what are Ron Paul's chances at presidency? give it to me in simple terms
Backrow - I'm not even sure right now. The media and pundits would have you believe he has no chance.

He keeps winning straw polls though, with 54% 1st place. He just won the VA straw poll. They cancelled the San Francisco poll because Ron Paul would have won in a landslide - and they didn't want that.

He has recently outraised all of the other republicans, raking in $10.7 million dollars in citizen donations.

His supporters have funded a blimp with "who is ron paul?" and "google ron paul" that will fly through the early primary states, Washington DC, wall street, and up to Boston for the Tea Party.

Vegas odds have Ron Paul raising another 6+ million online in one day on December 16th in remembrance of the revolutionary tea party.

Not to mention the other candidates keep having problems - Romney's mormon religion, Guiliani's affairs and corruption, Huckabee's freed rapist story, and McCain just imploded back in August with the amnesty mockery.

I think we can win this thing. Something is going on that is different from the norm in politics this year.
infamous one, you need to change that avatar, it's too scary.

There may be children on the site, think of the children!!!!
Heh, I need a new avatar anyway. That was a protest pic. The news always picks bad pictures of Ron Paul to use, so I thought I would return the favor and show Hillary's true face. Hillabeast does burn the retinas though, doesn't she?

Just imagine her on the news constantly while she bankrupts our country with idiot liberal policies! God help us all if she wins.
American Freedom News