Ron Paul in 2008!

Dr. Paul will be in the GOP debate on CNBC today at 4PM Eastern. It will be re-broadcast at 9PM Eastern as well. Chris Matthews is hosting it.
I think I'll hit mute when he is talking and just listen to the answers given.
Colonel_Reb said:
Dr. Paul will be in the GOP debate on CNBC today at 4PM Eastern. It will be re-broadcast at 9PM Eastern as well. Chris Matthews is hosting it.
I think I'll hit mute when he is talking and just listen to the answers given.

How can a biased scumbag like Chris Matthews be a debate moderator? The guy is obviously in love with the sound of his own voice and constantly interrupts people he is interviewing on his show. It will be interesting if Chris even broaches the immigration topic since that issue is seen as a winner for the Republicans in the race and the tough line they are taking on the amnesty issue(grain of salt).In the last debate the immigration topic never came up.
Wow, Ron Paul got about 4 minutes total to speak. There is no media bias there, right? How did Huckabee, who pulled in 1/5th of what Paul made get more time then him? Why did they ask Brownback, Tancredo, and Ron Paul if they would support the "GOP nominee"?

The crowd roared when the debate of pro-life values came up. This looks bad for you Rudy!
InfamousOne said:
Wow, Ron Paul got about 4 minutes total to speak. There is no media bias there, right? How did Huckabee, who pulled in 1/5th of what Paul made get more time then him? Why did they ask Brownback, Tancredo, and Ron Paul if they would support the "GOP nominee"?

The crowd roared when the debate of pro-life values came up. This looks bad for you Rudy!
I could tell the fix was in. There is no doubt in my mind that the top tier candidates knew their questions. And when the questions would go "around the room", they always started with Dr. Paul. This gave him zero opportunity to jump on a candidate or have time to think about his response. msnbc has poll for the candidates that links from their main page.
A little while ago, I saw the end of Chris Mathews' post-debate Hardball show. A Weekly Standard writer, Stephen Hayes, said that "Ron Paul sounds crazy." Hayes added, "Rudy really smacked Paul down."

Chris Mathews agreed with Hayes. Mathews said, "Rudy listens to what his opponent says, and reacts to it." Hayes added, "Rudy will keep smacking Paul down." The MSM talking heads don't like Ron Paul very much.
Ron Paul is trying to rasie 4 million dollars by the end of the month, and 12
million by December in order to compete well in the primaries scheduled
just after the first of the year. Let everybody know that he needs our
financial support. Its now or never!
Okay - I'm sending his campaign some money.

I'm a sucker for lost causes.

Tom Iron...
Tom Iron said:
Okay - I'm sending his campaign some money.

I'm a sucker for lost causes.

Tom Iron...

Tom, there's no doubt that Dr.Paul won't get the Globalist Elite controlled GOP nomination. However, the key is to expose as many Americans to his platform/agenda and voting record before the '08 election. I see Dr.Paul accepting the Constitution or Libertarian Party nomination...or running as an Independent. He could definitely have more impact than did H.Ross Perot circa 1992. As for me, I'm done voting for the "lesser of two evils".
Let the smearing begin:

To His Dismay, Ron Paul Becoming Magnet For White Supremacists</font>

Through no fault of his own, Rep. Ron Paul's anti-globalist, anti-government campaign for the Republican presidential nomination has become a magnet in neo-Nazi networks, pulling in activists and supporters from the fringe white nationalist community where anti-Semitism, anti-black and anti-immigrant views are commonplace.

In some cases, these internet-based activists acknowledge that even though the Paul campaign does not have a racist or anti-Semitic agenda, it can serve as a vehicle to find sympathizers and to recruit new loyalists drawn to the Republican congressman's opposition to international trade agreements, federal police authority and to the income tax.

Such web-based organizations as Stormfront (motto: "White Pride, World Wide"), Vanguard News Network ("No Jews. Just Right.") and the Nationalist Coalition ("working to create the relationships that will lay the foundation for the White community that is necessary to our survival") have become sources of support for Paul's bid for the Republican nomination, and in some cases have set up separate Ron Paul discussion groups.

The Paul campaign dismissed the pro-Paul activities among these groups. "We don't know who these people are," said Jesse Benton, Paul's communications director. Their support has "nothing to do with Ron Paul, and what he stands for....His message of freedom, peace and prosperity - that's why people support him."

Paul has not made racist or anti-Semitic appeals to the controversial organizations and their members. Instead, their support is based on Paul's libertarian opposition to government generally, including the IRS and the powers granted to the federal government under the Patriot Act - views that are shared by many on the conservative fringe of the spectrum.

In the 2000 campaign, Patrick J. ("Pat") Buchanan appealed to many similar individuals and organizations. Buchanan had a history of expressing views that were often interpreted as anti-Semitic.

Writing on the Vanguard News Network, "White Will" argued that "folks, get involved in the Ron Paul 'revolution' and work with political activists in your communities who are attracted to his anti-globalist message.... Most of you would be surprised at how many good people can be exposed to a, let's say, 'pro-majority' message among the remarkable groundswell of fed up, mostly White Ron Paul supporters -- many, early on, from the 9/11 truth movement. They are finding their backbones as they are exposed to more and more hidden truths, especially about the hidden hand of Jewry behind every foul venture."

Among those backing Paul this year is John J. Ubele, the National Coalition's Operations Manager. In an emailed reply to an inquiry, Ubele said, "I know that Ron Paul is not a white separatist or a white nationalist. However, he is the most honest and responsible of all the presidential candidates and that is why I support his candidacy."

The National Coalition is one of a number of splinter groups that formed after the death of William Luther Pierce, author of The Turner Diaries, and founder of the now fractured National Alliance. The Turner Diaries were considered crucial to the thinking of Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.

On a Stormfront discussion thread on the Paul Campaign - "The Ron Paul Revolution" -- one contributor wrote in:

"Not standing up for Ron Paul against the un-American Jewish media and neo-cons who will do anything to stop his nomination is like not standing up to the efforts to force integration, to encourage mass non-White immigration, or to the attack on the USS Liberty."

"Ron Paul is NOT a White Nationalist. His Libertarian policies will also conflict with National Socialism, something that a good number of Stormfront members support. However, he is the least toxic candidate by leaps and bounds," wrote a contributor identified as "Concerned Human."

A minority of the contributors to white nationalist web sites insist on rigid adherence to their racial views. "Anything less than ALL is NOTHING. If anythings priority is not 100% the survival of the White Race, than it is a problem and not a solution. Ron Paul's priority is not 100% the survival of the white race, so he is an enemy and a burden just as much as any jew," wrote "comJo, Pan-Aryan Insurgent."

The white nationalist and anti-Semitic support flowing to the Paul campaign reflects one of the difficulties facing candidates who do not fall into the midstream: that often their views on less controversial subjects like trade and the power of the federal government to take property through eminent domain also appeal to extremist groups.

[url] aul-b_n_68575.html[/url]
Yeah, the establishment is panicking. Paul just won a straw poll in Nevada (even though he was not able to attend), and a poll in Alabama--by big margins!

I have never seen anything like this--here is a sincere conscientious candidate who bases all of his positions on the Constitution and Jeffersonian republicanism. I don't think that there has been such a consistent and principled politician since Calvin Coolidge. That's why both the establishment left and the establishment right are ignoring him. But it's not working.

So now they are opening up a new strategy--the "racism connection."
A letter from Dr. Ron Paul that I received earlier this evening via e-mail.

October 17, 2007 The other day, my old sparring partner in so many Congressional committee hearings, Alan Greenspan, was on the Fox Business Channel. After Alan promoted his new book, the reporter asked if we really needed a central bank. Greenspan looked stunned, and then said that was a good question; he actually talked about fiat money vs. a gold standard. Now, the ex-Fed chairman is not about to endorse our sound monetary policy, but you know our Revolution is working when such a question is asked in the mainstream media, and this powerful man gives such an answer.

You and I are reopening a whole host of questions that the establishment thought it had closed off forever: on war, on taxes and spending, on inflation and gold, and on the rule of law and our Constitution. A few years ago, I asked a famous conservative columnist a question. What did he think about the prospects for a restored Robert Taft wing of the Republican party? He thought I was joking. As you know, I was not.

After all the aggressive wars, the assaults on our privacy and civil liberties, the oppressive taxation, and the crazed spending and deficits, I believe that many Republican voters are ready to return to our roots. And the big boys feel it too. It is no coincidence that the Republican National Committee invited me to a fundraising dinner involving only "top-tier candidates." Some of the opposition claims that I am not a "real Republican," whereas I am the only one in the race. And our campaign is registering new Republican voters by the boatload. None of my opponents is doing anything approaching that.

Of course, they pooh-pooh our success. "He's just registering Democrats and Independents and people who have never voted before." Well, yes. It's called growth. We are laying the groundwork for the primaries. All over America, our support is wide and deep and growing, and young people are joining like never before. After the Dearborn debate, I went to the University of Michigan for a rally. 2,000 students turned out, something that has happened to no other candidate this year. The crowd cheered all our ideas, but especially our opposition to the Federal Reserve, and our support for real money of gold and silver, as the Constitution mandates, instead of prosperity-wrecking fiat money.

American politics hasn't seen anything like this in many decades. It is truly revolutionary. But time is getting short. We must do massive radio and TV advertising, open many small offices (three in just South Carolina the other day), staff them, pay all the bills, and turn out our vote with massive organizational and phone-bank efforts. As you know, the blackout is ending; our campaign is starting to get mainstream media attention, thanks to growing donations and volunteers. And contributions are the key to more attention, and to our being able to do the actual work of victory. Good news: our recent green-eyeshade analysis of all the candidates' net finances, which got so much press attention, shows our campaign as one of only three in the top-tier. But we must keep moving up, and the Iowa caucuses are now on January 3rd. The New Hampshire primary may be in early December!

As always, everything depends on you. Please, make the most generous donation you can as soon as you can. I need your help so badly. The other day, an 8-year-old boy handed me a small white envelope. It contained the $4.00 he had saved from his allowance, as a donation to our campaign. I can't tell you how seriously I take my responsibility to work hard, and spend frugally and effectively, to be worthy of his support, and yours. Please help me keep working, even harder and more effectively, for all we believe in. Without you, I'd have to pack it in. Donate now .

We have more than an election to win. We have a country to save.

Ron Paul
I'll be donating on the 5th. Every little bit counts.
If everyone in America donated $4.00 to Ron Paul like that little boy, Ron would be funded to compete and send a message to our politicians.
Yeah, I knew that the racism angle would be played against him, like it
was with Buchannan. Funny how dems like Clinton who benefit from
racist black and hispanic groups get a pass.

That's why I posted the reply I did to Yanling the other day. The elites are
trying to encourage racism here in America so that we are all fighting
each other while they destroy our sovereignty for the North American
Union/One World Government. Right when we need to come together,
they are trying to pull us apart. I would not be surprised that they have
minions running all over the internet trying to stoke these attitudes
everywhere they can, even here.

The fact that the Dr. Watson comment was played up all over the place,
the mysterious nooses that are showing up, and the BET inviting 2 of the
Jenna 6 to hand out awards should be a clue. Also the Mearshiemer and
Walt book getting big media play. Its all starting to accelerate.

Jew against gentile, white against black against hispanic, citizens vs.
illegals, etc. Can't people see this happening? Its exactly what the elites

That's why I encourage people to just be pro-white (really just pro-fair)
and point out double standards. Any bashing I've done in the past is
over. I think many of us have to be the better man so that we can actually
save this country--just like Dr. Paul.

BTW, we can't count on everyone in America giving $4. So maybe we
should all give 20, 30, 50, 100 or more times that to make up for the
sluggards who are all sitting in front of a couch watching mind-control
TV. Edited by: PitBull
I was thinking the exact same thing Pitbull, more divide and conquer tactics. I also agree that they are all over the internet. There are a couple of websites (blogs) I have been battling these CFR/globalist ticks. They are a clever bunch, they will even give the appearance that they agree with you at times.
Here is a cool video someone did on November 5th.
Fox news debate tonight. Ron Paul winning the post-debate poll with 38%. Sean Hannity complaining about the results. Nothing new here. Fox news trying to do everything they can to discredit the results.
Missed the debate, KJ. Any funny or significant highlights you can think of off the top of your head that we should know about?
Ron Paul got booed alot. I am sure there were people there that disagreed with him, but it seemed a little suspect. I noticed applause (clapping and cheering) for some candidates comments, but didn't see peoples hands actually clapping-as if the applause was being "piped" in. They also had a group of "undecided" voters available in a room available for comment before and after the debate. Just minutes before the debate started, one guy stated "Ron Paul is a certified nut job". After the debate with Ron Paul winning 38% in the Fox news poll, they asked the group of "undecided" how many thought Ron Paul won- and nobody raised their hands. The Fox reporter in the room then questioned the results of the voting, and said it could not be accurate.

Actually, the debate seemed to be hyping up Hillary Clinton and doing more for her. They constantly mentioned her name, and kept trying to drive home the message that, you may not like Rudy, but he is the only one that can beat Hillary. Fred Thompsons "honeymoon" period is over, they are not propping him up anymore. I suspect he will drop out sooner then most people expect.

Hard to fight those figures (38%). Sooner or later the Republican/MSM combination are going to have to come to grips with the Ron Paul situation and then is when we'll find out if Ron Paul has a chance or not. Right now they're trying the tactic of ignoring him to death. It's not going to work.

Tom Iron...
KJV1 said:
...After the debate with Ron Paul winning 38% in the Fox news poll, they asked the group of "undecided" how many thought Ron Paul won- and nobody raised their hands. The Fox reporter in the room then questioned the results of the voting, and said it could not be accurate...

The "Fox reporter in the room" was none other than Frank Luntz, noted neocon pollster/hack. Luntz has been around for a couple decades, pushing the GOP to become more liberal, in other words, more neo-con. Shortly after the 1994 elections, wherein Republicans gained majorities in Congress, Luntz published a book for every congressman, detailing why they should support open borders and mass immigration. Luntz is an amoral turd, a la Dick Morris.

Ron Paul is anathema to hacks like Luntz and Hannity, like holy water to vampires. And yes, Ron Paul did draw some boos from the audience; but consider whose audience it was: a Faux News crowd. These folks are the kool-aid drinkers, the idiots who believe Jorge W Bush is a "great American."
Deus Vult said:
Luntz published a book for every congressman, detailing why they should support open borders and mass immigration. Luntz is an amoral turd, a la Dick Morris.

When are people going to wake up and connect the dots? Frank Luntz is just one of many phoney baloney neo-cons who have subverted the Republican Party and turned it into a whore house servicing Israel and Jewish interests.
KJV1 said:
Ron Paul got booed alot. I am sure there were people there that disagreed with him, but it seemed a little suspect. I noticed applause (clapping and cheering) for some candidates comments, but didn't see peoples hands actually clapping-as if the applause was being "piped" in.

It wouldn't be surprising if Fox added the boos and applause themselves. From what little I watch network television shows, it's obvious that audience applause and cheering is routinely augmented, usually to make the audience sound far more enthusiastic than it is. During quick cuts to the audience or when the audience is visible in the background in a shot, it's easy to see that the audience and the noise it's supposed to be making often don't match. America is a depressed (and suppressed) nation, but Americans sure do make perky audience members!
KJV1 said:
Ron Paul got booed alot. I am sure there were people there that disagreed with him, but it seemed a little suspect. I noticed applause (clapping and cheering) for some candidates comments, but didn't see peoples hands actually clapping-as if the applause was being "piped" in. They also had a group of "undecided" voters available in a room available for comment before and after the debate. Just minutes before the debate started, one guy stated "Ron Paul is a certified nut job". After the debate with Ron Paul winning 38% in the Fox news poll, they asked the group of "undecided" how many thought Ron Paul won- and nobody raised their hands. The Fox reporter in the room then questioned the results of the voting, and said it could not be accurate.

Actually, the debate seemed to be hyping up Hillary Clinton and doing more for her. They constantly mentioned her name, and kept trying to drive home the message that, you may not like Rudy, but he is the only one that can beat Hillary. Fred Thompsons "honeymoon" period is over, they are not propping him up anymore. I suspect he will drop out sooner then most people expect.

A Fox operation from start to finish: Anti-Paul, Rudyite rent a crowds, probable canned applause...These guys are shameless and blatant. And who are these official "undecided" types? Where did they get this pre-selected group of bozos.

"Fair and balanced", my ass....
For those of you out west, Ron Paul is one of Jay Leno's guests tonight.
American Freedom News