Ron Paul in 2008!

Wow, Dr Paul just passed the 500,000 mark in two days. Now they are going for 1 million. At this rate, it may be possible.

Any Ron Paul supporters on this thread, now is the time. Donate anything you can. Every little bit counts. Let's send the elites a message that we have not forgotten about freedom!
Just donated a bit. That thermometer is filling up fast, he just may make a mil by the 30th.Edited by: jared
I watched Ron Paul in the debate last night and he said he had changed his mind and is now against the "federal death penalty". I certainly disagree with him there as I guess most would here on that issue. Tom Tancredo brought up treason as something the federal death penalty should be used more for at the debate last night. It was also nice to see Alan Keyes at the debate . Now there's a role model for black people. Al Sharpton isn't fit to shine Alan Keyes shoes.
guest301 said:
I watched Ron Paul in the debate last night and he said he had changed his mind and is now against the "federal death penalty". I certainly disagree with him there as I guess most would here on that issue. Tom Tancredo brought up treason as something the federal death penalty should be used more for at the debate last night. It was also nice to see Alan Keyes at the debate . Now there's a role model for black people. Al Sharpton isn't fit to shine Alan Keyes shoes.
I watched cracker night at the apollo as well. Paul and Tancredo were clearly the only two candidates who were unafraid of saying something that might upset the blacks. Tancredo went so far as to say the questions being asked were "race baiting". Huckabee is a minority enabling, big government liberal in GOP clothing. He can cram it in his rectory!
Sorry I missed the the debate. Its funny how Frudy McRomneyson didn't show up.
Alan Keyes is an odious, supercilious black neo-con and *a three time loser*. He was a roommate of the arch neo-con Bill Kristol in College.

He has no chance, and IMO he's been put in the presidential race by certain powers solely to diminish Ron Paul. (In 96 he stayed in the race just to draw votes from Buchanan).
Solomon Kane said:
Alan Keyes is an odious, supercilious black neo-con and *a three time loser*. He was a roommate of the arch neo-con Bill Kristol in College.

He has no chance, and IMO he's been put in the presidential race by certain powers solely to diminish Ron Paul. (In 96 he stayed in the race just to draw votes from Buchanan).

My, how conspiritorial you are. He got in the race because he wants a voice and influence in this presidential election. I am no neophyte about these things, I know he can't win and Keyes knows that too. As far as him being a three time loser, what's that all about, wouldn't that make Pat Buchannan a three time loser as well? The american people are the losers for not paying more attention to the Buchannan's, Tancredo's, Hunter's, Keyes and Paul's of this election and past elections.
I agree that Buchanan is a three-time loser whose time has probably passed, but at least he *had a real shot* at the nomination in 1996. After all he won Alaska, Louisiana, and above all New Hampshire. In the Republican primaries I don't think Keyes ever received more than 5 % of the vote. Buchanan at least *has* a base of supporters. Where is Keyes' base? He just seems to appear out of nowhere every election season and duly descend to defeat after having accomplished little (or perhaps it is better to say...after having completed his mission of dividing the anti-establishment vote). Where does this guy's rep within the party even come from? He's lost in Maryland, Ohio, the primaries, etc...Keyes should use his Ph. D to teach somewhere or maybe join a think tank.

As for the possibility of conspiracy...history is filled with it, and it doesn't have to be of the cloak and dagger variety to qualify as such.

That said, yes, Keyes is a better man the Al Sharpton.
Getting back on topic, Dr. Paul is just over $94 K short of the new goal at this point. Pretty awesome stuff!
I can't politely say what I think of the neo-zionist-con man Bill Kristol.
Alan Keynes is indeed being inserted into the race to take away votes
from Ron Paul, but I don't think it will work. Keynes is good in debates,
and he will be used to go after Paul in future ones, while the zionist
candidates Romney, Giuliani, Thompson, etc. stand by and twiddle their
thumbs. You watch. And if Paul gets into it with Keynes, he will be
branded a racist by the mainstream media, which will take away some
steam from his candidacy. That's their big trick with any outsider--brand
them a racist and use that to discredit them. They did exactly that with

I went door to door Thursday passing out leaflets for Dr. Paul. I was also
at the rally in Chicago last week. The momentum he is buildng is
incredible. You don't just have to donate money--step up and donate
time too. This is the last best chance we have to get an outsider into
office before the enactment of the North American Union, and then that
will be it. Our great country will be gone forever.

Only 65k left to go for $1 million now.Edited by: PitBull
I saw a big Ron Paul sign in Provo this morning. It said "Ron Paul Revolution."
My family and I attended the North GA State Fair yesterday. I was pleased to see several Ron Paul T-shirts and a few vehicles with Ron Paul stickers (including mine). The Cobb County GOP table/booth was giving out stickers and info on all the 08 candidates, yet it seems that Dr.Paul's brochures, stickers and yard signs were in highest demand. In fact, the 3 folks staffing the GOP booth were all wearing Ron Paul gear. BTW, I finally got my Ron Paul yard sign up!
I saw a Ron Paul banner while driving on the Garden State Pkwy. yesterday. The media is really trying to bury this man. They must be really scare of him. If he gets the nomination, I'll vote for him.

Tom Iron...
Big editorial in my Sunday paper on why Ron Paul can't win. They said he is nothing but a "vanity" candidate and they even interviewed some professer who recommends that House Representatives be banned from running for President because only one ever won election. The media attaacks are going to rise as Paul's popularity does.
I love Ron Paul, but I didn't care for his performance at the apollo the other night. He made a lot of comments about the justice system unfairly punishing blacks more than whites. I'm sure he doesn't actually believe this. He has a highly energized base for speaking his mind, he needs to keep speaking the truth to keep his based energized. This is the first time he really disappointed me with his pandering to blacks. That strategy will get him nowhere.
I have to disagree here, KP. Ron Paul was one of two non-panderers on stage, the other being Tom Tancredo. Here is a good article that talks about this: r-proof-ron-paul/

Dr Paul made several comments directed towards change for all americans, as he is against group oriented politics.

As for energized troops, Paul just won the New Jersey straw poll in a landslide with 72% of the vote. Paul has placed well in every straw poll so far, winning many of them. He just raised over 1 million dollars in six days from small donations. The people are fired up online like never before.

Edited by: InfamousOne
I saw a car advertising Ron Paul on both sides when I drove through a Provo neighborhood on the way home from church today. I guess not everyone out here is a Romneyite, and that is a good thing!
I purchased a couple of signs and bumper stickers from Ron's website today and am looking forward to showing them off. The lack of some usually neo-con happy groups to endorse any of the "top tier" candidates is an encouraging sign that things might be changing.
I too have seen Ron Paul signs all over the freeway. This man is getting a lot of grassroots support. If he wins the nomination I will definately vote for him
The Ron Paul Nation
by Jay Roberts

A frequent topic of discussion is about how Ron Paul is ignored or dismissed by the smug MSM and other establishment elites. This is all true, and is clearly at their peril, but not only for the specifics of Ron Paul's message or the number of his supporters. The fact that the campaign seemingly materialized out of thin air and promptly began registering real world accomplishments is the first shot in what will prove to be a protracted evolution of the mechanisms of governance. The organization of the Ron Paul campaign is demonstrating that the corporate and government monopoly on, well, corporatism and governance, is weakening. The general population has just now been armed with digital weapons that allow them to challenge anointed power structures and the Ron Paul campaign is evidence that they aren't wasting any time getting to work.

As CTO of a small startup, I spend a lot of time thinking about what people will do with software in the future. Some years ago, I convinced myself that virtual/digital entities will arise that parallel much of the function of traditional geographic sovereign entities. Ultimately, these will conflict and lead to political and social realignments on the order of the Reformation. Clearly, this will be played out over years and decades. So for the past 10 years, I've been looking for glimmerings that support this conjecture; the RP movement seems to be the first significant digital entity fitting this pattern.

So the big question in this story is not why Ron Paul is gaining traction - his ideas have been out there for decades - but rather why now and not ten or fifty years ago. The answer is simply that the technology just now exists for like-minded individuals to form geography independent groupings that are capable of effective action at very low overhead and that do not rely upon any of the state or establishment apparatus.

Since the early days of the web, the population has been training itself how to develop collaboration and trust across the internet. This took a big jump a couple of years back with the emergence of social networking applications. This demonstrated and conditioned millions of users of the validity of online social organization and shared, trusted interactions with strangers. The final and absolutely vital ingredient has been Youtube and similar applications over the past 1.5 years; the supremacy of video for propaganda purpose is undeniable and seems to be in the genetic programming of human beings.

So we are just now, over the past year or so, at the juncture where people can frictionlessly organize and have informational tools that rival those of their complacent masters. Add a corrupt, bloated government that has been relying on its now broken monopoly on social organization, and voilà, instant slave rebellion. The Ron Paul movement, or something similar, was scripted to happen as soon as it could and is now doing so with enabling tools and social acceptance of those tools that really is only a year or two old. The fact that the first digital nation formed around Ron Paul as a cause rather than Obama or banning transfats is a good early indication that perhaps digital nations will tend towards libertarian-friendly. Certainly, the internet at large tends in that direction.

But what should truly hearten freedom lovers everywhere is that the genie can't be put back into the bottle. Even if Ron Paul fails at his Presidential run, there will be another Ron Paul, then another, a relentless series of assaults on the establishment by the grassroots. Each time, the challengers will grow much stronger because they are just now teaching themselves how to run a digital nation, fight this sort of battle. Plus, the enabling tools progress in the very non-linear leaps and bounds typical of software. The next digital nation will make the current high-tech campaign seem like musketry. Government can't really fight back by shutting down or seriously restricting the internet, as that would hobble themselves and business while stimulating creation of alternate internets. The pattern already emerging will be governments, in their typical reflexive mode, playing defense with traditional means, innovative digital nations on offense with a constantly renewing arsenal of weapons and organizational tools.

Can Ron Paul win? Sure, it would be nice to have Ron Paul as President, but it would be much nicer to be governed in a manner similar to that by which the Ron Paul campaign is being conducted. This sentiment, whether or not consciously expressed, seems to drive many Ron Paul supporters. So while the campaign and message are important news and should not be ignored, another big story is that the workings of the Ron Paul campaign is the first demonstration of a viable digital nation taking effective action, what social organization is going to look like in the future, and all the negative implications this holds for traditional governmental entities.

In this story, Ron Paul has already won, in a very real sense.
Real Money Says Ron Paul Has aShot
In addition to being a mild-mannered economist by day, I am an avid fan of gambling and all its devices. (Though since I still am the property of student lender Sallie Mae, I have been a mere spectator of the gambling world for the last several years.) I am here to inform Ron Paul fans that "the market" - the gambling website - says his chances of winning the GOP nomination are now 6.1%. In contrast, McCain's chances are 5.4%, and Huckabee's a meager 3.2%.
Beyond the fact that Ron Paul is now in 4<SUP>th</SUP> place - and being ahead of McCain, is now surely a "real" candidate - is his meteoric rise since late May. Just look at this chart from Intrade:

Rest of article:
Wow! Exciting news, I just wonder how far ahead the other candidates are.
More great news for Dr.Paul and the "Ron Paul Revolution"!

Ron Paul's Chances of Winning Continue to Improve

Brian Farmer / JBS | October 05, 2007

Ron Dzwonkowski of the Detroit Free Press writes that Ron Paul 'is among what critics consider 'vanity candidates' or limited-issue folks who clog up the early going in every presidential race."
Follow this link to the original source: "No chance to win"

One critic whom Mr. Dzwonkowski is particularly fond of citing is Dr. Michael Coulter of the Center for Vision and Values at Grove City College. Dr. Coulter suggested in a recent essay that U.S. House members should be banned from running for president. One wonders whether Dr. Coulter has read the U.S. Constitution.

Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution stipulates just two requirements for eligibility to hold the office of President. The first is that the candidate must be a natural born citizen of the United States. The second is that the candidate must be at least 35 years of age.

Dr. Coulter claims that James Garfield was the only House member ever to be elected President. Coulter conveniently fails to note that Abraham Lincoln, often considered to be our greatest president, was neither a governor nor a senator. But he was a member of the House of Representatives!

Furthermore, it is worth noting that the order of presidential succession places the Speaker of the House immediately after the Vice President. That makes Dr. Coulter's suggestion that House members be banned from running for president look absolutely ludicrous.

Dzwonkowski writes, "Coulter puts Paul in the 'less than no chance' category for winning the White House, which is accurate." Apparently, Coulter and Dzwonkowski have not checked out, which reports on Internet betting relating to presidential candidates.

Shortly after midnight on May 22, 2007, reported that Ron Paul was listed on with 200 to 1 odds of winning the 2008 U.S. presidential race. Nine hours later, it reported that the odds had been cut by half, to 100 to 1. Eight days later, the odds had been slashed to 15 to 1.

On August 7, reported that Ron Paul's odds had been cut to 8 to 1, putting him in a tie with Mitt Romney. By October 1, Paul's odds were down to 6 to 1, ahead of Romney, and just behind John McCain (5 to 1) and Rudy Giuliani (5 to 1). Fred Thompson is the favorite among Republicans with odds of 4 to 1.

That may strike those following the political scene as unbelievable, since mainstream media polls put Ron Paul way behind. Here's what has to say about that:

Forget those political polls. Throughout time (at least the last decade), oddsmakers have had an uncanny knack for predicting political races. It's not so much that they have a crystal ball, rather the lines adjust based on public action. When it comes to political betting, the public action is presumed to represent votes. The theory being that someone who is likely to vote on Mitt Romney probably won't bet on Ron Paul winning.

The gambling public seems to believe that 2008 Presidential candidate Ron Paul stands a very good chance of winning.

Coulter and Dzwonkowski also appear to be unaware of Ron Paul's domination of the Internet. Dr. Paul's superstar status in cyberspace was recently described in an article published by The New American magazine, which can be viewed here.

And this week it was reported that the Ron Paul campaign raised more that $5 million during the third quarter, a 114 percent increase over the second quarter. That increase is in stark contrast to the decrease suffered by Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, and John McCain. Romney's fundraising was down 29 percent. Giuliani was down 40 percent. McCain was down 55 percent.

No chance to win? That's what they said about Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, in the early stages of their campaigns. The story that the mainstream media is missing is that Ron Paul is looking more like a first-tier candidate with each passing day.

The continual drumbeat in the media that Paul is not a serious contender, though, says more about the media than it says about Ron Paul. Paul espouses a constitutionalist message and is finding that voters are responding. That message contradicts with the soft-socialist predilections of the mainstream media. Hence, most media organs will go to any length in their attempts to discredit that message. In due time, however, the propagandists in the mainstream media may find, to their chagrin, that they have lost the ear, and the respect, of the American people.

***Reference article...

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