Richie Incognito

This stuff is backfiring. The "N-word" is losing its taboo. The more they try to sermonize to the football audience the more the football audience will roll their eyes and become irritated by the double-standard... They are confounding the NFL audience with the Oprah audience...

Speaking of the big "O," Tom Jackson/Keyshawn Whatever/Kris Carter repeated her description of the term N I G G E R as "the last word so many blacks heard before they lost their lives" (to lynching) in a more beknighted time. Therefore, goes their illogic, that very word takes on a mystical untouchable status, like a fairy tale incantation. Grown ass drama queens!
Incognito gave over 1,000 archived text messages to Jay Glazer to prove that the "bullying" was just Martin and Incognitos way of making banter between fans.
So it's come out that Jonathan Martin has participated in the same lunch room prank that allegedly was the straw that broke the camels back when it was pulled on him.
Both of Martin's parents are lawyers. I expect to see a lawsuit again the Dolphins and/or the NFL. Martin will end up with more money in his pocket than if he played well.
Speaking of the big "O," Tom Jackson/Keyshawn Whatever/Kris Carter repeated her description of the term N I G G E R as "the last word so many blacks heard before they lost their lives" (to lynching) in a more beknighted time. Therefore, goes their illogic, that very word takes on a mystical untouchable status, like a fairy tale incantation. Grown ass drama queens!

What's the last thing thousands and thousands of white people have seen right before they were murdered over the last several decades?
Both of Martin's parents are lawyers. I expect to see a lawsuit again the Dolphins and/or the NFL. Martin will end up with more money in his pocket than if he played well.
They're probably both incompetent lawyers. One of them is a mudshark and the other only got in to law school because of Affirmative Action.
They're probably both incompetent lawyers. One of them is a mudshark and the other only got in to law school because of Affirmative Action.

Based on Net photos, both of Martin's parents are black. Also, both appear to be older than your typical black parents of a 2nd year NFL or NBA player. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if a large number of black rookies had parents still in their 30's?

In a surprising twist, his mother is slightly darker skinned than his father. I guess this is a good thing, as "sharking" probably wasn't as prevalent in the 1970's -- even among more upper class blacks. In addition, I'd assume black males at that time had a lot more racial pride, than today's garden-variety Uncle Tom's like Robert Griffin III and Russell Wilson, who are undoubtedly emboldened by the Jewish media, which constantly promotes race-mixers as cool.
I recently read a Marxist article on NBC sports, basically stating how "similar the Incognito situation is to the Riley Cooper situation" and how the Dolphins have handled it with "much more class than the Eagles". The Incognito situation is different and much worse. What Riley Cooper did was inappropriate or at worst "classless" while drunk arguing with one person who he was trying to further instigate.

Kelly handled the situation (on the more liberal end) of what a reasonable person would have- he sent Cooper home for a few days to let things cool and made Cooper stand up to his teammates and admit he acted like a meat-head. Anything more than this would have been thought police and Marxism. The fining by the league, while I disagree with it, wasn't a big deal b/c players get fined all the time at the discretion of head "honcho" Godell for off field conduct that is unbecoming of the league.

While looking at the history of Incognito. He hung out with bad apples in H.S. I see that he was kicked off his first college team for getting in the face of a coach and threatening him. He was voted the NFL's dirtiest player once and second dirtiest player once. He was sent away from a former NFL team again for an altercation with a coach. He holds offensive line meetings at strip clubs which I could care less, but the bad part is he fines offensive lineman who might have a more religious/ conservative view of life for not showing.

Using the "forbidden" N-word toward Martin although inappropriate is of small consequence in this story. Incognito (funny since a loud-mouthed 300 pounder isn't very "incognito") is a bully and harassed Martin who apparently has a history of mental illness. The only thing that bothers me about this story is that Incognito is being made the fall guy for an out of control AA Marxist classless league, and that Martin is probably exaggerating the real story to save face and maybe get a monetary settlement.

I don't mind these doughnut trips and some other rite of passage stuff in the NFL as it's always been a part of the culture, but Belicheck put his foot down when a rookie earning much less than the veterans was hit with a $40,000 dollar bill at a 5 star restaurant with the team.

Incognito won't be back with the Dolphins, but I can only hope some other team picks this guy to "lead" an offensive line in the locker room- and embarrasses this classless league again. After all, real leaders like Tim Tebow aren't wanted by this league. The NFL loves to pick a fall guy when this classless corporation gets embarrassed and it's starting to awaken more fans. Other teammates "black included" were hazing Martin. Incognito's classless voice mail (that included worse stuff than the n-word) was just one of a classless meat-head who doesn't see the bigger picture of the caste system and that if found out, he was going to be picked as the fall guy for the group bullying as the "oppressive white male" in the group. Hopefully the DWFs will wake up to the extreme agenda of this classless Marxist corporation. All I'll say about Incognito is that he's a meat-head bully.
Well, I read the text again. What I thought was a "humorous" sexual threat to Martin's mother only said I want to "slap" your mother. After reading this not read out-loud by some angry dramatic Broadcaster this sounds more like a meat head simply "attempting" to joke or haze a friend to toughen him up. Being from Canada, we find expletive extremely descript sexual mocks of peoples mothers unacceptable. When I moved to NJ I met full grown men who would say "I'm going to "F" your mom if you don't shut up!" They actually found this a normal attempt to be funny for men in their 30s.
Based on Net photos, both of Martin's parents are black. Also, both appear to be older than your typical black parents of a 2nd year NFL or NBA player. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if a large number of black rookies had parents still in their 30's?

In a surprising twist, his mother is slightly darker skinned than his father. I guess this is a good thing, as "sharking" probably wasn't as prevalent in the 1970's -- even among more upper class blacks. In addition, I'd assume black males at that time had a lot more racial pride, than today's garden-variety Uncle Tom's like Robert Griffin III and Russell Wilson, who are undoubtedly emboldened by the Jewish media, which constantly promotes race-mixers as cool.

I wonder why Incognito referred to him as a "half nigga" then
What's the last thing thousands and thousands of white people have seen right before they were murdered over the last several decades?

Touche', brother Hock! Far too many of our folk have been brutalized and murdered by this alien pestilence.
I wonder why Incognito referred to him as a "half nigga" then

That he is only half and not a full nigga might be the insult. He went to Stanford and appears a bit less ghetto than your average bear.

Found this clip on a sports site under the heading: Sharpe rants. "Rant" is typically used pejoratively whether the person who posted this is consciously aware of this or not.

It is indeed the most sanctimonious tirade. At no point does he qualify by saying that blacks should not be using the word with other blacks (which sits like the big elephant in the room). It's tantamount to calling for Incognito's head in my opinion. Again, the football audience is the wrong audience to be haranguing about this stuff.

It is obvious also that some producer put him up to this. Maybe the idea originated with Sharpe but the producer embolden him, imagining, "powerful TV and an MLK like speech". Explicit sensitivity training on a mass scale. They're better when they are subtle and people are not actually being forced to think about the directives that are being stuffed into them.
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Dwayne Bowe was arrested for speeding and marijuana possession, Jerome Simpson was arrested and charged with DUI - Where is the national outcry for these two bums? Just goes to show you that typical negro behavior is quickly brushed under the rug and even accepted.
Well, I read the text again. What I thought was a "humorous" sexual threat to Martin's mother only said I want to "slap" your mother. After reading this not read out-loud by some angry dramatic Broadcaster this sounds more like a meat head simply "attempting" to joke or haze a friend to toughen him up. Being from Canada, we find expletive extremely descript sexual mocks of peoples mothers unacceptable. When I moved to NJ I met full grown men who would say "I'm going to "F" your mom if you don't shut up!" They actually found this a normal attempt to be funny for men in their 30s.

All of these sports writers and radio types are acting like this language is something from outer space; it isn't. "I'm going to hit you so hard it will kill your whole family" or "I'm going to sh!t in your mouth", etc... is stupid, but meatheads say stuff like that to each other. Anyone who portrays this as a real threat reveals their agenda immediately. Sometimes it helps to remember that these NFL players are mostly idiots, and that includes the white players. They play a game for a living, well into their adult lives. Their locker room talk is going to be a lot worse than what some Jew sportswriter heard at the racquet club after tennis lessons.
Their locker room talk is going to be a lot worse than what some Jew sportswriter heard at the racquet club after tennis lessons.

Haha. Especially when they are trying to throw some uppity white gentile under the bus.

Because actually they do know better. After all they aren't complaining about rap music. They are producing it (Jews in general that is). Yeah, I think they are putting us on.

The surprising thing to them and everyone else is that a white didn't accept that his black teammates and alleged brothers-in-arms weren't privy to an exclusionary language that he wasn't also privy to. It's only in a scenario like this that the media suddenly develops an o so delicate "racquet club" sensibility.

"Nigga" has evolved to mean "brother/kinsman" in the black community. How is it acceptable to be in a locker room with your alleged teammates and to be excluded from this bond? To be seen as evil when you use a word that they use as a term of affection? They use that word to put up a barrier and as a subtle form of abuse toward whites. "You are not one of us. In fact our bond is based on a historical grievance against your race."
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Haha. Especially when they are trying to throw some uppity white gentile under the bus.

Because actually they do know better. After all they aren't complaining about rap music. They are producing it (Jews in general that is). Yeah, I think they are putting us on.

The surprising thing to them and everyone else is that a white didn't accept that his black teammates and alleged brothers-in-arms weren't privy to an exclusionary language that he wasn't also privy to. It's only in a scenario like this that the media suddenly develops an o so delicate "racquet club" sensibility.

"Nigga" has evolved to mean "brother/kinsman" in the black community. How is it acceptable to be in a locker room with your alleged teammates and to be excluded from this bond? To be seen as evil when you use a word that they use as a term of affection? They use that word to put up a barrier and as a subtle form of abuse toward whites. "You are not one of us. In fact our bond is based on a historical grievance against your race."

Good post! It's exactly about shoving whitey under the bus. The MSM worships crude and rude. The worse it is, the better. The blatant hypocrisy is overwhelming. It's similar to when the media acts like it's 1962 and all blacks are living in fear of whitey and Jim Crow so any innocent remark against them is a reminder of lynching and separate drinking fountains.

There is still this small core of old White people for whom this stuff is shocking but the rest of society has to put up with kids cartoons like Family Guy and South Park introducing young children to the most disgusting stuff jew writers can cook up. But yeah the intra-team comments of a big fat slob like Incognito are supposed to be nice and clean.

Maybe the tribe is worried that low class whites are getting too cozy with the brutha's and both groups might get the idea someday to look at who the real enemy is?
Uncle Chris lectures kids on the N-word. Grab a vomit bucket before you begin the video :mmph:
Uncle Chris lectures kids on the N-word. Grab a vomit bucket before you begin the video :mmph:

They've created a culture of insolence and disrespect and now they expect kids to respect politically correct speech codes?

The first thing those kids are wondering when they see this guy is: who is this douche? I thought we were supposed to despise corporate-looking white guys? I am guessing approximately two tons of ritalin are keeping those kids in that studio as that idiot blathers on. It's the only explanation.
I pretty much agree with what Collinsworth said. White people, don't say the N-word. Black people, don't say it either. It exclude whites who work closely with you from your social group by putting up walls by saying words they can't say. At one point he says that (if you're black) it's okay to say it on your cell phone, in your car, etc., which I don't really agree with. Either it's okay for everyone to say it all the time or it's never okay for anyone to say it (assuming we're talking about "nigga" and not "******"). I don't like the double standard. But at least he brings up the fact that using it as a term of endearment around white folks creates a barrier that shouldn't be there. Especially not in a line of work as physical and grueling as football.

I don't have any kids yet and when I do, I'm not particularly keen on the idea of my sons wanting to mimic blacks. But frankly, if he's a part of virtually *any* mainstream team sport there's probably gonna be a good number of black kids on the team, and if they say "nigga" to each other as a word of affection and to forge a bond, I don't want my son left out of that. On a team you're part of something bigger than yourself, you forge meaningful friendships, you support each other, look out for each other, etc. I don't want my son feeling like he's on the outside of the team looking in, even though he's supposed to be part of the team. So I hope black people stop saying that word or at least stop saying it around whites. OR lighten up and let the whites say it too as long as they use the non-perjorative version of it.
Uncle Chris lectures kids on the N-word. Grab a vomit bucket before you begin the video :mmph:

You almost tend to agree with him until he sums up his little speech.

So to sum up I'll paraphrase

"For the white players just don't use the N-word in any form, and for the black players please give us a chance to do something better in the NFL."

In other words he never says black players can't use it. Still a double standard in the workplace Chrissy. That's the new standard everywhere in the future. I already see it in schools with students. Black kids use it routinely in the hallway while white kids would be suspended or expelled for doing the same. Soon it will be the standard with the adult staff in every workplace - including schools. And I'll bet a dollar to the donut that white players are called ****** in a derogatory tone by black by players FAR more often then white players use the word Nigga as some term of endearment.
I pretty much agree with what Collinsworth said. White people, don't say the N-word. Black people, don't say it either. It exclude whites who work closely with you from your social group by putting up walls by saying words they can't say. At one point he says that (if you're black) it's okay to say it on your cell phone, in your car, etc., which I don't really agree with. Either it's okay for everyone to say it all the time or it's never okay for anyone to say it (assuming we're talking about "nigga" and not "******"). I don't like the double standard. But at least he brings up the fact that using it as a term of endearment around white folks creates a barrier that shouldn't be there. Especially not in a line of work as physical and grueling as football.

I don't have any kids yet and when I do, I'm not particularly keen on the idea of my sons wanting to mimic blacks. But frankly, if he's a part of virtually *any* mainstream team sport there's probably gonna be a good number of black kids on the team, and if they say "nigga" to each other as a word of affection and to forge a bond, I don't want my son left out of that. On a team you're part of something bigger than yourself, you forge meaningful friendships, you support each other, look out for each other, etc. I don't want my son feeling like he's on the outside of the team looking in, even though he's supposed to be part of the team. So I hope black people stop saying that word or at least stop saying it around whites. OR lighten up and let the whites say it too as long as they use the non-perjorative version of it.

How about refusing to put your kids in a position where some group on a team sees them as the "other" and not one of them? How about practicing a little of the basic racial loyalty that blacks instinctively practice and refuse to alter no matter how much of a cowardly surrender of ones basic racial pride White people engage in? What's next? Jim Snow? Sure you can play on the same team with black people but you have to use a different locker room, a different fountain, play by different rules? Sheesh White people are going to end up picking cotton in fields some day soon because some of them just don't know when to say enough is enough!
How about refusing to put your kids in a position where some group on a team sees them as the "other" and not one of them? How about practicing a little of the basic racial loyalty that blacks instinctively practice and refuse to alter no matter how much of a cowardly surrender of ones basic racial pride White people engage in?

Refusing to put my kid in that position? Heh. Hopefully I'll live in an all-white town and can send my kid to an all-white school so it won't be an issue. But towns like this are few and far between, and getting fewer by the year as minorities move in and whites refuse to breed. If I live in a town with some black people, inevitably there will be some blacks on the football team. I'm not gonna forbid my kid from playing football just because there are blacks on the team. Because (1) If I did he'd resent me when he becomes an adult (2) Not letting my son play football only aids the caste system (3) If he goes to a school with black kids, I want him to know that he can be as good or better athlete than them, unlike a lot of white kids who assume they can't compete with the black kids and thus never try.
Uncle Chris lectures kids on the N-word. Grab a vomit bucket before you begin the video :mmph:

Here's a good summary:

"Hey white kids, here are some good guidelines for getting along with people who are jealous of you, despise you, will only accept a relationship in which you are a grinning, acquiescent inferior and who have political interests that are directly hostile to your own. O and hey black kids, try to put less loogie in the spit on their faces. I mean we get it and we deserve it, but a pinch less loogie. I mean because confidentially it may allow you to do it longer. Not to mention help me keep my job selling your godlike greatness to whites. I really like my job."
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