Richie Incognito

what we do is in tryouts and the first few days of practice, we pick out a bunch who are ****y and we put them in a separate group and run more drills, go at a faster pace etc. After a few days a good amount don't come back.

as far as Incognito, I don't think he is a wigger, I think blacks can relate to him better than Martin because Incognito's background and temperament compared to Martin. That doesn't make someone a wigger.

now he didn't say he was going to c*m in his mouth, just said he was going to sh*t in his mouth, big difference. One is extremely perverted, the other one is just disgusting but on a more silly level imo, I have heard similar talk. Big linemen can be dirty dudes. They eat big, often greasy foods, take big dumps, talk about it openly, make fart jokes, basically humor of a 4th grader and the affletes in the lockerroom might have the same level of humor, I dunno.
Tannehill defends cogs and said he was a great teammate and that cogs and martin were good friends. He said richie was a hardass but mostly joking around. He cant believe how all this happened. It really looks right now like martin just threw his "friend" under the bus because he just couldnt cut the mustard. The context of the vm struck me as incognito messing around with martin. People want to lay the blame on incognito but it looks like incognito was just being himself. if he was such a jerk the players would have never voted for him to be on the players council. Martin is the true pos in this story.
White player comes to the defense of Incognito?

"Hartline is outraged because he says Martin was passing the voicemail around earlier in the year and laughing about it.
— Bart Hubbuch (@HubbuchNYP) November 6, 2013"

Unbelievable. Hartline and tannehill pretty much vindicate incognito with their testimony. Richie incognito has just been made a scapegoat for the failures of his teammate and so called friend.
Martin probably wanted to quit football and this was all just a convenient out. The whole locker room probably knows that Martin wasn't all that into the sport and is just trying to get a larger retirement payout.
As I expected, Martin's true colors finally show. I knew this guy had "bust" written all over him when he slid to the 2nd round in the draft and Jeff Ireland stupidly took him, despite all the red flags around him. Good riddance to him, and hopefully Ireland as well.
Can't wait to watch that little bitch Adam Schefter try to explain this all away.
Tyson clabo just said martin needs to be a man and it is wrong what he is doing. Its amazing how many dwfs still stick up for Martin with all the new info coming out.
This incident is being blown way out of proportion. Incognito's mistake was using "the n word." If not for that it wouldn't be the big deal it's being made out to be.

The real big deal this week is Nick Foles's record setting performance. That's what the media should be talking about.

The media may be pushing the Incognito affair to distract fans from the success of white players this weekend.

By the way, Incognito has a great name.

It's an almost no win situation whites find themselves in, but brought on by themselves by allowing it to continue to happen.

I suggest everyone here, especially the younger members here who have no children or who are just starting a family, go and read J.B. Cash's column at the bottom of CF forum page, "The Racial Caste System." Most of what I'm about to say came from his column. Thanks J.B.!

A generation or 2 of white children have now been saturated and raised on the worshipping of black athletes and entertainers. White children especially boys have been provided with an endless stream of black men as so-called role models. Black athletes and entertainers now set the standard for behavior; trash-talking, preening, showboating, and yes using the word "NIGGA" in lyrics and not to mention everyday use in conversation. A friend of mine had me listen to lyrics to a song by some black rap singer that used the word NIGGA at least 50 times or more. How does the media expect everyone especially white players in black dominated locker rooms to here this kind of talk over and over again and not expect a white player to repeat and at worst adopt this kind of language as their own? Many black players have an open disdain for white culture and values. White players/boys now have role models who hate the kind of men their fathers were. How can this surprise anyone? It doesn't surprise me one bit that Riley Cooper and Richie Incognito use the N-word in public! They are a mere product of what this society has to offer.

I listen to a few sports talk radio shows, such as Dan Patrick, Russo, and others and have tried to get on to make these points, but it's very difficult to get through. I hope others here will try to be vocal about this insanity lingering in our society. Until we get through to more people, I'm sad to say we will see more of what's happened to both Riley Cooper and Richie Incognito.

It would be nice if we could somehow get CF on the air someday, I sure hope that day comes before I die!
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The general trend seems to be that DWFs and liberal sports media types (which I realize is redundant) are supporting Martin, while most players and former players of both races are supporting Incognito. Very interesting dynamics in this thing. The reaction is far more intriguing than the actual events.

As for Incognito being a wigger or not, he seems to me to have some tendencies, but he's still a white player, which is why he's being targeted by the usual suspects in the media.
The general trend seems to be that DWFs and liberal sports media types (which I realize is redundant) are supporting Martin, while most players and former players of both races are supporting Incognito. Very interesting dynamics in this thing. The reaction is far more intriguing than the actual events.

As for Incognito being a wigger or not, he seems to me to have some tendencies, but he's still a white player, which is why he's being targeted by the usual suspects in the media.

Good points. The story has certainly taken an unexpected turn, with many more players coming to Incognito's defense on a daily basis. The media surely did not see this coming. They manufactured a story over a non-incident, playing the racial angle and feeding the usual garbage to the mindless drone DWFs, many of whom bought it.

The feminists, metrosexuals, and homosexuals who are in charge nowadays saw an opportunity to advance their agenda in the war against masculinity. And it doesn't get any more manly than the NFL, but I think the players are maybe realizing this attack on their livelihood and the locker room, which in many ways is a last line of defense, so they are speaking out. I know we're highly critical of the NFL and the way white players are discriminated against, but in this case, I fully support the players for standing up against the CM vermin.
Richie Incognito has filed a grievance against the Dolphins. I'm glad, the team aided and abetted besmirching his reputation and possibly forever tarring him as a racist although they were well aware he was doing their bidding. They left him out to dry knowing what they knew someone most of his teammates declare to be one of the most supportive. They deserve all the liability they incur. I hope Richie has as predatory an ambulance chaser as Martin and after getting his proof lined up, goes after the TMZSPN's deep pockets as well and also some of the hypocrites individually who have depicted him as a torch bearing klansman.
I find it interesting that this is the second instance recently of the PC MSM going after a White offensive lineman who's behavior is at worst boorish and probably fairly typical of the type. A couple of weeks ago the local Detroit media tried to destroy Detroit Lions center Dominic Raiola for what was attributed to disparaging comments he made to the band at a Green Bay Packers game.

In the same manner Raiola was attacked for being some kind of "bully" for making the type of remarks made between guys each and every day. His major crime was insinuated as some type of homophobia but was probably just the use of the word "gay" in a disparaging manner. I have no doubt that use of that word incorrectly will soon be a criminal offense like it is with the word n!gger.

In much the same manner Raiola was attacked more for his attitude that over what happened. And also he was fingered as some kind of serial abuser. Raiola survived, partly because of some teammate support, lack of hard evidence-like phone video/audio recording, and mostly because the story ran out of steam.

Is there some kind of message from PC central to go after large, loud, boorish, Italian-american offensive lineman? Has the move to completely negrofy the o-line stalled so badly that a PC campaign must be started to move these last vestiges of paisanos from the game? Oh for the old days when each team had a Testevarde, Montana, Lamonica, Buoniconti, Lucci, Marinaro, Cappelletti, Marino.....
Being White is the only thing that matters, as the attempted persecution of Riley Cooper illustrates. I didn't read anything about Raiola, but I'm encouraged that first Cooper survived the cultural commie lynch mob, and now it appears Incognito may be able to really turn the tables on the totalitarian anti-Whites so intent on destroying him.
Being White is the only thing that matters, as the attempted persecution of Riley Cooper illustrates. I didn't read anything about Raiola, but I'm encouraged that first Cooper survived the cultural commie lynch mob, and now it appears Incognito may be able to really turn the tables on the totalitarian anti-Whites so intent on destroying him.

Of course you're right, it's all about getting whitey. I think however that the natural (genetic??) garrulousness of Italians may lend them to being more outspoken then God fearing baptist southerners, quiet Slavs and stoic Norseman. Or at least they tend to be more like the guido sterotype which because of the ever watchful KGB style media attack dogs, makes them more likely to misspeak on matters considered blasphemy by the multi-cult state religion.
Of course you're right, it's all about getting whitey. I think however that the natural (genetic??) garrulousness of Italians may lend them to being more outspoken then God fearing baptist southerners, quiet Slavs and stoic Norseman. Or at least they tend to be more like the guido sterotype which because of the ever watchful KGB style media attack dogs, makes them more likely to misspeak on matters considered blasphemy by the multi-cult state religion.

Italians are for sure the most extroverted European group that has large numbers in the U.S., and the most macho (masculine). But every year they become more mixed into the "melting pot," which means mass intermarriage with other Whites as well as having the old country traits eradicated. In a lot of places, Italians are almost as thoroughly mixed as everyone else. Many if not most "guidos" are now also part-German, Polish, etc.
I think thats just stereotypical thinking, you could say players with Irish heritage tend to be "badasses" as well, (Jeremy Shockey comes to mind) but Whites all have similar DNA, I think there is more to it than genetics, since we don't know exactly how Italian someone is just because they have an Italian last name.

I think this has to do with more of pussification of football (and America as well) and blacks probably realize that they might be targeted as well, after all blacks using homophobic slurs is not allowed now, the last one having to apologize saying something about gays.

They don't need an incident like this to remove Whites from the line, just classify all (many are wrongly classified as the following) White prospects as not "natural benders or they are waist benders" "stiff in the hips" "alligator arms" "cement footed" "not enough athleticism to set the edge""mauler in the run game but liability in the pass game" , the last one is something pretending to be a compliment, the NFL being a passing league they don't want guys that are perceived to be just great run blockers. Draft "gurus" throw terms like this all the time and dwfs eat it up and have no clue what it exactly means, just that those phrases means that the player isn't NFL material.

Italian has just been the last White group to be considered cool, glorification of the mob/mafia in older movies (which black culture loves and tries to emulate) with newer stuff like Jersey Shore, but because of those newere shows they are perceived to be dumb meatheads and of course everyone with muscle is considered a steroid user. If this wasn't the case they would be perceived like every other White person and I wonder if their behavior would reflect that.
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The Marines used techniques such as this and far worse in boot camp to eliminate the ones who would never hold up in battle and wars. I've always said, the boot camp scenes in "Full Metal Jacket" are pretty close to what Marine Corps boot camp was like, actually it was worse, but the DI's had to rid the Corps the best way possible of the both mentally and physically weak. Sadly, I've been told even these types of hazing are no longer allowed, now making our military a part of the weakening process.

If you want an idea of how Marine Corps boot camp used to be, watch Full Metal Jacket. A pretty good movie that will never be shown on your T.V.

There was no media at Parris Island waiting to listen to your whining about someone calling you names or wanting to push you to your limits, both mentally and physically.

The result of crying about this type of hazing and or not being able to get through drills and PT in the Marines, would have meant a ticket home. If you can't hold up to a little mental and physical abuse in here, there's no way you will hold up in a battle.

Such is a similar, but not exactly, the case I would think in the NFL. What's going to happen when a DE starts calling you names, wants to knock your head off, and wants to step on you while trying to get to the QB? Are you just going lay down and curl up?

I've never been in the NFL, but there's no way their hazing is worse than the Marine Corps; uh excuse me used to be.
I just recently watched full metal jacket and I also believe it is the closests to what went on down there. I was at Parris Island in 81 and it was a whole lot worse before that..81 was when they started getting politically correct...If the drill instructors saw any weakness they were all over it. It seemed to me also that while all this was going on' they systematically went through the whole platoon so no one slipped through the processes....Also enough of this talk about a NFL locker room, if I ever had to deal with one of these freaks, I'd f####ing run him over with my car.........
Looks like the electoral map lol.
Italians are for sure the most extroverted European group that has large numbers in the U.S., and the most macho (masculine). But every year they become more mixed into the "melting pot," which means mass intermarriage with other Whites as well as having the old country traits eradicated. In a lot of places, Italians are almost as thoroughly mixed as everyone else. Many if not most "guidos" are now also part-German, Polish, etc.
Yes many celebrities that have Italian surnames aren't full blooded Italians. Travolta, Deniro, Buscemi and Dicaprio are all part German or Irish. Deniro was even mocked as a kid for his pale skin(and probably non Italian heritage) by being called Bobby Milk. I am pretty much certain Icognito isn't a full blooded Italian too.
I remember reading that De Niro's Italian ancestry is part Albanian too. A lot Albanian Christians chose to flee the Turks rather than become slaves.
Of course you're right, it's all about getting whitey. I think however that the natural (genetic??) garrulousness of Italians may lend them to being more outspoken then God fearing baptist southerners, quiet Slavs and stoic Norseman. Or at least they tend to be more like the guido sterotype which because of the ever watchful KGB style media attack dogs, makes them more likely to misspeak on matters considered blasphemy by the multi-cult state religion.

God fearing southern Baptists are some of the most outspoken people I know when it comes to controversial subjects such as, abortion and homosexuality. On the day after the reverend Billy Graham's 95th birthday, he was one of the most outspoken on Jesus and the Bible, too bad most people don't listen! However, I think Mr. Graham was a Presbyterian, but married a southern Baptist lady.

Tim Tebow and many other athletes are very outspoken about their faith, it takes courage, especially in today's world where it's not very popular to be a Christian.
God fearing southern Baptists are some of the most outspoken people I know when it comes to controversial subjects such as, abortion and homosexuality.

I'm Christian but unfortunately, Southern Baptists fold like a tent when it comes to issues regarding race. Plus they tend to be extremely Zionist. The only church that I would say is pro-white would be the Eastern Orthodox church in countries like Russia and Greece where political correctness doesn't run amok. You could maybe throw the Mormons into the pro-white group as well, but they've softened their stance on a lot of issues due to outside political pressure.
I'm Christian but unfortunately, Southern Baptists fold like a tent when it comes to issues regarding race. Plus they tend to be extremely Zionist. The only church that I would say is pro-white would be the Eastern Orthodox church in countries like Russia and Greece where political correctness doesn't run amok. You could maybe throw the Mormons into the pro-white group as well, but they've softened their stance on a lot of issues due to outside political pressure.

I guess southern Baptists in Miami are a little different than southern Baptists in North Carolina, which is not surprising.
I guess southern Baptists in Miami are a little different than southern Baptists in North Carolina, which is not surprising.

I hear a lot from White southern Baptist players about how important their faith is to them and how they have pledged their lives to Jesus.

I hear a lot about the lifestyle of black football players and their thuggish behavior, use of drugs, many women, profligate life styles, and often support of the gay agenda.

I never hear White southern baptist players criticize their teammates for this type of behavior or belief.

I frequently hear White southern baptist players praising their black teammates, joining in on their zulu rituals, and saying how they are like "brothers" to them.

Tim Tebow = Aaron Hernandez, college roomates????? Doesn't that say hypocrite to you?
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