Richie Incognito

Hooray for Brian Hartline for turning the tables and calling the media agitation bullying. There has been a campaign of media bullying since the early days of the civil rights movement. Furthermore, all the politically correct courses such as White privilege seem nothing more than bullying. Sensitivity training probably classifies as bullying. I’m glad I have a new term to oppose the actions against us. I’ll use it at the first opportunity. I’m that way, don’t tell anybody. :grin:
I guess southern Baptists in Miami are a little different than southern Baptists in North Carolina, which is not surprising.

speaking of the Southern Baptist Convention.. I know this is getting off topic but..
Do u remember last year when the SBC was meeting to discuss removing Southern from their name ?.. because it was deemed offensive by the Godless, P.C. lemmings (smh)..

In the SBC's effort to expand their ministry, and distance themselves from their past, I have a couple maybes(?) I wanna toss into the hat..

the Lower-Northern Baptist Convention.. ?, and/or the Lincoln Baptist Convention ?
Most of you won't believe what I am about to write, but you will hear more of this being said, ESPN if it doesn't reform its anti-White way is about to suffer. "ESPN is anti-White" is going to become FACT, when this does become FACT they will lose what is important, the moral high ground. Listen I love a good long essay full of details as much as anyone, but I love the dagger of a consistent truthy political message way more. ESPN is anti-White ESPN is anti-White ESPN is anti-White So while we bask in our uniqueness of being CF regulars how many other white men have been azz raped by the anti-Whites at ESPN? Reading a Chicago Trib columnist excoriate some anti-White ESPN mouth (Feinlein or something like that) in a column about Tebow where the writer wrote the anti-White's name over and over tells me there are many out there who loathe the Caste Masters.
A site called Sports Grid gave CF a mention:

Never heard of them but they appear in the google news feed.

Blurb, or rather attack, discourages readers from reading the forum, lest they hear a different opinion.

Too much script running on that site to read it, but it might generate traffic to CF. I mean really ask yourselves outside of the degenerate DWF cult don't you think there are many more whites tired of the anti-White CS? I would even bet a good many blacks are getting nervous that the clown show is about to backfire on them. Not that the tribe that runs the likes of ESPN (world headquarters of anti-white evil in sports) cares what blacks think as long as they agree on the genocide of whites as a good thing.
Check out the comments section. The commenters rip this guy apart for the anti-white drivel he's trying to pass off as journalism.

Almost seems designed to backfire. After all, Incognito is NOT emerging as a racist in the mainstream narrative. Was it written by a closet CF fan? Very unlikely of course. The effect is the same though. He's pointing people to the site with an article and sentiment many of them will not necessarily agree with.
Excellent comments after the silly article so far. CF used to get mentioned a lot more, in articles and on forums, but back then we were still novel and I think most of the anti-White haters thought the site wouldn't last. Now that Caste Football has long been firmly established it's mostly ignored, although search engines make it easy enough to find.

I don't know what kind of traffic Sports Grid gets, but the comments make the author look like the cultural communist bully he is.

Note: Credit to Quiet Speed for mentioning to use the word "bully" against the true haters and bullies. Bullying describes pretty well how the revolutionaries have forced their upside-down, soulless and sick world view on a formerly healthy society.
Almost seems designed to backfire. After all, Incognito is NOT emerging as a racist in the mainstream narrative. Was it written by a closet CF fan? Very unlikely of course. The effect is the same though. He's pointing people to the site with an article and sentiment many of them will not necessarily agree with.

I like the fact that many articles I read, I often wonder comments are from people on this site, but sometimes the article will have like comments by 100's of different users. Now if we could just get that into the 1,000 range. The whole new "must be logged into facebook" has discouraged people from speaking their mind. Of course you could make a fake facebook profile but its not important for most people.

I don't know how much traffic sports grid gets either but if they had gotten favorable comments I am sure it would be heavily promoted.
I didn't read Matt Rudnitsky's article, as I didn't want to waste my time. But I did look at some of the comments. I must admit I noticed the surname "Rudnitsky" right off the bat. No surprise, someone spewing virulent anti-white rhetoric and handing out such effusive praise towards blacks, is Jewish.

It's funny, this Lonsman tears into Caste posters for openly rooting for fellow whites, but he admits he grew up specifically cheering for Jewish athletes. Can he be anymore hypocritical?

Matt Rudnitsky: They Couldn’t Find An Athletic Jew Younger Than Sandy Koufax To Replace Ryan Braun On This Book Cover, And Now I’m Sad:

As a Jewish child and avid sports fan, my hero was Shawn Green, because he was virtually the only Jewish athlete that I was aware of, and he was pretty good. He related to my Little League dilemma of whether to play or not on Yom Kippur. I remember my Hebrew School teacher once told me about some offensive lineman named Mordecai Something Jewish that the Steelers drafted one year, but I just tried to look him up and I’m fairly sure I was lied to.

Sadly, this is about all us Jews had.
Did anyone else hear Bill Romanowski on Colin Cowherd's radio show Friday?

Romanowski said he was hazed and picked on as a rookie by Charles Haley, that he was called a pussy and also racial slurs. He said it continued for several weeks, until he grabbed Haley by the facemask and "belted him 5 times." Ha ha!
Did anyone else hear Bill Romanowski on Colin Cowherd's radio show Friday?

Romanowski said he was hazed and picked on as a rookie by Charles Haley, that he was called a pussy and also racial slurs. He said it continued for several weeks, until he grabbed Haley by the facemask and "belted him 5 times." Ha ha!

No Deus Vult, I didn't here that, but thanks for posting.
speaking of the Southern Baptist Convention.. I know this is getting off topic but..
Do u remember last year when the SBC was meeting to discuss removing Southern from their name ?.. because it was deemed offensive by the Godless, P.C. lemmings (smh)..

In the SBC's effort to expand their ministry, and distance themselves from their past, I have a couple maybes(?) I wanna toss into the hat..

the Lower-Northern Baptist Convention.. ?, and/or the Lincoln Baptist Convention ?

Yes AA, but supposedly there was a few reasons for wanting to drop Southern from their title. One reason was, because some thought it, Southern, to be too much of a regional connotation.

To answer jaxvid, I think it's wrong to categorize everyone that's Southern Baptist as towing the line and not speaking up.

There are many reasons why current NFL players may not speak their mind about their Christian beliefs.

I'll give you a few. Some players may not feel led to put down other players for their behavior. It may be; they feel led to lead by example, by living a Christian life by their actions. No one has ever, to my knowledge, questioned Tim Tebow's commitment to his faith. Others may be new Christians and may not be comfortable criticizing teammates for their behavior.

Also, right or wrong, some players are under a lot of pressure because they make vast amounts of money and are not courageous enough to give up their luxurious lifestyle for fear of being let go, (Tim Tebow), for being outspoken about their faith.

Many NFL teams are owned by Jews and have a disdain toward Christians. (My opinion)

The apostle Peter even denied Jesus, Jesus answered, "I tell you Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me." Luke:22; 34.

jaxvid, being a hypocrite doesn't mean you can be a Christian and never make a mistake, however becoming a Christian doesn't give you a license to sin. Jesus said you will know them by their fruit.

Being a Christian means you understand that you are a sinner and can't help but make mistakes and Jesus died for your mistakes (sin). With the help of Christ you can live a Christian life while asking his forgiveness when you do sin.
A site called Sports Grid gave CF a mention:

Never heard of them but they appear in the google news feed.

Blurb, or rather attack, discourages readers from reading the forum, lest they hear a different opinion.

I'm really surprised that the 7 comments that are on that article are allowed to stay up.So far i have tried commenting twice and had a buddy that tried to leave a few and every one of them were censored out.I almost expected the first comment from me to be edited or censored since i called the writer a "liberal p@#%y" but the other one didn't have a single curse word in it and my friends was much more pleasent than mine but all were deleted.

I am very glad that they allowed the comment about his own racism toward his "own people".
Yes AA, but supposedly there was a few reasons for wanting to drop Southern from their title. One reason was, because some thought it, Southern, to be too much of a regional connotation.

To answer jaxvid, I think it's wrong to categorize everyone that's Southern Baptist as towing the line and not speaking up.

There are many reasons why current NFL players may not speak their mind about their Christian beliefs.

I'll give you a few. Some players may not feel led to put down other players for their behavior. It may be; they feel led to lead by example, by living a Christian life by their actions. No one has ever, to my knowledge, questioned Tim Tebow's commitment to his faith. Others may be new Christians and may not be comfortable criticizing teammates for their behavior.

Also, right or wrong, some players are under a lot of pressure because they make vast amounts of money and are not courageous enough to give up their luxurious lifestyle for fear of being let go, (Tim Tebow), for being outspoken about their faith.

Many NFL teams are owned by Jews and have a disdain toward Christians. (My opinion)

The apostle Peter even denied Jesus, Jesus answered, "I tell you Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me." Luke:22; 34.

jaxvid, being a hypocrite doesn't mean you can be a Christian and never make a mistake, however becoming a Christian doesn't give you a license to sin. Jesus said you will know them by their fruit.

Being a Christian means you understand that you are a sinner and can't help but make mistakes and Jesus died for your mistakes (sin). With the help of Christ you can live a Christian life while asking his forgiveness when you do sin.

I understand why not one of them has ever, for a single moment, criticized the behavior of their black teammates. Their love of money or the approval of jews or sinners is more important to them. But is that the kind of men that the southern baptist religion produces? It would be nice if just once, one of the many super religious NFL White players, like Drew Brees, Peyton Manning, or Carson Palmer, criticized the many sinners in their midst, instead of professing their undying love for them and then joining in a zulu war dance.
I am very glad that they allowed the comment about his own racism toward his "own people".

he probably decided to lock out any new comments after he realized he wasn't getting any favorable ones. I wouldn't be surprised to see one supporting his view. I am not going to look to see if this happens because it just generates hits and gets him what he wants, views and ads "seen". Those pages are obnoxious just in the layout alone.
he probably decided to lock out any new comments after he realized he wasn't getting any favorable ones. I wouldn't be surprised to see one supporting his view. I am not going to look to see if this happens because it just generates hits and gets him what he wants, views and ads "seen". Those pages are obnoxious just in the layout alone.
I don't know what to make of this story as it could be rather serious or a case of gold digging, but I think you can say Incognito likes his chocolate......
Richie just came out and said he and ""john" were close and that the lockeroom could confirm it. He said he regrets using the racial slur on the vm, but he wont apologize
for any of his actions. He said the culture of the environment allowed them to say such things to each other such as racial slurs.

I think Martin belongs in a straight jacket.
ESPN just had a panel on talking about this. Did their damnedest to make Martin out to be a victim. They know people aren't buying it. Dolphin teammates black and white have come out in support of Incognito. The panel tried to spin this as them covering their own asses because they bullied Martin too.
ESPN just had a panel on talking about this. Did their damnedest to make Martin out to be a victim. They know people aren't buying it. Dolphin teammates black and white have come out in support of Incognito. The panel tried to spin this as them covering their own asses because they bullied Martin too.

You know how I can tell Incognito is the victim in this case and telling the truth? The fact that many blacks on the team have voiced support for Richie. That alone makes it an open and shut case. Blacks are fiercely loyal to their race, and if they are supporting the white they know he's being blackmailed by the *** Martin. I think Martin was just a soft little pig and yes Incognito did "mess" with him but they were friends throughout it. The pig decided to get back at him in the only way he could, by being a little pussy and ratting him out.
The media will probably keep dragging this out. They will continue to get what propaganda value out of it they can.
That round table discussion on the NFL Today was one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen. Predictably all the black commentators were defending Martin. They even went as far as to say that RG3 is a leader where as Ryan Tannehill is too young. Yeah, no racial double standard there.
That round table discussion on the NFL Today was one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen. Predictably all the black commentators were defending Martin. They even went as far as to say that RG3 is a leader where as Ryan Tannehill is too young. Yeah, no racial double standard there.

Do what I do, boycott everything black. These pigs need to be put in their places.
That round table discussion on the NFL Today was one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen. Predictably all the black commentators were defending Martin. They even went as far as to say that RG3 is a leader where as Ryan Tannehill is too young. Yeah, no racial double standard there.

What a joke but it's totally unsurprising. Griffin has become full of himself and buying into his own media. The media in general is such a predictable joke. Why did they bring him into the conversation in the first place? Did they talk about how he has lead his team to a losing record this season?
The media will probably keep dragging this out. They will continue to get what propaganda value out of it they can.

This stuff is backfiring. The "N-word" is losing its taboo. The more they try to sermonize to the football audience the more the football audience will roll their eyes and become irritated by the double-standards. These weaselly disclaimers for the allowable use of the N-word in rap music (the most blatantly degenerate music hitherto) but never on the lips of a white man, because of "cultural context", are arguments for women, not men. They are confounding the NFL audience with the Oprah audience.

The NFL audience is apolitical and politically inert. AND yet they are more responsible than any other audience for putting blacks up on a dais for the rest of the society to worship. On some subconscious level they are aware of this and all this gripping about the N-word will feel like ingratitude to them. This audience is apolitical but this lecturing nudges them a tiny, tiny bit closer to Real Politik.

And the funny thing is the blacks realize this while the media masters blithely keep shoving this stuff down our throats.
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