Refugee Invasion of Europe

Reminds me of an Italian 1966 documentary film that was made about the horrors that happened when the European colonies in Africa were turned over to the native savages, "Africa Addio".

Europa Addio.
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Swedish woman dies after being violently raped by African migrant – Trial

A Swedish woman was raped by an African migrant after he entered her room in a hostel in Gällivare. The woman died before the trial started.

The shocking incident happened on 20 August, 2017 but the man went on trial in December. The alleged rapist is a 19-year-old migrant from Eritrea, but on a dating site profile his age is listed as 22-years-old.

According to a witness, the woman felt pain between the legs and had several swellings and wounds after the rape. The migrant raped her extremely violently: He had hit her in the face and forcefully twisted her legs.

When the woman was interrogated by the police, she told her that a man who lived in the same hostel was responsible, resulting in the Eritrean being arrested and detained on August 27, 2017.

After the rape, the woman undoubtedly felt very bad and was understandably fearful. Eyewitness testimony states that she was threatened by an African friend of the rapist after having reported the assault.

Another witness stated that she did not dare to stay at the hostel any longer because she suspected that the Africans would “come back for revenge.”

Remarkably, the Swedish court gave a very mild sentence: The migrant received a 2-years jail term and he does not have to pay any compensation because his victim has died.

The African will not be deported because the situation in his home country is considered as “dangerous” despite Eritrea not suffering famine or any threat of warfare or violence/persecution. This shows how morally bankrupt the asylum system truly is.

Swedish woman dies after being violently raped by African migrant – Trial

A Swedish woman was raped by an African migrant after he entered her room in a hostel in Gällivare. The woman died before the trial started.

The shocking incident happened on 20 August, 2017 but the man went on trial in December. The alleged rapist is a 19-year-old migrant from Eritrea, but on a dating site profile his age is listed as 22-years-old.

According to a witness, the woman felt pain between the legs and had several swellings and wounds after the rape. The migrant raped her extremely violently: He had hit her in the face and forcefully twisted her legs.

When the woman was interrogated by the police, she told her that a man who lived in the same hostel was responsible, resulting in the Eritrean being arrested and detained on August 27, 2017.

After the rape, the woman undoubtedly felt very bad and was understandably fearful. Eyewitness testimony states that she was threatened by an African friend of the rapist after having reported the assault.

Another witness stated that she did not dare to stay at the hostel any longer because she suspected that the Africans would “come back for revenge.”

Remarkably, the Swedish court gave a very mild sentence: The migrant received a 2-years jail term and he does not have to pay any compensation because his victim has died.

The African will not be deported because the situation in his home country is considered as “dangerous” despite Eritrea not suffering famine or any threat of warfare or violence/persecution. This shows how morally bankrupt the asylum system truly is.


2 years for raping and killing a woman. People serve more for DUIs in The States! **** Sweden for allowing this to happen to their public!
Once Were Vikings (my play on words on the New Zealand movie about the Maoris, "Once Were Warriors")
Alan Sabrosky
Yesterday at 7:58am ·
Hungary is taking a very hard stand against the migrant plague engulfing Europe. It can be summarized in one word: NO. This song by cadets at the Hungarian military college is a long way from the old communist regime, far from "politically correct" - and should be a model for anyone interested in preserving Western culture & civilization. Enjoy! (English subtitles)

Alan Sabrosky
Yesterday at 7:58am ·
Hungary is taking a very hard stand against the migrant plague engulfing Europe. It can be summarized in one word: NO. This song by cadets at the Hungarian military college is a long way from the old communist regime, far from "politically correct" - and should be a model for anyone interested in preserving Western culture & civilization. Enjoy! (English subtitles)

I have a Hungarian relative with whom I talk to on Skype. To him the country's pride and protectionism is just normal: "What else are we supposed to do?" he says. I've told him many times it's just natural to care for one's own.
Again, that is what a healthy nation looks like. Its what all of the West was like before it was corrupted by the Marxists.
Death of Peter Sutherland, Mass Migration Advocate Dubbed ‘Father of Globalisation’



by JACK MONTGOMERY8 Jan 20181,579

Peter Sutherland, the notorious mass migration and multiculturalism campaigner dubbed the ‘father of globalisation’, has died.
Sutherland, 71, was a key player on a host of globalist bodies and multinational corporations, including the European Commission, the World Trade Organization (WTO), and Goldman Sachs International, throughout his life.

As the United Nations Special Representative for Migration and non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs International in 2012, he infamously remarked that the European Union should “be doing its best to undermine” the sense of national “homogeneity” in Britain and Europe, in order to pave the way for multicultural societies.

“The United States, or Australia and New Zealand, are migrant societies and therefore they accommodate more readily those from other backgrounds than we do ourselves, who still nurse a sense of our homogeneity and difference from others,” he told the House of Lords.

“And that’s precisely what the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine.”

The Ireland-born globalist argued that the supposed threat of an ageing population was the “key argument … for the development of multicultural states”, and that the EU should push mass migration “however difficult it may be to explain this to the citizens”.

Sutherland had previously served on the bloc’s unelected executive as European Commissioner for Competition from 1985 to 1989.
Jack Montgomery ن


Hungary's prime minister warns ‘United States of Europe’ plotters are using mass immigration to engineer a “post-national, post-Christian” super-state. …

6:02 AM - Nov 14, 2017

Hungary PM: 'United States of Europe' Plotters Using Mass Migration to Create 'Post-National,...
Orbán warned that the elites plotting a United States of Europe are using mass migration to engineer a post-Christian, post-national super-state.

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Sutherland is a celebrated figure among neoliberals and hardline free traders for his work presiding over the Uruguay Round negotiations of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the predecessor to the WTO.

This saw tariffs on agriculture, textiles, services, and so on reduced, and new rules on international arbitration and intellectual property introduced.

Corporates and idealistic free marketeers were overjoyed, with figures like the pioneering Brexit campaigner Sir James Goldsmith serving as lonely voices for economic nationalism.

The GATT did increase economic activity worldwide, and the European Commission took the unusual step of personally rebuking Sir James, asserting that “all economic activity is productive” — regardless of the harm caused by the mass outsourcing of industry and manufacturing to sweatshop economies.

The entrepreneur disagreed, complaining that the “politicians and technocrats who govern us … concentrate their political, economic and social programmes on initiatives whose principal purpose is to make GNP grow quantitatively, without regard to its impact on society”/

Sir James further observed that globalists like Sutherland seemed unable “to distinguish between a nation and a commercial enterprise”.
Death of Peter Sutherland, Mass Migration Advocate Dubbed ‘Father of Globalisation’



by JACK MONTGOMERY8 Jan 20181,579

Peter Sutherland, the notorious mass migration and multiculturalism campaigner dubbed the ‘father of globalisation’, has died.
Sutherland, 71, was a key player on a host of globalist bodies and multinational corporations, including the European Commission, the World Trade Organization (WTO), and Goldman Sachs International, throughout his life.

As the United Nations Special Representative for Migration and non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs International in 2012, he infamously remarked that the European Union should “be doing its best to undermine” the sense of national “homogeneity” in Britain and Europe, in order to pave the way for multicultural societies.

“The United States, or Australia and New Zealand, are migrant societies and therefore they accommodate more readily those from other backgrounds than we do ourselves, who still nurse a sense of our homogeneity and difference from others,” he told the House of Lords.

“And that’s precisely what the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine.”

The Ireland-born globalist argued that the supposed threat of an ageing population was the “key argument … for the development of multicultural states”, and that the EU should push mass migration “however difficult it may be to explain this to the citizens”.

Sutherland had previously served on the bloc’s unelected executive as European Commissioner for Competition from 1985 to 1989.

Jack Montgomery ن


Hungary's prime minister warns ‘United States of Europe’ plotters are using mass immigration to engineer a “post-national, post-Christian” super-state. …

6:02 AM - Nov 14, 2017

Hungary PM: 'United States of Europe' Plotters Using Mass Migration to Create 'Post-National,...
Orbán warned that the elites plotting a United States of Europe are using mass migration to engineer a post-Christian, post-national super-state.

Twitter Ads info and privacy

Sutherland is a celebrated figure among neoliberals and hardline free traders for his work presiding over the Uruguay Round negotiations of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the predecessor to the WTO.

This saw tariffs on agriculture, textiles, services, and so on reduced, and new rules on international arbitration and intellectual property introduced.

Corporates and idealistic free marketeers were overjoyed, with figures like the pioneering Brexit campaigner Sir James Goldsmith serving as lonely voices for economic nationalism.

The GATT did increase economic activity worldwide, and the European Commission took the unusual step of personally rebuking Sir James, asserting that “all economic activity is productive” — regardless of the harm caused by the mass outsourcing of industry and manufacturing to sweatshop economies.

The entrepreneur disagreed, complaining that the “politicians and technocrats who govern us … concentrate their political, economic and social programmes on initiatives whose principal purpose is to make GNP grow quantitatively, without regard to its impact on society”/

Sir James further observed that globalists like Sutherland seemed unable “to distinguish between a nation and a commercial enterprise”.

People such as Sutherland are evil. They're very destructive. The world is worse because of the way Sutherland lived his life.
People such as Sutherland are evil. They're very destructive. The world is worse because of the way Sutherland lived his life.

His type really do think they are better than us.
His type really do think they are better than us.

I think you're right. They do.

In reality they're on a much lower moral plane than we are.

I also think that as part of the way they're brainwashed they're told they're superior and they believe it.
People such as Sutherland are evil. They're very destructive. The world is worse because of the way Sutherland lived his life.

Yes indeed. Vermin such as this aren’t worthy of drawing air on this planet, & rightly suited for burning in hell (...which the all end up doing).
Outrage as shrine to murdered soldier Lee Rigby is removed by local council because it is 'unsightly'

The unofficial shrine to murdered soldier Lee Rigby has been removed by a local council because it is 'unsightly'.

Flags, flowers and banners occupied the spot opposite the Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich where Fusilier Rigby was killed by Nigerian Islamic terrorists Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale in May 2013.

But Greenwich Council removed them yesterday because a few local residents had complained they looked 'weathered and worn'.

But the decision drew immediate anger on Twitter, where one user wrote: 'Wrong on many levels. You show so much contempt to the British people.

'Disgraceful. Have you no shame? Maybe all memorials should be removed, if that's your stance.' Another wrote: 'Seriously! A man whom gave his life for his country for his beliefs, savagely murdered for his country, and all you do is remove it! How about keeping it tidy?'


Outrage as shrine to murdered soldier Lee Rigby is removed by local council because it is 'unsightly'

The unofficial shrine to murdered soldier Lee Rigby has been removed by a local council because it is 'unsightly'.

Flags, flowers and banners occupied the spot opposite the Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich where Fusilier Rigby was killed by Nigerian Islamic terrorists Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale in May 2013.

But Greenwich Council removed them yesterday because a few local residents had complained they looked 'weathered and worn'.

But the decision drew immediate anger on Twitter, where one user wrote: 'Wrong on many levels. You show so much contempt to the British people.

'Disgraceful. Have you no shame? Maybe all memorials should be removed, if that's your stance.' Another wrote: 'Seriously! A man whom gave his life for his country for his beliefs, savagely murdered for his country, and all you do is remove it! How about keeping it tidy?'



Britain needs a full cleansing of the cancer within.
I definitely would not shed a tear if these scenes were more prevalent in America. The only bad part is the building they were using appeared to be a nice historical structure

Golden Dawn members torch an antifa / pro refugee building earlier this week

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‘Mohammed’ On Course To Be Most Popular Name In Germany...and third most in Vienna, Austria.

That's only because they name each male child by that same name. Those that do this are all lemmings. If every male German child was Adolf it would be the most popular name by far.
American Freedom News