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- Jun 18, 2017
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Here are the fact blacks commit most rapes most of them black on black, black on white is astoundingly higher than other scenario by a sheer astronomical proportion. Occultist groups and their hidden but sometimes exposed agenda not withstanding. Next is "hispanics" primarily mesitzos or damn nar pure bloods, then the muslim/middle easterners who love the gang rape and sharia enforcement and subjugation. Lastly asians primarily of their own race very little in terms of outward crime and White who still are far more numerous but morally have held up since the wonderful deChristianization program of Dewey and other that took 50 years to implement. Btw crime stats are bogus they started counting multiple offenses as one long ago to hide the rapid increase since 2009. The jail and prison overcrowding thing has reach fever pitch and is not coming down. BTW most crimes go unsolved and many unreported due to a variety of reasons. Crime even without the proportional offsets is a black thing adjusting to their ratio in terms of the population only makes it more worse a statistic and further illustrates the reality. If have a rape, murder, rob or just thug out in anyway 80% of the time the perp is black. This however does not include hoaxes and psyops and bs by the media and gov. If you take a look at your local news you can see it. BTW sick crimes the darkest of the dark blacks have a big advantage on to. For instance I know of a black preacher who molested and impregnated his daughter, beheaded his wife and shoved it in the freezer for safekeeping. Horrible crime par for the course for the black world. But no one wants to admit it. Compared to the white population whites doing stuff like that is a rarity. Also many police dept and stat counter now include light skinned blacks and even full blacks and non whites as "WHITE" its pretty disgusting the way they try to rig the system
The countries with the most rapes per capita were generally all in sub-Saharan Africa in the past, but now rape has become more common in European countries like Sweden that let in large numbers of Negroes.Here are the fact blacks commit most rapes most of them black on black, black on white is astoundingly higher than other scenario by a sheer astronomical proportion.
Come on Thrashen his Comment want THAT bad. I mean i venture a joke at some sensitive Topics too, one doesnt Need to get riled up over it. On that topic though, my sister and ex have both been groped in public by muslim immigrants here in Germany. I take the subject itself seriously, very much so. I Feel that a joke doesnt hurt, but thats just my attitude: There are no untouchable jokes and taste is relative. I make a LOLocaust joke from time to time too.
McCaffrey Dude said:What I am getting at is that I follow many kinds of social/criminal stats. and truthfully I have never heard of that one. I currently don't know what the current rape statistics are in this country or world wide but I will try to ' inform " myself.
Here comes the liberal/ douche bag comment from me. I am not trolling , but could it not be fair to say that because the white population is 5 to 6 times greater than the black than maybe they have a higher chance of being raped. As far as sick crimes is concerend: I did some prison time in Wisconsin back in the early 90's. I just happened to have a cell next to Jeffrey Dahmer and his cellmate. One day the correction officers came by and thought Jeff's celly escaped and asked him where he was. Jeff replied " burp ". lol See that is classic me trying to lighten the mood whether or not other posters see it that way.
The countries with the most rapes per capita were generally all in sub-Saharan Africa in the past, but now rape has become more common in European countries like Sweden that let in large numbers of Negroes.
5: BERMUDA (mostly Negro population)
As I said , maybe " MAYBE " many blacks have more primitive instincts than whites. You are going to get arguments from all sides and all races on this one. I think when it comes to stuff like this there never is going to be a simple straight answer.
I have a Masters Degree in both Social Work and Psychology. I was a practicing clinician for over 15 years , many of them in Northern Virginia.
Since you're clearly an expert in human psychological behavior, perhaps you can explain how that white Dutch girl felt when a random Somali Muslim "immigrant" abducted her, dragged her into the woods, sexually assaulted her, choked her, and robbed her?
Also, how did she feel knowing that he/it still walked the streets for some while before being apprehended? Was she frightened? Anxious? Did she develop any irrational reservations about future interactions with dark-skinned immigrants? Was she concerned about the safety of other women in the community? Why didn’t she develop Stockholm Syndrome, instead turning the man in to the authorities?
While you're at it, perhaps can educate us “bigots” as to her possible feelings towards the incredibly light sentence her brutish assailant was handed by the ultra-liberal Dutch judicial system? Did she feel betrayed by her countrymen? Did she feel wronged because the punishment clearly didn't fit the crime?
Also, how would she react to reading an American website in which some inarticulate, unfunny, slow-witted, bipolar leftist Jew from New York making jokes about what was probably the darkest moment of her life?
Please, I implore you to teach me the ways of the human mind!
Keep PM'ing me your typical nonsense messages and I'll start PM'ing you some photos that I've seen online of white rape/torture/murder victims in Sweden. I'll let you take a wild guess who the perpetrators were in every single case.
I was not referring to you per say. I have a Masters Degree in both Social Work and Psychology. I was a practicing clinician for over 15 years , many of them in Northern Virginia. One client was a former VP of the U.S. . Hint: he thinks he invented the internet.
What I am getting at is that I follow many kinds of social/criminal stats. and truthfully I have never heard of that one. I currently don't know what the current rape statistics are in this country or world wide but I will try to ' inform " myself. I denigrate the blacks sometimes but I go after the ones that actually perpetuated the alleged crime or misbehavior. Hell, read my Dee Dowis post. He was one of my favorite players in college football. He died in a car crash that HE caused with a BAC of .23 . It sucks but I try to be fair and sort of impartial when going after people. I really will spend some time today looking up your stat. .
McCaffrey Dude said:You have a ton of hate my friend. I used the word vitriol because as right as you are about many things you express them in such a contentious way a good psychologist would presumably think you are " kicking the dog " so to speak from some other problems whether it being familial or whatever. Makes sense to me at least.
McCaffrey Dude said:Ambrose, does it snow in the fantasy world you live in? Trump offers nothing but an ego. As I said I hope he wins and Chris Christie is his VP. There will be some liberal d-
bag who will put a few bullets in him. Is it better to be pro white or pro American. As pro white as I am I care more for this country because we are always going to have dykes and women and minorities. Who would have thunk it?![]()
Probably more than that.I am 1/8 Jewish.
Probably more than that.
Why do you hate white Gentiles?
Major Swedish musical festival cancelled after sex assaults rekindles fears of migrants, anger at police
Sexual assaults have plagued festivals worldwide, but in some European countries blame has been placed in part on immigrants from places such as Afghanistan and North Africa. Swedish police have been accused in past years of covering up sexual assaults at musical festivals because they were committed by foreign nationals, and they did not want to stir up tensions. Media outlets that obtained access to police reports about the alleged crimes said that they mentioned young Afghans as the perpetrators.