Fun video of an Englishman telling the vermin to fack off:
Hungarians Declare: "Central Europe Stands United Against Mass Illegal Immigration"
An alliance of Central European countries led by Hungary has pledged to work together to stem the flow of illegal migrants into Europe at a meeting in Prague.
Delegations to the Central European Defence Cooperation (CEDC) group from Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, and the Czech Republic were, according to a report on the Hungarian government’s official website, “united against mass illegal migration”.
Defence ministers at the summit agreed to “facilitate the quick and joint mobilization of civilian, police and military capabilities” in defence of the European Union’s external borders.
Elaborating on the reasons behind Hungary’s robust anti-mass immigration stance, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán explained: “What we want is a Hungarian Hungary and a European Europe.”
The Fidesz leader said his government “won’t participate in experiments aimed at changing Hungary or Europe, in which Europe’s cultural traditions would be swept aside to be replaced by a mixture of other cultures, religions and worldviews, allowing masses to enter without control”.
“We believe that the future of Europe is not planned in the centre of an empire but in the capitals of European nation-states; in Warsaw, Paris, Berlin, and in Budapest, too,” he added, warning that without well-protected frontiers, there will be “no welfare, security, order or development [in Europe], just uncertainty, fear, chaos, anger and trucks driving into the people”.
State of ‘Collapse’: Italy Overwhelmed as 13,500 African Migrants Arrive in Past Two Days
The head of Italy’s Northern League party, Matteo Salvini, expressed his exasperation in a tweet to his followers, noting that Tuesday’s arrival of 8,500 illegal
immigrants onto Italian soil was “f*cking enough.”
“This complicit government will do nothing,” he wrote, “so it’s up to us to use every (licit) means we can,” while adding the hashtag #stopinvasione.
The head of Italy’s Northern League party, Matteo Salvini, expressed his exasperation in a tweet to his followers, noting that Tuesday’s arrival of 8,500 illegal
immigrants onto Italian soil was “f*cking enough.”
“This complicit government will do nothing,” he wrote, “so it’s up to us to use every (licit) means we can,” while adding the hashtag #stopinvasione.
He probably just wanted to stick his finger in a dike.
The Italians used to have a backbone I guess 50 years of the NWO replaced that with frosty hair and tremendous wimpynessAmen! The gutless, treasonous "leaders" have completely sold the Italian people right down the river. They need to rise in open revolt.
The challenge was in the joke that no one on this site would defend a lesbian or an irrigation ditch.I am dating my cousin btw way Thrashen. Feel free to keep spitting your vitriol as it keeps a smile on my face when not taking my cousin out to Burger King. Though I do appreciate your love for the Patriots though I am going to catch every McCcaffrey game I can this year for Carolina.
Come on Thrashen his Comment want THAT bad. I mean i venture a joke at some sensitive Topics too, one doesnt Need to get riled up over it. On that topic though, my sister and ex have both been groped in public by muslim immigrants here in Germany. I take the subject itself seriously, very much so. I Feel that a joke doesnt hurt, but thats just my attitude: There are no untouchable jokes and taste is relative. I make a LOLocaust joke from time to time too.
I was not referring to you per say. I have a Masters Degree in both Social Work and Psychology. I was a practicing clinician for over 15 years , many of them in Northern Virginia. One client was a former VP of the U.S. . Hint: he thinks he invented the internet.
What I am getting at is that I follow many kinds of social/criminal stats. and truthfully I have never heard of that one. I currently don't know what the current rape statistics are in this country or world wide but I will try to ' inform " myself. I denigrate the blacks sometimes but I go after the ones that actually perpetuated the alleged crime or misbehavior. Hell, read my Dee Dowis post. He was one of my favorite players in college football. He died in a car crash that HE caused with a BAC of .23 . It sucks but I try to be fair and sort of impartial when going after people. I really will spend some time today looking up your stat. .