Refugee Invasion of Europe

Obviously, Jews will not be safe in a predominantly Muslim Europe.

Paris investigates Arab suspected of pushing Jewish woman to her death

Neighbors say they heard the Arab man, who lived on the floor below a French Haredi woman, quarreling with her and screaming he wanted to kill her before she fell; suspect was known to the police.
Obviously, Jews will not be safe in a predominantly Muslim Europe.

Paris investigates Arab suspected of pushing Jewish woman to her death

Neighbors say they heard the Arab man, who lived on the floor below a French Haredi woman, quarreling with her and screaming he wanted to kill her before she fell; suspect was known to the police.

International Jewry doesn't care the common Jewish man or woman. Those are all suckers to them too.
Frans Timmermans is saying all White nations must accept White genocide. He is a sick demented freak. Fu$# him and the EU. All nations sbould exit the EU and it should be put down like the sick dog it is.

No one points out how they only do this to white nations. Asia and South America along with Mexico get to stay like it has been forever. Only white countries must die in the powers the be eyes! So sad. Hope more people fight to stop it before our entire race goes entinct someday soon.
8300 Africans arrive in Italy from boats over Easter weekend.

Soros' NGOs over the past year or so have been sending its own rescue ships all the way to the Libyan shores to find any trying to cross and then bring them into Italy safely.
Woman photographs Somalian who previously raped her

32-year-old Mohammed of Somalia raped a woman in a car in Katrineholm. The woman did not know the offender previously but remembered his face and photographed him during a visit to a pastry shop. Now the African, partly thanks to the photo, has been given a short jail sentence and will be deported to Italy.

Woman photographs Somalian who previously raped her

32-year-old Mohammed of Somalia raped a woman in a car in Katrineholm. The woman did not know the offender previously but remembered his face and photographed him during a visit to a pastry shop. Now the African, partly thanks to the photo, has been given a short jail sentence and will be deported to Italy.


That vile gr0idian scourge needs execution. At very least, publicly whipped & deported to Africa...not Italy.
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Refugees in Italy throw away food, because they don't like Italian food:


Leave it to a mess of Godless heathen riffraff to be so unappreciative & wasteful. Our Italian brothers need to "throw away" those muzzie usurpers (like the garbage they are)!
Leave it to a mess of Godless heathen riffraff to be so unappreciative & wasteful. Our Italian brothers need to "throw away" those muzzie usurpers (like the garbage they are)!

Italians -not their public servants- actually do a great job of making sure the squatters feel like garbage and let them know that's what they think of them.
Ariana Grande: "What the **** is that? I hate Americans. I hate America."

The bitch is pro immigration invasion, a pussy hat wearing womyns march organizing mohamedan loving anti white commie scum.

Muzzie suicide bomber kills 19 & injures 50 at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester England.

The suspect in this ultra-cowardly suicide bombing has been identified as Salman Abedi, the 22-year old son of Libyan refugees who were granted "asylum" by the UK. Just another dichotomy-sodden day for white Marxists, who walk the proverbial tight rope between pretending to love feral Third Worlders and not getting indiscriminately murdered by them...


by Rudyard Kipling

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
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American Freedom News