Refugee Invasion of Europe

So fire squad or guillotine?

Draw & quarter...via rusty hacksaw & "Arkansas toothpick".

Sylvi Listhaug - Norway's new 'Shieldmaiden'

Norway's Integration Minister, Sylvi Listhaug (FrP), proposes a stricter immigration policy and highlights Sweden as a terrible multicultural example.

Listhaug says in an interview with NTB that the key to a successful so-called integration of immigrants from the Third World is that immigration is limited.

She admits that Norway has problems such as immigrant ghettos and Muslims traveling to the Arab world to wage war alongside ISIS, but she stresses that the problems are much greater elsewhere.

- We should not bury our heads in the sand and say that everything is fine here. But fortunately we are far from the conditions that we see in some other countries, such as Sweden, says Sylvi Listhaug.

The Integration Minister has put forward a number of legislative proposals in the Storting, which aims to reduce immigration. Among other things, she wants to make it difficult to get family reunification and she wants to give the Police Security Service (PST) greater abilities to check whether asylum seekers may pose security threats to Norway.

Listhaug is and has also previously been in rough political weather, as she has been heavily criticised by the opposition parties for her relentless and tough stance on immigration.

She became Integration Minister, which is a new minister post in Norway, in December last year, when she came from the post as Minister of Agriculture and Food (2013 - 2015), where she helped put forward the newly established 'Animal Police' for protection against animal abuse.

Listhaug is a teacher by education and profession, specialized in history, social science and special education.

She is also seen as Norway's new 'Shieldmaiden' and by many praised as Norway's last hope.


Sylvi Listhaug - Norway's new 'Shieldmaiden'

Norway's Integration Minister, Sylvi Listhaug (FrP), proposes a stricter immigration policy and highlights Sweden as a terrible multicultural example.

Listhaug says in an interview with NTB that the key to a successful so-called integration of immigrants from the Third World is that immigration is limited.

She admits that Norway has problems such as immigrant ghettos and Muslims traveling to the Arab world to wage war alongside ISIS, but she stresses that the problems are much greater elsewhere.

- We should not bury our heads in the sand and say that everything is fine here. But fortunately we are far from the conditions that we see in some other countries, such as Sweden, says Sylvi Listhaug.

The Integration Minister has put forward a number of legislative proposals in the Storting, which aims to reduce immigration. Among other things, she wants to make it difficult to get family reunification and she wants to give the Police Security Service (PST) greater abilities to check whether asylum seekers may pose security threats to Norway.

Listhaug is and has also previously been in rough political weather, as she has been heavily criticised by the opposition parties for her relentless and tough stance on immigration.

She became Integration Minister, which is a new minister post in Norway, in December last year, when she came from the post as Minister of Agriculture and Food (2013 - 2015), where she helped put forward the newly established 'Animal Police' for protection against animal abuse.

Listhaug is a teacher by education and profession, specialized in history, social science and special education.

She is also seen as Norway's new 'Shieldmaiden' and by many praised as Norway's last hope.


Kind of related to this's a YouTube channel some of you may find interesting, informative and entertaining. I just stumbled upon it a few days ago. Some well-produced content. He's from Norway but "escaped" in his late teens (because of the unchecked immigration and overall socialist totalitarianism going on there). He's now 32 years old and hasn't been back to Norway since then. He also has a blog and podcasts that covers politics, travel and "game". A somewhat Scandinavian version of "Roosh" but with much more variety.

I'm a 1776ist who believes in guns, private property and individual freedom. I was born and raised in communist Norway but managed to escape that gulag in my late teens. Now I live wherever the wind takes me. My videos thus far have tended to focus on travels but will likely take on a more political tone as the channel grows and the world keep sliding ever deeper into serfdom.

He's currently on a 2017 "Make Europe Great Again" Tour and is/will be posting videos about his excursions as the year progresses. Good stuff.


Migrants smash up German asylum centre and severely injure a police officer because of their poor MOBILE PHONE reception
  • Two men from Togo and six from Ghana went berserk in Rees-Haldern
  • They attacked a day after they arrived as they didn't like their quarters
  • The men said there was no mobile reception in the lobby and smashed furniture

A German police officer has been severely injured in a weekend riot by drunken refugees armed with iron bars who smashed their accommodation centre to smithereens.

Two men from Togo and six from Ghana went berserk at their asylum home in Rees-Haldern, near the Dutch border a DAY after moving in because they were 'unhappy' with their quarters.

They complained there was no mobile phone reception in the building's reception area.
Zis truth hurts: telling kids they are not Danish. The kids are actually upset BECAUSE the public service zombies are trying to "educate" these kids into lying to themselves that they are Danish when the kids know they are Persian. Kids are mostly honest. Don't tell falsehoods to kids.

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Europeans Want Hungary, Not Sweden
March 10, 2017
The cultural Marxist agenda by fake news outlets and the globalist political class would have us believe the West is filled with multiculturalists who have no longing for cultural preservation, no concern for how demographic change might affect the long-term stability of their country. The data, however, are screaming the antithesis. They’re right, there is a subversive minority trying to spoil our countries but they are that minority! The establishment holds up Sweden as a success, whereas Europeans secretly want Hungary; so, where do we go from here?


Should we be surprised that the mainstream media has paid zero attention to poll figures showing Europeans want an absolute immigration ban on Muslims? After all, the mainstream media was bashing Trump’s correct analysis of the rapefugee crisis in Sweden and trying to convince us that things were actually getting better for Swedes!

Where, for instance, was the coverage of Peter Springare – long-time senior investigator at the serious crimes division at the Örebro Police Department, who is now being investigated for hate speech after blowing the whistle on Swedish crime stats on social media? No, the traitors who hold the reins in media and politics aren’t interested in heroes who would enlighten their people, let alone inspire any sense of identity. Indeed, they are even more averse to the fact that most Europeans agree with Springare.

Last month, the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London polled ten thousand Europeans in ten countries (see here) and found that the majority agreed with the statement, ‘All further migration from mainly Muslim countries should be stopped.’ This is, of course, a far greater step than that taken by Trump; his immigration ban was simply on those countries the Obama administration had identified as dangerous. I was fully expecting these figures to play some major role in the mainstream conversation on immigration but, sadly, the ball was kicked into the long grass.

The most interesting result of this poll was that those who disagreed with the statement never rose above 32% and, even then, this was a relatively high result from Spain. On average then, the mainstream media can only hope to muster the support of around a fifth of Western populations; the majority would rather agree with policy ideas espoused by the alt-right or, more specifically, Hungary.

Hungary’s Prime Minister has taken an increasingly anti-immigrant stance and has challenged EU black quarterbacks in court. Where the EU directs that states are expected to take in a certain number, Minister Janos Lazar says, ‘We shall not take anyone in in Hungary, we do not need immigration in Hungary.’ With its razor wire fencing and laws allowing for the physical removal of migrants as they enter, Hungary’s government seems to be the polar opposite of Sweden in many ways. Not least of all in terms of how they are admired by Europeans at large.

The cultural Marxist agenda by fake news outlets and the globalist political class would have us believe the West is filled with multiculturalists who have no longing for cultural preservation, no concern for how demographic change might affect the long-term stability of their country. The data, however, are screaming the antithesis. They’re right, there is a subversive minority trying to spoil our countries buttheyare that minority! The establishment holds up Sweden as a success, whereas Europeans secretly want Hungary; so, where do we go from here?

The time has come for the silent majority to recognize that wearethe majority and that we stand by as wicked men waste our civilization. These days, being considered right-wing in any way can make life very difficult for one at work and elsewhere – understood. But this cultural war is warming up and sooner or later we will have to show our teeth; and the sooner, the better. Keep yourself informed with alternative media, share statistics like the poll above to boost confidence in those who are awake to the facts. Be more vocal on social media and in your everyday life, as the opportunities arise.

We stand against a small, absolute minority of those in our country who do not care for Western civilization, the accomplishments and wonders of European history. Where we take pride and pleasure, they only want to destroy, starting with us as a people. Hungary is seeking to welcome Europeans fleeing their own countries, trying ‘to find the Europe they have lost in their homelands’, as Prime Minister Orban put it. But don’t flee; make a stand today, shoulder-to-shoulder with the majority who would save European culture.
Muzz 'ems in Holland feeling scared with Dutch nationalism on the rise. Zero facks given:

To hell with the heathen w0gs as they have NO business (whatsoever) on Western, White soil. :mad:
To hell with the heathen w0gs as they have NO business (whatsoever) on Western, White soil. :mad:

As soon as this EU experiment is over there is going to be hell to pay all over Europe.
American Freedom News