RB - Sam McGuffie

I checked his Myspace page and I believe McGuffie will announce his decision of college choice tommorow.
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Sam just announced on the Houston local TV station that he would be attending Michigan.

Pretty much what I suspected. We will see if Carr gives him a shot.
Wow, welcome to the Great Lakes State! You can be a hero here. It's great to have a white running back at one of the official name brands of college football, and not some backwater.
You are very fortunate to get to see this kid play live.I know I will become a Michigan Fan for several years just to watch him play. I can only hope that Coach Carr is true to his word. If not,Sam needs to run and run fast to another team. One thing is for sure, he will be playing in front of the largest crowds in the country in the "Big House"as they call it. Maybe that can also help him in attempting to win a Heisman someday. I only wish he was already going there now. One more year of high school.Congrats and good luck to Sam the man McGuffie!
The news releases are describing him as the number one "all purpose back". Does it ever end?
Rivals has always had him ranked as an APB. In a way, I think it's kind of preferable. As an APB, he is assumed to possess superior speed, athleticism, and versatility.It doesn't imply anything to do with FB, Rivals is usually more than happy to stamp that label on any white RB. It means he is shiftier and may be featured as a receiving threat as well. Perhaps he will be able to fill a Reggie Bush sort of role which will really serve to showcase his talents to the uninformed masses. Most of the other white RB's that get a shot seem to be of the heavier, "between the tackles", kind of runners who aren't praised for their athleticism but rather their toughness. With Sam it's impossible to ignore.
To me, "all-purpose back" or "versatile" is caste speak for: it's understandable to use him at another position besides tail-back. Edited by: C Darwin
Whats ur guys view on mcguffies future at michigan? wil he get a shot?
o man i cant wait he will be one of the first white runingbacks in the big ten i have seen in a while
Great, this is big news. A white RB in a Big 10 school, hopefully he will not be mmoved to another position, because if he does stay at RB at Michigan he is gonna get some massive national exposure.
Didn't lloyd carr promised that he would not recruit any other running back next year if sam committed? if he wants to shift him to another position, he could seriously compromise his future. And risk a transfer by McGuffie
Of course the kid had to pick my LEAST favorite team in the land to go to. I'l be a McGuffie fan when he starts playing but I'll NEVER be a Michigan fan.
Well good job on killing your college career McGuffie! Have fun playing backup fullback or being switched to linebacker!
Gi-15 said:
come on guys, be positive, the worst case scenario really is a switch to WR or S.
Actually, I could see him being moved to gunner. That's a favorite position for coaches to move fast white kids to. It gives them cover because they can say that gunners need to be really fast players.
Yeah he will be the best special teamer Meeechigan has ever had. Chances are absolutely ZERO he will be starting tailback.
As a longtime Michigan supporter let me say that
1) Ohio State sucks,
2) Michigan is one of the biggest caste schools in the country (although they always have white QB's unlike a certain school located along the cesspool known as the Olentangy river) and
3) I will be absolutely shocked if McGuffie starts.

However Lloyd Carr is one of the weirdest people you will ever meet so who knows? He might do it just to be a prick cause that's the kinda guy he is.

But I think even if McGuffie gets a shot he will probably either get injured or not gain 200 yards each time he plays which will indicate to everyone that he is not capable and they will offer him the "white special team demon" position so he can prepare for a pro-career.

And the anti-white Michigan fans will give him about 2 carries to prove himself in their eyes and then rip him mercessly until he begs to go back home to Texas.

But I wish him the best of luck although I wish he would've went to Notre Dame.
He's too well known to be simply brushed aside. Michigan made the right promises to him: that they would allow a freshman the opportunity to start right away (like Mike Hart), and that they wouldn't recruit any other tailbacks if he commited. Sam is fully aware of how good he is. So are the countless other big schools that gave him offers. If Michigan tries to screw him he can always transfer. Someone of his ability would instantly find some other takers.
Gi-15 said:
ok dude, I appreciate you giving your opinion, I'll just enjoy seeing him tearing ohio state appart for the next 4 years.

Yeah he'll really be tearing Ohio St apart being the gunner and wedge buster on special teams/
No but seriously I would love to see Sam play RB there but I feel there is a chance he'll be moved to DB or WR. Lloyd doesn't take too kindly to white RBs. I reckon old man Carr already has some weird plan brewed up to bulk McGufie up to be his Brian Leonard lead FB.
I can assure you McGuffie won't start this year b/c Mike Hart is still there (if I'm not mistaken) and he is a top 5 NFL prospect at RB for next draft.

What Sam has to do is either red shirt this year or play backup and then if he doesn't get his shot to be the starting Michigan TB next year he has to transfer without wasting any time.

Please Sam don't be an idiot and waste away your chance like Tre Smith. I can assure you though that McGuffie has even more talent than Tre and more national exposure. The only thing that will screw him over are coaches and anti-white fans not giving him a chance to play and improve.
McGuffie will be playing his senior year of high school ball this fall. Next year, he will be at Michigan with Hart long gone and only one other RB to compete against him for the starting job. Unless he gets hurt, he will be the starting RB at Michigan his freshman year.
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