More for the X thread then the literal boob bait though DZs had to put some colored girls out front of all those gorgeous white girls for some stupid "dieversity" reason. (nothing against the colored girls here just the DIEversity hate). As I have thought for years people in America mainly want to live in America not some sh*t pile of colored stagnation. Especially American Whites for all their idiot hosannas to DIEversity.
Point being here put the DOOM scrolling in perspective and get some frame instead of being that guy that howls at every leftist provocation. Especially you young guys, learn how to maintain frame and how turn back the sh*t tests both from girls you are interested in and the political ones the leftist females of both sexes throw our way.
"We can be for ourselves, this is not evil" FTR I know you have never heard those words before especially from the CONservative racketeers and the purveyors of DOOM. Thanks Clay