Positive Messages

More and more people wake up every decade to the lies that man ever went to the moon.

Yep, a comedian (an ignorant one as well) and a talk show host yukking it up, that convinces me that they never happened! Thanks for this, I was confused previously but now this sets it all straight. And what's the positive message here?
Yep, a comedian (an ignorant one as well) and a talk show host yukking it up, that convinces me that they never happened! Thanks for this, I was confused previously but now this sets it all straight. And what's the positive message here?

That your a gate keeper for the globalists that push the lies. No disrespect but you always chime in on this subject. It's so obvious but you can continue to believe in your pipe dream.

Oh the positive message is the house of cards lies that rule the world will be destroyed. The Great Awakening in every aspect of society continues. They must use global depopulation genocide to stay in power. May God have mercy on us.
That your a gate keeper for the globalists that push the lies. No disrespect but you always chime in on this subject. It's so obvious but you can continue to believe in your pipe dream.

Oh the positive message is the house of cards lies that rule the world will be destroyed. The Great Awakening in every aspect of society continues. They must use global depopulation genocide to stay in power. May God have mercy on us.
lol! Flat Earth is a psyop specifically instituted to discredit in the minds of normies the folks who were uncovering real conspiracies. It was dead for over 400 years until the 2000's when it suddenly sprang to life again. Instigated by the same folks that you claim to be railing against. It really is delicious.
I'm not gonna get into a debate with you. We have been there and done that but the mockery isn't working anymore on the normies. Too many sheeple waking up. So for all of the 33 Club and every other type of secret society that believes that they choose the direction of humanity. It's worked for thousands of years but it's gonna come to an end. The MOST HIGH will have the last say in the day of judgement.

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I'm not gonna get into a debate with you. We have been there and done that but the mockery isn't working anymore on the normies. Too many sheeple waking up. So for all of the 33 Club and every other type of secret society that believes that they choose the direction of humanity. It's worked for thousands of years but it's gonna come to an end. The MOST HIGH will have the last say in the day of judgement.

The globalist agenda is real. WEF 2030 plan is real. 911 was an inside job. Sandy Hook was a psyop. Social credit scores and central digital currency push is real. Great reset is real, etc. etc. You have done excellent work in posting things about these real threats. Flat Earth is a psyop.
This thread isn't the proper place to discuss moon landings, flat earth, 9/11, Sandy Hook, Boston, etc. Those aren't "positive messages," they're offbeat topics for discussion on their own threads, threads that sometimes get heated, which is ok within reason.

Hell, I'm starting to think the Black QB lunacy and accompanying obsession that they all stink including Mahomes, who is a bum who wouldn't have been on any Super Bowl winning teams without the refs choreographing the results for him, is a psy-op designed to discredit CF.

So let's get back on topic, but I'll end the off topic posts with one of my own since controversial events have been mentioned. I just finished watching a documentary about the 2017 massacre in Las Vegas, which may be the strangest and most controversial of them all as we were never given a motive for the alleged "sole gunman" Stephen Paddock and for such a horrific event it was quickly swept under the rug by the Vegas police and then by the fake news media and YouTube then censored any alternative reporting on it.

This documentary was put together by Mindy Robinson, who I hadn't heard of but it turns out she's fairly well known in that part of the country as an activist and has also been an actress. She's easy on the eyes and was or is Randy Couture's girlfriend and if you Google image her you can see a lot more than her face.

She does a good job covering a huge amount of information which raises all kinds of legitimate questions about what really happened as there were hundreds of 911 calls made that night by people reporting shooters and armed individuals roaming through various big-name hotels and on roofs. There was also a lot of mysterious movements by helicopters who turned off their transmitters while they were over the shooting area. She guesses that Paddock was doing some kind of gun dealing as there was no need for the small armory he had no problem bringing into his hotel suite and that a pending deal may have gone bad and he was killed. The rest of it is blamed mostly on local corrupt politicians, in particular Sheriff Joe Lombardo for covering up what really happened, and also the feds, but Mindy admits she doesn't know for sure, only that there was a mass slaughter of mostly White MAGA types that night and that the terror went far beyond just the festival area initially targeted and the survivors feel as if they've been completely ignored and fed a lot of you know what.

My only complaint is that it's all presented as a non-stop blur of screenshots and other illustrations that appear for just a second or two before being replaced by the next one. But if you have the time and interest to watch a 2 hour 15 minute video (I watched it and I rarely watch something that long) it's recommended. Now let's get back on topic.

This thread isn't the proper place to discuss moon landings, flat earth, 9/11, Sandy Hook, Boston, etc. Those aren't "positive messages," they're offbeat topics for discussion on their own threads, threads that sometimes get heated, which is ok within reason.

Hell, I'm starting to think the Black QB lunacy and accompanying obsession that they all stink including Mahomes, who is a bum who wouldn't have been on any Super Bowl winning teams without the refs choreographing the results for him, is a psy-op designed to discredit CF.

So let's get back on topic, but I'll end the off topic posts with one of my own since controversial events have been mentioned. I just finished watching a documentary about the 2017 massacre in Las Vegas, which may be the strangest and most controversial of them all as we were never given a motive for the alleged "sole gunman" Stephen Paddock and for such a horrific event it was quickly swept under the rug by the Vegas police and then by the fake news media and YouTube then censored any alternative reporting on it.

This documentary was put together by Mindy Robinson, who I hadn't heard of but it turns out she's fairly well known in that part of the country as an activist and has also been an actress. She's easy on the eyes and if you Google image her you can see a lot more than her face.

She does a good job covering a huge amount of information which raises all kinds of legitimate questions about what really happened as there were hundreds of 911 calls made that night by people reporting shooters and armed individuals roaming through various big-name hotels and on roofs. There was also a lot of mysterious movements by helicopters who turned off their transmitters while they were over the shooting area. She guesses that Paddock was doing some kind of gun dealing as there was no need for the small armory he had no problem bringing into his hotel suite and that some kind of deal may have gone bad and he was killed. The rest of it is blamed mostly on local corrupt politicians, in particular Sheriff Joe Lombardo for covering up what really happened, and also the feds, but Mindy admits she doesn't know for sure, only that there was a mass slaughter of mostly White MAGA types that night and that the terror went far beyond just the festival area initially targeted and the survivors feel as if they've been completely ignored and fed a lot of you know what.

My only complaint is that it's all presented as a non-stop blur of screenshots and other illustrations that appear for just a second or two before being replaced by the next one. But if you have the time and interest to watch a 2 hour 15 minute video (I watched it and I rarely watch something that long) it's recommended. Now let's get back on topic.

Thanks Don, I appreciate this!
Good news for me, finally at 39 years old, im having my first son in a week or two. We plan to have another not long after, if all goes well. My lady is only 27 so we should be ok.
Good news for me, finally at 39 years old, im having my first son in a week or two. We plan to have another not long after, if all goes well. My lady is only 27 so we should be ok.

Congrats brother. It's never too late. This is great news and life changing for the both of you. Try for 3 or 4 if possible. Good luck brother!
2 from a long time ago. I'm open to having kids even now in this crazy world. Children are the future and the european race will only continue to exist if more whites have kids whether they are poor, average or rich. Life is about memories & moments. Not stuff you can buy.
Good luck to you and your family. May God bless all of you.
2 from a long time ago. I'm open to having kids even now in this crazy world. Children are the future and the european race will only continue to exist if more whites have kids whether they are poor, average or rich. Life is about memories & moments. Not stuff you can buy.
Good luck to you and your family. May God bless all of you.
Yes, my opinion exactly. We have to try and keep civilisation afloat. Thanks, i wish you and yours the best also.
Good news for me, finally at 39 years old, im having my first son in a week or two. We plan to have another not long after, if all goes well. My lady is only 27 so we should be ok.
Congratulations chris371! I pray all goes well with your wife and newborn. I'm in my late fifties and have 5 children. Looking forward to some grandchildren someday.

Musk making more strategic gains for Whites than decades of OUTRAGE & Essays. Casually say you reject "White Guilt", let them meltdown.

FTR for you young fellas feeling crapped upon, as an oldster let me tell you you cannot OUTRAGE more than us failed conservatives. The conservatives glommed Rockwell's tactic he described in the intro to his book "White Power" to use outrage to stir people up and frankly it at best only slowed the Left.

Reject "White Guilt" be for yourself and us and move forward in a positive fashion.
Karen Kwiatkowski is always worth reading. This snippet is great but the whole article is:

The media’s stumbling incoherence during a Trump 47 press event (while he signed executive orders) on Inauguration Day reveals their lack of practice, and their incompetence. Did they fear, as happened the previous week, that asking the wrong question might be cause for being roughly physically ejected from the press event? Not at all! Out of long habit, they feared asking questions to which they didn’t already know the answers, and being chastened by their editors or blacklisted from future media events. Like chained dogs, they accept their prior condition, and embrace it.

Turns out, in observing our elected leadership, we don’t need professionals to translate, or fact checkers to fact check. The instantaneity and reach of information today provides whatever we need, in whatever volumes we prefer, to figure out if our prejudices and frameworks deliver for us, or need to be adapted. We are our own headline writers. Trump is modeling, imperfectly and with occasional missteps, a kind of transparency that is wholly inconsistent with centralized big government. Mainstream media and the remnants of the modern Democratic Party see Trump’s transparency and public conversations as signs of Trump the Totalitarian. They have it exactly wrong. Transparency and talking things through are the biggest weapons we all have against totalitarianism, oligarchic controls, state corruption and war.

The difference between old and new can be seen in the nature of Trump’s pardons, and those of his predecessor, occurring within weeks of each other. Biden’s are critiqued from left and right as being engineered to hide information, crimes, and suspicions. Trump’s, on the other hand, are aimed at unleashing information, exposing crimes, and openly labeling suspicions, inciting or inspiring an open review of the facts. Will legacy media rediscover journalism, and conduct exploratory interviews with the Trump pardon recipients, to see what their experience has been, to revisit their “crimes” and their “punishments?” While some complain that the BLM and Antifa rioters were treated too kindly in terms of legal penalties, if we wish to see what a big bad government can do to people – in several cases, people not even in Washington on January 6th, 2021 – we need to hear from the recently pardoned.

We also deserve media assessments and interviews with Ross Ulbricht, who spent nearly a decade in jail for writing software. A lot has happened in that decade, and this pardon, like others that Trump has granted, opens to door to a greater understanding of truth – about technology, responsibility, and about the nature of the state.

Good news for me, finally at 39 years old, im having my first son in a week or two. We plan to have another not long after, if all goes well. My lady is only 27 so we should be ok.
Great news chris371. I hope you always put your family first because they grow up so fast. I hope you have many more and everyone is happy and healthy.
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