Positive Messages

This thread needs a bump. Bitching 24/7 about things we have very little control over gets exhausting.
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This thread needs a bump. Bitching 24/7 about things we have very little control over gets exhausting.

I agree celticdb15! With all the miserable things going on both here and in the rest of the world. I can only turn to the truth found in the Bible, the word of God. I don't really know how people live a sane life with all the insanity around us without faith in God, Christ Jesus.

A couple of CF posters whom I respect, have said that they believe in the basic good in human beings, however, the Bible says " their are none righteous, no not one." Romans: 3:10.

With all the evil that's happening in this world how can anyone believe in the basic goodness in men? Everyone is good and has their own beliefs? If everyone has their own beliefs, then nothing is off limits, which is what you're seeing now, here and around the world.

"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" Jeremiah: 17:9.

Another respected poster said once, he respected my faith, but not my dogma. It's not my dogma, but God's. What we're seeing in the events happening, especially in this country is from decades of the erosion of Truth. The Truth found in the Bible and Christ Jesus!

The Bible says in Proverbs, 16:4, " The Lord works out everything for his own ends-even the wicked for a day of disaster."

I believe God uses the activities of the wicked to fulfill his good purposes. Evil and things we can't control in the universe are temporary. I believe God, one day will destroy it, evil.

"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away....he will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." Revelation: 21:1-4.

Turn to Christ Jesus and I promise you'll have more than just positive messages. You'll have a purpose and a hope!

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." II Corinthians, 4:18.

Didn't mean to preach, but I can't think of a better positive message than the message of Jesus!
I agree celticdb15! With all the miserable things going on both here and in the rest of the world. I can only turn to the truth found in the Bible, the word of God. I don't really know how people live a sane life with all the insanity around us without faith in God, Christ Jesus.

A couple of CF posters whom I respect, have said that they believe in the basic good in human beings, however, the Bible says " their are none righteous, no not one." Romans: 3:10.

With all the evil that's happening in this world how can anyone believe in the basic goodness in men? Everyone is good and has their own beliefs? If everyone has their own beliefs, then nothing is off limits, which is what you're seeing now, here and around the world.

"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" Jeremiah: 17:9.

Another respected poster said once, he respected my faith, but not my dogma. It's not my dogma, but God's. What we're seeing in the events happening, especially in this country is from decades of the erosion of Truth. The Truth found in the Bible and Christ Jesus!

The Bible says in Proverbs, 16:4, " The Lord works out everything for his own ends-even the wicked for a day of disaster."

I believe God uses the activities of the wicked to fulfill his good purposes. Evil and things we can't control in the universe are temporary. I believe God, one day will destroy it, evil.

"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away....he will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." Revelation: 21:1-4.

Turn to Christ Jesus and I promise you'll have more than just positive messages. You'll have a purpose and a hope!

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." II Corinthians, 4:18.

Didn't mean to preach, but I can't think of a better positive message than the message of Jesus!

I don't mind the preaching preacher man!
This thread needs a bump. Bitching 24/7 about things we have very little control over gets exhausting.

I never wanted to write about this online because it’s “sort of” illegal (since it’s not affiliated with an upcoming political election), but I guess it doesn’t matter. For the past few years I’ve been painting large, pro-white/informational political signs on pieces of plywood and putting them in “high traffic” areas in a neighboring town a few miles away from my house. Usually, the signs are merely torn down and removed within a day or two, presumably by the state police, municipal employees, or white liberals. A friend and I installed the most recent sign a few weeks ago and it hasn’t moved an inch. It’s 8-ft X 4-ft and reads something like this…

“Anti-White Racism is Everywhere”

-Jewish-Owned Media
-Marxist Hollywood
-Educational System

I should try to take a picture of it the next time I drive past and post it here.

Since my previous attempts were so quickly thwarted, I’m glad that this one stuck. Perhaps it’s an indication that somebody agrees with the sign’s content? I’m planning more signs in the future, as it’s a huge “rush” and very enjoyable to spread a positive message to those around me for a very lost cost.
I never wanted to write about this online because it’s “sort of†illegal (since it’s not affiliated with an upcoming political election), but I guess it doesn’t matter. For the past few years I’ve been painting large, pro-white/informational political signs on pieces of plywood and putting them in “high traffic†areas in a neighboring town a few miles away from my house. Usually, the signs are merely torn down and removed within a day or two, presumably by the state police, municipal employees, or white liberals. A friend and I installed the most recent sign a few weeks ago and it hasn’t moved an inch. It’s 8-ft X 4-ft and reads something like this…

“Anti-White Racism is Everywhereâ€

-Jewish-Owned Media
-Marxist Hollywood
-Educational System

I should try to take a picture of it the next time I drive past and post it here.

Since my previous attempts were so quickly thwarted, I’m glad that this one stuck. Perhaps it’s an indication that somebody agrees with the sign’s content? I’m planning more signs in the future, as it’s a huge “rush†and very enjoyable to spread a positive message to those around me for a very lost cost.

+1, and I'm glad you have like-minded friends willing to help you. It's encouraging to know that it's not just us here at the computer communicating amongst ourselves. I think you've come up with a great idea!

Thanks for sharing. I would like to see a picture of the signs, if you're inclined.
I attended a high school football game with my family for the first time in several years this past Friday and it was an exceptionally pleasant experience. The two all-white teams both hailed from rural, all-white school districts with proud athletic traditions (the visiting team made the state playoffs recently) and both had a record of 3-0 heading into the contest. The home/visitor locker rooms were located in a brick “field house†directly adjacent to the football field and in the waning minutes before the teams were preparing to enter the stadium, I stood within earshot of the locker rooms. Several players were outside sitting in silence, obviously dwelling upon the task ahead. As kickoff drew near, the squad gathered in the locker room where the muffled voices of coaches giving fiery, inspirational speeches were overheard. As the players exited the locker room, many emitted primal roars, head-butted one another, smashed shoulder pads together, slapped hands, jumped in the air, and walked stoically towards the field. Anyone who’s played the game understands the sense of exhilaration these young men were feeling as the culmination of all their training came to fruition in one night of organized violence. Among young white men like this, exercising this sort of raw masculinity is highly discouraged in all facets of this socially-contaminated culture and it was encouraging to see that such a carnal fire still rages in our young men. When I looked at them, I saw soldiers in a “race war†in which our side could still prevail.

The stadium was bursting with exclusively white fans of all ages (middle-aged parents, students, the elderly, toddlers, babies, players from youth football programs, etc), all of whom were well-behaved and respectful people. Hundreds of kids and teenagers loitered around the perimeter of the stadium, yet not one disturbance or egregious activity was noted as many younger boys innocently tossed a football, teenage couples walked together hand-in-hand, and young girls talked to one another in groups. I didn’t notice a single ******, butch lesbian, wigger, pierced goth, tattooed freak, single mother, non-white, or anyone else that stood out as having an outwardly offensive persona aside from a few grossly overweight people. Very refreshing.

Before kickoff, I noticed 2 or 3 of the football players from the home team walk over to the fence that encircled the football field and kiss/hug certain cheerleaders, who were obviously their girlfriends...talk about a Marxist nightmare if there was one! The cheerleaders were attractive teenage girls who dressed modestly, performed traditional high school cheers, and seemed generally happy to be rooting on the young men from their school. Contrast this with the attention-whoring, stripper-style sluts masquerading as “cheerleaders†and members of “dance squads†typically associated with corporate/Caste athletics. As they cheered with the brightest of smiles, I couldn’t help but wonder how much Cultural Marxism these young white girls will be subjected to once they leave the haven of their rural, all-white high school. I couldn’t help but spectacle how drastically their souls will be altered once they enter the “real world†and come under the tutelage of the same Jew/Black/***/Fem/Marx/Zio power structure that tyrannizes whites around the globe. It’s so sad to think how women’s lives, in particular, are so effortlessly destroyed by our cold-blooded enemies.

The game itself was a great display of white footballing ability. Hard hits, disciplined defense, sure tackling, and great speed/quickness/hands for the skill players. One kid (a LB/TE) made at least 20 tackles and compiled many catches on offense. Another kid (a QB) threw several TD’s, ran for a TD, returned a punt for a TD, and made a nice field goal while serving as his team’s kicker. Unfortunately, the home team ended up losing a close game, which clearly devastated the players and the home fans. Like the white females who’ll soon be shipped off to college for “re-education,†these white football players will be subjected to every imaginable insult. As we’re all well aware, the lie-ridden attacks against their athletic ability is merely the slightest fraction of their affronts against heterosexual white men.

The only aspect of an otherwise enjoyable evening that felt strangely out of place was the obligatory national anthem that played over the loudspeaker prior to kickoff. White men robotically rested their hands upon their hearts, removed their hats, and stood in a trance-like state as if the Gods were singing the tune from Asgard. Kids stopped in their tracks to pay homage The Song of the Empire. Women even averted their eyes from their cell phones to listen. Meanwhile, the rigidly-saluted “stars and stripes†is nothing but a symbol of anti-white racism, Marxism, Zionism, feminism, homosexuality, socialism, globalism, racial diversity, and the dissemination of the great affliction that is “democracy.†The American flag is the most overt representation of every malicious act that those in power have ever instituted for the sole purpose of razing the good and wholesome way of life that whites have created for themselves, by themselves, in an otherwise dark world. That corporate rag has no place among good-hearted whites, as it doesn’t represent them in any conceivable capacity (quite the contrary)…yet they worship this emblem of anti-white bigotry like a religious artifact.

My kids will eventually be attending this school district, so my like-minded wife and I were very happy. All in all, a great experience!
Sowpotamus on her way to McDonald's on Mammys day.

Happy Mothers day my fellow brothers!!!
Thank her and daddy for the precious DNA that but for the bad luck of happenstance could have been a dark day indeed.
To think you could have been a dirty little nigglet running around a subsidized zoo while your Sowpotamus simian incubator of a mom sits on her ever spreading hide collecting from Uncle Sambo. Where would one take such a critter on Mammys day? Why you know - McDonald's.
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