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Rural Florida community says enough is enough and arm themselves against criminals.

JUPITER FARMS â€" A trio of would-be robbers who shuffled up a front yard on Alexander Run with a pump-action shotgun last week had the misfortune of confronting an armed homeowner in the driveway. He stared them down until they ran off.

But if they had tried one of the neighbors instead in the rural Jupiter Farms enclave, they might not have had much better luck. In the house next door lives a Vietnam veteran with heavy firepower in his bedroom. At the two houses across the street, the homeowners were packing heat too.

It's no secret that much of an unincorporated swath of pine tree-studded acre lots, elegant mini-mansions, rugged ranch homes and rural individualism - is heavily armed. And after two brazen home-invasion robberies and one attempt earlier this month, some residents are buying new bullets and brushing up on Florida's self-defense laws.

"If they get inside my house they'll die," vowed Joe Melchiosse, a Vietnam vet and air-conditioning repair worker who lives next-door to the site of the attempted robbery. "At least they'll get hurt."

At a Jupiter Farms homeowners association meeting Thursday night, more than 400 packed in to listen to Palm Beach County Sheriff's officials describe their investigation into the robberies, in which masked gunmen stormed into occupied, unlocked homes and in one case stole several weapons.

Deputies advised residents to lock their doors, trim oversized shrubs and be vigilant. Many residents grilled deputies about the state's Castle Doctrine law, which declares people's right to use lethal force to defend themselves on their property.

Deputies told attendees that if someone comes into their house unwelcomed, it is presumed they mean them harm. But they warned that the decision to shoot and potentially kill someone is not an easy one.

"It is a life changing moment that will affect the rest of your life," one sheriff's official told the crowd.

But it was clear many were in no mood to negotiate with trespassers. The crowd burst into applause and cheers when a Jupiter Farms resident stood and advised the other residents to gun down intruders.

"We all have guns in our house," the man said. "If you have an armed intruder in your house, shoot him."

For decades, residents say Jupiter Farms has remained a safe, low-key place to live, a place where people raise horses, chickens and even cattle and until recent years even main roads weren't paved. Most people's idea of crime, as one resident put it, was teens taking a baseball bat to a mailbox.

To many, the recent spate of home invasions have served as one more reminder that the county is growing.

"I think Jupiter is just not as small as it used to be," said Trent Bongard, co-owner of Bongard Nursery in Jupiter Farms, where a theft of several plants last week was first crime at the nursery since it opened seven years ago.

But some residents are concerned about excessive vigilantism. What happens, they wonder, if someone innocent gets hurt?

"I don't want our own community, our own residents to hurt themselves," said Albert Rabadan, vice president of the Jupiter Farms Homeowners Association. "I just hope there's no tragedies."

Whether or not the armed robbers are caught, many say the days of leaving front doors and car doors open in Jupiter Farms may soon be a thing of the past.

And at one Jupiter Farms gun store, where the owner asked not to be named, sales this week were up.
My bro just killed a couple squirrels... Gotta do what you gotta do.

We'll be eating "big" tonight in post-America America. The womanfolk hate to see those little critters harmed, though...
I attended my younger cousin's wedding this past weekend and arrived at the conclusion that not everything in this dreadful world is amiss. He and his wife are 21 and 22 years old, respectively. They've been boyfriend-girlfriend since 9th grade without any issues. He works as an HVAC designer and she just received her degree in radiology. She is an incredibly beautiful and kind young woman, and he is a big, strong, athletic, handsome young man. He's a smart guy who "knows the score"Â￾ with concern to race.

The wedding wasn't some elegant, extravagant, pompous affair in which the married couple (or their parents) attempt to prove just how wealthy they really are. This was a small, modest, family-oriented celebration of two young white people who completely refused the teachings of the Zionists, the Cultural Marxists, Hollywood, New History, TV shows, the MSM, etc.

During the reception it was announced that my cousin's new bride was already over 3 months pregnant (and they believe with twins). Everyone in attendance was elated, given her current circumstances. For the past few years his wife had been battling a strange medical problem in which she would lose feeling in her hands, arms and legs. Over the past few months, as a result of treatment, her symptoms have finally disappeared. Now she will be able to embrace the lost art of white motherhood. I asked him if he was excited to become a father (and possibly a father of twins), and he said "we both want to have as many kids as possible."Â￾

The entire day truly warmed my heart. It made me realize that despite all of the daily horrors currently combating our people"¦some fantastic events are still occurring within our race, as they once did during better times.
Good for them Thrashen!

Thrashen, I don't want to get too hopeful, but her medical symptoms sound similar to what I have been suffering for over a year. Do you happen to know what she is diagnosed with? My doctor has no idea what my problem is.
DWFan, have you been checked to see if you might have diabetes? I believe circulation problems are associated with that disease.
Yeah Mr. Wassall, I've had it for years, though I always take my insulin and eat halfway right. Maybe I should try to see a specialist in diabetic problems.
I just logged on and noticed there are 65 guests checking out the site. Unless something like 64 of them are Rachel Maddow interns, I'd say this is another damn good sign about how CF is reaching more and more people.
waterbed said:
again old white men that protect hisself good,and again the white men doesn't want to start till he get touched.Does anybody know how to post this video directly?



its the same as when you want to bold or italicize a word except you type TUBE instead of B or I.
White people are amazing. the things we are capable of are simply incredible!

White Flight, via Norway and Switzerland.


long live the White Rabbits!

the creativity and talent of White people never ceases to amaze me ... as such, please introduce yourself to the trick shot passing of the University of Connecticut's back-up quarterback, Johnny McEntee. simply incredible.

the UConn Huskies athletics department is stacked with creative White athletes. while rehabbing from ACL surgery this year for theUConn Lady Huskies hoops team, the lovely Caroline Doty has had a chance to show off her trick shot ability.



who knew there was so much White talent in Connecticut?
Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood
20 year old - Trevor Bayne - won the Daytona 500. Thankfully, it wasn't an "affletic" 20 year old.. Good job, Trevor!

I was just about to post that same video in Other Sports.<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
Amazing athletic ability, but I think he lacks hip swivel.
the symbolism may be a little hard to see, but i think every single one of us at Caste Football (and other racially awake White folks where ever they may be) are like the little girl in this video. the rest of the White population is like the crowd, uncomfortable with those who choose the path less taken ... and the jewish (and the traitorous White)eliteare likethe man on stage andsimply want us to disappear so they can get back to the business of controlling the mindless herd.

I have more respect for the Roman Catholic Church than I had previously given:

"He was like a king to us, like a father," Marynka Ulaszewska, a 28-year-old from Ciechocinek, Poland, said, weeping. "I hope these emotions will remain with us for a long time," she said.
Pope Benedict XVI, who has set off controversies with remarks on Islam, contraception, and other issues, praised John Paul for turning back the seemingly "irreversible" tide of communism with faith, courage and "the strength of a titan, a strength which came to him from God."
John Paul is universally credited with helping bring down communism in his native Poland with support for the Solidarity labor movement, accelerating the fall of the Iron Curtain.

"He rightly reclaimed for Christianity that impulse of hope which had in some sense faltered before Marxism and the ideology of progress," Benedict said. "He restored to Christianity its true face as a religion of hope."

next to a White baby being born, possibly the next best thing to happen for the future of White people is for a pair of loving White folks to marry ...

Kansas State quarterback Collin Klein was THE man last season on offense for the Wildcats (he accounted for almost 75% of their offensive production), but he decided he wanted to be a part of a better team ... as a result, he just got married.

the athletic Klein should see some athletic babies in his future, as his wife Shalin Spani is also a gifted athlete. Spani is a guard for K-State's women's basketball team.

Klein isn't the only Big 12 quarterback to tie the knot this summer ... Oklahoma's Landry Jones got married just two weeks before.


may these two couples have a multitude of White children! :thumbsup:
Absolutely, JC! :thumb:
American Freedom News