Positive Messages

Access to nature helps fight depression & obesity. That's why the average "American" (2.0) sheeple needs to cut off the TalmudVision & (literally) take a hike. ;-)

I saw that article as well and have been saying this for years. We were never meant to live in a concrete jungle. Bare feet on earth keeps you mentally and spiritually grounded. It actually explains why big cities in America and the West are littered with libtards who believe there are 52 or 63 genders or whatever number it is at now as well as other general bizarreness.

It also made me think of places like Tokyo, Japan where there are a lot of suicides, hikikimore and very graphic and bizarre manga comics that sometimes depict alien-like beings brutally raping human women. This is the result of mental illness for never seeing or interacting with nature. I remember reading a fews years ago an account of some Japanese boy that had hikikimore (never left his bedroom) for about twenty years and then in his thirties was somehow convinced to visit and tour mostly rural areas of Thailand and did a lot of walking and exploring. After about two weeks, he completely overcame his hikikimore and could function again as a normal human being.
Here's a feel good video from Illinois. Can't get enough of these.

That's a true American. Version 1.0 who acted with bravery and decisiveness. A quick, yet calm reaction gave him the drop on the mug. I'm glad he smoked the POS as he tried to flee. Swift justice.
Here is a story from Oklahoma about 3 teenagers who broke into a home and got their righteous reward from the homeowners son who was armed with an AR-15, which Yahoo News of course erroneously calls an "assault rifle", even though it is only semi-auto, not full auto. The driver of the getaway car, Elizabeth Marie Rodriguez, 21, who was caught, will be charged with 3 counts of felony first degree murder (I love Oklahoma!) By the sound of her name the 3 miscreants who were sent to hell may be Obama dreamer DACA children. Yahoo of course spins it that this case may "test Oklahoma's Stand Your Ground" law. No it won't. The homeowner and his son were in their home when the 3 intruders broke in. Yahoo is so stupid.

Bear ye witness to the athletic mastery of the White man! :star2::thumbsup:

**mute this one...

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This is the Happy Hour chapter, and Good News thread, so, from Melbourne, Australia, an Asian man posts this sign in the front window of his store after having been ripped off too many times by the blacks. Love these Asian people, ha ha!


This is the Happy Hour chapter, and Good News thread, so, from Melbourne, Australia, an Asian man posts this sign in the front window of his store after having been ripped off too many times by the blacks. Love these Asian people, ha ha!


HA! That is good.
This is the Happy Hour chapter, and Good News thread, so, from Melbourne, Australia, an Asian man posts this sign in the front window of his store after having been ripped off too many times by the blacks. Love these Asian people, ha ha!


I like the sign! I would only argue that the age range should be much broader!

The Asian in the second video is a twink for White ****, but at least he's on-point about race-realism and how "diversity" only causes strife in countries where it's forced upon them (almost exclusively White) and how it can negatively affect relations between men and women of the same race when one side starts dating outside of it in large numbers.

I think he's right about how Asians move to or visit White countries to experience White culture, not black or Hispanic ghetto culture, and are disappointed when they find out it's not like what they thought. I've read other comments from other Asians on YouTube that have said the same thing. One that moved to California from Vietnam a few years ago lamented how it was nothing like he thought. He was thinking it would be like when the Eagles dominated the airwaves in the 70's.
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Some good news...Central Americanos/Amerindians are (supposedly) "scared" to invade our Republic soil. Hopefully, this is on the level...and a growing trend. ;)

The Trump Effect. Yet some still think he's a Hebrew plant because his daughter unfortunately has poor choice in men. Does anyone actually think the open borders shecklebergs are happy with these developments under Trump? If Clinton won, the brown invasion would have continued unabated or been ramped up to ensure a demographic voting plurality.

He's not perfect but he's buying us time, which we need, to grow our ranks to the point where we can enact the changes we need.

Great photos! There's a good silent movie online that was filmed in Coney Island. Another great movie, "Little Fugitive", was largely filmed in Coney Island in 1953. Brooklyn was still ours then, white, white supremacist what the ComLibs call it now, **** them ,whatever ... They deliberately destroyed so many of the great old insular nyc neighborhoods, many ethnic, including my own, Inwood in northern Manhatan; Coney Island, Rockaway, Astoria, the list goes on and on, by building giant housing projects for negroes right in the middle of them. Then the (usually Jewish) landords started raking in the sheckels by renting their apartments to blacks who had previously been relegated to their own neighborhoods. Theycould care less that old jews were still living there in what had been a congenial and peaceful neighborhood and now they lived in terror with multiple locks on their doors. Back in Inwood we didn't even lock our front door, let alone the building having all sorts of multiple high security gates and intercoms like it does now. We had no air conditioning so in the summer we left the windows open and the front door was a screen door with a little hook. Anybody could bust through something like that but we never even gave it a thought. You can see how nice the Brooklyn neighborhood was in 1953 too in the little fugitive.
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