Positive Messages

Great article once again Don. Thank for the post. I have forwarded a couple these to a friend in need of encouragement. Heck, we all are.

This is where we are guys. We didn't want a war of any kind, even this very unconventional one. But the fact is, it's here.
This shows the video of the former Marine who instantly disarmed a punk would-be robber in Yuma the other day, followed by an interview with the Marine in which he ends by saying, "Remember, Epstein didn't kill himself," followed by a short video about Kamala Harris, the unintentionally funny phony-as-can-be incompetent who is only the next in line for the presidency after Ice Cream Joe's dementia reaches the point where even the fake news media can no longer keep pretending he's rational:

never give up. never surrender.

Ha, the leftist lunatics do tend toward self-sterilization in various ways. Unfortunately it's the psychopaths at the top of the power structure and all institutions that are the major problem but we'll take good news wherever we can find it.
The Psychopaths Tried to do Too Much Too Quickly and Now Everyone Sees the Pattern


Let's hope this catches on. The "deplorables" are the counter-culture to the radical left establishment whether they realize it or not:

Minnesota High School Students Stage a Walk-Out Protest in Opposition to Anti-White Racism​

Let's hope this catches on. The "deplorables" are the counter-culture to the radical left establishment whether they realize it or not:

Minnesota High School Students Stage a Walk-Out Protest in Opposition to Anti-White Racism​

This is great news and yes let the movement hopefully snowball into an avalanche of white pride!

Whites need to stop being afraid of the word racist. If they call you it own it. That doesn't mean that whites are but that's one of their
biggest tricks they use. The comedian Owen Benjamin uses the N word alot. Not because he hates blacks. He does it because it takes
away the power of their word. Owen B. makes fun of all races and talks like americans used to talk decades ago. When we used to
play games as kids like "Smear the Queer:" amd ,many others. To push back against the left you have to not fear their words and tactics!
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Yes indeed, let's hope this catches on. Push-back on this antiWhite agenda needs to spread. Good on these students!
Let's hope this catches on. The "deplorables" are the counter-culture to the radical left establishment whether they realize it or not:

Minnesota High School Students Stage a Walk-Out Protest in Opposition to Anti-White Racism​

That's refreshing.

These liberals who have been indoctrinated with anti-White propaganda and feel the need to promote it all throughout the land are buffoons. It's sheer stupidity to think a utopian society can be arranged by false theories.
Tulsi Gabbard was the last sane voice among well-known Democrats, so I consider it very positive news that she's finally left that party of chaos, destruction, hate and division:

Tulsi Gabbard was the last sane voice among well-known Democrats, so I consider it very positive news that she's finally left that party of chaos, destruction, hate and division:

Good on her. She was a lone voice for years among those idiots. Now maybe some spineless R's will realize they too will be left behind in the dust bin of sold out twits if they don't repent. Although it's not likely, one would think they should feel a little shamed when a traditional liberal Dem is more "conservative" than they are. We can hope but I won't hold my breath. Regardless, I'm glad to see her break away from the full-on crazies.
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Perpetuation of the White Race.

This thread seemed like the best place for this. I will just ask if anyone here has made up their mind about whether or not to vote in Mid-Term or Presidential elections ever again. I have made up my mind and it will not change my future regarding voting unless we return to all paper ballots again and standard old style counter machines. We learned zero from 2020 and the theft from then.
Here's some food for thought on all this from Andrew Torba. I fully agree with him. Feel free to disagree:
This thread seemed like the best place for this. I will just ask if anyone here has made up their mind about whether or not to vote in Mid-Term or Presidential elections ever again. I have made up my mind and it will not change my future regarding voting unless we return to all paper ballots again and standard old style counter machines. We learned zero from 2020 and the theft from then.
Here's some food for thought on all this from Andrew Torba. I fully agree with him. Feel free to disagree:
Very thoughtful piece and full of wisdom, I re-posted it on American Freedom News.
Very thoughtful piece and full of wisdom, I re-posted it on American Freedom News.
I like most everything that Andrew Torba puts out there. My only question mark at this point is he is gone all in on the use of the term Christian Nationalist. That is fine by me in some sense but in other ways it could be perceived by political enemies as the eternal, ethereal, Bogeyman that the left likes to throw out there as they create anything to use against us.

I listen to some Christian talk shows here in this rural part of Arizona and a couple of them have expressed the same sentiments as I have. They, the Christian talk show hosts and commentators basically are saying the term is fitting but it depends on who is defining it as to whether it is to be perceived as good or bad. And we know the leftists want to make us all seem like we are the biggest problem, which is nothing new.
American Freedom News