Positive Messages

Anyone heard about this on the msm? And notice the responses from Beto and the other communists in office! These were heroic people saving possibly dozens of lives! The (((msm))) are probably pissed that more Christians weren't killed and those there actually "took care" of the satanic scum:


Why the past matters. Great video.

This guy also has an insightful and hilarious channel with a lot of movie/game reviews that call out SJWs on their BS.
In arguably the most liberal state in the union California voters overwhelmingly rejected a well funded attempt to reinstate affirmative action for schools and government agencies. By a 56-44 margin California voters said hell no to the provision. And I think they did the right thing. At this juncture in history affirmative action is a moldy out of date tool that isn't relevant today. And it is indeed blatant discrimination against white people. Probably Asian students as well.

That said I do wonder if as time marches on the current caste approach to sports will be modified as well where schools will be more open to diversifying their rosters? I have never given up hope on that prospect but at the same time it is difficult to point to any area where caste recruiting has been curbed these days. My guess is caste recruiting will be modified but it is a question of when which is an important question.

To me the most essential thing for young white athletes is for them to fight even when the odds are against them. There is no time for them to cry woe is me. Sure they face caste iron barriers but only they can persevere and tear through the walls and barriers. And if they can't get in the front door go for the back door. In other words if Power 5 schools reject them try say the Ivy League ( if they have the grades) and try to get to the top that way.

The emergence of individual Twitter accounts to me is a groundbreaking development. Here white athletes get to showcase all the good stuff that they hear from the media and a place to list their accomplishments. I can assure you if a white athlete has a Twitter account and they say run a fast 40 or 60 yard dash they will prominently display it on their Twitter page. This is good because it gives them confidence to keep fighting on. We can encourage them here at CF and rejoice in their accomplishments but the bottom line is the buck stops with the white athletes themselves. They will ultimately determine what the racial outlay will be in sports.

Keeping their hunger alive even when outside forces pull against them is a key for their survival. Giving up out of frustration is not a good alternative. And as we have seen some ( not enough ) white athletes are able to crash the gates and reach the top. Can't look for higher ups or political figures to bail them out. They have to keep plugging away. Many won't make it. But no one will make it if they give up. Just keep fighting and improving their skills, physical profiles and athletic measurements too.

Keep plugging away youngsters. Nobody says life is easy. Fighting the white discrimination in sports isn't easy but life always throws up obstacles. These young athletes should realize that and prepare to take it on head on. The future landscape of sports will likely change. They are the essential components to that change.

My cliché riddled pep talk should do the trick? Ha. Actually the soundtrack to this post is the Bruce Springsteen album "Tunnel Of Love." A great album about toughness and loyalty. And what it means to be a man. These young budding white athletes are learning the hard way that life is full of barriers and unfair ways. But through it all one must stay tough. Are young white athletes up to that task? I think so. Honky tough. Better be because that is what it's going to take.
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Reddit users live in their parents basement and cut themselves. Maybe a handful of lucky ones caught the beginning wave of this ponzi scheme, and have the common sense to cash out.

This is Fake News to hide illegal activity of this Pump and Dump from the usual suspects. The irony here is that a lot of the victims will be from the Participation Trophy generation, buying too late in the game when this thing comes crashing down. Believe me its going to free fall in the blink of an eye. All non major stocks themselves would crash long before this fake news became a reality.
Reddit users live in their parents basement and cut themselves. Maybe a handful of lucky ones caught the beginning wave of this ponzi scheme, and have the common sense to cash out.

This is Fake News to hide illegal activity of this Pump and Dump from the usual suspects. The irony here is that a lot of the victims will be from the Participation Trophy generation, buying too late in the game when this thing comes crashing down. Believe me its going to free fall in the blink of an eye. All non major stocks themselves would crash long before this fake news became a reality.


It's upsetting the status quo currently. I am just enjoying the shitshow and the insanity from the perspective of a red-pilled white guy.
Excellent article by Mr. Whitlock. I have always enjoyed listening to his views the majority of the time for many years. He nails this subject 100%.
There Are Serpents Among Us

by Allan Stevo

There are some among us who act to bring ruin. There are some among us who act to bring destruction. There are some among us who act to demoralize.

Do not take them at their word. Do not take their actions for genuine. Do not assume them sincere. Do not presume them to hold your shared values.

There are people among us who would destroy everything you treasure in one fell swoop if such power were allowed them:

Your child.
Your home.
Your marriage.
Your land.

Your child they would mask and enslave, pump with chemicals and enfeeble. Your home they would monitor and invade, leaving no moment of solace, no place to call your own to do with as you see fit. Your marriage they would attack from forty different directions. Your land they would deny life-giving water. They would number and tax the rain and collect that which fell. They would prevent you the use of your seed. They would sow your land with salt if they could do so today, knowing that in a century, it would be theirs or in the hands of others like them. They would fill your air with poisons meant to confuse and words meant to do the same.

The demoralization of the land around you is near complete. To rob a people of their morality. To rob a people of that which gives them foundation. To rob a people of that upon which their morale exists. To rob a people of wisdom and understanding. To rob a people of that which they need to persevere through times difficult.

He who would deny you that, no matter his stated intent, no matter his claims to sincerity, he who would deny you that prepares you for takeover by the enemy.

He who demoralizes you must be avoided at all cost. He has no place in the life of a warrior at a time like this.

The antidote is among us. The antidote to demoralization is moralization or even hypermoralization, to make yourself as decent and as upright as quickly and as thoroughly as you can. To make yourself as obedient to your values as promptly as you can. To part with indecency as suddenly as you can. To enter into a life of diligence as thoroughly as you can.

Perfection is not needed of you, an unceasing pursuit of excellence is.

You were raised by a slothful and frivolous generation, raised into a slothful and frivolous society, brought up even in a church perhaps, a church slothful and frivolous. Your hypermoralization is sure to be a thing extreme to you or those around you. Seen from a distance of time and place, your hypermoralization might be seen as a laughably, minor change to those who never had to endure the demoralization of a great people that you have had to endure. Your efforts at hypermoralization will be laughable to those who know better, to those who never turned astray.

What may seem extreme to you, will be but a step in the right direction to those already headed that way.

But do not be discouraged by that.

There is a way out of this. It begins in your life. It begins in your home. It begins on your land. It begins in your family. It begins with you.

Separate yourself from all that demoralizes you. Unite yourself with all that moralizes. Be emboldened. Seek wisdom. Make the goal of your life to live each moment more upright, more diligent than the last. You are promised nothing but this moment. You control no one but yourself.

But in that, you have such awesome power to, in this moment, make the most amazing decisions with that life that you have total control over. Make the most excellent decision with that which is given to you and in the time given to you. And if you are given another moment, make the most excellent decision with that next moment given to you.

Put one step after another just like that, one excellent moment after another, one decision in support of excellence after the next, focusing on this very moment in which you live. Do that repeatedly, with obedience to your values and integrity, and you will encourage and inspire yourself and all around you. By your very decisions, you will separate out and chase away those who do not want that.

Fear not.

Do that over and again, and you will, before much time passes, be in the midst of a revival around you that once looked impossible in our darkest days.

Do that, and we escape those darkest days. Do that, and we right the course. Do that, and we will even, one day, right the wrongs. Focus on the one thing you are able to affect most truly — yourself and the moment you live in — live it as upright as you can, and there will be no ability for anything but for you and yours to thrive in the face of even the greatest adversity.

Very true words. Inspirational.

Thanks for posting that, Don.
Excellent article Don. Thanks for posting that. On the same positive them here is a man by the name of Max Igan who I have listened to
for well over a decade. Very inspirational and motivational for us in these times of trouble. Stand strong brothers and hopefully this country
and the world will be a better place on the other side of this war against humanity.


as an aside, as of this posting the video has over 1 million views in less than a week. people are craving these sorts of messages.
There Are Serpents Among Us

by Allan Stevo

There are some among us who act to bring ruin. There are some among us who act to bring destruction. There are some among us who act to demoralize.

Do not take them at their word. Do not take their actions for genuine. Do not assume them sincere. Do not presume them to hold your shared values.

There are people among us who would destroy everything you treasure in one fell swoop if such power were allowed them:

Your child.
Your home.
Your marriage.
Your land.

Your child they would mask and enslave, pump with chemicals and enfeeble. Your home they would monitor and invade, leaving no moment of solace, no place to call your own to do with as you see fit. Your marriage they would attack from forty different directions. Your land they would deny life-giving water. They would number and tax the rain and collect that which fell. They would prevent you the use of your seed. They would sow your land with salt if they could do so today, knowing that in a century, it would be theirs or in the hands of others like them. They would fill your air with poisons meant to confuse and words meant to do the same.

The demoralization of the land around you is near complete. To rob a people of their morality. To rob a people of that which gives them foundation. To rob a people of that upon which their morale exists. To rob a people of wisdom and understanding. To rob a people of that which they need to persevere through times difficult.

He who would deny you that, no matter his stated intent, no matter his claims to sincerity, he who would deny you that prepares you for takeover by the enemy.

He who demoralizes you must be avoided at all cost. He has no place in the life of a warrior at a time like this.

The antidote is among us. The antidote to demoralization is moralization or even hypermoralization, to make yourself as decent and as upright as quickly and as thoroughly as you can. To make yourself as obedient to your values as promptly as you can. To part with indecency as suddenly as you can. To enter into a life of diligence as thoroughly as you can.

Perfection is not needed of you, an unceasing pursuit of excellence is.

You were raised by a slothful and frivolous generation, raised into a slothful and frivolous society, brought up even in a church perhaps, a church slothful and frivolous. Your hypermoralization is sure to be a thing extreme to you or those around you. Seen from a distance of time and place, your hypermoralization might be seen as a laughably, minor change to those who never had to endure the demoralization of a great people that you have had to endure. Your efforts at hypermoralization will be laughable to those who know better, to those who never turned astray.

What may seem extreme to you, will be but a step in the right direction to those already headed that way.

But do not be discouraged by that.

There is a way out of this. It begins in your life. It begins in your home. It begins on your land. It begins in your family. It begins with you.

Separate yourself from all that demoralizes you. Unite yourself with all that moralizes. Be emboldened. Seek wisdom. Make the goal of your life to live each moment more upright, more diligent than the last. You are promised nothing but this moment. You control no one but yourself.

But in that, you have such awesome power to, in this moment, make the most amazing decisions with that life that you have total control over. Make the most excellent decision with that which is given to you and in the time given to you. And if you are given another moment, make the most excellent decision with that next moment given to you.

Put one step after another just like that, one excellent moment after another, one decision in support of excellence after the next, focusing on this very moment in which you live. Do that repeatedly, with obedience to your values and integrity, and you will encourage and inspire yourself and all around you. By your very decisions, you will separate out and chase away those who do not want that.

Fear not.

Do that over and again, and you will, before much time passes, be in the midst of a revival around you that once looked impossible in our darkest days.

Do that, and we escape those darkest days. Do that, and we right the course. Do that, and we will even, one day, right the wrongs. Focus on the one thing you are able to affect most truly — yourself and the moment you live in — live it as upright as you can, and there will be no ability for anything but for you and yours to thrive in the face of even the greatest adversity.

Very inspiring stuff

Here's another one by the same author:

You Are Being Tempered For Tougher Battles

I want you to look at every bit of adversity around you and say something to yourself. I want you to say that this is a time intended to make you stronger. This is a time intended to toughen you. This is a time intended to grow and learn and to hone your weapons and skills, to temper your blades, to train yourself as a truly formidable warrior. This is a time happening for you. Life is happening for you. This moment, “the present,” is a gift for you.

Listen to me. I do not care what all these know-it-alls say. This is not the last stand. This is not the last opportunity. But if we do not win at this juncture, things are sure to get so much worse.

We need to beat back these mandates. We need to set these tyrants in order. We need to be on our knees asking the Almighty for wisdom and understanding. We need to be fighting the most meaningful fights around us, every single day, likely fights that are very local to us and very small in number, fights that may be so local and personal that they seem to affect no one but us. Once you win a few of those fights, you often start to see how much impact the thing you called “little” or “selfish” really had as it rippled out, far beyond anything you might ever have imagined possible. Those most important ripples, though, are in your own life when you fight such battles.

Flu season is upon us. Every year, respiratory viruses are more prevalent and many more die of respiratory virus related illnesses at this time of year. This year, like last year, they won’t call it flu. They will call it something more scary. Just like every year, people will die.

Anyone with a memory remembers knowing people who have had the flu and died. This is common of terminal cancer patients, late stage organ failure patients, and a host of other seriously ill.

Everyone with a memory remembers knowing people who has had pneumonia and died. This is common of people who have broken their hips or other bones and are laid up, people who spend lots of time in bed, people who have been frail, or people who are on in years.

Everyone with a memory remembers having had a cold that totally floored them, maybe for a week or two or even three. This has happened even to the healthiest among us. It has happened to everyone we know.

If you have a memory, then the biological consequences of what has been taking place since the Ides of March 2020 are nothing new. They are the same or at least relatively the same.

Is it a bioweapon from Wuhan? I don’t know. Do illegal immigrants carry it with them? I don’t know. I personally do not believe too much of what I do not see with my own eyes at this point, and those two narratives require me to believe the two biggest liars on earth — the US Government and the Chinese Communist Party. Those narratives also do not change my priority of living daily life more freely and helping other lions do the same. They may be nice to have answered, but they are largely distractions in my own life.

What I know, is that every year people get sick and die. It is usually about 1% of the US population that dies annually. About that many appear to have died last year, if I am to trust the data from the lying CDC. What is different since the Ides of March 2020, however, is the human response to this.

Today we stand at a pivotal moment in history. You can bemoan the situation or embrace it. If you be a lion, I need you to embrace it, to engage with unceasing focus in the most freedom-generating, immediately effective behaviors you can be engaged in.

And then I want you to focus on self-improvement after you are done — almost as important of a step as the actual act itself. Go home afterwards and take out a piece of paper. Divide the paper into three equal segments with a pen. One segment is “Right,” the next “Wrong,” the last “Next Time.” Take five minutes and ask yourself 1.) What did I do right? 2.) What did I do wrong? 3.) What could I do better next time? Jot down those answers. Dig deep. Put them to paper. It works way better if you do that. Then do better the next time. Your mistakes, the first time you make them, are no big deal. Fail to learn from them, and they become a big deal. These five minutes are very useful for identifying them, rather than repeating them.

There are many collectivists that have not escaped that mindset, yet who gladly have been converted to freedom. They are seeking to bring you under their umbrella and create massive, organized movements. There is something to be said for that. There are far better economies of scale, less wasted effort. That is an advantage. That is not a good enough of an advantage, though.

The real advantage is had by many, many small, disparate, relatively disconnected groups of people, and many, many more individuals, each doing their own thing, living life as freely as possible, fighting tyrants in their own lives, and spreading freedom in their own spheres of influence. I agree, it is disorganized and frustrating for those used to a corporate org chart, to those used to following top-down orders, there are poor economies of scale and accordingly a massive amount of resources “wasted,” but in exchange there is spontaneous order, there is entrepreneurial ingenuity, there is constant A/B testing, there is massive competition for those with the best approaches, and there is nearly unlimited redundancy.

Do you know what that means?

Thatmeans the enemy can’t chop the head off the “beast” of freedom. There is no head. There is no mass movement. There are thousands and maybe millions in each state increasingly living life that way. That is the change that matters — the change that happens in individual lives. I will trade that for a mass movement any day, in fact, it is what I have been working on for 18 months — avoiding the mass movement and rousing the individual lions. How fulfilling it is. And how well it works.

People bemoan why millions are not taking to the streets in America, like they are in France or Germany. Some even claim that to be a sign that there is “no resistance” in America. They fundamentally misunderstand America. When the average foot soldiers and loyalists of the political left become disenfranchised with the medical tyranny taking place, there will be mass demonstrations like that. That is a collectivist response. But that is not at the core of America.

At the core of America is small business, small church, family, small, direct, impactful charity, entrepreneurship, local community, boot straps, small farm, maybe even just a few plants in the backyard, niche methods of news distribution like the one you are reading now, cottage industry, local relationships. Every man is intended to be his own man. The Maker will one day look him in the eye and say “Why should I let you into my heaven?” and at that moment there won’t be an army of people around him to back him up. It will just be him and God. That idea is not lost in America. This is not collectivist; it is the very opposite, and it is the backbone of America.

Mark Twain wrote in Chapter 22 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, as Colonel Sherburn shouts down a mob:

“‘You didn’t want to come. The average man don’t like trouble and danger. You don’t like trouble and danger. But if only half a man—like Buck Harkness, there—shouts ’Lynch him! lynch him!’ you’re afraid to back down—afraid you’ll be found out to be what you are—cowards—and so you raise a yell, and hang yourselves on to that half-a-man’s coat-tail, and come raging up here, swearing what big things you’re going to do. The pitifulest thing out is a mob; that’s what an army is—a mob; they don’t fight with courage that’s born in them, but with courage that’s borrowed from their mass, and from their officers. But a mob without any man at the head of it is beneath pitifulness. Now the thing for you to do is to droop your tails and go home and crawl in a hole. If any real lynching’s going to be done it will be done in the dark, Southern fashion; and when they come they’ll bring their masks, and fetch a man along. Now leave—and take your half-a-man with you’—tossing his gun up across his left arm and cocking it when he says this.”

I do not use this to speak against an army. I use this to speak in favor of the bravery it takes to stand up as an individual.

The mass movement, the grand street protests, look amazing on film. I recognize there is value in that activity. The true work, however, is done in your own life, as you 1.) Encounter resistance to your freedoms, 2.) Say to yourself “This isn’t right,” and 3.) Figure out how to communicate successfully to the outside world that you need something different.

We are almost trained by Hollywood in such moments to yell silly things like “I’ll sue you” or “You’ll never work again in this town.” We are trained to escalate to a manager immediately, or to send a complaint letter, or to start threateningly video-recording on our phones. All of these things can be useful in the right moment. And at other times, probably most times, such drama is so out of place, unnecessary, and often distracting from any immediate resolution. The calm conversation, the negotiation of the situation, the ability to get another to honor your request is so important. So much of society is built upon that calm conversation.

Many things have come at you this past year. For some, it has been more adversity than they have ever known, such evil brought against their household unlike anything they’d ever imagined, a greater attack on their values than they have ever seen. You can handle this. And once you do, you can handle more. This is a very special time to be alive, and our daily lives are preparation for even more.

Those who have never worn a mask are unfazed by anything happening. They have been in training already 18 months and have grown into such formidable warriors. Every conversation they need to have about health mandates was perfected in their technique more than a year ago as they stumbled through face mask conversation after face mask conversation, finally developing the right rhythm and techniques that work best for them. In sharp contrast, those who wore a mask obediently, but drew a line at the Covid shot, are just putting on the training wheels and all at once they are really freaking out about the mandates that have been in the works publicly for at least 18 months. They were not ready, but the good news is that the lions among them will persevere and be ready for far worse.

If you can embrace these moments for the opportunities they are — opportunities to rise to the occasion — then you will find yourself doing exactly that. It is a game, and we are winning. It is a game, and I see all around me, the most amazing warriors prepping for battle, a mass of lions like I never knew existed on the earth.

And how could I? Nearly all of them were asleep until the Ides of March 2020. The enemy has no idea what he is up against.

It is a joy to count myself among this impressive pride.

American Freedom News