Pittsburgh chases more diversity!


Aug 6, 2006
The Pittsburgh Pirates have increased the presence of Latin players on the team,and are now attempting to sign a pitcher who is from Cuba,and also a Japanese pitcher.

I don't remember signing a form on entering the ballpark that asked me if I wanted to see my own people banished from the game!
That could be because Latino players are cheaper(in general). Also there is no draft for them. As for the Japanese pitcher he must suck because if he was good only the Yankees or other big budget clubs would get him.
Lots of people in Pittsburgh would like to see native son Mark Cuban buy the team, but the McClatchy/Nutting ownership group has shown no indication of wanting to sell. Cuban can be buffoonish but he can also be refreshingly honest at times. He said of the current ownership group, "I think one of the reasons [Kevin] McClatchy won't sell is that, if you can deal with the abuse that goes with losing, you can make $15 million or $20 million a year. Would you put up with that abuse for $15 million or $20 million a year."

That describes in a nutshell the philosophy of the McClatchy regime. Fourteen straight losing seasons going on fifteeen, but they got the new stadium they wanted and are making money hand over fist. If your philosophy is to field a losing team every year to save payroll and maximize profit, might as well be politically correct and play lots of non-whites.
Don Wassall said:
Lots of people in Pittsburgh would like to see native son Mark Cuban buy the team, but the McClatchy/Nutting ownership group has shown no indication of wanting to sell. Cuban can be buffoonish but he can also be refreshingly honest at times. He said of the current ownership group, "I think one of the reasons [Kevin] McClatchy won't sell is that, if you can deal with the abuse that goes with losing, you can make $15 million or $20 million a year. Would you put up with that abuse for $15 million or $20 million a year."

That describes in a nutshell the philosophy of the McClatchy regime. Fourteen straight losing seasons going on fifteeen, but they got the new stadium they wanted and are making money hand over fist. If your philosophy is to field a losing team every year to save payroll and maximize profit, might as well be politically correct and play lots of non-whites.
KC is the same thing and for all the lies coming out of Montreal the league wasn't losing money on the team(neither was Loria). It's like some owners want to be unofficial triple-A teams....
Your post is right on the money Don,

This ownership group does not have to change a thing,so why should they?They can keep crowds of sheeple herding into the games for a bobble head doll,a nice view of the city,the overpriced food and beer,and above all,a chance to see players from all over the globe!And isn't multiculturalism most important these days?

The Greater Pittsburgh Federation Baseball League,a semi pro league,has offered over the years,Art Howe,Kenny Macha,John Wehner,Frank Thomas,just a few names of White players with solid careers with the Pirates.

Kenny Hubbs[Chicago],David Lee,[Colorado],Bob Stotsky,[St.Louis]I could go on and on listing names of players signed out of the Federation league in Pittsburgh.The Federation league still operates in Pittsburgh,but scouts very seldom bother with this fine gathering of talented players,who are for the most part White.
The Pirate scouting department must not have watched the college world series this year.Featured there were many fine White pitchers both left and right handed.Today they signed a Cuban defector to a contract.I'm sure they must have exhausted their efforts at the college,high school,semi-pro leagues,all over the country,not to mention many walk ons who show up at spring training camps.

They are still in pursuit of a Japanese pitcher who is 38 years old!Also on the pitching staff is a lefty from Nigeria.
The Buccos get their man, !

The Pirates did in fact sign the 38 year old Japanese pitcher that they coveted !
LabMan said:
The Pirate scouting department must not have watched the college world series this year.Featured there were many fine White pitchers both left and right handed.Today they signed a Cuban defector to a contract.I'm sure they must have exhausted their efforts at the college,high school,semi-pro leagues,all over the country,not to mention many walk ons who show up at spring training camps.

They are still in pursuit of a Japanese pitcher who is 38 years old!Also on the pitching staff is a lefty from Nigeria.
This almost sounds like a bad ethnic joke......
Neil Walker,the fine White catching prospect signed by the Pirates,has to be wondering about his future with the team !

Pittsburgh has just signed two minor league catchers:
Omar Falcon
AND, John Castellano
Ad these signings to the current catching corp.at the major league level,and Neil Walker may be wise to pursue a career in advertising!
Clemente was known to be a problem in the clubhouse and was accused by some of faking injuries,todays P.C. crowd looks the other way however,and have named a bridge after him,along with a park,and the right field wall at PNC park is measured at 21 feet high,to honor his uniform # 21.
Buccos get another one of their men,again,and again,and again!

There are probably no more White utility players left in all of baseball,as the Pirates "again", sign veteran Jose Hernandez to his third tour of duty with the club!
Today,the Pirates announced that they have,"ramped up their efforts" to sign free agent pitcher Tomo Ohka !
He is,48-57 lifetime,with a 4.04 era.
Is Ohka Japanese? Better Japanese than Latino. A 4.04 major league ERA is pretty good for a starter, if he is a starter.

Still, your basic point about chasing diversity is well taken.

May the spirit of Honus Wagner protect the Bucos.

It appears that the interest in Ohka has ended,and yes he is a starter,and yes,4.04 is not a bad ERA.

The Pittsb.....er,International Pirates are now showing interest in Tony Armas,lifetime 48-60,ERA 4.50 again, not a bad ERA among todays choices!

But fear not....,The Pittsburgh Post Gazette today reports that the team is showing interest in outfielder Luis Matos,.206 BA,and 2 HR in 69 games!
Buccos get their men !, The Pittsburgh Pirates did in fact sign Luis Matos,"and" Chris Aguila to minor league deals!
The Pirates showed a "bit" of interest in righthanded starter Jeff Weaver,but it appears that "bit" of interest has ended!
"The New Guy In Town"
No,not Adam LaRoche,the White American first baseman with the sweetest swing in the game,and a glove to match.A player with the ability to turn a team around,who is also known as a solid citizen in the clubhouse.
Fox sports did a 10 minute piece on the Pirates at spring training,and LaRoche was not even mentioned!Featured instead was 38 year old Japanese pitcher Masumi Kuwata,and as we could expect,the announcing lackeys at Fox sports coined the phrase,"You Gotta Kuwata"!
Tony Armas,and Romulo Sanchez will be late reporting because of visa problems in Venezuela,and Serguey Linares will be late also because of the same problems in the Dominican Republic.

Neil Walker,the fine White catching prospect faces no visa problems at all,as he comes from the North Hills section of Pittsburgh!

Neil Walker arrived early at spring training,only to be told that he was now a third baseman!No White man will be the field general on the Global....er,Pittsburgh,Pirates!
Another big story concerning the Buccos is that shortstop Jack Wilson "had" to "clear the air" with second baseman Jose Castillo after publicly criticizing Castillo a couple of months ago for being fat, lazy and unmotivated. In fact, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette wrote about it in the form of a command in today's sports section -- "Wilson's First Job: Clear Air With Castillo."

Why should Wilson have to "clear" (e.g. apologize) anything with Castillo??? No one denys that what Wilson said is true. It was refreshing to see a white athlete actually publicly chafe at the antics of a loser like Castillo. Castillo is the one who should be "clearing the air" with Wilson, the team, and its fans. But Wilson is white and Castillo is not, so we all know how the script has to go. . .
The catching position for the Pirates comes up again,as well it should.It is,in my mind,the most important position on the field.The catcher is the only player who views all other positions,and can make needed adjustments as to moving players to where they need to be.He is also the signal caller,and has to decide if a pitcher has his "best stuff"on any given day.

The White American catching prospects on the Pirates have been all but dismissed.How can this be?Have they lost all of the intelligence that got them to this position in baseball?

Ryan Doumit,one of the solid White prospects,will "play all other positions" this spring,and Neil Walker is being magically turned into a third baseman.It does not matter that Neil Walker,and his dad,sweated blood for years getting the kid ready to catch!

In his own homeland,for his hometown team,he was replaced by,Ronny Paulino,Humberto Cota,Carlos Maldonado,and Einar Diaz!
Neil Walker will attempt to make the club at third base,as the Pirates announce that Jose Castillo has been taking ground balls there.Third has been played by Freddy Sanchez.
Jose Hernandez and Jose Bautista will also share time at the position.
it,s only a spring game against a college team......
Yesterday in Bradenton, Fla.The Pirates beat Manatee C.C.,8-1.Pirates beat writer Dejan Kovacevic brings this story to us.
The main and only focus of the story is the two innings pitched by Yoslan Herrera.He recieved high praise from bullpen catcher Heberto Andrade,and coach Bobby Cuellar.Story goes on to say that,"his cultural assimilation will take time,given his severly limited English"!
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